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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 455x207, sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52339658 No.52339658 [Reply] [Original]

he's alive!


>> No.52339678

does he have a mental age of 7
who cares about his apology

>> No.52339681
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>That's the biggest thing

>> No.52339691 [DELETED] 
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top fucking kek

Our team is launching a CPU/GPU mineable (YescryptR16) Bitcoin Fork. It is ASIC resistant. It's our assumption that many former ETH miners may come to our network as we expand.

> This is a Coin, not a Token
> Launching in 11 Days
> Hundreds of Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers from Different Platforms
> Native Coin Social Media in the Works
> All Socials Have Been Established
> Website in Development
> Small CEX Listings Pending
> Airdrops are Available to Those Who Contribute

Pic related, hop on TG

>> No.52339698

In a year you are going to show people the picture of this dude and wont know who it is. 42 hour news cycle. this one is out

>> No.52339723

Oh no, here it comes.

>> No.52339727

Idk man this is catching on to normie news. I don’t know who would ever want to use FTX besides normies during this run

>> No.52339738

all is forgiven :) i love jews!

>> No.52339749
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>i really mean it trust me goys

>> No.52339754
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>> No.52339756

>fuck up
>say "i will do better"

>> No.52339774
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>> No.52339779

>FTX International currently has a total market value of assets/collateral higher than client deposits
Bold claim. The sort of claim you go to prison to for 20 years if it turns out to not be true. I'll believe it

>> No.52339785

>catching on to normie news.
So what? They have a weeklong attention span at most and have the patter recognition of a goldfish.

>> No.52339802

so they have enough assets to cover deposits it's just illiquid?
surely he can't just say this if it's not true but I am not an expert in hebrew

>> No.52339806

>poor internal labeling of bank-related accounts meant that I was substantially off on my sense of users' margin. I thought it was way lower
Lmao an exchange KNOWN FOR degen gambling claims it didn't know its users were degen gamblers. Hell he made it a point of pride that FTX was full of degens before

>> No.52339811

INVESTORS could be here", he thought to himself. "I've never been this illiquid before...there could be INVESTORS ANYWHERE". The cool wind felt good against his hooked nose. "I HATE investors" he thought to himself. "Always on the Run" reverberated through his private plane as it was being fueled, making it pulsate even as the bottle of chocolate oatmilk circulated through his powerful, thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of investors. "With your own token, you can fund anything" he thought to himself out loud.
>Someone do the needful and ship his head on the picture

>> No.52339813

This is an appeal to his owners not to the people. Fucking dirty rat.

>> No.52339826
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I bought cheap coins because of you. Do not feel sad, stay happy!

>> No.52339831


>> No.52339837

He can't, Shkreli went to prison for a much smaller misrepresentation of his business

>> No.52339841

This gives me hopium, hopefully they'll be able to liquidate it with some OTC deals.

Also they don't go to prison.

>> No.52339843

he obviously is a liar and a manipulator and he is most definitely not sorry
the whole thing was orchestrated, all the back and forth between cz and sbf is just for show. don't let them fool you

>> No.52339858

>I'm sorry
ok now hes just fucking with us, kinda based honestly

>> No.52339866

Samson Option

>> No.52339878

ok well since he's sorry I guess he should keep all his ill gotten gains and not be jailed or summarily executed and everything is now going to end happily ever after

>> No.52339882

>bribes politicians to kill Binance
>bribes media such as reuters to write character assasination articles on CZ and his kids
>CZ still wins
Chinese people truly are the apex predators

>> No.52339886
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Wait did this semitic nigga just claim that he expected his users to average at zero leverage? That's not even technically possible is it

>> No.52339889

jewish pilpul, he's laying the groundwork for another scam

>> No.52339896

ftx could be worth infinite amounts, they print their own fucking net worth. Who in their right mind would buy up FTT and sol tokens?

>> No.52339908

Awwwww. He said sorry you guys... All is forgiven man dont worry about those that roped themselves

>> No.52339917

apology accepted. we all make mistakes

>> No.52339918

why did CZ back out if FTX global is in the black after liquidity is sorted out

>> No.52339919

only issue is FTX international is under bahamas law

>> No.52339923

Pharmabro isn’t a jew

>> No.52339931

This man is going to have a target on his back for the rest of his life

>> No.52339952

Sam is a psycho and a pussy bitch at the same time

>> No.52339964

I think he's saying he thought they had 0 leverage on the customer accounts when it was actually 2x leverage

>> No.52339971

well it's an admission that he kept only 24x a single day's withdrawals
he should have a 1:1 backing of all user funds which should be way more than that on any exchange
is he gonna say he has less liquid assets to sell to cover?

>> No.52339985
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Why do I feel bad for him?

