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File: 542 KB, 1400x685, 1_CdIpRqUs5ory37RgSNXElQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52306324 No.52306324 [Reply] [Original]

Last week I saw Dorsey's post about web5, but web3 isn't launched even, and most of the NFT's just have a smell to them, nothing usefull.

Web3, nodes, active NFT's .. is it a myth that is sold like fake news or something we can achieve?

>> No.52306370

Web3 is just a buzzword, no real value to it. just another means to rip off newfags

>> No.52306385

i saw Elon and Jack banting words yesterday on birdwatch... Looks more like CEOs conversation in a casual way.

>> No.52306386
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Dorsey can suck it, and crypto will follow the red line doon

>> No.52306539

When it comes to NFTs, apart from doodles and decentraland I don't see anyone else worth looking into. Sandbox or cope

>> No.52306551
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>> No.52306727
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"SpaceChain has launched velas blockchain node into space. the payload was installed on a SpireGlobal satellite and transported via SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Velas node supports on-orbit ethereum transaction and minting of ERC-721 standard NFTRead"

I was exploring Velas for the past couple of months, but as we all know we didn't get to the moon with Buzz, so how can this node work in space ???

I call BS ... just another "cloud" in a garage !

>> No.52306785

yo bruv, I think you milked some good profits on them for you to be so damn rigid. If you know your news well which I suppose you should the likes of Chris brown now glorifies NFTs, I recently joined one crazy ass NFTs coz of Sia and trust me it rugpulled coz they were too confident and lacked market strategies even with her presence.

Snoop Dogg and Keanu Reeves are so fucking interested in the futureverse ecosystem, I think I might be high on copium on the NFTs in here from Fluf world and seekers.

>> No.52306808

>just a buzz word
then explain why fortune 500 companies are investing BILLIONS of dollars into chains like Polygon right?
you’re so fucking dumb

>> No.52306908
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why you ask nutfucker ?

so they can take more money away from you, and you're broke wen the shift comes ...

>> No.52306929

we are watching this niggas

>> No.52306927

You don't realize you are just liquidity, do you?

>> No.52306987
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sand niggas everywhere

>> No.52307011

>Web3, nodes, active NFT's .. is it a myth that is sold like fake news or something we can achieve?

it's all bullshit. Nobody wants or needs it.

Web3 where everything is based on some stupid crypto crap? Who asked for that?

>> No.52307021

NFTs are retarded and so is most of Web3

>> No.52307023

>then explain why fortune 500 companies are investing BILLIONS of dollars into chains like Polygon right?

sure they are.

>> No.52307039

Genuinely can't tell if this post is parody. Or is this really the hellscape we live in?

>> No.52307065

I would say a little bit of both... wait for the lgbblablabla ppl start jumpin in LOL

>> No.52307084
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>> No.52307179
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Untill we clarify and provide proof that web3 is decentralized, and not just stored info in a garage, that can burn to the ground, i would say, we can't carrie on.

As well, I don't see so many ppl offering and becoming a node, due to carbon emissions, high electricity bills and so on.

DESU, I don't know what to think about it... .just like crypto should be about the ppl, well we see its not !

can i get an AMEN ?

>> No.52307191

Web3 brings the potential to unlock more value for everyone on the internet, have you seen FLUX ANKR, old fagg

>> No.52307282

Disadvantages of Web 3.0:

Need to implement a privacy policy before bringing Web 3.0 to action.
The time consumed on surfing with increased.
Technology isn’t quite ready for it yet.
There is a need to make more environmentally friendly technology because current technology has a much higher carbon footprint than its predecessor.
Many laws had to be changed in order to ensure security and ownership of something.
It can be extremely difficult for newcomers to comprehend.
Web 1.0 sites will appear significantly more out of date.
Web 3.0.0 will be inaccessible to less advanced devices.

and these are just a couple from on top of my head

>> No.52307380

You dumb head fucks just spew baseless facts, If NFTs be so retarded then why does Instagram support its minting and selling?
Also, Shopify users getting their hands on Tezos NFTs with new partnership, nah you gimme an answer. How cringe can you possibly be?

>> No.52307411

Anon serious question is this future of trading?

After losing so much money with shitcoins I decided to try this and made $3230.10 from trading.

