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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52334834 No.52334834 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52334885

>proper and orthodox
his sniveling voice, his lisping, the insecure body language, his disregard for personal hygiene, his bitch tits and zero charisma.

VCs are butthurt because they stupidly mistook sam's flaws as him being a rough diamond

>> No.52334937

this is literally me

>> No.52334947

and here we're butthurt because we called it but still couldn't get the right position to massively profit from it

>> No.52334965

b-b-but he gave away his fortune

>> No.52335617
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took billionnaires vcs three years to realize what nazi neets saw instantly

>> No.52335632
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>he didn't short ftt sol srm on sunday

>> No.52335684

People really trusted this limp-wristed faggot neckbeard jew with billions of dollars. How stupid do you have to be? I take one look at him and I think "rat." If the first animal you think to compare someone with is a rat that should be warning enough.

>> No.52335704

Most billionaires are trust-fund normalfags I guess

>> No.52335719

That's a great quote. Look at all the social media virtue signalling, many of those people are privately guilty of the things they tirade against. But it works, people somehow believe you if you confidently lie to their face

>> No.52336685

You really think this whole thing is random and organic retard?

>> No.52336728

strange how /biz/, a group of autists, was able to see through SBF better than normies who are supposed to have more emotional intelligence

>> No.52336750

"emotional intelligence" doesn't exist

>> No.52336825

>strange how /biz/, a group of autists, was able to see through SBF
Completely false. Hate was largely ironic, about his body and being a jew. /biz/ was praising him as an investor and trader if anything.

>> No.52336857

yeah it does
t. retard with autism who apparently had a bunch of people loving him in the past and didnt even realize until year laters when people confessed

>> No.52336943

love also doesn't exist

>> No.52337128

words and thoughts also dont exist so shut the fuck up and get back to consooming faggot

>> No.52337211

Lol, no.

>> No.52337279

>Completely false. Hate was largely ironic, about his body and being a jew. /biz/ was praising him as an investor and trader if anything.

/biz probably thought he was a cool fellow nerd

>> No.52337390

That's just being in your head too much and having a low self confidence, consciously I always was good at reading the signs, but I sometimes thought maybe it's just in my head.

>> No.52337451

>/biz probably thought he was a cool fellow nerd
It didn't?
Holy fuck where do all those retarded newfags suddenly come from?

>> No.52337476

Choose one.
Real nerds look like money skelly.

>> No.52337495

Skinnyfat is actual nerdcore

>> No.52337578
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Fatties are animals with no impulse control.
They are the same kind of people who yell "I hecking luv soience!" and contribute nothing, while nerds who are really into intellectual stuff do not stuff their bodies beyond their calorie intake needs.

>> No.52337728

Physiognomy? Man the name "Bankman" on a crypto dude should of set off every red alarm.

>> No.52337788

fuck off redditor, KYS

>> No.52337795

it's ftx employees coping

>> No.52337831

"Respectable to a fault"? The dude couldn't even tie his own shoelaces.

>> No.52337868

what the fuck are VCs? stop talking like a zoomer.

>> No.52337890

>obviously extremely volatile investments
>tons of examples of fraud in the market already
All of you are retards and you will all be fleeced again, because retards who get burned without learning their lesson will be burned again and again and again.
That is, if you have any money left to get tricked out of.

>> No.52337908

That doesn't sound bussin.

>> No.52337945


>> No.52338009

you didn't answer so you don't know either. kill yourself.

>> No.52338097

Every fucking day I remember all the scenarios in which I was completely oblivious

>> No.52338101

How the fuck are you on a business and finance board without knowing what venture capital is? It's literally the first answer when you google VC. This may be the worst post I've seen in the last month here.

>> No.52338128

lmao you had to google it. congratulations on being a third world moron who has to do work himself

>> No.52338289

post nose schlomo

>> No.52338330

Nobody has to google it because they're not a retard like you.

>> No.52338545

You are such a gigantic fucking mouthbreathing moron that you think someone telling you NOT to participate in an obvious fraudulent market is the same person who just tricked you out of your money. I think "imbecile" is the best word to describe someone like you. You will never make any money trading, believe me. You don't have the brains for it.

>> No.52338673

Is a16z crypto based, give it to me straight bros

>> No.52339483

>t.googling brainlet

>> No.52339697

no we never liked him here. guy came out of nowhere i had hardly heard of him then all of a sudden he shows up and ive been here for 5 years everyday shitposting in crypto

>> No.52340219

what phenotype is this?

>> No.52340440

Never trust any of you fools, never trust my own friends or family. Not when it comes to money, it's all poker face (or for the exception of being here - no face). I can give you no financial advice, i can only remind you of your mortality and the time allowed to you, use it with love.

>> No.52341726

you are a dumb ass and do not represent the general views of 4chan. Lurk more and don't fucking post faggot.

>> No.52342608

Highlighting these posts so everyone can observe this historic moment.

>> No.52342656

yeah this all the jew hate was ironic haha

>> No.52342749

Assuming you're not just baiting, you are the lowest IQ poster we have ever had on this board, congratulations

>> No.52342781

this quote is literally too much for my literal 100IQ (probably a few points lower since I last took it)

>> No.52342788

Imagine the huge string loads that he produces

>> No.52342820

Absolutely not. He is repulsive in both appearance and action and has been since the start. Work on your intuitive ability.

>> No.52342858

>IM one of the GOOD jews you cant just hate ALL jews because IM one of the GOOD ones

>> No.52342894

You're just assblasted that antisemitism has once again been vindicated.

>> No.52342918

you would have made a lot if you sold the enormous gains he did

>> No.52342952

I don't get it. Is that suppose to be a complement or a criticism? Or one of those literary "you decides"

>> No.52342957

hello newfag
>why is he so altruistic bros
was an attempted forced meme that instantly got shit on

>> No.52342990

What /biz/ are you browsing? almost everyone here hated him for fucking with crypto and they hated alameda.

>> No.52343186
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>> No.52343271

andreessen is going to merc his bitch ass

>> No.52343287

short it on what platform lol?

>> No.52343735

seethe and dilate, you retarded trannies.

>> No.52343771
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dont let this distract from the fact that marc looks like an egg

>> No.52343903

>browses a business and finance board and has yet to learn the most basic acronyms associated with business and finance
shiggy diggy

>> No.52344534

I was posting about how someone should murder him for the last month and I don't and never have even owned anything on FTX or traded options, those posts were motivated solely by the repulsion his appearance and persona conveyed in me, like an ancestral rejection of his phenotype.

>> No.52344654

ok zoomer tranny