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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52361386 No.52361386 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ always knew about bank man

>> No.52361420

my guess that some apply there

>> No.52361500

No, he felt fishy from day one.
He was always twitchy and nervous, tell tell signs of a man under tremendous financial pressure. I think he's been under water for over a year.

>> No.52361521

I'm so antisemitic that I took one look at the guy and said NO.

>> No.52361593

This. Anti-semites unironically can't stop winning.

>> No.52361609

I've read pol and similar the past 20 years, but Celsius and FTX made me realize that there's a lot of truth in antisemitism. Also - don't trust overconfident gooks running OBVIOUS ponzis.
Also Peter Shiff was right about a lot of this stuff....

>> No.52361610

I didn't use FTX but a rich friend my mine did I warned him not to trust SBF and alameda but dunno if he listened.

>> No.52361680
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A few months ago i posted wondering if i should buy the jewish man's token. Main argument being: he's a jew, he would not risk losing his own money...
I've got different views from anons here and decided not to buy because i'm too poor (i'm a student and the token was at 25€ or something at this moment)
Guess it was a good move for myself

>> No.52361710
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I'm not antisemitic but a rat-face named "Bankman" ffrom Wall St (Jane St) is too on the nose to take seriously. It was an auto-pass.

Look who's winning now (you & me)

>> No.52361753

doubt he did and gets what he fucking deserves

>> No.52361765

Never trusted him

>> No.52361796

1 had 25$ on it that I gambled down to 2.50 and deliberately left there so I can be listed as a creditor

>> No.52361800

Dr doom

>> No.52361839

Never touched the token, never touched the platform. Imagine trusting the sheisty Jew who brought the likes of Clinton and Blair into crypto. CZ did the market a favor by eliminating this prick. He needed to go and the rest of the industry knows it.

Short term pain is worth ousting a venomous snake.

>> No.52361859

Paypal, Coinbase, and Robinhood are audited by actual people because they're listed in the S&P 500. Don't use crypto exchanges with obvious red flags goys.

>> No.52361907

Kek /pol/chuds get a win after the embarrassing icy piss scandal (jk we all know it wasn't whites falling for ICP but the Indians spamming /pol/) ... Wait did Moonman shill Solana too? I guess it was fine 2 years ago so I won't fault him for it now.

>> No.52361910

I only use a cex to cash out I keep everything ina brian wallet

>> No.52362012

/biz/nissmen are antisemitic and knew icp was a huge bullshit
Also celsius, bancor were wins too.
And luna was a twitter hype

>> No.52362147

I registered, but I don't trade there.
In 2021, if you have enough FTT token, you get paid for trading there with negative maker / taker fee. That's a BIG RED FLAG, for me.

>> No.52362149
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How can there even be any doubt. All you have to do is follow the money and read the early life section of Wikipedia.

>> No.52362197

I didn't use FTX because they didn't even exist when I started with crypto and I'm eay to lazy to swap exchanges. Why would I?

>> No.52362213

not your keys not your coins. don't store your coins on any exchange PERIOD

>> No.52362232

if you hold your coins on exchanges you are ENABLING the exchanges to manipulate prices

>> No.52362247

yeah i think you're right, i never heard people talk about FTX on here when it came to making trades.

>> No.52362275

First he’s a Jew so if you fell for his scheme you deserve it. Second, he came in out of nowhere. There was no talk of SBF or gradually talk. It was he didn’t exist then he existed, was the richest man in crypto and had this huge exchange FTX. Fishy frfr no cap bruh

>> No.52362287

t. MT Gox user

>> No.52362301

Same here fellow antisemite chad

>> No.52362344

Based and same.
There’s a reason they’ve been exiled all throughout history. I’m guessing they can’t stop doing this exact thing.

>> No.52362350

A jew will stab you in the back - a chink will sneakly steal from you over time

Choose your devil

>> No.52362517

I lost 3k on FTX :(
Transferred from Binance a few weeks ago to withdraw to my bank account in Europe ( SEPA ).

>> No.52362636


Are the winklevoss twins jews?

>> No.52362682

No true user from here should've gotten fucked no. FTX is like a direct hit on twitter and beyond tho, that smug crowd was all over it kek

>> No.52362727

I did my part by calling him a shady slimy turbo kike in every thread he was brought up for a long time. I had no idea how deep it went obviously but everything about him put me off down to the way he typed. The democratic donor thing was #1 red flag but then when he started going on about "effective altruism" I got really bad vibes.

>> No.52362889

I only use Binance BNB and Cardano made me a lot of money in 2021 I pray for a next bullrum before 2024

>> No.52363015

You mean this?
Well, I can't totally agree with his sentiment, despite the fact that the space poses a higher risk. This is where risk management comes in, but it can't be 100% effective. As much as I tried to offset my loss, I kept getting bang. Nevertheless, we are all aware of the underlying potential this has, especially in payment gateways, which I believe will disrupt other means of payment.

