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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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523694 No.523694 [Reply] [Original]

How to get rich /biz/?

>> No.523705

Please help me.

>> No.523707

>asking /a/ which anime to watch

>> No.523708

What anime has to do with getting rich?

>> No.523710

Just report and move along.

>> No.523711

But mods don't delete such threads anymore.

>> No.523713



>> No.523714

Anyway, how did you get rich? Any stories?

>> No.523715


Nope, its all extremely boring and has been rehashed a million times.

And I'm not rich. I'm upper middle class (a distinction without meaning).

>> No.523718

OK, how much you have? I've got 0.12 BTC.

>> No.523721

They do delete them sometimes. I've seen it. They're all garbage and deserve it.

>> No.523722

>asks how to get rich
>posts pic of buttcoin

>> No.523725

$10k in 3 years.
I find them the most useful and create a few daily.

>> No.523731

>$10k in 3 years.
That's not rich dickhead. Maaaaaybe a couple hundred early adopters got rich off of buttcoins. The rest of you bagholders got shafted.

>> No.523732

Nope, if I bought for $700 and sell for $10000, I'll definitely be rich.

>> No.523734

>if I have $10000, I'll definitely be rich
Confirmed for poor.

>> No.523736

Did you ask what country do I live in? Also let me say what. If I was rich, would I create such threads erryday?

>> No.523739

>If I was rich, would I create such threads erryday?
Once you go homeless and lose your internet you won't be able to.

>> No.523741

I won't be homeless. I have mommy. Anyway, even homeless people have cheap androids and open wifi.

>> No.523745

No your mommy is gonna beat you when she finds out those buttcoins you told her to buy are worthless next year.

>> No.523747


Wise investments in bonds, stocks that pay dividends, and real estate + time

>> No.523749

Well, she knows already that my bitcoin... "investment" wasn't so successful, still I receive pocket money. Problem?

>> No.523750


More than that.

>> No.523752

And 2m PND. I'll be a millionaire.

>> No.523754


>bought for $700

Confirmed for bagholder, more like.

Also, $10k in three years from $300ish implies your "currency" is experiencing 70% deflation per year, which, to put it mildly, makes it 100% unusable.

>> No.523761


lol cool, buy me a drink sometime ;D

>> No.523767

OK. I think PND will be 100 satoshis in a few months.