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52335087 No.52335087 [Reply] [Original]

if you didnt sell when this shit was 50 bucks you are a greedy kike who deserve everthing

>> No.52335103

This is true but it will also be $50 again - at which point it will still be true.

>> No.52335111

>who deserve everthing
thank you bro

>> No.52335167

>This is true but it will also be $50 again
Nah. It will survive in some form as it is connected to hedera but the whole legacy eth btc animalcoin difi thing is dead and legit adoption of enterprise and gov software is all that matters. DiFi was supposed to be links big moment and it did not even have staking ready and its been five years now. The network is live and in use and really had little effect on token supply which is huge. Its real price is a cup of coffee so sub 5$ at the moment at best and before linkies get mad at sergey and the team that's all they ever said a link utility token should be

>> No.52335174

>sub 5$ at the moment at best
This this! So much this!

>> No.52335210

>If you didn't sell the exact top of (insert any crypto here) you are a greedy kike

>> No.52335267

Because I never planned to sell anything until 2025 at the earliest.
That’s why I only buy BTC, LINK, ETH, and boomer funds with my 401k- all things that will be around and strong in the next 5-10 years.
The rest of you can cozy up to the pump and dump Jew freaks and flush your money down the toilet.

>> No.52335294

eth and btc are a waste of money there is no technological, financial, economic or legal reason for them to have a future, none. Not even darknet shit

>> No.52335301
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Not in this life linkie

>> No.52335358

The board picked up on the WEF and his book back then because it was outstanding to see a crypto mentioned connected to anything that was not a basement dwelling weed dealer and it was seen as awsome that something big and grown up mentioned a crypto and it was a crumb to buy not some negative like your skitzo babble conspiritard wank /pol/meme implies. However Hedera has won the corporate/governance/wef etc respectable badge and link is just an ancillary to it further there is no particular reason that link or hbar will ever need to be worth more than they are now.

>> No.52335363

50 is too much, shoulda sold @ around 30

>> No.52336031

Sold at $35 anons, how did I do?

>> No.52336077

You seem upset

>> No.52336089
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globohomo is going to zero

>> No.52336105

>multiple top 50 projects literally collapsing in the biggest happening in half a decade
>/biz/ still filled with people obsessively fixated on how this is bad for chainlink
fudders have completely disconnected from reality. Complete pathological delusions. Nolinker derangement syndrome seems to have utterly obliterated the minds of a few people here.

>> No.52336118

i sold most of it between 6-20 and then the rest somewhere above 40
can't complain
lost a tonne of that now though

>> No.52336357

Russia is going to zero along with people who speak in its distorted conspiritard skizo subversion memes so you gobohomo vatnik rouble zog tranny dilate jew cuck kike your way into your trench in ukraine for your glorious leader putin and die there and the rest of us will get on with civilisation. If youa re acyttuall in the USA or Eu though consider this. you are a gullible brainless retard.

>> No.52336747
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2025 is no long term, fag. Low caps also have some potential in the long term especially projects that focus on blockchain adoption via web3.LINK doesn't look good in any bag. Hang yourself, you pathetically worthless scum

>> No.52336920

Nuclear war could break out and the catalogue would be filled with how it's bad for the Chainlink token price

>> No.52336940

that's because the nuclear war would have only broken out in direct response to chainlink pumping.

>> No.52337401

how does $81000 per link token sound