>> No.52339991

Do you think Google hates that Bing exists? They love Bing, they can point to it and tell regulators they're not a monopoly

>> No.52339994
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>Bold claim. The sort of claim you go to prison to for 20 years if it turns out to not be true. I'll believe it

>> No.52340000

oh god i hope this is a suicide note

>> No.52340006

>kike got outjewed by a chink

>> No.52340010

>we have assets/collateral but it's illiquid
>also we can't promise you that we will be able to get liquidity, we're going around begging for loans
Wait what? So he has illiquid assets but he can't promise to make them liquid? How does that work? What can stop him from selling those illiquid assets over some period of time? What the fuck does he own that he can't sell in a week or a month? A satellite currently in orbit?

>> No.52340033

>you now remember that Larry David FTX ad

>> No.52340036

his comments on Alameda are sus. It seems like they fucked up hard and may have been the root cause of all this.

But yeah seems like there is hope for FTX users

>> No.52340040

>What can stop him from selling those illiquid assets over some period of time?
Nobody wants them. A real company would mark them down to $0.

>> No.52340044

Oh no he's fucking retarded

>> No.52340049

Is this why FTT is pumping rn?

>> No.52340053
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This man emits total confidence. I will definitely invest with him again.

>> No.52340054

imagine if they are completely insolvent and this still holds up in court lmao

>> No.52340074

>he's alive!

>> No.52340082
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no. Does anybody remember who this fellow is?

>> No.52340094
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>> No.52340100

If I ever see this kike in public I am going to slit his throat. He'd better be very careful with his remaining wealth to stay out of the public eye and sequestered behind several layers of physical security.

If not, I am going to scalp his disgusting jewfro off his skull and wear it like a hat.

>> No.52340101

*nᵒᵗ ᶠᶦnᵃnᶜᶦᵃˡ ᵃᵈᵛᶦᶜᵉ

>> No.52340103

Apologizing is useless. He and Caroline are going to jail.

>> No.52340113


>> No.52340164

>"we will not gamble with user funds"
>gamble with user funds
>your gambling fails
>lie about it, lie that funds are safe
>funds are gone
>"wtf how could CZ do this?!?"

I don't get it

>> No.52340173
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lmao, the crypto space is a kindergarten.

>> No.52340179

It all goes back to the original scheme where Alameda had a gigantic hole in its books because it was doing the same degenerate trading that got Celsius killed. The solution was to activate at least $4 billion in FTT that had been airdropped to Alameda when it was first created, and then use that FTT as collateral to "borrow" customer deposits from FTX. That way the balance sheet remains balanced; FTX loses $4 billion in customer deposits but "gains" $4 billion in "loans" secured by FTT as collateral, and Alameda gets $4 billion in liquid coins to cover its losses, and in the liability side it has the $4 billion IOU to FTX.

The problem is that FTT is so illiquid that if you ever tried to sell it to get even a fraction of that $4 billion, it would crash the price to zero. It also has limited use cases so there is basically zero organic interest in it; the price was probably at least in part bumped up by wash-trading orchestrated by FTX.

>> No.52340190

>still blaming CZ
What a piece of shit

>> No.52340220
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>> No.52340221

apology accepted!

>> No.52340226

Luckily, nobody on biz should have gotten caught pants down on this whole thing for many anons warning for literally the last year and then some, right? kek

>> No.52340231


>> No.52340237

lot of dooming here but I think SBF and FTX will end up okay. He apologized, the situation seems less dire than the media's making it out to be, and they're going to do right by their customers.

Basically, all that happened is a big nothingburger.

>> No.52340238

ok shkreli you figured it out

>> No.52340266
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>> No.52340282

yeah so alameda was definitely doing the weird shit. Why wind it down? They clearly fucked up majorly

yeah I think there is a decent probability that people will get their money back

>> No.52340287

The walk of shame.
Greedy basterd.

>> No.52340300 [DELETED] 

motherfuckers playing league, give me back my money you piece of shit

>> No.52340327

He's a Jew. Now you do.

>> No.52340331

>The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.52340338

Sorry doesn’t pay the bills.

>> No.52340346

This, but they are goldfishes, niggercattle goyfarm.

>> No.52340351

>-8 billion
>everything will be fine
lmao even
Protip FTX just had it's tether frozen because the police are investigating
It's fucking over

>> No.52340352

>Why wind it down?
Because all their creditors are going after them and after this shitshow they're not getting any new investors.

>I think there is a decent probability that people will get their money back
People will definitely get some of it back, but they're going to take a large haircut because FTX simply does not have the funds to cover every simple deposit.

>> No.52340362
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his logic is: if cz didn't FUD us on twitter (and kept $FTT at $22), we'd all be okay!

