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52322466 No.52322466 [Reply] [Original]

you fucks are celebrating the jew downfall but you dont realize
>crypto is eternally fucked
>there might never be another bullrun
>you missed the last chance to "make it"
>many that actually "made it", saw their whole winnings locked away maybe forever
this isnt a lehman moment, this is the fucking great depression for crypto
i hope that your resumes are decorated anons

>> No.52322524


>> No.52322535

Great depression eventually did end though

>> No.52322545

>>many that actually "made it", saw their whole winnings locked away maybe forever
This part is fucking hilarious, so many crypto OGs that made it back in the 1st golden bull run of 2017 just got wiped out today because FTX stole their gains and are going down under.

>> No.52322552

This FTX thing is a hilarious microcosm for the US dollar lmfao.
If it isn't gold, or real, in your hands, it is worthless.

>> No.52322554

this is good for another bullrun faggot same fucking vibes with mtgox and hell even luna

>> No.52322609 [DELETED] 
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Hmm, I doubt this. Crypto will be back, fuck FTX.

Our team is launching a CPU/GPU mineable (YescryptR16) Bitcoin Fork. It is ASIC resistant. It's our assumption that many former ETH miners may come to our network as we expand.

> This is a Coin, not a Token
> Launching in 11 Days
> Hundreds of Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers from Different Platforms
> Native Coin Social Media in the Works
> All Socials Have Been Established
> Website in Development
> Small CEX Listings Pending
> Airdrops are Available to Those Who Contribute

Pic related, hop on TG

>> No.52322614

explain to me how a jewish exchange blowing up is bad for decentralized money

>> No.52322654

should have bought the undisputed coin of the 21st century (united states dollars)

>> No.52322691

It took a world war.

>> No.52322696

Do you want the line to go up? You need money then, where is that money coming from? The second biggest CEX imploding spooked all the big investors for years if not decades. Who's buying except for poorfags?

>> No.52322740

the jew had to go he was lobbying for all kinds of bills and shit to ruin crypto

>> No.52322773

big investors ruined crypto. i'm still up 3x my basis.

>> No.52322782
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>It took a world war.

>> No.52322784

Yes it is over, crypto is dead, sell all your holdings and go back to your pet politician.
Back to the cage, wagie.

>> No.52322837

Some of us are celebrating the death of crypto.

>> No.52322844

Crypto has been too sketchy this whole time. Too many bad actors and lack of requirements for large centralized players. Eventually it had to end and it will be ugly.

>> No.52322854
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just checking if I'm banned

>> No.52322866
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>so basically I am a faggot who has no fucking clue about business and finance, don't know about jews and I'm scared to die since crypto market fluctuated very hard last 4 days as opposite as I what i wanted aaaaaah nooooooo noooooooo we all die now nooooooooooooooo


>> No.52322881

You're not one of us

>> No.52322996

checked, but so what?
there will never be another dotcom boom either
we lurk here another 10 years, holding Link in the meantime, to see what to invest our modest staking rewards into for our next shot at generational wealth

>> No.52323095

Crypto has ALWAYS been a pyramid scheme for people who think they're too smart to fall for one. An entire generation of math and comp sci PhD's making ponzo coins, what a waste.

>> No.52323157


>> No.52323159

CEX's are not needed and are a barrier to true crypto adoption. Utility coins will recover and become usable through dapps while shitcoins like BTC and ETH that are only good for speculation will die without CEX's facilitating day trading.

>> No.52323225

Unironicaly people running/loosing money is good for the economy.

>> No.52323230
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Man have I got good news for you then.

>> No.52323259

Biz was always a stockmarket and real estate board, newfag

>> No.52323289

>you missed the last chance to "make it"
complete opposite in fact
new millionaires are made in what you call "depression"

>> No.52323397

Damn that sucks, i thought it was all going the moon. You guys seemed so confident in it too. Guess I'll just stick to my boomer rocks. Nice knowing you guys though. Just remember not to put any pickles on my burger okay?