Proof: https://files.catbox.moe/hvueub.jpg
>since bitcoin is crashing I think trading is the best way to make money.
>literally turned my last 200 bucks into $3000+

>> No.52307418
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This was just announced couple of days back ... but we all know Meta is in trouble, so IG could be as well...

Tezos, you must be joking.

>> No.52307435

cope. you are gonna die poor in your grandma's basement.

There are based incentives for operating nodes service

>> No.52307518
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oooh you must be a 4chan wizard LOL

looks like someone took an extra shot of haterade this morning

how can you promote instagram NFT, and they are not out yet, hype yourself up to be a bit more productive, lazy arse

>> No.52307555

You can do it too if you know how to trade , anyway that is better than losing money with shitcoin lottery.

>> No.52307573
File: 125 KB, 1265x712, bobo pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, I get your standpoint for web3.

How will ankr or flux incorporate NFT's and what will be their "mission"?

Any news on that

>> No.52307608

>cope. you are gonna die poor in your grandma's basement.

already own my own house, fatboy

>> No.52307714

legoland rulz, i agre

>> No.52307823
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OpenSea plans to enforce NFT royalties on-chain

How do you feel about this 4channers

>> No.52307912

Quite a number of projects working on privacy and data ownership. Web3 will evolve with usage.
Privacy will occur with decentralization either in storage or communication channels

>> No.52307924

Just because something can be used squeeze people for money better doesn't mean it's actrually better in any other appreciable way.

>> No.52307966

If you ask me,

decentralization is still a thing crypto needs to see. Luna was claiming, and it failed, Solana claimed it, and it failed !

Don't let me start on the recent shit show we are seeing in liquidity worlds

>> No.52307971

If that boy >>52307380 is right then prolly my buy on Acequia NFT, one of the big buys on objkt.com might be considered.

where do you hodl your picks chads?

>> No.52308067

NFTs are an integral part of web3. And, devs require tools that help them to work with NFTs.

>> No.52308162

but how the freaking hell will we use NFT's ... just as collectors items ? I mean, fuck me just like collecting NBA 1998 stickers.

>> No.52308297

Y'all seen this?
>1st stage - partnership with FIFA
>2nd stage - Root network, a blockchain for decentralized and GameFi apps.
>3rd stage- The Next legends of Muhammad Ali showcasing fucking checked digital arts. All these from Fluf world ecosystem.

>> No.52308538

what project is this anon? another money grab?

>> No.52308926

If you would read you would see the fluffy answer...

Dont know are you oldfag with no glasses, or a lazy newfag

>> No.52309032

If Snoop has his studio and house in the Burrows, then why shouldn’t we join for a smoke session

>> No.52309079

Dot is offering a decentralized web3 blockchain, it hasn't failed.

>> No.52309107

NFTs are more than Jpegs, having utility makes the difference. dumdum.

>> No.52309341

Plebs just have fun speaking trash.

>> No.52309447

And what was built on dot as web3?

I know that seeker nfts and sylo are cooperating the metaverse, haven't seen decentraland doong smthn like it, just copying minecraft haha

>> No.52309635

And why is Jack D talking about web5 then, and what is its usecase

>> No.52309729

You think that VR and blockchain are compatible with a real world use case, or is it just hype to take money from the rich and the poor that are stupid in spending???

>> No.52309757

DYOR, enough of the spoon feeding lad.
Last I checked two peeps gave speculations on NFTs to flip, Keepers and AtemCar club on ETH and Aptos chimps which the latter was a fucking cash grab. Imagine not doing ya research and getting rekt to the balls with the market conditions.

>> No.52309818

Take a chill retard, NFTs are now having utilities and not just depending on hypes. You can use some to run nodes

>> No.52309839
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There is nothing actually good or worthwhile about """"""Web3"""""" that can't be done on the current web, its just a giant marketing ploy across multiple companies to sell shit, there is seriously nothing it does except let investors stroke their cocks to tech words they don't actually understand.

Nigger moment, just fucking authenticate ownership of the NFT in the same way your currently interface with them on web 2.0

No one fucking cares except people invested in fucking """metaverse""" projects, companies across the board define and execute this shit in wildly different ways because no one actually knows what the fuck to do with such a vague and cumbersome concept.
Seriously, who the fuck is going to do work meetings where you gear up in VR to use shitty little avatars when you can just use a fucking webcam with one of those zoom backgrounds or some shit?

