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File: 11 KB, 331x331, AKRRTAI-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52359967 No.52359967 [Reply] [Original]

the fact that he's not, reveals this whole event was fake. Pure theater. This is 5D chess and youre 20 moves behind.

>> No.52359994

>see jewish name
>dont give any scheckles

t. 6d chess enthusiast

>> No.52359995

These CZ lovers are going to be so surprised when HE goes to jail and Sam acquires Binance from him LOL! Can't wait until FTX gets round to processing my withdrawal. I am a patient man though

>> No.52359996

Shakeout, clear leverages and ruin lives. The usual crypto schemes.

>> No.52360001
File: 165 KB, 880x794, inline-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gr8 b8 M8

Yeah, financial regulators freeze bank accounts all of the time for funsies.

>> No.52360025

image the amount of cum encrustation after the orgies on that beanbag

>> No.52360191

>Walk through the office with a UV light
Imagine looking at this team and thinking this is a good place to do business.

>> No.52360216

It is funny, its not proved yet they don't have the funds. We will know in a week, it shouldn't take longer than that to access cold storage funds.

If they do have the fund its going to be hilarious because a lot of idiots bought fucking tron at 100x value to try to get out. Although FTX should probably roll back all trades from the time they halted withdraws if possible.

>> No.52360246

The most suspicious thing is the coat on the chair. They're in the bahamas, its 75 degrees outside.

>> No.52360418

Mashinsky and SBF 2 kikes robbing everyone. They wanted regulation and might as well rob the goyim in the process to get that regulation, it’s a win/win for the kikes. They just destroy everything good

>> No.52360480
File: 138 KB, 800x586, wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kike fears the 6d chess player

>> No.52360541
File: 31 KB, 642x548, 1639105748943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52360573 [DELETED] 

all it takes is pics and a story and degenerate losers run with it, it helps them to feel better about their pathetic lives no one understands this better than the rich

>> No.52360582

I have a lot of money in FTX, and even I think this is wishful thinking. I think they've figured out the shortfall - the majority of funds in illiquid investments.

By all means, I hope that you're right, but I just think its pure hopium to think we're getting any money out of FTX now

>> No.52360631

It can get pretty chilly in office buildings where the ac is constantly running

>> No.52360688

Its funny that op thinks the financial crimes authorities move quickly at all. Their investigations take years.

>> No.52360763

Smart man.

>> No.52360785

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.52361164
File: 222 KB, 1081x608, iss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has a pedo symbol on his shirt
and the chinese are in a financial war with the kikes

>> No.52361225
File: 12 KB, 416x416, do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't put this faggot in jail, what makes you think they'll put someone of the illuminati?

>> No.52361226

That looks like a lightbulb, a symbol for ideas and illumination.

>> No.52361267

If we lived in a better world that like would be hanging from a lamp post as a reminder to other usurers and tieves.

>> No.52361287

He's not going to jail because he got the same deal CZ was offered by the feds.

They are both degenerate gamblers and sociopaths that bit off more than they could chew so they got offered "a way out"

>> No.52362488

why would he be in jail? he didn't break any laws
the lenders and his investors are just stupid and they got what they deserve
play risky games get risky results i don't understand why investors make risky investments then blame someone else when they lose all their money