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File: 503 KB, 1328x935, 1654835803889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52310301 No.52310301 [Reply] [Original]

The cycle will soon be broken.
Collapse is upon us, but from the ashes a new world will arise.
And when the phoenix rises as Emperor it will live eternal, and reign over the new world for millennia to come.
In lieu of suffering, peace.
In lieu of uncertainty, clarity.
In lieu of greed, benevolence.
In lieu of hatred, love.

The dictatorial reign of governments will end, and Humanity will finally be free to govern itself.
As a teenager becomes an adult, so too ends Humanity's adolescence.
This is a turning point for our species. And there will be no going back.

Even now as you're piecing together the puzzle, seeing how things fit, know that you have chosen wisely.
Not all will see it as they are still looking back, holding on to the past.
Still living with Mom and Dad, not wanting to Grow Up.
But you don't want to remain a child forever, do you?
Thus to you has been given a head start. A leg up.
You are the vanguard of the next era.

But do not let your triumph be tainted by ego.
And do not allow fear to strip you of your fruits before they ripen.
Go forth with love in your hearts and a desire above all to do Good.
And above all, Trust The Plan.

>> No.52310409

Very inspirational, thanks veri doctores

>> No.52310420
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He's coming

>> No.52310423


>> No.52310442


>> No.52310558
File: 75 KB, 857x547, ICPbaggiesKEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the charts.
No further fud needed.
Sell now or enjoy bagholding all the way down to 3 cents (VCs entry price). It's your call, icpajeet.

>> No.52310645

eat shit you fucking nigger ,i'm down so bad like u have no idea

>> No.52310783
File: 246 KB, 1080x964, 1665124211144525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can take comfort in knowing you're not alone. Every single ICP buyer at any point in time is currently down on their investment.
Fucking retards fell for le moonman racist memes kek.

>> No.52310915

Do you guys just sit on 4channel all day trying to fud ICP or do you at least post about other stuff? Like it's obviously the same 3 or 4 of you jeets every day for like 6 months

>> No.52311128
File: 36 KB, 640x455, 1664487554771434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy ICP? Then you're in the red and you lost money. Simple as.

>> No.52311213


making ICP shills seethe is so worth it. Months go by and they still have nothing to show.

All you have to do is post the price and they get MAD.

>> No.52311307

All I have to do is ask you to post your hands and you disappears like roaches under a spotlight. Come on let’s see those hands

>> No.52311336

I'm just looking for legitimate pushback and I never get it.
>misaligned incentives vis a vis nodes and dfinity team
>midwit faggots in full control of nns
>Zero execution thus far
in lieu of hopium I get called pajeet.

>> No.52311457

Prove youre trust worthy by posting your hand. If you can’t do that then you don’t deserve a discussion

>> No.52311464


>> No.52311491


what's it like to lose so much money from buying ICP? Share your copium.

>> No.52311574

VC pump and dump scam

Also 3 cents LMAO

>> No.52311804

Not that bad honestly. Only down like $5k which is basically nothing. But oh well can’t sell and going to go down with the ship. It’s pretty low to kick people when they’re down but at least I don’t live in 3rd world country and make 6+ figs a year which I don’t think any of you can say the same. Now post those hands rajs. Have yall even touched a women before

>> No.52312009

See they scatter like rats. It’s pretty fucking pathetic

>> No.52312100


See how unhinged ICP shills are? Look at these posts, you can see the SEETHE.

ICP is going under $4 now, lol.

>> No.52312175

We all know you want hand pics to fap to you homo nigger. I am white and loading up at these prices. There’s only one reason why you would actually COPE this much about a project you aren’t invested in.

>> No.52312281

Then prove it. You literally have nothing to lose.

>> No.52312301

And you’re pajeet in a 3rd world country that has never touched a women

>> No.52312480
File: 270 KB, 594x460, retarded ICP shit for angry raj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you getting too mad.

