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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52340811 No.52340811 [Reply] [Original]

So, Solana only dumped because FTX flooded the market with their huge volumes. However, there is nothing wrong with the fundamentals, the tech, the people behind it whatsoever. Why isn't it a no-brainer to go all-in now?

>> No.52340861

>*goes offline*

>> No.52340902

>yeah the bl --....-- vestment --...-- MO

>> No.52340914

Nothing wrong with the fundamentals? Solana has been the easiest target of fud with fundamentals of all the smart contract L1's by far

>> No.52340928
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>> No.52340937

The only thing propping up its price was Alameda backing. With that gone, what does it have left?

>> No.52340942

>nothing wrong, except defi tlv is fictional and backed by...nothing
>sollet bridge assets collateral...not found

>> No.52340966

Bagholding hands typed this.

>Please give me exit liquidity above my intial

>> No.52341033


>> No.52341074

this. obv Solana will pump again but betting on it now is nigger behaviour

>> No.52341112

>chain crashes every week
nice fundamentals

>> No.52341122

I don't hold any Solana.

>> No.52341147

>Biz seething because they want to buy lower.
Many such cases.

>> No.52341244

>Why isn't it a no-brainer to go all-in now?
>I don't hold any Solana.
The cope of the solana bag holder knows no bounds.
Please buy yourself some dignity (DIG).

>> No.52341278


Are you fucking kidding me

> Bridged assets THAT ARE NOT BACKED like SoBTC

You can write contracts in Rust on AVAX as of yesterday. Solana is completely blown the fuck out. I can see it surviving but honestly it's time Basedlana faggots admit that they were sucking Chosen Cock smelling each others farts at breakpoint and not really invested in serious tech.

Good night sweet prince. You had a good run.

>> No.52341657

How retarded are you OP?

>> No.52341665


>> No.52341751
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>there is nothing wrong with the fundamentals, the tech

you mean the tech that caused their network to completely shut down 8 times already?
yeah... no thanks

>> No.52341790

Solana is a new tech, 2 years old, every major tech project has this kind of problems until it gets stabilised, Ethereum had worse problems.

>> No.52341867

>proof of discord
>always offline
solid buy bro

>> No.52341962

I saw that a large amount of Sol was to be unlocked by today. But when I looked at the link this morning, the timer showed another two days.

Can someone explain this to me? Yes I'm a retard and I SOLd the bottom thinking it would go lower. Even if I lose my money I just want to understand what happened.

>> No.52342130

Because /biz/ got cucked again, the price is stable and rising, I lost an opportunity to profit for listening to these bitcoin jihadi cultists.
But yes there seems to be some unfunded tokens going around the Solana chain that are linked to TFX, but so far seems stable.

>> No.52342159

spend real money on magic internet coins that do nothing?

>> No.52342197
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>the price is stable and rising
SOLtards have less dignity than LUNAtics and BitConnectards.

>> No.52342229

it only had its valuation because SBF bankrolled it and every ecosystem project

the so called tech
>All validators lose money
>KYC validators if you want subsidies from foundation to not lose money
>chain is turned off several times a year
>classical consensus
>fudged TPS
>slower finality than many competitors
>single VM
>monolithic - can't scale to meet demand

>> No.52342290

all of the solana BTC is worthless/unbacked

>> No.52342322

>However, there is nothing wrong with the fundamentals, the tech, the people behind it whatsoever.

If you really believe this, kill yourself. Or even better, I just left a stool on my toilet, you should pay me for it since it's fundamentally better than Solana.

>> No.52342321

because the L1 meme was last year and is now dead

>> No.52342454
File: 289 KB, 2500x1406, E3BzH3tVkAE4RVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"LOL LMAO Muh decentralized Bitcoin blockchain has a capacity for 7 Transactions per second with an ExaHash processing capacity and range terawatt energy consumption, is a hedge against inflation and storage of value because the fed is le bad"

Fuck You bitcoin degenerates! you promised me a bloodbath yesterday and I saw nothing!.I DEMAND THE PROMISED BLOODBATH!

>> No.52342485


>> No.52342564

are there any serious tokens/projects besides that shit on SOL chain or have they gone out of fashion by now

>> No.52342701
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You can't have high TPS without re-centralization.
It's like a law of physics you can't change that no matter how hard you wish it.
Solana is a public mysql database run by a bunch of crypto illiterates and even with such low bar it's still failing at it...

