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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 405 KB, 1125x1035, F2594BF1-83E3-4442-9863-E333294C7636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52357864 No.52357864 [Reply] [Original]

Get all of your coins off these exchanges, even if their reserves are safe, a mass campaign of people saying they aren’t is gonna cause a crypto bank run. Everyone is freaking and taking out money, get out now.
Also for shortchads, now is the time to short

>> No.52357892

this is just kyc

>> No.52357894

THIS IS your reminder that proof of reserves is useless without knowing liabilities. The reserves could be covering 100%, 80%, even 20% of the liabilities. ASK FOR BOTH otherwise this is just a marketing stunt by CEXes

>> No.52357906

My funds are safu ;^D

>> No.52357913

crypto whale shilling this profile on /biz/ of all places

>> No.52357920

No, retardos freaked out and got out of crypto . Now they're trying to cause a bankrun to justify their bullshit move. And ofcourse, they're failing badly.

>> No.52357929

Bruh i've had 3k sitting there waiting for the next summer to invest in shitcoins. FUCKKK

>> No.52357933


>> No.52357939

They are trying to bring the whole industry down so they can justify regulatory oversight.

>> No.52357943

funs r safu

>> No.52357969

That too. But the amount of influencers that 'lost trust' in crypto after the ftx fiasco is hilarious.

>> No.52357971
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KuCoin gets taken down next and USDT gets depegged because KuCoin holds a lot of USDT, you’re about to see the first crypto recession

>> No.52357999
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>> No.52358003

These idiots never learn, do they? Even before MtGoy collapsed people were warning not to keep your coins on exchanges. There's literally no excuse at this point. Every single normie faggot with their money locked up deserves to lose their money and GTFO of crypto for good.

>> No.52358010

Why do you kikes always go after KuKoin?
Is it because it has K in its name?
This is like the 10th time you've tried to ruin Kucoin.
It's not going away you faggots.

>> No.52358056

My insider source tells me it is, you have 63 hours

>> No.52358093
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noooo KKK bros... not like this

>> No.52358217

>it's really happening this time
>2 more days

>> No.52358228

Wouldn't the smart thing to do be for everyone NOT to withdraw all at the same time? You're just causing the problem you're trying to avoid.

>> No.52358239

go back randy

>> No.52358266

Yes but nobody wants to be the last sucker that didn't withdraw

>> No.52358283

"suspends withdrawal"
>gets kyc requirement notice

>> No.52358287

its rational to not start a bank run but it is rational to participate if it already started
t. some jew

>> No.52358295

if these exchanges wouldn't run on fractional reserve than they would be able to serve every withdrawal request by their customer, so it's still their reckless behavior that is causing the problem.

>> No.52358330

>If all of us random strangers just trust eachother we will not lose our money
Yeah no, fuck that, lmao

>> No.52358336

If cuckoin goes under and all of its crypto assets including USDT get frozen while investigation is ongoing, how does that affect Tether in the short term?

>> No.52358357
File: 50 KB, 637x358, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine losing your life savings on cuck coin

>> No.52358392

I have some dip buying cash in coinbase I’m pretty sure that’s fdic ensured. Right?

>> No.52358409

Insured lol

>> No.52358413
File: 17 KB, 346x242, DiabolicalLaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything crypto
>fdic insured

>> No.52358466

nah fuck that shit, that logic doesn't work in crypto because people will do it anyway and you'll get fucked for 'doing the right thing'
it's all game theory

>> No.52358505

That’s because we’re talking to zoomers who were 9 years old when Mtgox collapsed and bought their first coin in July 2021.

>> No.52358575

you are correct. what ends up making the problem reach tipping point is not the situation itself which is bad, its the panic which follows afterwards that is what really fucks us because people are afraid to lose their money and only care about their own lives. but all this stuff is only bad in a peak bull market in a bear market its fine because everybody has already lose so much a few more k is not really that panic inducing anymore. hence why i think we are at the actual bottom rn

>> No.52358599

Bruh why is this image so hilarious

>> No.52358617
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How will anons interpret the 121328th coinscam falling apart, I wonder? Will they
1. Stop using these scams and do something else with their actual useful money
2. Try another ponzipoopboobeycoin and get angry when it happens again

>> No.52358639

rule number 1 of gambling: never give up

>> No.52358655
File: 33 KB, 600x800, over 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, I had $3 on kucoin.

