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52297726 No.52297726 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a better idea to go into a trade school than college these days?

>> No.52297760

Why are tradies so low IQ?

>> No.52297762

Neither. Both.

>> No.52297773
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>> No.52297778


>> No.52297793

>cute sparky bird
>..and tats

sparky is the best trade tho.

>> No.52297796

It depends on what you want to study. Yes, it can be better. If you’re not a retard you could start your own business after several years depending on your trade. Problem is finding competent and reliable people to work for you.

>> No.52297813
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Am plumber. Money good.
Learn you the pipe.

>> No.52297820

110k a year 94 IQ plumber here. I'm smarter then you'll ever be. 60 hour weeks and 12 paid days off a year too. Suck on that faglord

>> No.52297822

>No eye protection
I'm calling OSHA.

>> No.52297830

Damn that's sexy. I wish I had a tradie bitch even if she only makes 15% of what I make.

>> No.52297916

weeks are 40 hours. i have flex time so i can take three times the PTO so let's just ignore those 12 days. adjusting to 60 hours of actual effort, counting my hourly rate at the FTE position plus the 1099 side hustle, that would be total compensation around $400k
so yeah i guess you have a 94 IQ

>> No.52297974

If you have options and an exit plan maybe, uncertain if your body gives up before 45 with random pains. If you start your own business or invest aggressively early, you save yourself the time wasted in college and more.

No women or less of them and informal workplace which can be fun if that's your type of thing. Also stimulating for body and mind unlike waging in a office. Hard to tell if it's for you unless you try it but some days I just feel I get paid for working out and listening to music since I'm used to the job and can be done easy sometimes.

Of course if your're a hyper normalfag that gets good grades college will beat it easily, but otherwise certain trades can be a good value

>> No.52298006

I don't know what half those words mean. You're probably just butthurt because your wife gets creampied by guys like me when we visit to clean your pipes lmaooooo

>> No.52298153

I've done this type of work as a 200lb man and sometimes it feels impossible for me when something gets stuck. There's probably someone else there to do everything difficult and she gets to muck around with wiring, which she was straining to do

>> No.52298207

>tfw major in economics
>fund manager
>work 4 hours a day
>200k a year
Tradies are just coping low iq chumps.

>> No.52298280

>muh Trades good
Psyop to deter right wingers from going to college and graduate school where they'll be far more influential in society. Nobody is going to listen to a 165 IQ plumber about his merited concerns of COVID 19 vaccinations and if he elaborates on mechanisms, he will be derided a schizo.

>> No.52298371
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1. Start off as tradie
2. Get job
3. Do math college courses one at a time. Don’t register into any degree. Just pay to do 1 math course alone. JUST ONE MOTHERFUCKER JUST ONE. It costs money but it’s an investment.
4. Focus on this one course and get an A
5. Do another SINGLE math course.
6. Slowly build up portfolio of A’s in STEM college courses.
7. Enroll in engineering degree officially
8. Transfer your entire portfolio of STEM A’s
9. Quit being a tradie and get an internship at prestige high level company with your portfolio of A’s as soon as you officially register
10. Get A’s in remaining courses left to complete degree
11. Continue internship and do Grad degree
12. Get hired by engineering company 150k starting as you have practical tradie experience as well as book smart
13. Start paying and registering for MBA courses / degree part time while engineer
14. Get promoted from engineer to project manager
15. Final boss for the executive positions

>> No.52299569


Honestly this is not bad advice. Breaking problems down into small, manageable pieces is a time-tested strategy.

>> No.52299613

Thousands of men get up and work and no one recognizes them. Fuck cunts.

>> No.52299689

I approve of this Rothschild post

>> No.52299700

have sex incel

>> No.52299736

fucking slave nigger cattle
get back to work, need your taxes to pay my tendie neetbucks
Chop Chop

>> No.52299768
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>60 hours
Why do wagies feel so tempted to act like they make a high pay, when they actually just work lots of hours
I Make 300k a yr!!
Oh well yea i work 99 hours a week but that doesnt matter cause muh fake news

>> No.52299817

To be fair there are people at investment banks doing 100 hour weeks bragging about muh six figures in NYC too

>> No.52299854

so you basically make 75k if you adjusted your work week to a normal 40 hour week.
i work like 5 hours a week from home and make 130k. i actually just started a second wfh job just because my primary job is so easy to automate and manage remotely, increasing my salary to 200k+. this is with unlimited PTO on top of 13 paid holidays and 401k shit. idk why you thought you were flexing. APPRW

>> No.52299861

Do you think it'll be a good idea to be a tradie in the next few years with the inevitable housing collapse?
That will also kill the construction boom which is already slowing massively in most countries with over inflated markets.
2008-2012/14 was a shit time to be a tradie unless you were fully qualified and didn't mind moving for jobs.
As soon as you see trades being pushed everywhere like real estate agents its time for a new gig.

Or just work commercial.

>> No.52299881

I need to babymake with her sirs

>> No.52299889
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Yes but they brag about the long hours.
Wagies pretend to work a normal week but make a bunch of cash

>> No.52299909

Most trades are back breaking work.

