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52342766 No.52342766 [Reply] [Original]


Who else?

>> No.52342784

Anyone, even yourself

>> No.52342785

>Zeta Reticulans

>> No.52342801

Bulgarians (Nexto)

>> No.52342822

>Russians and anyone claims to have a positive view of Russia

>> No.52342852

sbf wasnt american he was international jew operating from bahamas a different country.
so far you have 1 nork and 2 jews

>> No.52342855


>> No.52342864

Swiss financiers are worse than the kikes

>> No.52342869


>> No.52342929

Japanese, not a single thing they did in crypto was good. Satoshi wasn't a jap obviously

>> No.52342940
File: 145 KB, 1200x1200, 0C9327A4-50E0-4564-BFDA-ED7763C50D80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks have been the most trustworthy people during this

>> No.52342963

>t. bnb baggies

>> No.52342972

literally no one you stupid retards

>> No.52342994

Chinks and Russians are the same. He will show his true colors in time.

>> No.52343005

>Dont trust, verify
That was literly the first thing I was thaught about crypto. Do people just dont learn theses things anymore?

>> No.52343048

I missed polygon because of you sirs

>> No.52343081

Everyone that looks ugly as fuck. Our ancestors were correct to judge based on how people looked

>> No.52343089

This list is not exhaustive, (You) can help by expanding it

>> No.52343090

Chinese, Indians, Russians and Nigerians

>> No.52343128

Most people never believed in crypto. They were because they saw adverts and number go up. These people are now burned. Some of them left crypto after yesterday's events and some of them are even dedicated to FUDing now because they missed the bottom. It's hilarious

>> No.52343146

Anyone in crypto.