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52353369 No.52353369 [Reply] [Original]

chainlink fall hackathon Q&A featuring sirgay nazarov

scheduled for 11/11/22 at 11AM.

god i'm so excited for you guys

>> No.52353441

Why don't they stop every single thing they are doing and work 24/7 on proof of reserves for binance

>> No.52355061

how are the projects coming, nerds?

>> No.52355087

Imagine being so tone deaf and retarded you're doing "hackathon" shit for the 4th year in a row when nobody gives a fuck and crypto is imploding. Why not release a statement on proof of reserves, etc

>> No.52355466

The crypto ecosystem is imploding and you’re bullish? Fucking retard. GET OUT NOW LITERALLY.

>> No.52355503

Sergey scammed us

>> No.52356415

based 9 hours and 25 minutes away. originally this was scheduled for 11/4 but then it was rescheduled to the 11/11 11am

>> No.52356957

>chainlink should cancel everything and panic!
Fud itt is puss poor

>> No.52356965

Wen deco

>> No.52357062

>He thinks CZ wants proof of reserve
How fucking naive can you be.
This is how it will play out.
CZ will claim they want proof of reserve ASAP.
Then he will say they hired CL for the job but they were not fast eneough, so he created inhouse PoR which is just some Jeets working 24/7 reporting data.
"Trust me bro the data is true"

>> No.52357085

Going long on nuclear missile launches

>> No.52357932
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>> No.52358998

4 hours and 27 minutes to go frens

>> No.52359339

I can't contain my excitement!

>CCIP ready and adopted by both Fidelity and Stock exchanges as new trust minimized middleware
>staking released with 240% apy (funded by fat stack of fatman itself)
>buy back better program announced, he sold millions of LINK at 50$ and now buys back to foundation to reward investors
>Google, meta and microsoft. They are all clients.

1000$ at the end of eod.

>> No.52359425

I'm so glad they keep giving money away in industry circle jerks and don't do any product development

>> No.52359507

this. he'll just list what he has in wallets and not disclose total user deposits or loans/contracts binance has taken out.

>> No.52360620
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just under 2 hours now.

i wonder what mr. nazarov will wear on stream today

>> No.52360652

kek you wish

Why is anyone making a big deal of a CEO answering a Q&A when crypto is literally dying?

>> No.52360701

>Why is anyone making a big deal of a CEO answering a Q&A when crypto is literally dying?

no one is making a big deal about it, go look for this in mainstream articles. literally no one gives a fuck except hard x kore chainlink enthusiasts on /biz/. many of us here watch pretty much every sergey interview.

also crypto has "literally died" and "imploded" thousands of times. the longer you pay attention to this stuff the less you end up giving a fuck.

>> No.52360709

When Sergey speaks, we listen. This is a link board.

>> No.52360727

i see the fudders have aligned on the new narrative to push

>> No.52361486

because this particular ceo has a solution for all of these crypto disasters the past year as well as traditional finance collapses of the past. he's going to enlighten the masses that it doesn't need to be this way and chainlink proof of reserves is the new paradigm.

>> No.52361523
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Wen girlfriend Sergey?

>> No.52361573
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>> No.52361667
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This is a demon.
Dysgenic freaks who succumb to shilling and hyper-hopium addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Shilling on demand accompanied by fake hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Chainlink is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.
We have to kill them all.

>> No.52361790
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>crux sacra sit mihi lux


>> No.52361871

>Why is anyone making a big deal of a CEO answering a Q&A when crypto is literally dying?

The only parts of crypto dying were the ones that should be killed by DECENTRALIZED tech in the first place.

>> No.52362758
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>> No.52362857

the fire rises

>> No.52362885

If you say so

Guarantee no one pays up for Proof of Reserve. They'll just make their own like CZ. You don't understand what corporate dependence is

>> No.52363034
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>> No.52363072


>> No.52363102


>> No.52363203
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>> No.52363239
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>> No.52363256

It has begun!

>> No.52363266
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>> No.52363280

why is he always covering his mouth

>> No.52363306
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good morning sirs

>> No.52363310
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Is this live

>> No.52363321

proof of tooth is being developed soon TM.

>> No.52363354

tfw link is ai generated project to get out of technodistopia.

