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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 337 KB, 463x629, fried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52345762 No.52345762 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52345801 [DELETED] 

(((they))) are quite based. controls taxes and policy

>> No.52346167

im reading tragedy and hope 101

>> No.52346201

Take your meds, this has been debunked. These are all conspiracy theories pushed by internet alt-right trolls.

>> No.52346217

Fried Bankman

>> No.52346242

get culture of critique after

>> No.52346414



>> No.52346477

Wait so does sam use both his parents last names ? Bankman from his fathers side and Fried from his mothers side ? Or is his fathers last name also Fried and Bankman is his middle name ??

>> No.52346497
File: 92 KB, 839x890, 389319fef5fe65254f2b2f54bc19cef94acafef647babbebe397e021c8a725a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52346509

>internet alt-right trolls
Surely you mean Russian disinfo agents? Everyone knows that nobody akshually voted for Drumpf in 2016, so the alt-right doesn't exist.

>> No.52346989

Anon, we are internet alt-right trolls.

>> No.52347816

Yep I knew it.
Success is bred through connections anons.
Never forget that.

>> No.52347905
File: 80 KB, 1600x900, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are all conspiracy theories pushed by internet alt-right trolls.

>> No.52348301

Nice try jew

>> No.52348317
File: 155 KB, 592x841, 1668115390752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof? Show your work or kys

>> No.52348361

lol he uses buzzwords like that and you think he's not paid?

>> No.52348376

Triggered glowie

>> No.52348389

Sam was United States Government's crypto prince. Even in defeat, they have succeeded since they are going to use the example of FTX to argue for regulating crypto.

>> No.52348419
File: 23 KB, 585x341, 1668115706510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He obviously is

>> No.52348567

>they are going to use the example of FTX to argue for regulating crypto.
which is a good thing

>> No.52348605 [DELETED] 

So much this. We need to step away from Trumpist conspiracy thinking like this. DeSantis 2024! He's earned our trust.

>> No.52348619 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 537x803, 1660094892150195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly jew

>> No.52348668

And the slimy rat is pretending that it was all due to a slight calculation error on his part

>> No.52348741 [DELETED] 

Ftx was used as money laundering exchange for democrats and elits

>> No.52348845

thats what it looks like. This needs it's own thread. YUGE scandal

>> No.52348906

baseless moronic conspiracy theories

>> No.52349032

Fuck off Scam Bitchtits Fraud

>> No.52349509

obvious since 2019. If you want change, get something chambered in.308 and hunt democrates in mid level positions and castrate their children