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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52354497 No.52354497 [Reply] [Original]

Software eng wagie here, just got fired from Facebook in the latest layoff.
Looking for some remote dev work online, need to pay that 4k bay area rent. Drop a discord handle if you have some jobs open

>> No.52354523

how much for a blowjob?

>> No.52354546


>> No.52354593

better leave that stain off your CV. and sorry, rajesh from bangalore's rent is $150 a month so charges a lot less for better quality work

>> No.52354610

>all the computers
>all the desks
>all the screens
>all the people
and literally
fucking nothing gets done

>> No.52354612
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I'm a CEO in the bay area and would never hire some loser that got axed in a layoff. Your linkedin buddies just say that to make you feel better.

>> No.52354655

open workspace is horrible.
for me, its the cubicle

>> No.52354674
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Anyone? I can create, modify/customize shitcoin contracts, also can do full stack web along with cloud shit

cope. you wish you could afford good engineers

>> No.52354696

>he didn't leave facebook when zuck turned it into meta and started grifting VRfags and cryptoniggers
You should have seen the writing on the wall. I did, I went straight to Bytedance even though I was in a comfy position as a senior SWE project lead.

>> No.52354722
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I pay Upwork pajeets to work on my side project, it would be good to have someone in a closer timezone. Are you front end or back end? Do not say full stack, you're one or the other.

>> No.52354748

Layoff? Shame on you

>> No.52354785

you wish you had the hustle of an immigrant. probably a fat lazy american with blue hair.

>> No.52354859
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hows bytedance? had an opportunity to interview with them back when i was still in college, but chose fb instead

what's your side project about? id say mostly backend, my side projects were cli arb scripts that ran on shady exchanges and dexs, but ive been learning frontend on my own time too

and yet you can't afford either one. what does your company work on?

>> No.52354942

HR faggot here. We can now hire 3 WFH europoors for what we'd pay one american. It's over for you

>> No.52354965


>> No.52354995

Those 3 europoors are going to need 3 months of paid vacation, and 20 hour work week max. Also unlimited sick days, and throw in some year long paid parental leave too.

>> No.52355034

Nope they're sub-contractors. Self employed meaning, no sick pay or paid holidays if we so choose. Obviously we have to give some incentives but most are just happy for the easy remote work.

>> No.52355172

enjoy looking for a new job

>> No.52355559

what kind of dev? what STACK bro? if u were worth a fuck why didnt they keep you

>> No.52355635

Need devs, message me on telegram @Digitalxc

>> No.52355742

Here is the strategy to get a job: before any interview do workout, don't take shower, smear yourself with fish oil, THEN go to the interview. It is a pure chemical signal of dominance.

>> No.52355764

Massage me in salon

>> No.52356781
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I recently got a job at this nft project called ZooDAO, first time the legacy code isn't pure and complete dogshit, pretty decent stuff, decent pay as well. Im for one excited

>> No.52356825

Yeah I'm actually looking for a ReactJS dev to clean out my gutters.

>> No.52356850

>need to pay that 4k bay area rent
dude what the fuck are you doing there?
literally move to fucking philippines and get some remote