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52302273 No.52302273 [Reply] [Original]

My basterds
This was a terrible day for some crypto niggers
Let me ease your minds with a take from today
>order Chinese
>comes late
>driver soaked due to rain
>leaves my food down the stairs
>come out of house
>tell him to bring it up the stairs
>he drops the food
>take pics
>get mad for spilling my food
>tell him to fuck off
>complain and refund with no tip
These fuckwits can’t even do one fucking job properly, and they expect a payout for basically doing nothing
Don’t give these scumbags a single penny, save it towards your next crypto buys lads
>inb4 wagie seethe
>inb4 y-you’re fat
Cope seethe and dilate
I hope you lose all your money
Xrp is in my captcha btw, so but xrp basterds

>> No.52302309

you shared that meal with other people, right anon?

>> No.52302324

I live with my mother and save her a plate

>> No.52302825

enjoy never having sex fat yank

>> No.52302851

>not tipping
>spending $135 on UberEats
that's too much goyslop. we all know your "Chinese" was 4 helpings of orange chicken.

>> No.52302910

>in 2022
I’d rather not
It’s chicken, lots of rice and beef

>> No.52302936

I did lose a lot today infact I lost it all my health and my mind.
Maybe the world doesn't like you anon ever think of that?

>> No.52302960

I didn’t lose anything
I never even bought that ft(ranny)x lmao
Seethe harder loser
Make sure to stream your suicide

>> No.52302989

Na I'm just gonna keep trying because I'm not a loser buddy I'm 6'4 and 195lbs and don't need 140 dollars worth of food per portion.
Ngmi no matter what buddy your hearts gonna explode before you enjoy any of that money kek.
I feel bad for you buddy I used to be fat I lsot that too, sometimes losing isn't good you should try it builds character also people won't cum in your food.

>> No.52303011
File: 88 KB, 1015x1024, BWAHAHAHAAHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I’m tall b-bro
>I-I’m n-not fat
Holy cope ahahhaahhahahahah
Your insecurity is showing anon
Make sure to drop that stream link here poornigger ahahahhahahahahha

>> No.52303036

Bro you're the one ordering 140 dollars for chinese food because you're too fat to get up and drive or god forbid make food yourself.
You can brag all you like it's simply a matter of not my problem but your blog fairy.

>> No.52303074

>not my problem
>proceeds to reply to my thread
Yup yup it checks out
Keep seething my friend, if you live that long enough anyway

>> No.52303090

I'm just enjoying calling you fat kek.
140 dollar anon I'll remember you, I imagine you look like Avocado and you're on your iphone shitting out god knows what you consumed earlier.
I'm fasting currently and enjoying it actually.

>> No.52303117

I imagine you as one of those fat fucks from 600lb life that cant walk down stairs

>> No.52303137

Years ago I would purposely leave blacks food out in the rain and they deserve it believe me

>> No.52303148

Oh wagie
The melody
Your seething is getting me erect
Keep seething shitskins ahahahhahahahahhahahahah

>> No.52303155

I'm unemployed.
Guess again I'm bored so we can chat.

>> No.52303179

post nose + timestamp

>> No.52303199

Once a wagie always a wagie
You’d like that huh fed