>> No.52342898

nano fixes this

>> No.52343231

>You can't have high TPS without re-centralization.
You cant have high TPS with the wrong architecture, bitcoin was never meant to expand beyond drug traficking, weapons, and CP on the deep web.

You simple cant, the bitcoin architecture was made with flaws to prevent mass adoption, the problem is that when speculators jumped into the bandwagon also brought the normies with them and the network never had the architecture to handle its current use, for that reason the capacity of bitcoin is on the exahash levels consuming terawatts but cant handle more than 7 TPS.

>> No.52343251

>there is nothing wrong with the fundamentals

Solana fundementals always were absolute dogshit, FTX backing is the only thing that kept it afloat

>> No.52343612

why the fuck is it pumping then?

>> No.52343968
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>bitcoin was never meant to expand beyond darkweb stuff
>all transactions on the blockchain so glowies can track you anytime 20 years later
>no privacy tools whatsoever but shit mixers

Holy fuck, the absolute state of /biz/.
I know why you will hold these SBF bags while everyone with triple digit IQ shorts all FTX-related shitcoins until they're 6 feet deep.

>> No.52343998
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Zoom out, baggie.

>> No.52344016
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>there is nothing wrong with the fundamentals, the tech, the people behind it whatsoever.
Yeah nothing

>> No.52344204

There are 25 L2 for Ethereum. It only takes one to make Solana obsolete.

>> No.52344273


>> No.52344312
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, EBF24124-D190-4885-8EB0-E84D842339AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip bozo

>> No.52344365
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>You cant have high TPS with the wrong architecture,
Read >>52342701 again, it has absolutely nothing to do with architecture or tech, it's a law of nature, it's decentralization or high tps.
Can't have both that's just how it is.

>> No.52344375

why would you go all in on shitcoin that has had 8 outages and was only successful because a rat kike operative bought his way in and was pumping it? Plus gave millions in bribes to keep the admin on his side?
Sol is total shit which is why kikeman shorted every other competitor into the dust.
Way better chains than this anon.

>> No.52344404

umm not true dumb monkey, Algorand has never had a fucking outage and runs blazingly fast.
The difference when you have a Turin award winner create the chain and a some monkey from San Diego.
Thanks for playing though nigger.

>> No.52344443

time lock on withdraw <- This is the worst thing in staked coins. It was this that killed SOL not FTX. The same will happen with ETH when withdraws are enabled. Till then enjoy profits and the strong buy pressure, after that is only sell pressure (yeah im considering the stake mechanism + burn = it sucks)

>> No.52344453
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>while everyone with triple digit IQ shorts all FTX-related shitcoins until they're 6 feet deep.

Would have profited if those triple digit IQ dudes would not have been wrong about the "Incoming bloodbath" while the bitcoin cultists throwing around FUD, all without the risk of shorting.

>> No.52344553
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>Look at my blazing fast one million TPS virtual currency based on a sharded Sqlite database.
High TPS is inversely proportional to decentralization.
It's one or the other, you are fantasizing about breaking the law of nature.
How many times this lesson will have to be learnt?

>> No.52344765

AVAX wants to have a word with you

>> No.52344864

kek SOL is older than Avalanche which has been running smoothly for almost two years now and through every single one of these market blood baths flawlessly. SOL has a fundamentally busted consensus model that requires a bunch of janky engineering to try to duct tape it together and as you've seen it often doesn't hold.

>> No.52345670
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>AVAX committees are better than ALGO committees
Why crypto-illiterates never noticed that every single centralized high TPS coins always comes up with a new term for the "super" elected nodes?
Federation, Oracle, Master node, Hyper node, Meta node, Arbitrator, Aggregator, Committee, Augur, Assembly, Crowd, Convergence, Confluence...
It's laughable how easy it is to fool brainlets.

>> No.52345687
File: 19 KB, 93x130, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if solana fucking dies nfts are going to die for good and my zoodao bags will never see the light of day god fucking damnit the world is actively conspiring against me

>> No.52346145

>The holy white paper of satoshi nakamoto, an unkown person that no one knows if he exists, but he handed us the holy white paper of toy currency that is perfect and cannot be improved or changed, that is true because satoshi nakamoto is a prophet of god that wanted us to be free from central bankers who are evil and want us poor.

Yeah sure... Bitcoin is more like a religion cult than a rational aproach to technology, the only redeeming trait about bitcoin is the lighting network, otherwise those de-centralized PoW bitcoin forks are doomed to failure.

Daily reminder that bitcoin failed in all its promises, its value is trending downwards in a context of high inflation, you cant do more than 10 TPS and have to consume a horrible amount of resources that hurt people, the environment and the real economy.


