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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52297118 No.52297118 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your first move? How do you live the rest of your life?

>> No.52297138

i buy a big mac

>> No.52297151

>How do you live the rest of your life?
As a Jew because no goy is winning that money.

>> No.52297163

I'd spend it all trying to defend the FTT price

>> No.52297166

I give it all away

>> No.52297169

lots of creampies

>> No.52297172

Take the cash option and just read and do things I've always wanted to do. I wouldn't waste it on vain persuits like lust and drugs.

>> No.52297195

I would change nothing about my life. I would still go to work every day and give a hundred dollars away to random people each day. I love my life as a professional coder. I would buy a new tesla and a little condo in new york city. As a jewish person I just want to be in a like minded community and have the freedom of remote work. I would also donate to NGO's that help migrants become citizens and bus them into rural predominantly white areas.

>> No.52297228
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>> No.52297233

walk up to the first hot woman i can find and say "i won powerball i am entitled to sex"

>> No.52297253

this would be pretty based. you'd probably end up in history books for this move

>> No.52297268

i'd start a youtube channel called "mr yeast" and i'd just be a stupider lazier version of mr beast until i get bored of that

>> No.52297328

but in all seriousness i'd be too afraid to be a billionaire they'd probably assassinate me or something no way i'd be allowed to be that rich i'm too based. i'd talk to the jannies on 4chan see if they let me do a /biz/ shark tank thing and dump a biliion on your business ideas if you can prove you're white

>> No.52297347

Slaves to sex and masturbation aren't going to make it. What's the point of wealth if you aren't going to use it to overcome your carnal instincts?

>> No.52297354

actually black is fine too if you can prove you're an anime black and not a nigger black

>> No.52297360

This would actually work

>> No.52297372

I would buy 4chan unironically

>> No.52297376

Dedicate all my resources to become a James Bond level super villain. Finance my own army and do shit like hijacking an entire years cocoa bean harvest. Imagine the chaos that would ensue when the world is bereft of chocolate for a year.
Other shit comes to mind, like buying up production of the next game counsels for an entire city, depriving the gamer fags of their toys.

>> No.52297378

i haven't had sex in 7 years, carnal instincts have been overcome. i have nothing further to prove to myself. but when access to vagina becomes chad-tier easy due to powerball status might as well pump a few holes

>> No.52297444

You can't buy a CIA asset

>> No.52297447

Establish a fascist party in my home country :)

>> No.52297455

>pay off house
>remodel house
>stick the rest in the bank
>go to work like normal but be more vocal about how much i hate work

>> No.52297456

I'll put it all on SAMO

>> No.52297532

bruh you have 2 b-b-b-b-b-billlion with a b
you could buy your work or any work. remodel your house? fuck your house. why go to work and sleep in your house when you can go anywhere, do anything, sleep anywhere. just roam the world going where you want, building what you want, changing what you want. we're talking a level of power only a few thousand people in the world even have.

>> No.52297565

I'd be taking vacays every set off and bringing my kids more places.

>> No.52297604

I rest.

>> No.52297621

>bro I'm so enlightened without releasing sperm in a woman as god intended
Coping incel

>> No.52297646

That's not what God intended. He allows it for survival of the species for procreation to occur.

>> No.52297651

Caveman retard lmao

>> No.52297699

>read and do "stuff" while not having sex
you can do that as pauper while doing some shit job anon or even for free at a monastery in tibet

>> No.52297794


>Buy my parents house and pay off their bills
>Buy me ranch with lake nearby
>Buy my parents the best grave sites I can near me
>Operation for wife
>Have 3-5 kids
>Watch them grow into better versions of me with my values and work ethic
>Become a grandfather
>Buy me and wife our graves
>Make sure someone will take care of disabled brother when im gone for as long as hes alive.
>leave children with everything left
>Die happy with no regrets

I think this would be ideal

>> No.52297816

First Step:
>sign ticket, let the ink dry, put inside two ziplock bags, stay home and don't let it out of my sight
>photo and video of myself with ticket, protonmail to myself
>attorney (Senior Partner at a big firm)
>financial adviser

>$100m to parents and each sibling via trust; siblings get monthly allowance with an exception being purchasing one home for a max price of $tbd; monthly allowance increases every few years, & is lifted at my discretion or my death

>buy nice piece of property in Florida in a high income, low crime area
>hire private security team
>gun license, training courses, purchase for home defense and to carry

>decide amount to put into standard bank account, money market funds, index & mutual funds, etc.
>live off of interest
>put no more than $100m into crypto
>buy a new daily driver and a fun car
>spend time with family, travel, play vidya, and browse /biz/

>> No.52297846

>be human race
>have binary sexuality designed for reproduction
>broooo we're like, totally not supposed to... you know... do stuff with that

>> No.52297914

>fail the skill testing question
>don't get the money
>continue to be poor and eternally justed

>> No.52298062

it’s kind of wild there’s actually a man/woman out there who instantly became a billionaire

i wonder what they are currently thinking/feeling right now

>> No.52298120

That's not true. If you're poor, you lack access to comfort and intellectual stimulation and tend to become addicted to porn and dates nonstop as a cope. When you spend 8 hours a day doing something you don't want to do, it's very easy to succumb to temptation when you get home. Especially when it seems hopeless.