>> No.52323437

>>there might never be another bullrun
>>you missed the last chance to "make it"
yeah yeah, see what you say 3 years from now when BTC is over $50k again and you didn't do anything but sell right now at the lowest like a retard

>> No.52323471

I fail to see how this threatens the launch of ccip and all that that entails
the market will belong entirely to chainlink in under three months

>> No.52323498

>VC backed coins are getting wrecked because unlike federal reserve banking, you can only obfuscate what's happpening on the chain instead of just making shit up
>VC coins fail as a result
>some retard on /biz/ that probably had most of his portfolio in FTX thinks this is the end of crypto
kek anyone affected by the demise of bad actors is responsible for these bad actors thriving in the ecosystem. Good riddance, faggot!

>> No.52323530

Cope, crypto will have a massive pump again when this whole rate hike shit is over

>> No.52323533

who cares. i'll still buy ETH and stake it for lmao

>> No.52323577

well we had mtgox and that was worse, at that point people really thought crypto was dead forever
this is minor in comparison because thanks to mtgox we now have a diversified exchange system
but still it puzzles me how oldfags could have kept their funds there even for over a week when the bad news was leaking already

>> No.52323623

>i hope that your resumes are decorated anons
been trying to get a decent job since getting rekt in 2018, just not happening.

>> No.52323766

Paul Krugman really poisoned several generations with this horseshit. We were still in a depression after the war ended.

>> No.52325013

Chainlink immediately provided a solution to the equity problem. Chainlink will have free reign along with bitcoin and eth to propel another bull run.

>> No.52325075

>t. boomer sitting on trust funds

>> No.52325146

Visitor here. Why are you calling FTX a jew thing all over /biz/? I Is the creator Jewish?

>> No.52325656

those kikes were not pumping my bags, they were actively suppressing og organic projects to fund their astroturfed vc garbage and skimming from new retail cattle they brought in with jewish advertising, they were bad actors through and through and needed to be purged for the market to detox, couldn't care less that the morons who bought doge, luna and sol got rekt, it's precisely this kind of opaque fractional reserve and over leveraged vc funded DC corrupted kikery that makes defi's case, real projects will recover and prevail, i dont care if it takes another couple of years since all markets are fucked anyway, fuck kikes synagogue of satan coin clippers

>> No.52325765

>People aren't DCA'ing into this
Buy high. Sell low

>> No.52325810

>there might never be another bullrun
ah fuck. i didn't wanna buy yet but i promised i'd start going back in when i saw posts like these

>> No.52326334

Shhhh. You're not supposed to start this talk until we hit 10k, you nigger.

>> No.52326419

crypto idiots have salted their own earth, I mean of course they did, because its a predatory space. but jeez, to witness it from the outside... the sector looks very unappealing, or even cursed

>> No.52326439

Well I can hold my ledger wallet in my hand. Checkmate.

>> No.52326458

Actually this is a good thing. All the faggot speculators and normies are exiting crypto for good. Now crypto has an actual chance to grow back based on fundamentals. This is like 2000 but for crypto. The actually functional coins will become the amazons of the next decade

>> No.52326479

crypto would be more fucked if the jew was allowed to continue the path he was going down. it had to be done

>> No.52326550

and I can't wait for part 3 to happen

>> No.52326641

Once the dollar loses reserve currency status all the jobs overseas will come back home. And then we'll be the ones shipping counterfit airpods to China

>> No.52326701

not your keys not your coins, newfriend

>> No.52326757

Imagine being this new.

>> No.52326811

>crypto OGs with their wealth tied on FTX
>“1st golden bull run of 2017”


>> No.52326850

I'm in the middle of interviewing for a gig now after being crypto retired for a couple years. Was fun being a neet for a while but my necessary price levels that needed to be maintained to not work again have all broken. Time to wageslave but at least I had a comfy few years of bliss.

>> No.52326965

>what was Mt. Gox
get out, newfriend

>> No.52327023

this. desu didn't expect biz to jump on bankmanfraud's dick so much

>> No.52328494

Yes Sam Bankman is a jew. He just fucked his community reputation in crypto.

>> No.52328513
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this situation will create a cascade of liquidations, in the same way that 3AC dragged down so many others jews.
the whole market will be fucked for a long time.

>> No.52328550

Just though about this today. Like the second internet bubble happened, the second crypto bubble has yet to come. A new 2017 is ahead of us.

>> No.52328558

STFU you useless mong. Be a normal human being and provide a service to the world. Plenty of avenues to make money not some schizo graphics card numbers.

