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52307423 No.52307423 [Reply] [Original]

Biggest counterparty is probably Tether in this Alameda collapse.
Cumberland might also be in contagion.
Redditoooor is on right track:

>> No.52307452

tether to zero I don't give a fuck and I've withdrawn everything until the market recovers, even if it's in 10 years I'll be there

>> No.52307508

exchanges are going down, teather will just be frozen in space because of that. take your fuckin crypto out of exchanges!

>> No.52307563


>> No.52307609

Tether can’t go to zero, they got 55% in Us treasuries (paying a yield) + 5% in rrp (paying a yield) + 10% cash + other money market instruments + a bunch of equities (that might be distressed) and 8% in crypto
So worst case it’s worth 70cent, it cannot go to zero

>> No.52307635

70 cent can easily start another panic selling. Even 80-90 cent would do it.

>> No.52307692

Btw do you remember this?
If CZ wants to control the stablecoin market he needs to eliminate the competitors of BUSD.

>> No.52307702

tether is not a crypto lender, brainlet. There's zero reason for them to hold FTT or anything related to alabama.

>> No.52307740

Panic selling into?
It’s not that USDT is hiding the % of the reserves, they are public, just open the webpage and read, if you don’t like it don’t use it
Tether is not backed 1:1 by usd and never was, never was even pretending to be

>> No.52307786

Midwit thread

>> No.52307815
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You forget the link between tether and bitfinex.

They're running the same scam ftx/alameda were doing and likely onboarding all sorts of dodgy shit (drug money).

Imagine trusting a largely unknown operation with no public audit managing 69 bil that is comprised of former child actors, paedophiles, electronic salesmen, dentists and the like.. Seriously?

If FTX was universally trusted fell why the flying fuck are you so confident in tether.. the black hole of crypto?

>> No.52307837

>if you don’t like it don’t use it

I didn't use FTX but I can definitely feel the effect.

>> No.52307873

Tether collapsing would send BTC down to like $5k or less

>> No.52307888

just like you could withdraw your funds in time from ftx, you can convert now your shit from usdt to something else
is that hard to do?
if they are solvent they will be fine and gain trust
if they are not, you will take some price dump due to contagion event but most of your funds will be fine cause you took self-custody
wanna cause a bank run?
you are welcome, crypto.com and nexo are very likely insolvent
i hate any fucking CrYpTo or StAbLe, i hate CEX, i hate derivatives
i only hoard BTC and I only keep them in self-custody

>> No.52307891

>$1k btc
So be it, my bag is ready. Finally I can be in the 1 million club

>> No.52307901

BTC isn't profitable to mine at that price.

>> No.52307909

Are you stupid? The institutions holding tens of billions USDT are going insolvent and may have to dump tens of billions of USDT at any price they can if Bitfinex does not have enoughj money to redeem them 1:1 against USD

>> No.52308559


>> No.52308654

Won't people flood actual tokens if there is a USDT run?

>> No.52308720


why would they go to alts if Tether fails. Once Tether fails, alt tokens are fucking FINISHED.

People would want to take their money OUT of crypto

>> No.52308734

ya or flock to btc

>> No.52308750

no, that's when the bull begins. people will exit stablecoins to buy crypto

>> No.52308794
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Nothingburger low IQ fud

>> No.52308795

I'd consider spending it on Bitcoin if that's the faster/easier option. At least 1btc=1btc.

>> No.52308819


peak delusion
yeah, people are going to flock to crypto when the biggest stablecoin depegs. because BTC has been such a good hedge against, oh wait

>> No.52308827

tether has a piece of paper from a random guy oversea saying they have their money in us treasuries
you're the absolute goodest goy if you believe them at their word. ffs it's been 5 years since they were exposed as fraudsters
you retards will literally swallow any ponzi if it doesn't blow up instantly in a dramatic fashion. what causes this? absentee parents? being raised on anime?

>> No.52308950


Yeah, I can't believe people here saying Tether would be alright when it's 70 cents, for a fucking stablecoin.

As soon as it slips 3 cents, its fucking trash. The illusion is evaporated.

>> No.52309003

Tether FUDers, be honest, how many of you absolute retards lost money in Luna, Celsius, or FTX while continually obsessing about tether?

>> No.52309053
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>> No.52309074

>source: some tweet

>> No.52309202



Luna, Celsius and FTX, all were considered "solvent" by biz. Because they are all big players, they can't fail!

>> No.52309241
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Dear Sirs,

The tether is fully backed

>> No.52309287

Retard. Biz is not one person. There is plenty of people who knew how LUNA worked, that Celsius was retarded. They couldn't have know just how idiotic Celsius was but the idea of putting your money into a centralized black box where they invest it for you is like the opposite of crypto, its a trad bank. Only retarded newfags would have used it. Like only retards hold tether, but the FUD about it is stupid.

>> No.52309384

You guys are missing the real power players here.
The regulators need another blow up to really kill crypto.
Thanks Sam.
We appreciate your $40M and contribution to really destroying crypto forever right when we need a reason to implement CBDCS.
You vill eat the bugs.
You vill drink the mud.

>> No.52309985


>> No.52310000

everybody shitted on ftx since the beginning, celsius was warned against as centralized and dangerous tho many anons fell for it and luna was barely shilled here before its explosion

>> No.52310082

Tether was barely a thing when BTC was at 20K in 2017

>> No.52310668
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Talking about FUD.
I hope you guys realize that the $1 Trillion industry lies in the and of these guys.
Give thanks to them:


Deltec is the bank for Tether/FTX/Alameda

>> No.52312182

>Honest guys they gave us 30 billion in cash srs bros just trust us

>> No.52312488

How do you short usdt?

>> No.52312703

Kraken or borrowing USDT on DeFi protocol then selling for USDC/DAI.

>> No.52313125

I guess I should’ve mentioned this first. I have usdt on KuCoin futures that I’ve been using to fund other shorts. I’m just not sure how to short it there

>> No.52313811

thats retarded lol. so i deposit some usdc, borrow against it to buy some tether, then sell the tether for 0.99 of usdc. how exactly have i made money?

>> No.52313852

> borrow tether
> sell each tether for 0.99 usdc
> ???
> profit

>> No.52314534

his point is you will be always able to redeem your usdt for 0.7 real dollars no matter the token price

>> No.52314561

it will when miners start unplugging because they are fucking broke

>> No.52315785

yascool mane they got like all your cash in treasuries during the worst year for US treasuries ever (of all time)

don't even worry about a thing my dude

>> No.52315829

>never believe a rumor until it is officially denied
ruh roh

>> No.52316004

>what causes this? absentee parents? being raised on anime?
low T for all sorts of reasons

>> No.52316070

how do I upvote a post on 4channel.org?

>> No.52316810

Tether literally pumped BTC to 20k bro

>> No.52316853

everybody would dump tether to buy btc and other crypto

>> No.52318018

I believe that the trading volume of private cryptos will be among the first to skyrocket

>> No.52318095
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What's next is that everyone will be wary of any platform that doesn't guarantee the security of balance, not just centralized exchanges.

>> No.52318180

Tether fud....again.

>> No.52319107

as it should be, this whole thing ever since april i mean proofed just how strong true defi is, aave didnt die or stop functioning as intended
and all defi loans get insta liquidated, while the proceedings for ftx will, like mtgox, take ages to settle, probably until after next cycle so the depositors will turn very pink
fun times all around

>> No.52320047
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Shield your wallets!

>> No.52320134

DeFi is always going to be the standard where the security of funds and ultimately, security of financial information will become guaranteed.