>> No.52363064

Reading comprehension retard, I said it was Indians on /pol/ and /biz/ who got scammed by ICY PISS. Do you only understand reddit spacing?

>> No.52363100

Bnb and Ada were good picks, but I can't attest to them now, especially Ada. It has failed in so many ways. If Dot finally morphs from being security to software, it could be a better pick. Based on the recent innovations in the payment system, I feel they may have a better outcome.

>> No.52363131
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of course not.

>> No.52363152

>the nooticer

>> No.52363153
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I mean to say this.

>> No.52363204

>I'm not antisemitic but that guy was a rat faced jew

>> No.52363695

>Paypal, Coinbase, and Robinhood
all three are terrible and deserve everything that is coming their way....

>> No.52363833

I'm not even really that anti-semitic but the name BANKman-Fried is just a bit too much, plus the fact that he looks like h3h3's twin brother. Under no circumstances would I trust that man with any amount of my money or assets.

>> No.52363879

really all there is to it
even if i didn't have any principles, out of all cexes why use ftx rather than coinbase or kraken. or even bisexual finance
it's like you're presented with a choice of cakes of various quality, one of which is obviously filled with poison and rat piss, and you go
>oh hmm let me get the rat piss cake please
normalfags are so braindead

>> No.52363888

unironically this
being racist has been massively +EV when it comes to crypto

>> No.52364870

Pretty much, this is why this board is overall neutral, sentiment during such a "black swan"
Because it wasn't unexpected and most here are happy to see a tribesmen purged from the cryptoverse

>> No.52364890

I didn't use any of the scams that have gone down. I never understood why people were putting money in, but they sucked away every dime from a bullrun that should've been so much more.

>> No.52364928

> weird exchange that appears from nowhere and is suddenly the "second biggest exchange" with lots of photos of it's very jewish looking founder who is now one of the richest people on earth from nowhere
you'd actually have to have been a complete fucking idiot

>> No.52364945

actually ftx was too good in tight spreads that the market liquidated ftx because of ultra loose policies on the turkish lira

>> No.52364963
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Thanks to biz I withdrew

>> No.52364964

no, very connected but not jewish

>> No.52365006

Funny thing is that all he had to do was not play with customer funds. He had all the connections an exchange could possibly.

>> No.52365015

Any financial organisation where you know the name of the boss is shady IMO. Give me grey faceless men that are endlessly replaceable.

>> No.52365045

Wow anon, that was lucky. But try not to deposit on shady exchanges from now on. And ofcourse put most of it in your own wallet.

>> No.52365061

Could possibly want*

>> No.52365104

that was a narrative

>> No.52365461

>payment gateways
If I'm to consider, I will go with Coti and Binance Pay.

>> No.52365506



>> No.52365880
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These are good ones. Xpress is also a solid one with no commission fee attached. The only fee is a network fee.

>> No.52365946

and a fat greasy blue man that will just betray

>> No.52365969

the jew haters were right all along

>> No.52366395
File: 32 KB, 680x348, 476F4C45-65B6-437A-B8A4-9296CA1DB5E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a dozens of anti-SBF memes on biz in the past two years

>> No.52366761

Serious question from a noob: How do you sell your coins then? In other words, how do you make any money in USD?

>> No.52366819

Needs a star wars prequel meme with anikan and whatshername
>not your keys, not your crypto
>sure, but cexes are "safe", right?
>cexes are "safe", right?
Like we've been telling newfags since day one and they always act like we aren't being serious.

>> No.52366866

Based department
Same reason I avoid PLTR

>> No.52366904

got 5k stuck on there that i traded over a year from 2k. im still stunned. I'm not even mad about the money; im mad about all the time spent trading, looking at charts - gone I thought the jews held together and controlled everything /pol/ , /biz/`? I thought Jews couldn't fail? No one is bailing them out and I can hope that TRX or something will allow withdrawals. Its over.

>> No.52366991
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>> No.52367115

Well, he's probably okay with jews who are blue eyed, blonde haired, 6 feet tall Christians peacefully farming the land to feed their traditional, apolitical families.

>> No.52367207

Jews fail all the time, my man. What's confusing you is that they seem to always get away clean and then start again, as I'm sure the case will be here as well.
Sorry for your loss. But if you made money trading over years, I'm sure you can start again with 100 and climb back up. It's in the blood, you can or cannot.

