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52316512 No.52316512 [Reply] [Original]

what the actual fuck do people in sales do? i mean corporate sales, not that travelling door to door salesman bullshit.

whenever i asked the sales people what they're up to, they always say "liasioning with customer" or "following up with a customer".

>> No.52316535

they liaison and follow up with customers

>> No.52316638

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get B2B customers?
You think companies will just magically line up to buy your shit?

>> No.52316640

they build, and maintain relationships with customers, so that your company gets or continues to get their business. because if the buyer likes the other guy more, you lose.

>> No.52317009

i make about 800 calls per month, from that convert about 5-10 meetings

1:16 meeting result in a paid assessment

2:3 paid assessments result in a new client

basically it’s like being a call center wagie but every once in awhile you get tossed like 10-20k

>> No.52317096

ngl, sounds comfy

>> No.52317097

When I started my second business I cold emailed. Never made a single call since I'm introverted, autistic and have an ESL accent. Made my first sale after about 300 emails. Then made my next sale right after it (on Facebook, fucking lol), and it sort of snowballed from there.

>> No.52317100

the whole point of it is to do enough to get promoted and not have to prospect anymore

>> No.52317101

Do you think your job will be relevant in a trustless economy?

>> No.52317182

i’m not good at cold calling and like 90% of the time people don’t answer so when someone does i sound like a retard

>> No.52317216

i’m only doing it so i can buy a farm, have money to invest, and start some little shorty cash based business, i don’t think we’re going fully trust less in the next 3-5 years

>> No.52317248

what kinda business?

>> No.52317259

Sales people are spies basically. Their job is to pretend to be your friend in order to part you with you money.

>> No.52317294

Translation agency for a very specific niche.

>> No.52317324

Inbound marketing is supposed to be able to avoid this, is it true or is it a scam?

>> No.52317349


>> No.52317399

"Inbound marketing" means you're going to have to compete with every single business out there putting out petabytes of content a week. And stuff like newsletters requires that you already have at least some traffic to your website.

>> No.52317455

They get in contact with other business and sell to them, while those business sell to you. It's really dumb, just tossing money back and forth for no real gain. It's not that different from going door-to-door, but it's instead at one of the 1,000's of no name conferences in your industry pretending you're not one bad year away from going back to the used car lot gig.

>> No.52317473

It’s a good relationship. We provide you with the details in an easy consumable way to help you determine the products you want to buy anyway. Salesman allow you to be confident and informed in your purchasing decisions

>> No.52317471

yeah, i mean that’s the hope, and i definitely get SOME inbound leads, but not many, and my company spends quite a bit per lead to get them

still cheaper to just pay someone to call everyone, lol

>> No.52317488

But still better than relying only on making a gorillion calls per month right?

>> No.52317516

yeah it’s really gay and i’m quitting soon

>> No.52317616

It really depends on whether you enjoy content creation. Calls/emails are low effort. Thinking up content, making videos, posting to social media is just as hard, if not harder.

>> No.52317737

basically they deal with customers so i dont have to fucking camp my email all day WAITING FOR PEOPLE TO RESPOND WHEN THEY SAID THEY WERE MEETING AT 11:30 AND NOW ITS 2:30PM

>> No.52318070

salesfag reporting in. we liaison and follow up with customers. trying to convince another business to buy my businesses service makes me want to KMS so I deal directly with consoomers. I make 75 calls a day and get inbound calls randomely, my job is to "close" them. Aka, find out why they are calling, ask them lots of questions so I can use what they say against them later in the conversation, recommend a product we offer, and then ask for the sale. When they tell me they don't want to buy it's my job to rebut them until they say yes. aka, "i'm not ready", "i don't think I can afford it", "i'm shopping around" "I need to speak to my wife/mother/daughter/cousin/aunt or whoever the fuck" You need to be able to respond to these objections and overcome them. A few tactics you can use are "assuming the sale", "asking for the sale directly", "puppy dog close", "either or close" those are just a few but yeah the turnover in my position is so high it's impossible for me to get fired. I literally told one of my bosses to go get fucked in front of the HR director on a zoom call and they asked me if there was anything I needed and that I could reach out to them anytime.

We directly affect bottom line and therefore we are last to be fired. Our income limitation is only based on the effort we're willing to put in (to a degree) That being said, anyone know anyone hiring for a super high end sales gig? I'm like a mercenary.

>> No.52318160

Yeah, it's much more preferable to create content

>> No.52318240
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I have people skills; I am good with people. What the hell is wrong with you people?!!

>> No.52318359

Wine and dine costumers (read corporate VPs). Usually there are wild parties and orgies involvee if the contracts are big enough.

>> No.52318422
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4chan is being retarded for whatever reason, so I'll just screenshot my reply.

>> No.52318424

I work at a WMS/LMS supply chain company. Only ~100 employees, but pay damn well. Look into warehouse companies, they're growing way too fast as we move into drones. Those companies are ripe for some hotshots to come in.

>> No.52318547

I work in procurement for a large educational organisation, I buy everything from materials, tools, safety gear to computers, printers, stationary etc. And I'm my experience salesmen are all smarmy schmoozy gift of the gab types, every single one of them is a slime all and Ivlet them know I don't think much of them and if they don't like it I'll spend government money with their competitors.

>> No.52318568

that’s what i was saying, my company has like 100+ marketing staff across all disciplines and they still generate very few leads compared to the account execs/sdrs

granted we also run a marketing agency so not all those employees are doing our corporate marketing

>> No.52319621
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>I'm like a mercenary.
Yeah, literally.
You're probably just a glowie who scores massive government contracts to do fuck all.

>> No.52319655

>my company has like 100+ marketing staff
What does your company do?