>> No.52298143

The more you do something, the greater the habit and the more it detracts from having command of mind and body.

>> No.52298170

I've read that you don't want to sign the ticket until you talk to a lawyer because it might screw you if you want to remain anonymous when claiming the prize

>> No.52298436
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>finally an investor for my line of customizable trad wife ai sexbots startup

>> No.52298488

start a charity to help support people whos lives have been ruined for naming the jew

>> No.52298789

Just like lifting weights

>> No.52299056
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>> No.52299118

sounds gay as fuck

>> No.52299150
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>buy the business I wage at and fire everyone
>shut it down and bulldoze it
>buy a thousand rental duplexes
>buy a buffalo ranch
>buy 20 million dollars worth of gold and keep it in a custom made chest with my name engraved in it
>buy Hitomi Tanaka to be my sex slave
>pay a beaner mechanic $500 to fix my shitty riceburner car
>buy my grandparents a new trailer home
>put the rest in investments and live life
>invest a few billion in cryogenics at age 60 (my money will have expanded vastly by this point)
>freeze myself and my 12 favorite brides in 2085
>become immortal and live off of my dividends forever when I thaw out in 2250

>> No.52299251

Lmao, fucking based

>> No.52299451

>Tell my boss to go fuck himself
>Donate 10% to charity
>Marry my crush
>Go to Dubai for our honeymoon
>Have sex in a pool
>Buy some BTC, GLMR, ALBT, and ETH as a backup plan
>Invest in real estate
>Live my life with no regret

>> No.52299490

Generalization makes you fucking retarded. Fix your stupid mind.
And meditation

>> No.52299737

Fly to the moon

>> No.52299778

>become best friends with the accountant and lawyer
>alienate everyone that knows me
>change my name and number
>live the rest of my life out of a backpack
>turn into living ghost
>News stories would report of bizarre stories like >dodocacacoin becoming the 3rd largest defi token
>africa has a working gundum
>texas has random glass structures written in hieroglyphics popping up everywhere

>> No.52299794
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im locking the GME float and watching the chaos ensue


>> No.52299802

I'd work at a local golf course and screw all the beer cart girls

>> No.52299868

Probably do the standard thing where you figure out a way to legally stay anonymous. Cash it in, get my money, quit my job, set up payments for everyone in my immediate family and friends so that they get $2-5m apiece after taxes with a letter explaining I would prefer to never talk about the money again and that everyone got the same amount. I would live exactly the same as I currently do except I would commission a modest but extremely well-built home out in the woods somewhere and I would focus a lot more on fitness and reading and travel.

>> No.52299888

>As a jewish person

down the well you go

>> No.52299914

Real answer: Never tell a soul you won it. Not your wife, not your family, not your friends. Money does strange things to people. People you thought were cool will suddenly start hitting you up for loans. Hell people have been killed over a lot less..Just saying. Best thing to do is just act like you never won a dime.

>> No.52299927

>Buy some BTC, GLMR, ALBT, and ETH as a backup plan
Based, faggot has an easy plan to flip Elon, greed kills but yeah I guess the rich are never contented

>> No.52299947

All in on ETH and BTC for the lmfao factor

>> No.52299964

incel cope

>> No.52300074

Build my own lab and use the money to develop technology and medicine that will ultimately make me the richest person in the world.

>> No.52300958

>>Make sure someone will take care of disabled brother when im gone for as long as hes alive.
You're a good guy anon

>> No.52301361

buddy, it's 2 billion. i'd be handing out "loans" like candies. i'd loan you right here and now, loan you so hard you don't even know what the fuck is going on

>> No.52301405

how do you get the gas station to delete the video recordings?

>> No.52301583

Easy come easy go
Before you blink your 2 billion will be gone with that mindset

>> No.52301763


>> No.52301827

good, takes the heat off me. how long do you think they'll let some based chuds like us wield that kind of power. better to get rid of it, distribute it widely to fund other people to empower themselves. i'll keep enough for myself to have my own fun for life. but chances are i'll fall to greed and try to keep it all to myself and even grow it and they'd probably off me.

>> No.52302379

>setup the most generic trust name so it's harder for people to find me like the trust or something
>put 15-20% into dividend paying stocks
>purchase house in some cheap state like Ohio or something
>calculate how much my bills will be for the next 40 years and setup bank account with that to automatic withdraw to pay them off
>spend a few months working on my physical and mental health
>get a job somewhere boring as a receptionist or Walmart greeter