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5233338 No.5233338 [Reply] [Original]

So we got this candidate, my manager wanted me to interview him for a software developer position.

Holy shit he was weird, his answers were not bad but it felt like he was reciting his stuff by heart. His intonation was weird, he felt like a robot.

The cultural gap is too big with those guys. I feel better because I now know the indian developer meme is just that, a meme. They will not compete with local ones.

>> No.5233434

Did you teach him how people go to bathrooms in the civilized world?

>> No.5233476

Interesting but this might be better suited for >>>/g/

>> No.5233505

>Now Pragjesh, please demonstrate how and where you would naturally shit in an office environment

>> No.5233526

you only met one of them, that's not a large enough sample size to produce any meaningful demographic trends from. if you were worried before, but speaking to this single individual totally changed your mind, then you are a flaky person

>> No.5233550

From a fellow software engineer, you might want to test him properly (beyond questions he can answer from memory).

Apparently Indian universities don't really teach you how to program, as long as you can memorise what they tell you (including entire programs, no shit they just memorize how to write that exact program rather than knowing how).

Most indians I've interviewed have been beyond useless outside code monkey roles.

>> No.5233610

wait until the american born indian comes sir

>> No.5233657


>> No.5233730


>> No.5233815

all the pajeets ive ever worked with were exactly like how OP explains it. scripted, over reaching without any qualifications

>> No.5234013

hHAHAHAhahahA one da, your wife will dump you for an indian guy. your daughters will date pajeet and suck his indian kok. your sons will be cucked by him. how does it feel, white "aryan" boy? How does it feel to be replaced? HAHAHAH racist scum.

>> No.5234089

Like 50% of posts on 4chan I cant tell if its a guy pretending to be retarded or an actual retarded one.

>> No.5234102

>Software Developer
>Like a robot
>Doesn't fit

Guys, I found the DAU

>> No.5234191

Guess you need to lurk more then, there's no way pajeet can write that well.

>> No.5234313

you fuck yuo bich

>> No.5234331

Indians have 0 (zero) realization of the concept personal space.

It's a concept that's just completely foreign to them. I'll be standing in a 2 person line, just me and the Indian gentleman, and they will be breathing down my neck. It's infuriating. We have plenty of space here in American, Vikram. You can take 4 or 20 steps backward you motherfucker.

>> No.5234353

did i get job

>> No.5234381

fuck you my friend jus because indian people are different does not mean we are bad worker. stop this racism against my people this instint sir pls

>> No.5234426

friend, i am studied from the top india college. i can come to your country and replace you if wanted.

>> No.5234475


You should be ashamed of yourself - I don't mind some humorous prejudice however actually letting it influence your professional assessments is disgusting.

Bad form OP.

>> No.5234578

Don't hire unless you want the office to smell like sweaty socks and onions

>> No.5234598

this sir fuck OP racist bitch he is lasagna.

>> No.5234647

white people smell far worse. i had this one dumb albanian faggot as a friend once and he used to smell like under arms and ass all the time.

>> No.5234690

ever been on a bus filled with indian exchange students?

>> No.5234802


fuck you bitch dog indian number 1 in computer ceo of google search bitch slut

>> No.5234819

my professional assessment just happens to be aligned with the general sentiment, pajeet.

>> No.5234855

Amen. Try riding Caltrain during commute hours. It is almost unbearable.

>> No.5234872

show bob

>> No.5234878

Hahahha normies and pajeets full force in this thread

>> No.5234919

Why would he hire a smelly brown street shitter over a white guy?

>> No.5234943

Let's go boys

>> No.5235080

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5235089
File: 117 KB, 447x410, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna post some pajeet pics

>> No.5235093

it's probably just curry stench. like i said, this albanian kid just smelled like sweat and underarms. i bet this applies to all white people honestly.

>> No.5235126


Nice b8 m8, I give it 5/7

>> No.5235127
File: 122 KB, 434x381, sad pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5235176
File: 126 KB, 462x383, sad pajeet 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5235184

how do pajeets even find out about crypto lol

>> No.5235206
File: 122 KB, 459x436, sad pajeet 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5235239
File: 135 KB, 427x363, sad pajeet 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5235276
File: 142 KB, 454x366, sad pajeet 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was for bluzelle ICO by the way

>> No.5235284

how many millionaire pajeets are out there just from doing bounties and airdrops