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52308347 No.52308347 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52308366
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>> No.52308380

imagine if Satoshi was amercian he’d be arrested immediately as he can’t help but brag
also you’re going to prison, Richard you fat faggot.

>> No.52308493

He is even worse than Sam and Do Kwon. Sam had the foresight to pay off politicians so he probably wont go to jail, but this fat fuck will

>> No.52308524

why is he so obsessed with gucci? thats all he seems to wear

>> No.52308583


makes other faggots seethe, he doesn't even like the clothes and hais said it publicly that they are overpriced garbage pieces. But rewards get their attention caught when he wears 10k outfits so it it works.

>> No.52308688

Midlife crisis and no meaningful hobbies/interests/passions

>> No.52308740

>He is even worse than Sam and Do Kwon.
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Sam and Do lost their investors multiple billion dollars worth of money. Their fuck ups have taken down the rest of the market as well, causing hundreds of billions of dollars in value to be lost. Meanwhile the worst thing that Richard has done is have bad fashion sense.

>> No.52308760

I've had a picture taken of me and my wife right there
Holy poop I stood where Richard stood

>> No.52308788

Lmao thats the most pathetic cope ive ever read

He is throwing away your money on nigger garbage clothes and thinks he got style

>> No.52309425

Ironically Richard Heart has been preaching the true core values of cryptocurrency and self-sovereignty for years. Many have seen the flashy clothes and bragging as scammer tactics but have been fleeced by their industry idols such as Do Kwon, SBF and Mashinksy. When will people truly understand the meaning of owning their own keys and realize that Hex, Pulsechain and PulseX are literally in the best position to be the most used/popular cryptocurrencies of the next decade. We have been trying to save you anons but this is your last chance. Get onboard or simply get left behind. Hexicans will be some of the most hated and richest people in the crypto space in a few years and everyone calling Richard Heart a scammer will still be working at McDonalds while Hexicans fuck their wives and drive off in their Lamborghinis. Have fun staying REKT you broke bitches.

>> No.52309452

Nononono you don't understand. He doesn't like Richard so obviously Richard is a worse person. Duh?

>> No.52309486

At the very least he presents himself as a scammer, so there's no surprise.

>> No.52309645
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that guy is a fucking sketchy faggot, real shepard incoming

>> No.52309732

That building in Amsterdam looks really pretty in a couple weeks when they hang the christmas lights up

>> No.52309917

It's insane. This whole space is insane.

>> No.52309995
File: 71 KB, 682x1024, failure to launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile the worst thing that Richard has done
The worst thing Richard has done is open Pulsechain and PulseX sacrifices and then never launch either of them. Pulsechain sacrifice was what, July of 2021? Originally it was gonna launch EOY 2021, then it was March, then April, then May of 2022. It's now November of 2022, the original USP of beating POS ETH to market is long dead and it's still not out. Instead Richard posts one tweet about it every few months with no launch date in sight. What even is the point of it anymore? People already got full state copies of ETH with EthereumFair and ETHPOW, neither of which have really gone anywhere.

>> No.52310079

hey I live 10 minutes away from there in amsterdam
I wish I was there to call him a faggot

>> No.52310403

>The worst thing Richard has done is open Pulsechain and PulseX sacrifices and then never launch either of them.
That's true, he fucked up his estimates on how long it would take, but it's nowhere near the fuck up that SBF and Do Kwon have made. Also the Pulse delay, though not pretty, is a fuckup that is entirely fixable by releasing the network. The sac money (roughly 600 million in stables) is still there on chain, so nothing has been lost so far. When Pulse releases, I would guess it will be deployed in some way. I will say however that he does not have infinite time to work on it. At some point it will be too long to take seriously, but I'm not at that point yet. I probably will be if nothing concrete is released by summer of 2023.

>> No.52310622
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>he does not have infinite time to work on it.

Expect 2024

Honestly guys as we've seen this week software and computers are hard and no one really knows how they work

>> No.52310692

>also you’re going to prison, Richard you fat faggot.

i would so love to see that