>> No.52340379
File: 15 KB, 297x304, Osaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nakadashi Osaka

>> No.52340405

That’s gross you might catch a lice infestation

>> No.52340417

he's not making sense desu, wtf is he even saying

>> No.52340428

>I fucked up
The only thing you fucked up was getting caught. The real problem is that you pulled a ton of massive scams you fat, faggoty piece of shit.

>> No.52340430

That's fair enough honestly. Everyone deserves a second chance. He's only young, everyone makes mistakes when they're young. At least he is being transparent and has apologised publicly. I'm pretty sure CZ has way more skeletons in his closet anyway, he should be investigated ASAP.

>> No.52340439

Lmao, he's going to prison for securities fraud.
You don't create an $8,000,000,000 ponzi-scheme without facing any legal repercussions.

>> No.52340449

in his tweet he said he's in talks with multiple parties (LOIs, term sheets, etc). I think they find a buyer and it gets sorted

>> No.52340457

Does anybody know where this cocksucker is? How long before they can get a red notice out on him?

>> No.52340458

So let me get this straight. He gambles with his user funds, often against his user positions to feed his cascade liquidation scheme;
When the jig is up and he is about to be shafted, he shorts USDT in one of the scammiest moves ever seen (sell USDT to USDC and then borrow USDT against his USDC to short more), not with his own funds, but instead WITH HIS STOLEN USER FUNDS AGAIN; And when people realize it and CZ starts (along tether) to block his obvious manipulation, he still refuses to apologize properly and gives us this ?

This guy, is every bit as much of a scam and evil as 4chan ever said. No wonder he is brazenly defended by MSM.

>> No.52340471

keep dooming. SBF is not a bad guy.

>> No.52340491

Based Sam

>> No.52340494

I'm not too optimistic about him being able to find a buyer that can cover an $8 billion hole, but it would certainly be nice for people with money in FTX if he does. What would be hilarious is if he finds a buyer who has been doing the exact same scam as him and puts up a wash-traded illiquid shitcoin as collateral for the purchase.

>> No.52340498


>> No.52340501

not the 99% newniggers here, and I even here since 16 :D

>> No.52340513

he is jewish, im sure his tribe will protect him

>> No.52340520

someone give me the rundown
did this fag overleverage himself or something?

>> No.52340529

>He gambles with his user funds
It seems like what happened was he gambled with his own money, lost massively when 3AC and Luna popped, and only then seized FTX user funds to cover his gigantic losses.

>> No.52340538
File: 44 KB, 963x306, sbfftx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read: i put most user funds on a huge margin short just before announcing the liquidity crunch and suppressing withdrawals, and at $16,800 per BTC, we're winning! no need to thank me!!

>> No.52340541

He sounds like a mind broken rat who's still trying to weasel his way out of his predicament

>> No.52340544

>"The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"
/pol/ isn't always right, or even sometimes right these days, but some thing still hold true.

>> No.52340555

No one believes he wasn't evil. Even the normies now are having a hard time after he stole their money

>> No.52340574

like why else would the VALUE of FTX's reserves vary compared to user deposits? obviously he used his users funds to trade against his users

>> No.52340578

Bernie Madoff was Jewish too.
Jews will absolutely abandon you if you cause them to lose money.

>> No.52340625

What you people fail to understand is that nobody lost more than him from the collapse of FTX.

If he says he's sorry, it means he's sorry. Don't fucking punish him, he has been through enough already.

>> No.52340627

He communicates at a high school level holy shit

>> No.52340639

the liquidity varies widely bro

>> No.52340654

Let me guess, gone to live in Israel.

>> No.52340669

With lose(ers) you jews.

>> No.52340672


...he and Carolina are going to jail.

>> No.52340694

a jew. tomorrow he will be genuinely surprised at how you can't remember that he was right.

>> No.52340700

Unironically, that's exactly what my Jewish wife said after I caught her in an affair--and I BELIEVED HER!--before she of course got caught by me again and I divorced her with no alimony.
Recognize fake apologies, it could save your life.
SBF would do it again if he could.

>> No.52340701
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If you fashion yourself a /biz/ poster and you've held any amount of crypto on any CEX, you need to go back.

>> No.52340726

Yep. He is the biggest loser in all of this. Imagine how he must feel knowing his name will be stained forever, for the rest of his life. You think he doesn't know he fucked up? Having to watch your back constantly for his remaining years. That kind of fate I do not wish on anyone, I truly do believe he's sorry.

>> No.52340732

Bernie Madoff also lost a shit-ton when his scheme collapsed. Almost every fraudster loses money (even though they gain a lot too).
Screenshot this: he is either going to get killed, or he's going to prison. There is no way to lose that much of investors money and get away with it scott-free. He absolutely committed several securities violations by being so careless with peoples money.

>> No.52340744

He's not sorry about the people's lives he's ruined (far more than just the user base of FTX, far more than even the crypto community), he's sorry that he got caught and that he ran out of people to betray or to scapegoat (such as 2 hours ago when he was shorting USDT). He's a piece of shit who hides behind good intentions.

