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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52342225 No.52342225 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry about that whole FTX thing

>> No.52342237

No biggie, we all make mistakes.

>> No.52342242

No worries, the apology is what really counts here. Not the money or anything.

>> No.52342253

Listen man, it’s all good. It was a fun ride though right?

>> No.52342266

it's fine king, just make sure to never give them back 1 dime,lessons learned

>> No.52342297
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>> No.52342329

imagine going from a billionaire to a millionaire in a day
must suck

>> No.52342339
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>> No.52342341

Imagine if he just said that and never fought Naruto nor tried to get power from the bijuus.

>> No.52342360

pls do better next time

>> No.52342381
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No worries, you gave me a good laugh.

Sucks for everyone stupid enough to trust jews. Guess thousands of years of example isnt enough yet.

>> No.52342426

On behalf of all white people, you’re forgiven lil nigga

>> No.52342440

lmfao this scene totally sums it up

>> No.52342457

Okay, fine. Next time I will need a firm handshake though before I hand over all my money again

>> No.52342475

I'll write to you in prison, loser.

>> No.52342511 [DELETED] 


>> No.52342518
File: 226 KB, 520x439, 1641867352624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All good bro you good

>> No.52342558
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how can you trust someone who dresses like this?

>> No.52342589

Most young billionaires dress like idiots

>> No.52342601

I'm glad I haven't lost any money on any crypto bullshit. It's very easy to see through the scam when you ask someone "How do you make money?" and there response is "You just don't get it."

>> No.52342609
File: 640 KB, 3500x2334, 106144521-15692643626192019-09-13t120436z_1247796284_rc14fb1c8e20_rtrmadp_3_wework-ipo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In retrospect, nigga was dressing like Sillicon Valley frat boy #492848 whose little gay scam "company' ends up failing after a year or so.

>> No.52343529

Pump the ens 999 club to 100 eth and I will beweive you.

>> No.52343556
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how dare you challenge the future of finance

>> No.52343704

from "YASA YASA YASA BITTCOOONEEECT" to "S-sorry lol.. My bad bros.."

>> No.52343721

Np breh

>> No.52343732

"hello sir this is my air money"
"need it to breathe ... how i get?"

>> No.52343793

Hey, sorry goyim I didn't mean that, best of luck and sorry again !

>> No.52343815

np m8

>> No.52343860
File: 1.98 MB, 1988x2500, 1660153101641507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the cheap XMR and lulz. Self-custody chads keep winning thanks to guys like you!

>> No.52343906

Fuck you senpai

>> No.52344033

A small price to pay for the holocaust

>> No.52344358

let's call it even now,water under the bridge

>> No.52344607 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52344701

kill yourself, pedo

>> No.52344741
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>> No.52344919

That faggot has been buying physical assets using his shitcoins as collateral - he's over 500m in debt rn

>> No.52344990

>Doesn't live in a house, instead shares an apartment with a few other people in the Bahamas
>Doesn't work out
>Doesn't fuck bitches
>Doesn't have any physical assets, like homes, commercial real estate, cars, etc.
>Plays vidya (I guess?). Not sure what else he's into...
Idk, whole thing is weird, and this guy definitely is either retarded, autistic, or both.

>> No.52345882

>definitely is either retarded, autistic,

don't forget altruistic

>> No.52345954 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 682x515, 1584318697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're not you kike rat.

>> No.52346103
File: 794 KB, 1070x1293, 1544903528837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np bro. We all have to rug sometimes.

>> No.52346609

imagine if the entire show didn't lead up to the gayest fucking villain imaginable (ooooo super mega ultra evil space witch from beyonddddd oooooOooOoO so spOooOKy and amaaaaaazing! Wow!)
Then imagine the show didn't rehash itself for lame ass ship faggots with the most ugly character designs imaginable for cash cow.
Thank god it won't go on as long as One Piece has... Which you know despite its shortcomings. That show at least manages to make character designs that are fun or entertaining.

>> No.52346705

I liked it
The party went full retard like 500 chapters ago now it's just retards acting retarded for 500 chapters it's not even entertaining anymore just annoying. Muh bones muh meat muh ladies muh cowardice muh money. Just fuck off

>> No.52346881

fucking cp loving jannies, this you don't have a problem with but yahweh forbid you call sbf a jew you're instabanned
kill yourselves faggots

>> No.52347022

imagine trusting someone that looks like him.
If your gut feeling didnt tell you something was wrong with him , just by the way he looks, you are not gonna make it.

>> No.52347036


>> No.52347595

This. His autism was a costume.

>> No.52347697

>Doesn't fuck bitches
He hired his gf as FTX HR