>> No.52367923

Well checked

>> No.52367983

Yeah and even on sunday there were mass threads about withdrawing everything and i think almost all who had something there acted at least then

>> No.52368034
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Is Binance.US safe? I am a newb

>> No.52368043

You can thank me i made this thread >>52258364
(Im also op kek)

>> No.52368465

I managed to withdraw $60k as things were starting to look inevitable a few days before they shut it down. I did it in batches. For some reason one $10k transaction never made it through for reasons I'll probably never know. Had about a fourth of my total stack there because the trading experience was the best by far out of all the exchanges I used, and honestly I thought they would be one of the less likely exchanges to implode. All in all made it out with only a scratch

>> No.52368538

First time I heard of ftx was when the Blockfolio app changed its name to ftx. I didn't know why and then soon after the exchange was suddenly there and everyone just seemed to accept it no questions asked. It didn't take long before sbf was being mentioned and in 2 or 3 years they were massive. In retrospect it does look really fishy. The next time a front for the banks pops up like that there's gonna be a lot of raised eyebrows. I think what CZ did was a great service and it was best nipped in the bud ASAP than gradually it spread like a cancer.

>> No.52368543

I had no clue he was this big actually. I use the blockfolio app to keep up with my shit without having to log in all the time and one day it’s FTX I thought wtf but whatever. Then I see this dudes face, I see FTX on a fucking fortune cookie, this dude pays some dude to make a video about how he’s the nicest billionaire in the world and the entire time my thoughts were “fuck off with this scumbag faggot” lol I can’t believe people fall for this type of shit.

>> No.52368684

Kek our posts were identical and 10s apart. Should we get married?

>> No.52369259

Cant argue with those numbers

>> No.52369280

No. Never bought sol or any other coin they touched either.

>> No.52369419

lmao let me guess you hold LINK too right? wgmi anon

>> No.52369496

I lost 6 figures on FTX.
I used to be on Binance but because of the government regulations I could not trade anymore on Binance outside of spot buying and chose an alternative with the most liquidity and ability to use margin with spot which was FTX.

Because so many big traders were using them and FTX seemed to be making money I thought they could not go bankrupt.
Ironically I had a moment when I recognized Nexo's scammy behavior in Sam as he did the same things to appear strong by buying back other CeFis and I was starting to dislike him, but I was too focused on trading in such a critical moment and lost focus on everything else and having trades open on FTX made it difficult to just exit.
It was the same bias as not wanting crypto to do down as an investor, but I had too much of it and not enough time to think.

Still CZ timed this hit perfectly to fuck everything up and many insiders must have greatly profited from this.
I remember the Chainlink article claiming that Chainlink would crash released with the perfect timing....

It seems I still underestimated Jews.
I can usually instantly recognize a psychopath and avoid them, but Sam gave me the impression of being a narcissistic person like Elon and didn't give me the impression of being a lizard like Zuckerberg.
This is certainly my greatest failure and I would like to understand why I failed to recognize the signs.
When Trabucco left I thought he was tired from doing predatory trading to extract max value and made enough money from the bull run.
I should have recognized the signs of the rats leaving the ship.

They really outdid themselves in making it feel secure and comfortable.
How can I improve to prevent this next time and what platform can I use to trade with margin with spot and not perps with a high liquidity?

>> No.52369502

unironically joined ftx because Sam is Jewish. this drama sucks but if u didn't bank profits off his scams you weren't trading crypto the last 2 years.

>> No.52369510

I used it once to try it out then said it was shit and never used it again.

>> No.52369541

Buy on binance and move to a private ledger. Just don't keep funds on binance.

>> No.52369564

why would i use FTX?
binance works just fine and it has zero fee's

>> No.52369619

yep, not me
1. because I hate globohomo blackrock jews
2. because I hate LessWrong "effective altruist" cuckolds
3. because I already have binance , kraken, Coinbase and kucoin for my crypto trading and fiat onboarding needs and had no need for FTX or any other CEX

>> No.52369786
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I used it regularly because bitcoin withdrawals to wallet was free. Transferred it to cold storage at the end of every month. Probably bought around 100k of BTC over the past two years.

I have about $600 of ETH proof of work that it won't let me transfer, but I got out clean. I am in US btw. No idea why it won't let me take out the ETH, but I consider it largely getting out clean.

WAGMI anons

>> No.52371341

He was obviously told to expand at all costs, just get market share and don’t worry about lack of profit. Then it turned out they didn’t know anything about making profit. So it’s all gamble and embezzle. Very pure Ashkenazism.

>> No.52372037

>want to withdraw 10K in shitcoin
>please smile and send us a sperm sample

>> No.52372373

Damn right I hold Link! Not long now, my friend...

>> No.52372391

sounds like common sense

>> No.52372668

Sol seemed scummy as fuck to me so I never used it. Dodged a bullet

>> No.52373322

I escaped by a hair anon. Now I store my Mana, Hero and Ride on a ledger where I get control over my assets

>> No.52373876

Only newfag redditors, well deserved.
>Verification not required.