>> No.52358657

no it's not Kucoin stopped withdrawals. Bitconnect and Kucoin are next to fall.

>> No.52358668

>a centralized exchange failed, that means a decentralized network can't work
The mind of a nocoiner is a scary thing

>> No.52358671

Now I'm down a little in fact I'm down a lot I'm on a roller coaster ride that I can't stop
Yea my luck has changed but she'll come back
That's the beauty of a game of chance
I can't loose forever but I'm doomed to try because I keep on hearing a voice inside
Players win and winners play have a lucky day

>> No.52358743

t. last guy out
kek darwin award, here’s a lesson idiot, it’s a dog eat dog world, kill or be killed

>> No.52358762

Just withdraw my LINK from KuCoin. Relax bros.

>> No.52358781

wait, is this real? I bought some btc on kucoin yesterday and not being a retard I immediately sent it to my wallet.

>> No.52358825

>KuCoin is insolvent
Always was.
For once, I am happy they're imploding. Hope the people behind this rigged exchange go to hell.

>> No.52358848

>overuse of please
Curry stinking exchange lol

>> No.52358875

AVAX, AlGO, etc were all shilled by Alameda on here meanwhile Cosmos ecosystem untouched

>> No.52358909
File: 104 KB, 1290x1399, 026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw storing all of my crypto in metamask
feeling real comfy over here bros

>> No.52358921
File: 396 KB, 1570x1536, thy loom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do you store your digital money on someone else's computer?
Isn't the entire point of crypto is not to do that in the first place?

>> No.52358927

>MetaMask starts asking for KYC
Whoops. What now?

>> No.52358931


hope you incels enjoyed playing the internet money game, thanks for the transfer of wealth. see your kids in the next ponzi. maybe virtual tulips ?

>> No.52358966

its an adversarial game. basic game theory means you should withdraw asap
not withdrawing gives little or no benefit with a huge downside, while withdrawing (if you can do it in time), gives little drawback while preventing a massive downside
stay out of the market if you didn't understand this already

>> No.52358983

>Building is burning down
>Wouldn't it be smart if everyone DIDN'T rush to exit at the same time?
It's panic, bro. You know they don't have enough funds, and when by the time others have panicked first, your chance at getting your money might be zero.

>> No.52359165

so do your kyc

>> No.52359189

Anyone having trouble withdrawing from kucoin?

>> No.52359210


>> No.52359244

then you use etherscan


>> No.52359301

same. hopefully this leads to more people understanding how to use it so some coins that aren't on many CEX will pump.

>> No.52359738

Do the opposite of what is biz doing.

>> No.52359747

Sir! What is wrong with being polite to your clients, please be so kind as to explain that to me!

>> No.52360842

Don't tell them faggot

>> No.52360903

Let me guess, Chinance will be the only CEX standing after this is over

>> No.52360965

>some people actually know what these tickers mean
yeah we really had it coming didn't we

>> No.52360970
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>> No.52360983

it's a doggy dog world anon

>> No.52360995

And also the last

>> No.52361014

maybe he isn't using BNB as collateral, or at least not any substantial amount enough to be relevant, I believe it

>> No.52361186
File: 33 KB, 598x428, 1668177111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cropped out the part that says they don't have debt or use bnb as collateral

>> No.52361216

Isn't BUSD their coin though?

>> No.52361261


Do you even understand what collateral means?

>> No.52361270

I only use coinbase and binance.

>> No.52361284

CZ didn't lend $8B book value in FTT token to Alameda and then have FTT token drop 99% in value while simultaneously having a bank run on all funds. VERY different in Binance case. Not even a spec of dirt on them unless Tether blows up.

>> No.52361337
File: 58 KB, 512x512, 1668051659038223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create a bank run by believing the false rumors of a bank run that we're spreading
Nice try, rabbi

>> No.52361344

So is BNB

>> No.52361373

You just believe him? I’d want proof.

>> No.52361410

You can't bankrun an exchange if they hold all customer deposits like they should be doing. Any exchange that goes under because of FUD *should* go under.

>> No.52361794
File: 370 KB, 512x512, 1666817393392552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not a witch?! Haha!! that's exactly what a witch would say!
You can create it with enough panic, enough leverage, and low enough volume. Just like your boy sam tried to do with Binance and did with Luna. Now that your goblins got assraped by Binance you want to create a stampede by scaring the cattle that would leave smaller exchanges exposed to your speculative attacks. You should try first getting up off the floor before you start throwing kicks around.