>> No.52346481

What comities does AVAX have?

>> No.52346550

So many fags only bother to understand how one network works because it takes a lot of effort and they are proud of themselves for learning one. You see this most evidently with ADA cucks thinking they have revolutionary tech but it applies to everyone. Most solana cucks will never bother to understand avax and will continue to believe they have great tech lol

>> No.52346601

its branding and attrackting egg heads to build. Reddit doesnt build, neither does 4chan or twitter, and there is only one chain that attracts more devs than ponzi players, a shame

>> No.52346693
File: 48 KB, 798x645, avax man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red chain most decentralized and most fastest

it doesnt do any bait and switch shit like algorand to do it, it does this by having a novel consensus protocol which scales and requires less communication

>> No.52346764

I don't understand what SOL did to piss so many people off. Gets wayyyy more hate than any other chain. Probably because it's fundamentally the best chain and that scares them. Same shitty talking points by every bear:

>>Muh VC centralization
The VC kikes are getting out this week if they haven't already

>>Muh outages
The issues behind those are mostly fixed now. It's a small price to pay for having essentially free TX fees and 50k TPS.

>>Muh hacks
Solana itself never got hacked retards. Only a couple of dapps on it, which has happened on ETH and BNB many more times but you never hear those ones being called an "ETH hack" or a "BNB hack"

>> No.52346791

this. When the chain fucking broke like 5 times in a row and price was not affected that should have been your sign that everything about solana was artificial as fuck. But half these moonbois married their bags and couldnt see the obvious.

>> No.52346831

Red chain you mean that AVAX thing? red-pill me on that...

>> No.52347048
File: 203 KB, 736x960, avax buckbreaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


might be helpful or you can go to youtube.

Avax is really cool because of the consensus but the network architchture is also a big reason why I like it. Anyone can spin up a subnet with any virtual machine they want. This makes it possible to do pretty much anything and in the future it seems very likely that every dapp in existence will be copy/pasted onto an avalanche subnet because there is no reason not to do.

>> No.52347258

No nfts worth a single fuck are on Solana you absolute nigger.

>> No.52347434

Solana is a boomer coin. Get on ICP and trade Chad

>> No.52347785

>nothing wrong with the fundamentals
goes offline weekly
>the tech
corrected by switching it on and off again
lol this centralized shitcoin must die surely here...

>> No.52347962

Why is this dogshit coin pumping and not going to 0 like luna, these niggers even had their thousand dollar jpgs made by teams that never even heard of crypto 2 years ago recover 50% of their value overnight, this is peak clown world.

>> No.52348633

Dead cat bounce

>> No.52349004

Algorand experienced a partial network instability yesterday:


"Congestion" being imprecise. The network was only handling 16 TPS.

Your shit, centralized chain will absolutely crumble if it ever gets truly battle tested, but I doubt it will because nobody uses it.

>> No.52349041

Centralized piece of shit that can't stay online for more than a week at a time

>> No.52349099
File: 78 KB, 789x846, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now /biz/? Vitalik think SOL is a great choice to buy now!

>> No.52349106

All this fud is unironically making me consider buying a some SOL, a small bag of like 20-30.. just in case.

>> No.52349177

SOL is the only L1 focusing on user experience at the expense of decentralisation.
It’s a very active chain for developers too.
There’s no reason for it to not pump again, it’s still the biggest competitor to eth.

>> No.52349280

What is the Turin award?
Well considering how much he has fucked ETH, everything else is looking better in comparison.

>> No.52349290

Literally all sol is is nfts, there is no other reason for sol’s existence.

>> No.52349345

I have heard some interesting use cases for NFT's though

>> No.52349415

Most of these NFT project teams never even heard of crypto before they got involved with sol. From personal experience.

>> No.52349431
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There is no coin but Bitcoin, and Satoshi is in profit.

>> No.52349454

I can't tell if that's bullish or bearish. Or Crabbish.

>> No.52349496

They are all scammers is what I mean.

>> No.52349545
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Oh, how awful

>> No.52349576


fundamentally a scam


>> No.52349605

It’s the same as playing shitcoin casino except you’re getting scammed by people who entered the crypto market a year ago selling jpgs bought from fiverr artists.

>> No.52349868

A well established reboot process?

>> No.52350309
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Can I keep a private wallet on Solana?

>> No.52350351
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I bet more interesting utilities will be drawn up for NFTs after private NFT auctions become a thing