>> No.52340752
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it's most likely margin loans to other crypto investors. Here's a quick rundown:

>Investor A deposits 1000 link into FTX
>Investor B wants to short link, asks FTX for a loan
>FTX says sure, we'll lend you the link so you can short it, but hey remember, you owe us that link so don't forget!

Now Investor A says he wants to stake his link elsewhere, but FTX say oops, we don't have the liquidity! Since FTX has perpetual futures they can't simply call up investor B and tell them to buy back the link they shorted.

Now this gets ten times worse when the collateral is FTT itself, as this is essentially FTX leveraging itself. When there's uncertainty and the share price begins to decrease, a death spiral can (and will as seen recently) occur. This is pic related.

>> No.52340755

>secure coms
Apparently politicians do this at times.

>> No.52340768

Hmmm, I wonder what contributed to that fellow goy

>> No.52340777

Lmao he’s going to live the rest of his little rat life seething that this chink took everything away from him

>> No.52340788

he didnt lose the money of US citizens which is where madoff fucked up so whos gonna send him to prison? he will just run to israel

>> No.52340837

so basically he wanted to larp as a bank and got a lesson on why we have glass stegal etc. and everyone remembered internet coins are fake money

>> No.52340848

what the fuck is this drama queen bullshit. back then capatalists were GANGSTER. yeah bankjew was a scamming piece of shit but cz burning his bookies should have absolutely been met with retaliations, GANGSTER style like gunfights, murder, sleeping with the fishes, those mafia stuffs. The 21st century is fucking gay and lame

>> No.52340887

He donated money to Dems who fucked the us economy and attempted to remove freedoms and regulate the crypto market.

>> No.52340893

So how the fuck is FTT up to $3 while all this is happening?

>> No.52340920

I always find it funny that Americans see this shit and just call it 'lobbying' instead of 'corruption'

>> No.52340926

Also, I forgot but he did lose US citizen's money through FTX US. So he's fucked either way

>> No.52340953

lmao "you won"
this faggot is just as autistic as the average retard here that thinks every argument or discussion is a "fight" that you have to win

>> No.52340957


>> No.52340964

falling knife catchers

>> No.52340980

if you use a foreign company to commit international crime you get the interpol on your ass
bahamas law my ass

>> No.52341002

They turned it into the clotshots and then they injected it back into you.

>> No.52341013

Because the crypto community is full of retards

>> No.52341087

>you get the interpol on your ass
arent they still busy tracking down people who copied VHS tapes?

>> No.52341095

Thats what people say about all of them lol.

>> No.52341097
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>> No.52341188

youll never do anything lol

>> No.52341217

cz has kids?

>> No.52341224


>> No.52341241


>> No.52341261

It’s so obvious too. The guy is a scheming piece of shit

>> No.52341311

SBF could give a fuck he will bribe his way to freedom with all your money anons
glad i stuck with kevin! kek

>> No.52341329

You do if you are a member of the banking clan and sent into crypto to destroy it.

>> No.52341358

The sad part is, when they make a movie about it Sam will be the protagonist and Cz the villain

>> No.52341380

The chink really is the Jew but stronger

>> No.52341387

Except CZ is not the one doing fractional reserve like a jewish rat. Hope this snarky fuck rots in jail for the rest of his life.

>> No.52341394

FTX next step is bankrupt

>> No.52341419

>should have done better
no, he should be sorry he existed

>> No.52341434

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

>> No.52341435

Hollywood is terrified to show China as anything but the hyper-compenent benevolent foreign superpower.

>> No.52341455

lunc tards

>> No.52341494

I am smiling because he's finally going to jail.

>> No.52341495

Based Changpeng Zhao The Jew Slayer

>> No.52341501

>goth titties
>teeny dong
is this fake?

>> No.52341552

"I'm sorry I got caught. I still have all my money.
And I'll do it again too, goy"

>> No.52341579

>if I win, I win
>if I lose, I make others lose instead
Sociopath logic.

>> No.52341598

>your own firm trading on your exchange
yeah definately nothing fishy, no conflict of interest there

>> No.52341639

Yes, everyone will listen and believe a corrupt jew scammer that got caught with his pants down stealing from the goyim.
FTX shills are the ultimate golem.

>> No.52341710
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>> No.52341720

If you have to cover for your losses, that wasn't your money to gamble with

>> No.52341736

looks like he used FTX international to bail out FTX US lol

>> No.52341738

Celebrate all you want, but CZ has shown himself to be one of the greatest antisemites of the current age, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. We're coming for you.

>> No.52341741

Take the jew cock off your mouth golem.
No wonder you are on your knees.

>> No.52341749

>I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling chink!

