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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52331546 No.52331546 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.52331558

>2.7 million followers
Tells everything you need to know about Twitter.

>> No.52331559

It's been decades and the majority is still not ready for crypto

>> No.52331575

Drummer from dream theaters brother

>> No.52331584

Even though we've crashed, I'm calling this a top signal. $2000 BTC by EOW, sisters.

>> No.52331589

crypto is a scam. so now. we are not ready.

>> No.52331608

he literally says "I have a dumb question"

>> No.52331611

boy was he right

>> No.52331748


>> No.52331838

Thats the bank money now buddy
Retail investors get paid back last

>> No.52331859

That's the liquidity that Sam took from us

>> No.52332203

Right, since many newfags would genuinely not know this. If you "bought" bitcoin on FTX or any other exchange, you bought a ledger entry with your account name on it. Its not "bought" until you withdraw to your account.

>> No.52332258

Bitcoins you own are still yours. Does nobody understand how brokers work? When Robinhood goes bankrupt it's not like all your SPY goes away. You keep all your crypto. The only people that lose if FTX goes bust are people with large cash balances which honestly is your own fault for keeping on a brokerage. You do not lose any invested assets though. This is basic stuff guys.

>> No.52332310

also, saying "i'm gonna kill you" before killing somebody gets you acquitted

>> No.52332327

Are you going to buy their promise notes from Sam?

>> No.52332378

No. Why would I? A brokerage facilitates the purchase and sale of assets. It does not own assets. The investors still own their assets. All my crypto assets on FTX are still mine.

>> No.52332401

they aren't on chain. they aren't real.

>> No.52332424

It doesn't have to be on chain to legally be yours.

>> No.52332458

Mate in case you aren’t trolling:

I’m so sorry this is happening to you. You won’t ever see that btc back. Not a chance in hell.

>> No.52332476

I hope you lose all of it. Jews did us a favor

>> No.52332479

>All my crypto assets on FTX are still mine.
Except that when you gave FTX your USD and bought crypto they just took your USD and change some numbers on your dashboard and never actually bought anything. Only when you withdraw crypto then they have to buy. It's called fractional reserve banking. It's the oldest jew trick in the book.

>> No.52332496

code is law. blood from stone. thanks for playing.

>> No.52332501
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>> No.52332508

I will see it back. Brokerages are not allowed to take possession of investor assets. They do not own them. In the even of a FTX bankruptcy nobody has access to my assets except me. You guys seriously need to learn what a brokerage is and isn't. My assets need to be returned to me. Only FTX assets can be liquidated.

>> No.52332533

Ummm... no? A brokerage needs to facilitate the transaction within the settlement period. They can't just give you an IOU and then not actually purchase the asset.

>> No.52332557

A bitcoin transaction takes 10 minutes to settle.
How many minutes did you have to wait when you "bought" bitcoin on ftx?

>> No.52332564
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>> No.52332568
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Amazing bait

>> No.52332583
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This is going to be great.

>> No.52332618


Oh wait you’re serious


>> No.52332638

Being dumb is not a crime.

>> No.52332640

There is no bait just people that don't understand the basics of what a brokerage does and what protections exist for them.


"For example, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has something called the Customer Protection Rule, which requires firms to segregate client assets from firm assets; accessing the money in client accounts would be committing fraud. Another SEC regulation, called the Net Capital Rule, says that firms must keep a minimum amount of liquid assets, depending on their size.2"

You were saying?

>> No.52332648

>checks early life

>> No.52332658

>he needs to check


>> No.52332664

Bro, you're an idiot

>> No.52332667

i'm trying, okay?

>> No.52332682
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>> No.52332685
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>> No.52332695

its absolutely gone. process it when you are able to. if you aren't larping, buy stocks thru ftx, as i hear they are managed by a third party

for the advice, buy gme

youre welcome

>> No.52332702

I find it amusing how retarded normies are

>> No.52332745

>They can't just give you an IOU
"Can't" or "shouldn't?"

>> No.52332747

Nothing is gone you sub 100 IQ troglodytes.

1. FTX is not allowed to access customer funds that would be fraud. There is no evidence that FTX has done that.
2. FTX holds my assets but it does not own them. I own them. Nobody has any right to them even if FTX implodes.
3. FTX is not a regulated bank so they can't engage in fractional reserve banking. They need to exchange my money for assets and hold the assets ON MY BEHALF. That is their entire purpose.

>> No.52332769

Top-tier b8 desu

>> No.52332795
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No refunds

>> No.52332832
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>> No.52332834


>> No.52332849

A brokerage that operates within the rule of law yes. FTX is not one of those my friend.

>> No.52332862

>My assets need to be returned to me.

>> No.52332866

has dave been eating the bitcoin because it was wrapped?

>> No.52332867

I'm worried for this anons safety when the penny drops

>> No.52332871

What proof do you have to back that up? None? That's what I though...

>> No.52332881
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>Ummm actshuary guys, FTX needs to follow the laws. What do you mean they're based in the heckin Bahamas? They still have to follow the laws like my heckin bank!

>> No.52332882

This bait is exquisite.

>> No.52332887
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>> No.52332890

Super copium won't do. This man needs industrial strength ultra copium, and a lot of it.

>> No.52332894

its over

>> No.52332895

For what it's worth, you are an excellent writer and TOP MAN worthy poster.

>> No.52332913

Don't worry, when you are ready, you won't have to check anymore.

>> No.52332960 [DELETED] 
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>not allowed
>needs to
Man is this your first jewing or what?

>> No.52332972

FTX.us funds probably safu. They shouldn't have co-mingled customer funds there.

FTX.com customers funds were co-mingled with Almeda and Almeda went bust and lost most all funds they managed.

If you had anything on ftx.com good luck getting your funds back after that 8Billion dollar hole they dug themselves into.

Proof? There's on chain transactions and FTX.com was willing to sell to Binance to plug the hole.
Not your keys, say it with me..

>> No.52333579

I refuse to believe i have to share oxygen with people like You. This has to be a troll

>> No.52333968

wait until he finds out about not just fractional reserve requirements, but zero reserve requirements

>> No.52334004
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>All my crypto assets on FTX are still mine.

>> No.52334023

can't decide if this is real or a good troll

>> No.52334041

Stages of grief;
1 - Denial

>> No.52334046
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It's not a regulated stock BROKERAGE
It's a crypto EXCHANGE
Unfortunately it's not semantics kek
So sorry

>> No.52334071

Did you know that FTX and Alameda are based in the Bahamas specifically so they could sidestep American law?

>> No.52334081

I thought the boards collectively got over the;
>Hey guys im retarded!
>Fuck off retard
>Heh sure showed them
in 2008

>> No.52334115
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listen here you little shit.
when you buy crypto from an exchange, you're not actually buying the crypto, you're buying your right to the crypto. that crypto becomes real only when you withdraw it from the exchange (that's why the fee for withdrawals is higher than the network fee).

the money you paid for the exchange gets in their pockets and they either put it in a reserve or "invest" it like FTX did. ever heard the phrase "not your keys, not your crypto"? that's what it means

>> No.52334362

>My assets need to be returned to me.
well, keep us informed about those assets, buddy

>> No.52334460

(You) must be farming (You)s so here's a few. I refuse to believe otherwise.

>> No.52334951

that's a man