>> No.52328603

biz was created to contain dogecoin threads that kept being spammed on g

>> No.52328673

>1st golden bull run of 2017
how much of a newfag can you be

>> No.52328712
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I hate them so much, bros.

>> No.52328782

not gonna lie the ftx fiasco fucked over so many people but im sure there will be another bull-run, and i will make it by holding Matic that's currently working with companies, banks, and brands that have millions of users and customers

>> No.52328794

Honestly hasn't sunk in yet and I didn't even lose any money.

>> No.52328844

The world is in a great depression. Have been since 2020

>> No.52328866
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Yes I'm sure no one will ever again try to make money on blockchain technologies. Human nature is different this time.

>> No.52328877

What was the problem with FTX btw, didn’t really understand what happened other than hi nance backing out of buying them. Why would that tank crypto though?

>> No.52328889

When the biggest tree in the forest falls over, what happens?

>> No.52328891

Holy fuck, go back

>> No.52328904

No, it was created in the 80's to stop people from spamming Apple shares on AOL.

>> No.52328928

Too many people are too quick to call the bottom every time it bounces. Another nuke or two to the downside should fix that

>> No.52328989
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>there might never be another bullrun
Every fucking bear market's bottom

>> No.52329551
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I see you faggots didn't learn anything.

>> No.52329569

>Once the dollar loses reserve currency
What, in two more weeks? It's not happening. You probably tell people to stack silver and gold too, don't you? The Fed is too powerful.

>> No.52329601
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one of the most based replies i've ever seen.

>> No.52329633
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Good. Time to get a real job. You were never going to make it anyway.

>> No.52329731

> $50k
And that will be after a 75% drop.

>> No.52329797

>we're totally fine.
>we're backed.
>funds a saifu.
>oh shit, funds a not saifu.
>oh no, why are you selling your bag?
>oh my god, this is like a bankrun.
>oy vey, why doesn't binance want to buy my heavily overvalued company?
>oh no, not my own bags are losing value, and they're trying to withdraw 8 billions worth of shitcoins.

This keeps happening because like with wildcat banks, there's not enough real money to go around.

>> No.52330272

You actually expressed my scrambled thoughts about this whole debacle really well.

I think the worst part is it'll happen again anyways

>> No.52330427

There was only 1 million clients they had and I think I read about 80 million people held crypto in some capacity so it's literally nothing

>> No.52330495

>there might never be another bullrun
>you missed the last chance to "make it"
you fucking imbecile do not understand that this is going to be the biggest dip of past generations

>> No.52330666

Isn't Matic part of the ecosystem (FTX/Solana) that's having all the issues?

>> No.52330838
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This you OP?

>> No.52332182


>> No.52332419

I'm calling bottom. That's it I'm now officially bullish. Brb buying another 100BNB and 2 BTC

>> No.52332468
File: 120 KB, 1600x1197, FfxQF8HXoAA5fc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War doesn't create anything you dingus it only burns capital and worst of all it burns the 2 most most precious "resources" in the whole economy highly qualified human capital and young men. Broken window keynesian faggot.

>> No.52332498
File: 21 KB, 700x394, FgpwPe-XgAIdVzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> due to volatility
> no one is touching crypto
Yeah.. I'm fucking bullish again top kek

>> No.52332512


why do people think ftx failing is the end of crypto. i've literally never used or cared about ftx or its token. it has literally no bearing on anything other than a fat jews pocket book. fuck sbf and fuck ftx

>> No.52332600

Also curious this. I try to not even use centralized exchanges.

>> No.52332605

People are really stupid, so crypto still has a future

>> No.52332619

those are called bottom signals my fren

>> No.52332639

imagine leaving your coins on a fucking cex then crying about it when said cex goes bankrupt

just put your money in banks at this point if you want your money to be handled by fat kikes lmfao

>> No.52332670

This is why your generation has failed.

>> No.52332694

The keynseians forget the massive spending only worked out because americas industry was the only one that hadnt been bombed to a husk.

Otherwise you just get inflation.

>> No.52332837

>All the faggot speculators and normies are exiting crypto for good.

No they're not. I don't know how anyone could think this. Do you not know how moth-to-flame people are when they see Bitcoin has doubled in price in two weeks?