>> No.52341752

so it was paper trading/fractional reserve banking after all

>> No.52341770

These are the retards normies worship. Think about that.

>> No.52341825
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>> No.52341835

"Normies" have never heard of FTX.

>> No.52341854

I think the biggest thing is people losing all their money

>> No.52341861

What are you doing wasting time on 4chan you fat retarded fucking Jew. Go ferret around and find my fucking money.

>> No.52341869
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>> No.52341900

He's either going to jail or getting killed because he knows too much over his close ties to his dem buddies. Trust me, he WANTS to go to jail.

>> No.52341920

"sorry goys! (no refunds)"

>> No.52341940
File: 440 KB, 1530x501, sponsor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How widespread and protracted were their sponsorships at public venues?

>> No.52341941

Maybe they can turn it into a romance?

>> No.52341952

No. I want him to go to prison and to get fucked by Tyrone, Tyrell and T'Quayshawn, all at the same time

>> No.52341969

These are just Jewish tricks

>> No.52342031

American Handegg is a sport played and watched in one country, and how many people who watch handegg actually bother to look up what FTX was?
Well, I suppose now a lot more will find out, lel.

>> No.52342038

>The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.52342096

Sam would consider that a win-win

>> No.52342140

>He apologized
This. Everything is forgiven now. Move on.

>> No.52342151

hmmm should I trust this jew who just exit scammed or not. REALLY HARD TO FIGURE THIS OUT BROS SOMEONE HELP

>> No.52342205

>He's not sorry about the people's lives he's ruined (far more than just the user base of FTX, far more than even the crypto community)
Fun fact: the Ontario teachers pension plan had hundreds of millions in FTX.

>> No.52342241

>Bernie Madoff
His crime was that he particularly targeted jews for his scheme, and jews lost a disproportionate amount of money compared to the goyim. They wouldn't have cared so much if it was spread out.

>> No.52342286
File: 31 KB, 599x156, label.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying he thought he wasn't doing fractional reserve banking, but he now realizes he was.

And in the tweet above that one he gives us the reason why he thought so: He didn't label the accounts properly. Ooops. He totally wouldn't have gambled with his user's money if he only had properly labeled the money. Tragic.

>> No.52342291

>biggest thing I made booboo amd muh expectations
Literal fucking child

>> No.52342307

>get FUCKED goyim!!! Thanks for the billions of dollars I used to donate towards Jewish agenda

Is what he is really saying

>> No.52342317

>she of course got caught by me again and I divorced her with no alimony
How did that work out? In most places now, infidelity is totally irrelevant for alimony.

>> No.52342348

He said he was sorry bro just leave it.

>> No.52342383

he sowwy okay? stop bulli
yes your money is gone so what? look how sad he is thanks to (You)

>> No.52342421

Just made the picture but realized you typed private plane. I shopped it on the Family Express image where the guy's at the gas station...

>> No.52342425

> I uh should've communicated better
Wasn't he online playing LoL the whole day?

>> No.52342451
File: 488 KB, 546x640, INVESTORS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.52342524
File: 67 KB, 904x448, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with the democrat donation, what's the probability that this story will become huge politically?

>> No.52342615

congrats you've learned you are easily manipulable. Self-knowledge is power.

>> No.52342620

wow that's some serious incompetence. I used to admire this guy for being such a successful scammer, but he was retarded the entire time.

I guess Charles Hoskinson is my new favourite charlatan

>> No.52342677

There's stuff that goes over my head and shit, but isn't this a directly go to jail card?

>> No.52342760

>anti-democrat story
>become huge
Lmao yeah bro I'm sure their media will slander them, they're going to get real antisemitic on them too lmao

>> No.52342769

*clogged, fatty veins* and it's perfect.

>> No.52342881

What is with autists? do they literally not know anything about the world? This guy is megarich and he's just tweeting himself? He doesn't have an entire team of lawyers marketers and publicists advising him and controlling his public statements? Why are these guys like that LOL this would be the first thing I start doing if I had even a fraction of these guys wealth and public notoriety. They're dumber than teeny bopper pop stars.

>> No.52342938

will he apologize for lobbying and pushing for regulation

>> No.52343100

This is not a paid bot, it’s sbf himself

>> No.52343134

I lost $30,000

>> No.52343193

Fucking cringe

>> No.52343314

on FTX?

>> No.52343352

1) He said he's sorry. This experience has been stressful enough.

2) Users are the number 1 priority. He has to work on paying them back.

>> No.52343382

"you won", hahahahaha; I love this kike!

>> No.52343423
File: 268 KB, 370x411, 1668043633426536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys, just a little 8 billion dollar racketeering ring is all. Now a lot of people have done me wrong in the last few days but I forgive them. Let's move on

>> No.52343428
File: 82 KB, 606x644, 232bmnda7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, braindead normalfags BTFO'd make my dick hard; I will cum a lot today.

