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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 664x658, al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52346818 No.52346818 [Reply] [Original]

hear me out... id love to have her as a GF.
She is a cute and intelligent Lady :)

>> No.52346841

Kek she’s a cretin.

>> No.52346844

Shes absolutely perfect. Just imagine the manlet aspie sperg offspring you would create together

>> No.52346859

her laugh is cute
wd marry

>> No.52346888

What kind of pathetic person are you? Absolutely disgusting you need to complement yourself to try and change peoples perceptions. You are a runt and a disgusting piece of human trash.

>> No.52346908

A lady wouldn't lose 8 billion dollars in a drug fueled frenzy while barking at her coworkers

>> No.52346979

Hahahahahha kill yourself filthy sub human.

>> No.52347107
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>> No.52347128
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the stuff of nightmares

>> No.52347143

Jesuw chris5
I thought bear marketswere suppose to be cozy?
All i see is this ugly ass kikess rat face bitch
And men pretending to have the emotional trauma of a woman

Give it a fucking rest you ugly man trannies.
She won't love you. She doesn't even know who you are.
Go back to your god damn kadena tranny threads and stay there.

>> No.52347174

Now this post was made by a lady
Because it makes no fucking sense
Or possibly a drunk man

>> No.52347178

she's a literal junkie, does anyone have the screen cap of her talking about doing phet?

>> No.52347188

>nothing like regular amphetamine use to make you appreciate how dumb a lot of normal, non-medicated human experience is
>the dumbest thing is: this morning, I was lying on the couch reading a book. then I decided to go for a hike. but it took me like ... a half an hour from that point to muster the energy and motivation to actually get up from the couch
>and then after that the hike was good! my body had no problem making the countless exertions of effort involved in ascending to a much higher elevation using only my own muscles! but the effort to get off the couch and move to a standing position is somehow Herculean
>the second dumbest thing is: apparently there's about 20% of my brain that's dedicated to food.
>whatever else is happening, throughout the day, it's just a significant percentage of my thoughts dedicated to "what should I do for dinner? how about dessert? should I have an afternoon snack before that? ... you know what's good? Ethiopian food. do they even have that in HK?"

>> No.52347189

>what did he/she mean by this??

>> No.52347197

I prefer the term "methematician"

>> No.52347244

Nope I am just a man without rest for almost a week, lad.
I tell ye it is not fun but it is not my choice to make.
Regardless my statements still stand... This lass is ugly, she is a kike rat Jew, and only trannies are posting this rat. /bizt likes to gloat that bear markets are comfy times free of newfag cancer. Yet here we are with like 5 or 6 threads up about this ugly cunt and her ugly feet. There is no way it is organic posters making threads about her with this much consistency, anon.

Search it in your heart.
Ye know it to be true.

>> No.52347264

Kill yourself faggot.
The rat faced kikess won't ever love you.
She will never know you.
No matter how many threads you make.
You're alone, and you always will be.

>> No.52347338
File: 495 KB, 600x797, 5E417BDC-7488-4168-8CBA-1743806914EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nope I am just a man without rest for almost a week, lad.
>I tell ye it is not fun but it is not my choice to make.
>Regardless my statements still stand... This lass is ugly, she is a kike rat Jew, and only trannies are posting this rat. /bizt likes to gloat that bear markets are comfy times free of newfag cancer. Yet here we are with like 5 or 6 threads up about this ugly cunt and her ugly feet. There is no way it is organic posters making threads about her with this much consistency, anon.

>Search it in your heart.
>Ye know it to be true.

>> No.52347348

She's quirky. Lots of us find her amusing. It's pretty normal behavior to mess with people who are burned by a conartist on /biz/. Especially by complimenting the conartist.

>> No.52347408

Yea yea... What a likely excuse, tranny.
/biz/ isn't one entity or a cohesive unit you fuckin ape
Kill yourself before you finally realize the regret inside your feeble brain.

>> No.52347425

Youre a fucking newfag that doesn't understand irony.

>> No.52347426

Chipmunk pusy

>> No.52347427

She may be ugly but that's no reason to insult fellow anons...

>> No.52347444
File: 26 KB, 489x499, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there's multiple of us dabbing on you losers, lmao.

>> No.52347924

She is definitely a cutie. Not a beauty in the conventional sense, but in the approachable, 'girl next door' type of light, she is extremely attractive.

I used to be a math nerd and she was when she was younger too. And now we are both into crypto, so I'm sure we would get along. We would have a lot to talk about over dinner, she seems like the kind of down to earth girl who doesn't care too much about expensive dates though, we would just be able to cuddle on the couch while I browse 4chan and she does her little alameda capital thing on her laptop and then order some doordash and go to the bedroom and pound her chipmunk pusy before bed. She would like my company I think and when she had a big meeting I would make her dinner and massage her shoulders and feet before eating her pussy and having sex. then we could go out in the morning for a walk around town and not need to dress up just be comfy and get some coffee and bagels then take her home and have a quick hookup before her next VC appointment.

way better than that fucking Stacy SBF is fucking, ugh, she may be hotter but is boring and not smart enough to get along with me

She reminds me of this girl that was in math club when I was in high school, she was not that hot and had glasses but one day on the way back from a math competition i sat next to her and talked to her for the whole bus ride like 2.5 hours, im sure we would get along just as well

thats longer than ive talked to a woman since

>> No.52347984

She just needs a trip to south korea. Someone post the shop.

>> No.52348004

you should DM her

>> No.52348548

sweet caroline...

>> No.52348762

bravo anon

>> No.52348902

Caroline do you shave your cooch? Just wondering.

>> No.52348912

Feet or GTFO

>> No.52349589 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 539x360, 360_F_187374085_Iygd8qkmJSxhnA1iI1V4Cgg7mq9oWsrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being robbed by that jew rat face

>> No.52349646 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 1522x1157, download (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this bankrupt subhuman

>> No.52349843

This is amazing and deserves to be pasta

>> No.52350250

I like her and would have incel children with her