>> No.52333570

Literally just buy BTC and XMR as safe bets and ETH assets as risky bets. And dont use exchanges as much as possible simple as

>> No.52333672
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>> No.52334030

retail will still pump my shitcoins
crypto is here to stay

>> No.52334114
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It doesn't call for celebration. If you are here for the long game. In 5 years you'll look back and regret that you didn't sell your kidney to buy the dip. I'll continue to take advantage of this accumulate more of payment token and have them staked.

>> No.52334127

i made +60% on my account trading doge today

>> No.52334163

>Once the dollar loses reserve currency status
Maybe if the entire US navy fleet gets destroyed it might lose the status otherwise I don't think so.

>> No.52334183

Buy bitcoin,nothing can stop it. Crypto will end if Bitcoin does. One-stop shopping is also gaining popularity. Of course, I like Xpress, blcokfi, utk, and coti.

>> No.52334500

You're clearly a newfag anon. And you've never seen a bear market before. Explain to me why VCs are pumping money into crypto payment solutions and Blockchain projects if the whole crypto space is done?

>> No.52334553

There's a lot of development in the crypto space. Crypto is not done by a long shot. Even the government has begun to pay attention

>> No.52334592

Nothing to celebrate here. Crypto is still going to keep getting stronger. OP is a fudder who hopes to buy at a lower price

>> No.52334727
File: 30 KB, 739x415, images - 2022-11-10T134722.989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking faggot the adoption of crypto is actually getting better desu the city of Lugano in Switzerland is completely crypto friendly and now tye people can with crypto for all the government services and ecom services basically.
Dyor crypto will never die.

>> No.52334880

It's obvious within the next 10 years crypto will see mainstream adoption and overtake traditional investments. This is credited to payment gateway so far

>> No.52334934

This is good for the space. Travala also accepts Xpress as payment. With their app, you may make free flight, bill payment, and other purchases.

>> No.52334962
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Faggot who don't research will always fall

>> No.52335019
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That's sweet, makes our lives much more simple I recently got myself a redmagic gaming phone with the USDT I saved up for months.
The transactions were fast, cheap and safe, no qualms at all.

>> No.52335134

Imo I think crypto payments and traditional payments will work hand in hand.
The Xday event in Paris opened a new light on that, dyor on Xmoney and Xfiat.

>> No.52335214

Based, just keep your shits together and follow where smart go. I'm following the likes of Marvel, Steve Harvey, and Bakari Sellers on Gamestarplus.

>> No.52335300

Now is the time to find things that can protect our mental health and find innovative ways to have fun. I do stream Scene It and Family Feud just to keep my sanity

>> No.52335340
File: 8 KB, 238x212, images (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very soon traditional financial systems would have to adapt to work hand in hand with crypto financial systems. It's an innovate or die situation.

>> No.52335372

heard that one before

>> No.52335457

It's definitely not over. Bear markets always succeed in shaking out the incompetent, the bad actors, and other cancerous leeches. They're a necessary part of the cycle, a period of recovery from the highs of the bull market when evil seeps in thanks to the sin of greed opening the door for it. It's a time of healing, of reflection, and of purging negativity. Like when you spend the day out and about tearing your muscles and picking up all sorts of microbes that might infect your body. During sleep the body repairs the damage and fights off anything that might do it harm before it causes irreparable damage or death.

There's a lot of evil that has seeped in. The market needs to rest and recover, and weed out the cancers. It may take years, but eventually crypto will be ready to enjoy another day in the sun.

>> No.52335493

I read this drivel 3 times already. My answer is simple: keep buying LINK and ETH.

>> No.52335656

Finally! i can't wait for the Great Cope when BTC goes below 5k. Even now anons are still buying thinking they are outsmarting people with 50 years+ experience in finance. you are all retarded unproductive parasites of society and all this financial misery is well deserved!

>> No.52335676

HOLY COPE people like you still exist LMFAO. 2 more weeks!

>> No.52335786

I guess that makes it 110 communities Jews got a bad reputation

>> No.52336285


>> No.52337253

It isn't.
Makes no fucking difference in the medium term, this dip will end and good projects will eventually be more profitable when they attain widespread institutional use.