>> No.52361835

>another kucoin fud thread with same image as the one from last year
god at least get new some new pics

>> No.52361838

>you can create it with enough panic
No, you literally cannot if the exchange is being operated appropriately. The whole concept of a "bank run" implies a fractional reserve. If customer deposits are fully held 1:1 with crypto assets then the WORST you can do is drain them of users, but never make them insolvent or experience a "bank run." We should encourage a stampede on all centralized exchanges and purge the scams.

>> No.52361852

And where are the loans where the pledged BNB as collateral to secure those loans with leverage?

Oh that's right, binance never lending out BNB or BUSD.

>> No.52361886
File: 26 KB, 410x412, nig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just withdrew some alts from KuckCoin. It wasn't much because no one in their right mind would leave a substantial amount on an exchange, but the withdrawal went through.

>> No.52362696

I perceive an implication in your post that this kind of thing doesn't happen in DeFi or DEXes. I'm no expert, but I've seen a lot more pain there than in CEX. Explain to me how Yield farming is different from fractional reserve.

>> No.52362803

im not seeing any evidence that kucoin stopped withdrawals

>> No.52362883

Yield farming is a literal ponzi scheme, I'm not defending it. That doesn't change the fact that centralized exchanges should burn if they are gambling with customer deposits.

>> No.52362942


come vote

>> No.52362962

Just withdrew from kucoin as well. no issues

>> No.52363115

Sure you wait and I’ll go first. Then you can withdraw later

>> No.52364212
File: 201 KB, 1125x589, EAE3B9C9-1F7F-457B-A575-BB1FCD9B29DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s happening

>> No.52364260

this is just a kyc
you guys are truly retarded

>> No.52364269

First one out the door loses the least

>> No.52364347
File: 105 KB, 1251x824, kcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i withdrew from kucoin but i cannot transfer from my margin account even with 0 debt


>> No.52364353

Imagine keeping your money on a foreign CEX in the midst of this shit storm. That is some serious baggie cope.

>> No.52364366

That’s to the exchange retard

>> No.52364390

i have 99% of my networth on there. they already got bankran a few months ago and nothing happened

>> No.52364395

>shit there's a bank run and we can't honor all withdrawals
>uhhhhhhhh slow walk it, institute random KYC requirements and take weeks to check them
enter you the intrepid retard:
>this is just kyc durrr trust the process

>> No.52364419

You realize diamond hands is a scam to get people to hold your bags right?

>> No.52364576


>> No.52364600

I got my money off kucoin just fine earlier today

>> No.52364631

So you’re saying someone just moved 40 million USDT to sell it on KuCoin? And that’s a good thing?

>> No.52364828

FUCK they're dumping usdt for btc
it's over stablebros

>> No.52364856

Kill yourcelf

>> No.52365003

Your funds are trap on the exchange while shorting retard. Lmao how dumb can this board get

>> No.52365052

>what is defi

>> No.52365107

Only the US Dollar account you hold on the exchange.

>> No.52365172

im shaking rn fr fr

>> No.52365386

How the fuck do you short without putting your money on an exchange?

>> No.52365404

>"Get your coins off exchanges and into physical wallets"
Isn't this a way for us to not sell our crypto back into cash (real money)?

>> No.52365444

This is common knowledge for anyone that has been in crypto for more than 24hrs. Not your keys, not your coins. Idiots, use cold storage.

>> No.52365448

Trade ledger wallets like Yu Gi Oh cards.

>> No.52365466

Retards literally trust companies called CuckCoin

>> No.52365556

Imagine a world where semitic interests have so discredited themselves in the crypto space that trusting your money with anonymous bugmen on the other side of the planet is seen as the safe alternative.

>> No.52365639
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>> No.52367184

I don't have to imagine. It's happening right now, and that's a good thing. It's just about time Wall St. had some competition. They've done nothing but wreck the global economy multiple times and no one could do a thing about it. I'll gladly give and tell everybody to give every single cent to the chinks if it means moving value away from those filthy rats and their worthless, hyperinflated dollars.

>> No.52367369

the chinks are unironically the good guys in this situation

>> No.52367566

It’s all happening in real time, the dominoes are falling, it will be a few days before anyone realizes it

>> No.52367598

Hey everyone, I found the next biggest fool.

>> No.52367811

Coinbase is next.