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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52361369 No.52361369 [Reply] [Original]

You are here.

>> No.52361381

no we are at bull trap

>> No.52361405

no, we're probably right before despair

>> No.52361406

On a long enough timeframe everyone is dead

>> No.52361417

I am here you are here
we are all together
I am a walrus
I am the egg man
Coo coo coochu
Agoo agoo chu
Coo coo chuu
*gets shot*

>> No.52361440

"How could the government let this happen."

>> No.52361447
File: 670 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20221111-084501_TradingView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically has been a dead cat bounce the past couple months.

>> No.52361476

No, we are at "New Paradigm"

>> No.52361493

Only a complete fucking moron would post this dumb meme chart and then misread it this badly.

>> No.52361501

We are right at capitulation. Not only does this resemble the BTC chart but the "mean" is exactly the same as on the BTC chart which currently sits at $8k
More pain to come

>> No.52361548

the market is so demoralized that it doesn't matter.
I'd reckon it'll go to 0 with 80% of biz still being bullish
This time is unironically different - people simply refuse to let crypto die - it has become religion.

>> No.52361631

i'm on my chair

>> No.52362472

your post is proof that we are still at denial

>> No.52362512

lmao, this dude is still at denial.
one of the biggest exchanges just went bust and retards are rushing in to buy the dip.
does that sound demoralized to you?

>> No.52362563

the price doesnt matter. the price is simply a psyop. 4 months later the price will be different and todays price will be irrelevant. and 40 months later the price will be even more different or it may be the same. who knows

>> No.52363440

we're at bear trap faggots

>> No.52363517

This is the truth, unlike 2018 literally everyone is waiting to buy back in. Thus everyone is still bullish long term, this means that we have to go to triple digits at a minimum to shake everyone out. CZ even says that what’s to come will be the same as the 08 recession but for crypto.

>> No.52363595

Almost everyone one Reddit/Twitter is talking about how we will dump more. Anybody that talked about how the market will recover in a few weeks got ridiculed.

>> No.52363658

>literally everyone
is this EVERYONE in the room right now anon?
Normies abandoned crypto many months ago. Yes, each beafrmarket there are more people like you and me sticking around but we are a minority, I don't know a single person in real life caring about crypto right now. Last time BTC was at 60k dozens of people messaged me asking me how to buy. Same as always. Just check google search trends, traffic on biz, you name it.

>> No.52363660

Nice cope faggot. We're not in the despair phase until you and every other insufferable crypto cunt does the gene pool a favour and slits your wrists.

>> No.52365322
File: 79 KB, 1390x477, 1663595312620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been btfo for a while and accepted that though. We went like 80% down from ATH twice(with a massive capitulating volume spike the second time), most alts more than that and many will never recover. Nobody cares about crypto anymore or they think it's a scam/joke. We've had pink fields multiple times, bobo euphoria(not a real thing, apparently) for basically a full year now, and the FAG index has remained at fear or extreme fear pretty much the entire time with the exception of like 10 days or something. People in mainstream circles have been doomposting for at least half a year now. There is a lot of bad macro shit happening in the world though and 2022 has really proved itself to be the "this time it's different" year so idk what to think. Just some observations really, we'll probably continue to dump because I guess the bubble was really just that big

>> No.52365635

The difference is that crypto could be really dead this time. Why? Because of three big factors

1: It's the first time that BTC dropped below the previous bull market top, this never happened before and was a big part of the investment thesis for a lot of people "Bitcoin never goes below the previous bull top so just HODL!"
2: Crypto never experienced quantitative tightening. The economic environmental situation has always been one of low interest rates and cheap capital since 2009, months before bitcoin launched. We don't know how the market will react to this, Crypto might go down forever as it can't survive in a high interest market
3: Globalization is ending. Crypto was built upon this idea that the world would get more interconnected and moving more digitally over time. The war and China's pivot away from economic growth towards isolationism has sown doubt in this mindset. It's extremely likely that economies are going to fracture into different spheres again, with most things locally built and consumed. The internet might even fracture into multiple different networks that aren't interconnected. Crypto has no place in such a world.

It's very easy to see how this time could truly be different. Especially as most people keep having hope in crypto meaning max pain for the majority of investors would be if crypto never recovered at all.

>> No.52365994

>3: Globalization is ending.
I really, really, really, really doubt this. You say the war is causing globalism to end, I'm thinking globalism is one of the key reasons Russia is having a difficult time right now. Globalists don't want offensive wars or really anything interrupting global trade, Ukraine ended up being the demonstration. Only god knows what Russia is going to look like after this is over, but the message was clear.

>> No.52366066

Bottom signal.

>> No.52366134

China said they wanted to move away from economic focus and focus on ideology and the military instead. Saying how they wanted to move away from trading with western nations within the next 5 years time. Most economic elements were purged and the new members of the politburo were all in favor of domestic production and consumption of goods.

The west might want globalism to continue but if one side wants to trade and the other side doesn't it still means there will be no trade done. It's clear that there are parallel markets forming already. Supply lines and logistics are moving back to the west as the west tries to supply more of their needs from domestic production while the same is happening for "the axis" meaning Iran+Russia+China and a couple other smaller nations.

Lula in Brazil also wants to pivot away South America into self-sufficiency as a continent and Macron and Scholts want to make the EU more self-sufficient after this energy fiasco. The world is clearly heading towards autarky, self sufficiency and reduction in trading. A clear trend and break from globalism.

Also the biggest proponent of globalism was that increased trade between two nations would reduce their chance of conflict. Russia and the EU were almost 100% interdependent on each other and it still didn't result in peace. This means that the main tenet of globalism is now proven wrong and dead.

It's hard to sell globalism when it's been proven wrong this badly and the trend was going against it anyway.

Globalism is as dead now in 2022 as Fascism was in 1946.

>> No.52366236

We are 100%, undeniably, verifiably, at 'fear'
You'll know we're at 'capitulation' when Michael Saylor finds himself forced to sell

>> No.52366302

>not knowing the Y axis uses a log scale

>> No.52366313

None of those seem to fit, closest would be capulation I guess

>> No.52366439

We're halfway through capitulation retard

>> No.52366652

Globalism has been proven wrong? It has rapidly accelerated growth for decades. The only shortcoming of globalization was that we all decided to trust countries that fuckin hated us and have wanted us to collapse for centuries.

The west will continue to be globalised and that's not going to change just because we were retarded enough to only buy russian gas and rely solely on China for manufacturing.