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52370294 No.52370294 [Reply] [Original]

>family think I'm gay and in the closet because I've never brought a girl back home and I'm 35.

>> No.52370317


It's probably the lesser of two evils in their eyes.

>> No.52370325

just tell em you're ashamed of them

>> No.52370335

Find a hooker and get laid. At your age, status doesn’t matter.

>> No.52370349

>At your age, status doesn’t matter.
and at your age status does? what are you like 23? kek

>> No.52370394

Just explain to them how much you hate Jews, the deep state, libtards, trannies, vaxtards, round-earthers, redditors, niggers, commies, cuckservatives, europoors, chinks, etc. I think you’ll win them over

>> No.52370580

My father died a few years ago, I'm 39 yo. right now, the other day I was thinking how my father must have felt about me since I've never brought a girlfriend home, in fact I never had one, only degenerate sex with hookers which I've never enjoyed or pursued that much and now it's been years since last time I craved for vagene. My mother insists she wants to see a "little me" and that I should find a woman to be happy, I just tell her I enjoy my freedom and I don't really have the desire, otherwise I'd already have one. Imagine that, you don't crave for sex, or an intimate relationship, not to mention forming a family...then what are women good for? I have a few female friends I'm not a total incel, but man, women always ask you for favours. It's like a parasitic relationship...I have to help and listen to her problems and even her sex affairs, but I never get sex or anything. I'm worst than friendzoned, I'm essentially the gay friend. But I don't even reply sometimes it's months between she eventually texts me or anything or sometimes I feel like a complete piece of shit and text her something. Anyways, thanks for reading this blog
t. 39 yo. boomer schizoid

>> No.52370678

You live with your parents at 35?

>> No.52370697

My mother died when I was still in college but as tragic as that was at least she died not knowing I was a sexless loser who will never produce her grandchildren

>> No.52370777
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I have lots of older siblings who have multiple kids, one of which has a kid herself, so I don't feel particularly pressured in that regard. I think I'd be a terrible dad anyways and relationships seem like a chore. I can't even sort my own shit out. I'll just be the schizo uncle I guess

>> No.52370801
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It would win me over I know that.

>> No.52370834
File: 73 KB, 1280x751, a024000e6f23d6a1fc4754a7c0cd0e45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give your mother a fucking grandson, she will be happy, she just want to know that your life wasn't an absolute failure and at least you could fulfill your most basic purpose in life. you don't have to maintain a relationship for that, just get some dumb/desperate bitch pregnant and then just kys.

>> No.52370835


>> No.52370861

We would all have gfs if we never found this website.

>> No.52370889

financially speaking, of course

>> No.52370917

i don't want to end up like this, but the i am 33 khv it's over

>> No.52371014
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>day 1918 of no-sex

>> No.52371103

Just leave open the door of your bedroom while pornhubing. Screen needs to be seen.

>> No.52371159

Duly noted

>> No.52371192

How ugly are you that not one female has ever shown interest?

>> No.52371218

>How ugly are you
very. but i am not missing any limbs

>> No.52371230

>How ugly are you
anon this is not /fit, you should be asking who poor are you instead.

>> No.52371256

Face is number 1 and there's no gym for your face.

>> No.52371463

personally, it's not that I never got female attention, it's that they don't want anything to do with me bc I can't follow the social rituals that go along with it.. I'm not even autistic, just very simple and authentic but women love the drama / chase, etc and even if I could give them that, do I really want to go through all that shit ? It seems impossible to find someone (female) calibrated at your level of maturity these days with the social media bs brainwashing the entire planet bc muhhh feelings and validation

>> No.52371488

Either deal with it or jerk off forever and die alone