It's happening across the world, sure, but it has NOTHING to do with the """Web3""" scam ring.

>> No.52310043

that's a bobo I think you couldn't decipher, he wasn't spiting >>52308162 I see you didn't have patience to read that, so calm your balls boy.

>You can use some to run nodes
looks like something out of the ordinary stoopid ass NFTs staking, like wtf brought out that idea, kek. Crazy nuggets.

>> No.52310065

Metaverse and VR will see more utility as the market progresses. Recently seen its utility in in-car entertainment.

VR and blockchain will see much more use cases IRL. The sector is still early.

>> No.52310239

nothing short of what sylo is up to. Some freaky looking seekers 3d robots nft to power the open metaverse and run nodes. That is some shit

>> No.52310299

Just when we thought we had seen it all in the metaverse, with all this crazy ass fuckery and molesting on various metaverse worlds that came with it and zero utilities.

Then came web3 gaming, NFTs, blockchain, VR, which are all integrated into an ecosystem centered in vehicles with value distribution at its zenith.

>> No.52310568

No cap

>> No.52310718

Web3 gaming and VR entertainment are yet to be fully explored in the crypto space. I see a lot of potential in these sectors

>> No.52311478

A smoke section with the pimp would be based. But what rewards can I earn from this

>> No.52312243

having a sidekick to run a node, support the network, reap the rewards. a pretty radical minting concept, mixed with a core communication infrastructure crucial to future of web3, and a much better open metaverse devoid of centrality.

>> No.52312461
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Imagine cruising in your automobile backseat and experiencing VR and gaming contents anon

>> No.52312566

What we have mostly in crypto is pseudo decentralization. I dont see why Sol should be having downtimes if it is truly decentralized.

Anon, only two projects claim to run decentralized comms, that is Mathadon and Sylo

>> No.52312897

Will all these talks about nodes matter when BTC crashes to 10k?

>> No.52313209


hmm I would say it doesn't matter since nodes and BTC have nothing to do with each other.
BTC need Miners
and who needs nods :P

>> No.52313248

how can you cruise around in the backseat ?

if you're cruising then your hand is out the window, and you enjoy the view and scenery ... not caring what the kid in the back with the VR thinks

>> No.52313286

hmmm strange how all of a sudden all of the pajeets started to beep about VR

we all know the future is not with those clumsy goggles

but who knows where the next big thing will come from which fail

>> No.52313292

Why is this thread full of Pajeets?

>> No.52313461
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lets play a game .... tag the pajeet post

>> No.52313527

>Banting words
>Which web I'm in
>that file name
>bruv, coz, the grammar in your entire post
>that meme
>that file name, its, the general grammar in your post
>arse, haterade, image unrelated to anything
>>random picture you found on Google

Seriously guys, your English is fucking atrocious and it's obvious you're here to shill. Go back to Turkish Facebook or wherever it is you were hired.

>> No.52313546

I'm tagging one right now nigger. All your posts look like shit and you have the same writing style even when you change your IP.

>> No.52313756


Nice one boyo, you've cought them on the post.

Don't agree with all of your assumptions, but its a start.

Sad how nobody gave a good piece of mind regarding web3 and nft's, but the topic has shifted in the node direction, so lets see where the pajeets take us

>> No.52313828

you couldn't tag a pajeet if he fingerd you with a fist

>> No.52313872


wow the IP changes, we don't have this technology where I live

Wake the fuck up and learn the basics.
We have static and dynamic IP.

kme kme

>> No.52313897 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1170x858, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of Web3

I am launching a CPU/GPU mineable (ASIC resistant) Bitcoin fork. We're thinking that a lot of former ETH miners will come to our network to collect block rewards with their GPUs over time.

We're launching in two weeks, so you still have time to learn more about the project.