>> No.52299933
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She'd be more useful raising children and creating a lovely home

>> No.52299952

Anon when you post like a cunt it makes it really hard to believe your larping

>> No.52299959

I'm glad you're fixing toilets so I can live on welfare.

Thank you for your service sir.

>> No.52299977

yeah a woman is doing it but that jobsite is literal easy mode.
most job sites are at least 5x more difficult than that. and dangerous.
i would feel like "wow, easy day" if i got that job.

>> No.52300125

>sparky is the best trade tho.
Laughs in multi six figure locksmith. Electricians are a dime a dozen

>> No.52300524

heh, that would be a pretty comfy gig.

>> No.52300546

nah. IT and CS employees generally work very few hours while more routine positions get stuffed with more work to churn and burn through. you got scammed if you went the trade route/business college route.

>> No.52300585
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You wouldn't be able to do their job
Nah. I did trade school. I hated it. Just get a job that you feel you won't hate. Don't focus on the money because that's what crypto is for i.e. some sociology whore could outperform stem grads if the sociology whore exposes herself during bear markets i.e. poor people that buy in bear markets make more than people with good paying jobs that have no or little exposure in the markets

>> No.52300618
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The chad tradie drunk driver vs the virgin office cuck killed by him

>> No.52300678
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about 8/10 girls nowadays have tattoos. they do it to signal to others that they're not racist/anti-lqbtq/sexist etc.

I'm also starting to see it with many girls that aren't so low IQ which is a shame.

it's like their wearing picrel constantly.

Don't bother dating tattooed girls unless it's just to smash, they already fucked their local tattoo artist / piercer and secretly love them doing body modification on them

>> No.52300693

>clean hands
>smooth skin
>perfect nails
Stop enabling fake thots'

>> No.52300725


i never considered this but honestly it sounds like a very sweet gig

>> No.52300892
File: 76 KB, 1024x683, 1617679629181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electrician bros, that looks like a house is being worked on. What is she putting up that a house would need all that for?

>> No.52302363

Lmao where are locksmiths earning 6 figs? I'll be on a plane tomorrow

>> No.52302680

Tradie here (commercial electrician), HELL NO! Well, at least not if you choose a decent major. Not all trades are the same, not all degrees are the same. It's just too vague to even compare "trade vs college dur". If you wanted to do something like a trade, you could be a plant operator or something. It takes like 2 years college and you will make 6 figures consistently IIRC. IDK man, you just really need to do some research if you are just now starting out. The best trades, FYI, are elevator techs, instrumentation, working for equipment manufacturers (at least with electrical, CNC machines, automation/automated lighting). Crane work pays well, either operator or setting up cranes.

Having seen all these, I would tell my kid to just find a solid degree. There is something to be said about the inherently different lifestyles, even though I'm trash myself. Trades are for midwits, desu. It's where I belong. ;) I thought making 150% of my dad's wage was good money, it isn't. We were poor.

>> No.52303313

I can't believe this is a real thread, but in case there are any gullible teenagers reading this, hell fucking no. Trades are for double-digit IQ retards who, while necessary for a functional society, are not in a position anyone intelligent would consider desirable. go to college, just don't get a meme degree.

>> No.52303318

Not sure if this is cope or not but college educated office plankton seem to be less ugly even if they make less money.

i watched a lot of electricians talk and promote the trade in of the camera and i barely liked one or two guys.

I didnt make it irl and trade job would be far better than what i have now.

>> No.52303330

600v electrical panel, no safety goggles on.

10$ shes fucked her boss and 2 out of the 5 most tattooed electricians that she apprenticed under

>> No.52303342

kek. I'm a sub-contractor (electrician). I pay wagies ((you)) to do all of the work i get for me. make about 200-300k a year. I work about 15 hours a week, mostly meeting for new jobs. cope.

>> No.52303350

no retard

>> No.52303354


That said older programmers doesn’t look cool either.

>> No.52303364


It's 3 phase so definitely isn't a regular house.

>> No.52303368

she’s fleecing nerds who are setting up crypto rigs

>> No.52303413


>> No.52304428

>shitty hair dye
>no PPE

Do tradefags and their dykes really? I'm so glad I can work with higher quality women while making 6figs and working less than 10 hours a week from my desk.

It's a good thing I went to college

>> No.52304452

delete this goy

>> No.52304457

That house probably burned down after

>> No.52304467

The best idea is to lie about having a degree.

>> No.52304583

Yes... at least then you'll actually have a skill that can pay you no matter what the economy looks like.

>> No.52305144

Yes, unless you are a top student/valedictorian in med school or engineering, college is a waste of time and money

>> No.52305298


Its probably a commercial office space made to look like houses. It fits in suburbs better

>> No.52305391

With a good selection of tools, jobs can take next to no effort. However, every special tool you're using is more shit to haul on and off the site, up and down ladders, fuck around with in a tight space, and have to swap between. Not being able to just muscle the fuck out of something to make it go will slow you down tremendously, making your quotes more expensive.