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File: 528 KB, 704x504, HODLjenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5232333 No.5232333 [Reply] [Original]

I refuse to use the word hodl anymore. It has been taken my Normans. If you use the word hodl from now on, I'll assume you're new.

>> No.5232353

check'd, seems legit

>> No.5232385

>I'll assume
oh, please no! Don't assume things based on a single word! How will I ever deal with this?!

just hodl faggot

>> No.5232408


You do know if everyone hodls, it just keeps going up right

>> No.5232412

Hi newfriend!

>> No.5232454

No, it just keeps going up if Bitfinex prints more funny money.

>> No.5232522

get out newfag

>> No.5232555

>just hodl faggot


>> No.5232603

check'd, seems legit

>> No.5232632

>reee stop using a word i dont like

>> No.5232672


>> No.5232684

JLaw is as ugly now as she was then, it's only make up you dick.

Stupid pic.

>> No.5232714

Id fuck both.

>> No.5232739

Pst hey kid

>> No.5232757
File: 110 KB, 720x960, IMG_0873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah it's fucking cringe

Forced meme


>> No.5232771

Stop your shit now and just buy BZC

>> No.5232775

>calling people the newfag version of normalfag.
quite ironic in this context.

>> No.5232892

"hodl" sucks and is cringe as fuck. Can you fucking believe it, a "drunk" (yes pretending) guy "misspelled" (yes, he did it on purpose because he liked the attention like one of these 14 year old girls who drink 1 sip cider and say "omg im so drunk) and plebits loved it joking and laughing hysterically of a misspell.. Now it's normie version on plebit to say "hodl" and as we all know they come to 4chan to lurk and play smart here too and are the only kind of people giving shit advice. You can really see this in the way they type because its the same as on plebit

>> No.5232899
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young jennifer lawrence
nigger you serious, she was a total qtpie when young. look at that smile, 10/10 would have a high school crush on and fantasize about holding her hand during math class

now, >pic related
this is a real hodl

>> No.5232949


That meme is going to save us all from a major crisis.

I will continue to just say hold though

>> No.5233026

It has always been a shit word, may it rip

>> No.5233071

Taylor is ANS/NEO while jennifer is monero.

>> No.5233161

That pic... I can only see a huge dump. Would sell at 15.

>> No.5233173
File: 51 KB, 482x800, katetoes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5233230


>> No.5233243
File: 31 KB, 413x395, smug_mad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5233822

If you don't hold I'll assume you're new. if you knew anything about this game and weren't so fucking retarded you'd realize holding will make you more money and require far less work

>> No.5234231


> Skelly Tay

No thank you, I would have sold ages ago.

>> No.5234769


>> No.5235098

>thinks hodl came from reddit
you can't fix newcoiners, especially the ones with a 4chan superiority complex. Especially the ones of those that found out about 4chan FROM reddit. Jesus Christ.