>> No.52343492

what compelled you to support FTX to begin with?

>> No.52343957

you're telling me a semite crypto billionaire millenial has no social media photos of him in a private plane?

>> No.52344065

Anon, his name is Bankman. He donated to the dems. The chances of him going to jail let alone be charged with a crime are zero.

>> No.52344271

How is he going to eat? He needs to pay for his restaurant or grocery bill with money from his FTX account. It's his only option. How is this poor man going to eat?

>> No.52344497

>One of the largest democratic campaign contributors.
>The son of a campaign manager or something.
>did I mention Jewish?
There won't be jail, there won't even be a sham trial. He'll just leave the country and live a quiet life across the ocean.

>> No.52344618

That's a weird way to spell Israel but ok

>> No.52344620

A muslim chinck in fact !!! Isnt it funny? lmaoo

>> No.52344638

>>The son of a campaign manager or something.
Son of 2 Jewish Stanford professors

>> No.52344655

I mean as shady as FTX was Jews have a history of getting away with shady shit and building empires. It wasn't a bad bet. I held SOL at one time with that exact reasoning. Solded it a lot time ago and made a nice profit, lost all of that since, was gambling on shitcoins

>> No.52344686
File: 219 KB, 1656x931, 1668074436697529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's alive
For now. A lot of angry people in the world right now.

>> No.52344725

Oh my god that body shape is just splendid.

>> No.52344749

This guy will be fine. His name alone is now enough to make money through book and movie royalties for the rest of his life. Remember he's a jew.

>> No.52344775

Tabasco or Caroline will probably be sent to jail to calm down the peasants who lost their money but Sam donated so much to politics that he has a get-out-of-jail free card. They will hold a congress hearings and hear his little sob story about how he made a little mistake and didnt know Alameda was leveraging the way they were. Then DoJ goes after the Alameda execs and the story is done

>> No.52344779

>book and movie royalties
i'm sure the people who lost all their money will simply laugh it off

>> No.52344790

>FTX Chief Executive Sam Bankman-Fried said in investor meetings this week that Alameda owes FTX about $10 billion, people familiar with the matter said. FTX extended loans to Alameda using money that customers had deposited on the exchange for trading purposes, a decision that Mr. Bankman-Fried described as a poor judgment call, one of the people said.

Lol. What a fucking retard. Wild he worked at jane street.

>> No.52344798

Tobias is the least Jewish one so he's probably done now

>> No.52344813

he money trap in ftx .. he have no fresh money only rotten money .. he was not able to withdrawn .. when he eat ??

>> No.52344815

Caroline getting promoted to CEO only a few months before shit went down makes me think Sam and Tabasco may have chosen her as the scapegoat

>> No.52344847

So when he said
>We have enough assets to cover user deposits
he meant
>I owe myself 10 billion, therefore I have 10 billions in non-liquid assets. Ignore my alter ego who has a 10 billion liability, he already lost that money anyway.

>> No.52344848

Caroline about to spend 1000 years in federal pound me in the ass prison

>> No.52344899

Goyim always forget

>> No.52344904

This isn't nazi Germany you incel. You can't send jews to jail just because you don't like them.

>> No.52344912
File: 110 KB, 1094x746, FhNiGBkWIAEZpIh (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which will be short as obviously he was astroturfed by jews so will be epsteined. Blackrock and mossad wont want anyone noticing too hard

>> No.52344949

How greedy do you have to be to gamble with free money as a billionaire? Like, nigga, you’re an unregulated bank with the money of suckers, just enjoy the ride.

>> No.52344992

Alot of people roped in last 48 hours as I understand as well. Intentional or not, it is not a small matter.

>> No.52345013
File: 117 KB, 1200x630, youtube-shooting-1392x731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's the thing. It's all fun and games until a person with nothing left to lose shows up at their door step.

>> No.52345027

I’m shorting hard as fuck, doubled down this local bottom. just this morning I found out the Reddit kikes that run the nodes forced staked wallets to auto stake. How much SOL is in FTX/Alameda balance sheet? Should I have shorted FTT instead?

>> No.52345049

solana is slowly burning bridge with ftx. but i still never gonna trust that outage coin

>> No.52345070

Also, how much of SOL is controlled by SBF/AR? I know it’s a centralized piece of shit that can’t scale but anyone have any idea how much is under SBF control? Once FTX officially declared chapter 11 and SBF is in the news with law enforcement I have a feeling it’s gonna LUNA

>> No.52345129

Luna died because it lost the usecase as a coin backing the stable, as the stable depegged. SOL won't lose the usecase unless the network itself dies which would be completely unrelated to anything Sam does

>> No.52345143

>I’m shorting hard as fuck, doubled down this local bottom. j
Whats your average entry price?