Perhaps you should buy some more ICP dino eggs with what's left of your money, look how colorful they are! ICP to its full potential!

>> No.52312665
File: 2.74 MB, 4000x3000, 16680109752485809541616226524192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so low iq you can't even spot pajeet posts

>> No.52312754


>> No.52313329

now that SBF is out of the way, you cucks have no excuse for your short comings
you better show respect to your MATIC superiors from now on

>> No.52313535

Another thread, another lack of fudder hand pics. Pottery
Go back to your roots of calling Dom a rat basterd on Twitter please.
Oh wait you can't afford the $8 for priority reply hahaha

>> No.52313636

Knowing SBF was behind most of the ICP tanking and is currently getting his financial bussi reamed, what kind of hope is there for Dfinity to crawl out of this with a new lease on life in terms of its price? And what are the odds that moonman was someone working with FTX or Alameda to create even a shred of liquidity for further dumping?

>> No.52313655

There is lots of room for optimism but right now ICP go down

>> No.52313743


>> No.52313884

imagine thinking that 4chan broke faggots with 1k$ to their name would be "liquidity" lmao

ICP is the only relevant player in the space, everything else is noise, take advantage now or seethe for the rest of your life

>> No.52313980

I spent $3000 on ICP and it's now worth $178.

>> No.52314391

you holding out for dick pics bro?

>> No.52314521

Was buying 100 a week now 200
Thanks bankman

>> No.52315186

Hey kikes do you not know that Sam is bankrupt and he can't pay for the FUD campaign anymore.
Don't you think it's time to give it up, you fucking lost faggots and that's it.
ICP is going strong and you jews are insolvent, let that chink in as the new saying goes.

>> No.52315269
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>> No.52315426

Obviously the same fudders from literally every thread. Guess when people started posting hands you had to let that thread die out. Not even racist but stop calling us jeets when it's obviously you projecting your own insecurity about bagholding. Just keep dca or let it go

>> No.52315671

Ironically the best way to increase your ICP stack was not being early in the ecosystem or dca every dip, but it was not buying.

>> No.52315731
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>> No.52315779

3c. Shame you can't accuse us of being paid shills now that Sam is out of the picture and it is obvious we just like laughing at you.

>> No.52315992

Cool but I'm not an autistic poorfag. I don't care if icp keeps dropping because I will just buy more like everything else I'm periodically buying. I'm not even kidding the signs of unironic autism and absolute seething about ICP in your posts is alarming. Try some exercise or get another hobby it can't be healthy to rage about this for months straight you're going to have a stroke

>> No.52316181

Officially acoomed 1k ICP

>> No.52316283

Kek, you are seething and projecting so hard it's kind of pathetic at this point. If you really didn't care you wouldn't reply to us.
You were wrong every time you bought icp and we were right every time we told you retards it was a scam, so now we get to rub salt in your wounds.

>> No.52316341

By your same logic buying literally any investment for the last 9 months was wrong but you're obviously on the left side of the iq bell curve

>> No.52316566

Please sirs…please let price increase

>> No.52316586

Unless losing money is your definition of right, it was most definitely wrong to buy in the last 9 months. I'm not sure what point you're trying to prove, but I do know the only thing you are proving is your own hubris and mental retardation.

>> No.52317173

The new strategy is calling people asking for hand pictures gay. Yes I am gay and I hold ICP now post cock so I know what I'm gonna be ripping off you fifty jeets.

>> No.52318091

That's more than enough for the five guys who actually use this ghostchain

>> No.52318433

I always knew he was a major player as to why ICP never took off by shorting the ever living shit out of it, but beyond that, how much influence did he have in the whole thing?

>> No.52318920
File: 28 KB, 415x452, ICP shills cant argue this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ICP shits itself.

It's under $4 again, I was right about today. Hahaha

>> No.52319273

So is the entire market, none as bad as FTT and SOL though.