> This is a Coin on its Own Chain, Not an ETH or BNB Chain Token
> Launching November 21st 2022
> Over 350 Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers are Calling Us Out on Launch
> Influencers are From Both Twitter and Telegram
> Many 4chan Bros Are in the Group, and are Utilizing their Bizraeli Networks
> 4chan Soft Fork in Development (4chan fork with our native coin as payment method for adspace)
> Each Social Media Page is Up and Running
> See Our Specs for More Details, Mining Pool and Block Explorer are Live November 21st 2022
> Our Website Will be Online by November 14th 2022
> We Have a Small CEX Listing Underway 7 Day After Launch
> Airdrops are Negotiable, Please Discuss with the Admins or Owner for More Details

Pic related, shoot me a DM on TG

>> No.52314083


>> No.52314554

Btc won't get below 14k faggot. Screencap this and rope quietly

>> No.52314735

Anon, that chink will push down the market so he can buy FTX cheaper

>> No.52315381

Maybe it's time for ETH to flip BTC

>> No.52315574
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Faggot, if Web3 has no real value then where does Web3payment tech come in?

>> No.52316041

FTX is dead already jeet. You'd have better luck putting all your money in Luna

>> No.52316233
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Nodes usually consume less energy than miners anon. Not to mention that they also aid in building the infrastructure of the platform

>> No.52316525

Jeet, it's a genius idea. give that NFT some utility and make some passive income from it

>> No.52316907

Utrust uses Web3tech,I make payments with it and it is cheap; if this isn't a use case, I'm not sure what is.

>> No.52317208
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>> No.52317227
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>> No.52317247
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>> No.52317525

NFTs have come a long way oldfag. They can now be used as nodes on some platforms while users earn rewards for it.

>> No.52317875

Most don't understand wtf they are talking about when they say web3. Currently everything is silo'd out in corporate owned databases; you need to manually upload your user data to Twitter and it lives on Twitter's servers segmented off from the rest of the internet aside from the niche API calls you can make against your account (which are not only limited in the scope of information they can interact with but also rate limited in how often information can be called). As a result, our digital identities are split across multiple platforms and the experiences are fragmented.

Web3 is the simple concept of storing user data on a global decentralized database in which all information intermingles and can interact with one another. In Web3 when you "sign up" for a site you're just signing in, the relevant information the site needs from you is automatically queried from the blockchain and populated. Wherever you go online, or whatever you interact with online, there's no gap in information shared. In other words, if you decided "I fucking hate Twitter and wanna use Nigger instead" you don't have to worry about losing your posts, followers, follows, etc. because that info doesn't live on Twitter's servers. When you log into Nigger, all your information is there, displayed on another platform, and you can use their service as well. On top of that, your Nigger account can also freely interact with stuff like your Steam achievements if you want to do some silly shit like display them on your profile or message only people who have beat CBT HARD MODE on Dick Eternal.

If you prefer being locked to platforms and at their mercy, that's on you. If you don't like a more open web experience, that's on you as well, but they're inherently upgrades to how we currently interact with the web. This stuff isn't even speculative either, actual platforms already do this.

>> No.52317989
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>> No.52318028
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>Need to implement a privacy policy before bringing Web 3.0 to action.


>The time consumed on surfing with increased.

Already happening with or without web3.

>Technology isn’t quite ready for it yet.

Web3 platforms already exist.

>There is a need to make more environmentally friendly technology because current technology has a much higher carbon footprint than its predecessor.

What chain are you referring to? Ethereum already moved to proof of stake so I'm legitimately confused as to what you're possibly saying here.

>Many laws had to be changed in order to ensure security and ownership of something.

No? It's in your wallet, you own it. Nobody can forcibly take it from you, anyone can audit the chain information to see you own it. No laws are really needed here.

>It can be extremely difficult for newcomers to comprehend.

Sure, try getting users into the internet in the 1990's. How easy did your grandmother find her first iPhone before she got used to it?

>Web 1.0 sites will appear significantly more out of date.


>Web 3.0.0 will be inaccessible to less advanced devices.

What?...If it runs a HTML5 compatible browser it's fine. You can literally run web3 apps on the cheapest android shitphone you can find.

Are you ok?

>> No.52318052
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>> No.52318585

can someone tell me exactly what the fuck is a web3? im saying this as someone who owns nfts. i still dont know wtf is a web3

>> No.52318660
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>> No.52319203
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How can it be a way to rip off newfags if it's quite technical for an average person to understand or interact with

>> No.52319238

>Web 3.0.0 will be inaccessible to less advanced devices.
Not for long. ORE is already bridging web2.0 identities to web3.0.

>> No.52319266
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