>> No.52345160

Whoever buys what this ratfink kike is saying right now is an idiot. He knew what he was doing, (((gambling))) with the goyim's money, and he doesn't give a shit. He's only upset that he got found out and it blew up in his face.

>> No.52345163
File: 3 KB, 264x48, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I actually think he's going to get away with this. FTX US is fully backed. As long as the damn mutts can withdraw, I reckon he'll be alright. He probably figured this out too: gamble with FTX INTL's funds and keep FTX US safe.

>> No.52345176


>> No.52345228

Willing to bet Sam has big SOL bags he’s gonna have to dump, I believe he does put in a lot of time and money into maintaining solana, and if he were to disappear a big player would be out and and smaller fish will have to see how they handle a 4 Petrabyte per year blockchain while the prices don’t recover
I’d expect a lot more outages and demoralization, it could possibly be another dragonchain

>> No.52345232
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>> No.52345251

>I don't know any facts
exactly what a fucking piece of shit

>> No.52345252

god i hate plebbit tier boomers like this so much its unreal

>> No.52345255

Meant to say doubled down at local top which was a few hours ago, my first entry is around 18.80

>> No.52345261

Israel does not extradite for financial crimes.

>> No.52345267

>solo challenger jungle
kinda based

>> No.52345285
File: 24 KB, 594x354, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's another jewish billionaire scammer. he instadeleted that

>> No.52345288

not yet

>> No.52345305
File: 7 KB, 263x192, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wtf does this mean? Is he saying that everything that is coming out of his mouth is bullshit, so don't take his word for it?


>> No.52345317

>Bernie Madoff plead guilty. We have to give him credit for his accountability here. It reflects well on him

>> No.52345332

the hooked nose vegan was left hanging lol

>> No.52345338

>Meant to say doubled down at local top
So about $18 avg? You might make it, good luck.

>> No.52345340

In english, Doc.

>> No.52345355

This is the funniest shit in the world.

>> No.52345363
File: 529 KB, 576x704, 1668027696514013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews protecting their own tribe.

>> No.52345394
File: 85 KB, 800x900, 1516252001056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was an accident we are so sorry

>> No.52345443

that gg

>> No.52345469

I hear a /pol/cel kvetching

>> No.52345481

>22 tweets of pilpul
not gonna read that shit

>> No.52345507

Sorry goys no hard feelings

>> No.52345532

whos going to prosecute him?
Merrick Garfinkle? lol?

>> No.52345537


>> No.52345586
File: 1.03 MB, 565x720, 1662405360802503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like he won anon,
"Let that Chink in"

>> No.52345585

lol lol lol

who is scooping up cheapies?

>> No.52345612

Yeah it'll dump but it won't straight up disappear into thin air like Luna. As long as the network works there's value in it

>> No.52345739

you didn't just fuck up jackass. you need to commit seppuku to redeem yourself

>> No.52345783
File: 61 KB, 625x352, sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52345789
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1621172547703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that money you lost went to the biden campaign

>> No.52345790

Yeah I guess somewhere on the way to the grocery store his cash had to make a quick stop at FTX. makes sense

>> No.52345815

that would be cultural appropriation

>> No.52345831

I wish a nigga would ffs please

>> No.52345898

Gimme back my 60k and we will call it even.
You got about 300 anons here after me as well you son of a bitch.

>> No.52345941

Imgine unironically holding a large position on an exchange

>> No.52345986

Oh no i wasn't holding on FTX but this faggot caused the 21 crash twice and kept liquidating the market making it impossible to make money netting me in a total of 60k losses throughout these two years.
TLDR he owes me 60k

>> No.52346068

so Enron only collapsed because of FUD?

>> No.52346130

Holy shit all the nigger faggots in here thinking chinks are stronger than Jews need to re-evaluate that information. For the past few decades Israel is the main reason why China has gotten as close as they have to the US in technology. Without our greatest ally to sell out our secrets from behind our backs to them and others. You know in the typical Jewish fashion of playing both sides as they do. The Chinese would have never come close to where they are now even with 50 years of their own. Even now they still seek outsiders not beholden to nation state entities to help increase their understanding and efficiency in a lot of different technologies. A great reminder of this facet is what is currently happening with specific semiconductor and microchip technologies. A sole country within Europe is a main manufacture of a specific set of blueprints for a special type of hardware that puts our technology a decade or so ahead in terms of computational power and processing. But they at the institute that has the only known methods to create the most efficient hardware in those fields estimate it is only a matter of time before China 'figures it out on their own,' because, in the end it comes down to some bullshit about math and physics.

China didn't come up on their own like the fake nigger rags to riches story you dumb ape fuckers.