>> No.52363390

>Link release proof of reserve
>FTX goes under because of no proof of reserve
>everyone wants Proof of Reserve now

Hmmm really makes you think

>> No.52363399

>more q&a and price will still dump
>still dumping tokens
>competition on the horizon
yeah tick tock linkies

>> No.52363422

Sergey just mentioned that they're talking to "many exchanges in the Chainlink ecosystem about them using Proof of Reserves", but what's it going to take to convince the remainder (eg. Binance) to use PoR? I think people are willing to accept the PoR that Binance has already implemented.

>> No.52363434
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>> No.52363453

chingpong is lying they made it up

>> No.52363455


Binance is in Chainlink’s ecosystem retard

>> No.52363461

CZ already namedropped Proof of Reserve, they will use Chainlink its the industry standard

>> No.52363502

>I've been in this industry for ten, eleven - even more years.

>> No.52363525

love the energy between sergey and patrick great mutual respect going on there.

>> No.52363533

The thing is 3rd party is needed here. No one will believe FTX is fine Assets are fine statements even if you show numbers. Proof of reserve from multiple 3rd parties including Chainlink is a way to stop the bankrun and distrust.

>> No.52363551

this. you can't audit yourself with your chainlink knock off oracles. nobody will trust it.

>> No.52363554

Binance has already posted its PoR. It was here https://www.binance.com/en/assets-proof but it looks like they took it down. Either way, no one (except Linkers) complained that it wasn't the Chainlink PoR.
Btw, have you seen this article? Do ctrl+f "needed"

I'm not saying Chainlink's PoR isn't a good service or isn't needed. It's just that most people don't care if the PoR is actually just the exchanges posting their wallet addresses + balances as PoR instead of using CL's service.

>> No.52363574
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>> No.52363582

this completely misses the fucking mark though. displaying what you currently have doesn't mean you are solvent. you need to disclose sum of user payments and everything else going on behind the scenes. loans, contracts, etc.

>> No.52363603

>Binance has already posted its PoR.
no it hasn't, you miseed this:

>> No.52363608

im sorry to tell you but one of the next "mount goxes" is binance. it's not going to stand the test of time because it's ran by chinese scammers. a lot of the biggest hacks in binance history was done by.. wait for it.. binance.

>> No.52363613


>> No.52363615
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>It was here but it looks like they took it down
kek you lot really are NPCs

>> No.52363639

What did he mean by this?

>> No.52363644

oh shit, yes I did miss that. Thanks. Looking good for Link-bros...
>displaying what you currently have doesn't mean you are solvent.
This is true.
>you need to disclose sum of user payments and everything else going on behind the scenes. loans, contracts, etc.
Does CL PoR do that? As I understood it it was just for proving the balance of your bank account! So I thought that CZ linking to all the wallet addresses which are recorded immutably on the blockchain was sufficient "proof" for all crypto-assets.

>> No.52363758

>Does CL PoR do that? As I understood it it was just for proving the balance of your bank account! So I thought that CZ linking to all the wallet addresses which are recorded immutably on the blockchain was sufficient "proof" for all crypto-assets.

From the conversation going on right now, Chainlink's PoR will relay all the information necessary to prove solvency. So it can't be solely wallet addresses.

>> No.52363764

sergey is a lazy fuck and taking too long

>> No.52363783
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why do my ids say "not Q" now?

>> No.52363826

Traditional audits take weeks to accomplish.

>> No.52363893

>Waiting on a vendor that everyone uses. But it seems like may take weeks, we might try to find someone else.

What the fuck? Sergey is unironically one of the worst CEO's I've ever seen, he literally gets NOTHING done. In 2022 he's gotten ZERO done with all these retarded conferences and hackathons. Fuck Patrick, fuck Ari, fuck Sergey. These faggots do zero work

>> No.52364045


dont worry bros nansen will cover this:

>> No.52364105

literal who

>> No.52364210
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My comment got recognized! yipee!

>> No.52365281

He can't keep getting away with this

>> No.52365412

This and thanks just sold!

>> No.52367291
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>> No.52367398

They have done that on Twitter already, nobody cares and Binance wouldn't actually use it. They are doing the only thing you should be doing in a bear market, building.

>> No.52367435

true. But liquidity might not come a lot their way. everyone spooked and broke.

>> No.52367456

hey look it's the "tone deaf" tranny from yesterday

>> No.52367738

Did he say anything new?
Let me guess he just rambled on about his typical technical wordsalad.

>> No.52367898

He said his penis increased 2cm due to the upcoming stakng if this is not bullish then I don't know what is

>> No.52367945

end of days?

>> No.52369424

>y y you cant use certain words despite them being 100% accurate because it triggers me and le edgelord gang
>dude board culture