>> No.52346177

>Chinese people truly are the apex predators
No they aren't, that would be the escalator

>> No.52346203
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>> No.52346238

he’s really trying to shift blame huh

>> No.52346239

Israel didn't even exist when China built half of its empires. The had a bronze age empire, did YOUR country have a bronze age empire? China is unironically the greatest living empire on this planet, it's just the western hubris that won't allow anglos to agnowledges it. Imagine comparing Israel to China lmao

>> No.52346261
File: 63 KB, 600x515, 5845ca511046ab543d25238a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laugh cuz i dont fucking fuck w FTX and that fucking fat cunt going to jail

>> No.52346264


based nakadashi Osaka enjoyer

>> No.52346295

Old empires came and went. Who gives the fuck about what Mongolians or Aztecs did thousand years ago: they don't have relevant achievements in the last century.

>> No.52346757

Jews can't do crypto because there's too much missed profit opportunities flying around left or right causing physical pain. They only pull it off in regular markets because of the Fed.

>> No.52347150
File: 3 KB, 217x148, WhatsApp Image 2022-05-27 at 2.18.51 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit niggas reading twitter it looks like this is just the beginning, this shit is going to blow up, hopefully tether doesnt implode with this shit, that would be the end of crypto

When its finally confirmed that FTX has exit scammed, BTC is going to drop hard

>> No.52347278

the chinks have spent the last couple thousand years getting bent over and then fucking each other over at the behest of their invaders

>> No.52347289

Hat. Like a yarmulke?

>> No.52347329
File: 197 KB, 1409x2048, 251847041_1225129681229039_4232062280170021862_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits and SBF spends the next 10-15 getting loved tenderly in jail

>> No.52347411

This is one reason I prefer perpdex like gmx and Takepile, truly speaking, not your keys, not your funds.

>> No.52348158
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, D00E5E43-3275-4FD0-B1E0-FE31892B96DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude China is going take over the world by 2050
>t. Anglo

>> No.52349722
File: 19 KB, 651x141, 20221110234333000345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52349803

million times this

>> No.52350056

What an irredeemable piece of shit
Ticker: FTT

>> No.52350117

>I'm not a criminal I'm just a fucking retard

>> No.52350148

Are they hiring?

>> No.52350269

China's population pyramid is fucked, like Russia. They might get desperate and start a Logan's Run kind of thing to kill off the dependent old chinks. Wait a minute, is that what Corona was for?

>> No.52350354

you need to understand that his kind is not used to loosing because they have subverted everyone else to do as they say or manipulate them to do as they say.

now for the first time in his life he has to face the consequences of his BS and will throw all the sissyfits known to man until eventually pulling out his victim trump card and saying it was anti semitic.

>> No.52350401

nobody ever does, if people were truly held accountable for the shit they do and offed instead of hiding behind hordes of lawyers and bulletproof cars, private jets and private neighbourhoods the world wouldn't be were it's at.

>> No.52350499

rich people don't go to "jail" and specially not if their mommy is connected to the elite.

that's why it's still funny how chuds defend this corrupt system to the core to put someone in jail for petty theft that might ruin his whole life and chance of anything forever, yet you see rich bastards getting off left and right and evading tax everywhere while putting others into economic misery.

>> No.52350568

From what I understand in Chinaland elderly depend on kids rather than state handouts. So elderly aren't that big of a drain on country's budget, they'll just make young generations quality of life worse but they're used to it

>> No.52350656

>last couple thousand years
Typical misinformed product of anglo education. Chinamen had Shang dynasty in the bronze age, then came the shitty warring states period, then they had Han empires during antiquity, then the shitty three kingdoms period, then Tang/Song medieval dynasties, then shitty mongol invasion period, then colonial era Ming dynasty, then the shitty western invasion period you're referring to, and now they're back again. The cycle of
>ebin empire - time of strife - ebin empire -...
repeats again and again in Chinese history for 3000+ years.

>> No.52351237

Cricket world cup happening right now with FTX as the biggest sponsor. Second biggest sporting event in the world (after soccer).

>> No.52351493

The kike says he's sorry, take your knee off his neck a little bit.

>> No.52351799

All "Chinese" achievements were Aryan. Genghis Khan was white and redheaded. The "Great Wall of China" protected THE NORTH from THE SOUTH. It was not built by China.

You are a kike and should be hanged in the street.

>> No.52351819

The story is getting crazier and crazier. At this point I can't even believe some of the shit I'm reading
But it's really
It's gonna make for an incredible movie

>> No.52351848
File: 27 KB, 400x400, kKsevK-7_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me kek

>> No.52351869


>> No.52351883
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 1660897285381230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuk

>> No.52351919

Don't be left hanging when this house of cards collapses on Monday
You've been warned

>> No.52352558

wow he's so generous. thank you bank man

>> No.52353469

Pls this

>> No.52353674

The (((media))) is already front running him as a victim and good guy. Nothing will happen.