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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52296936 No.52296936 [Reply] [Original]

>removes tumor from crypto
>CZ will be buying SBF's exchange
>Price dumps
LMFAO fucking clown market

>> No.52296969

Jewish regulators are going to come down so hard on crypto now that their boy got exiled.

>> No.52297039

He donated 50m to dems, he will probably stand for congress in the next election cycle

>> No.52297073
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unironically this. Worst part is that an outright monopoly is held by a fucking chinese billionaire now, so if losing their plug wasn't bad enough, he was replaced by someone they have every reason to be hostile toward.

>> No.52297091

The dump is just a panic to a happening. Not many understand how bullish this is.

>> No.52297113

You realize how many of these ponzi schemes SBF was supporting? There will be more ripple effects from this than Luna

>> No.52297112

SBF was a trojan horse whose entire job was to damage DeFi as much as possible.
No matter what happens now with muh regulation it's a better outcome than if FTX had been allowed to succeed.

>> No.52297140

Regulations mean more money will come in.
As for CZ, he's one of the few people in crypto that are actually trustworthy.
Lmao imagine wanting SBF over CZ

>> No.52297171

They are working together, you are retarded if you think there is some kind of war between them.

>> No.52297175

Again. CZ is buying the exchange up. Mid to long term this is a good thing for the space. Once the dollar starts to shit hard, you'll see risk on assets rally again.

>> No.52297240
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>>removes tumor from crypto
now cz die a hero or live long enough to become the villain

>> No.52297266

Again, SBF was loaning out his printed tokens to help projects stay afloat. They're all going to suffer in the coming weeks, and everything relying on them, and so on, and so forth. If you don't think one of the biggest "angels" in crypto being insolvent isn't worse than Luna, you're in a for a rough ride

>> No.52297331

CZ working with Trump
Trust the plan

>> No.52297375

he is not obligated to buy it.

>> No.52297424

Those shitcoins are dead anyway

>> No.52297457

The pain is temporary
At least Solana the shit chain will finally die
and Sam cant dump on us anymore

>> No.52297491

You don't know how far this contagion will spread. SBF single handedly helped a lot of "secretly insolvent" platforms get through hard times. You've yet to see the real carnage.

>> No.52297508

from which country? kek they can't do anything

>> No.52297517

I just want to see solana go to fucking zero

>> No.52297556

>CZ is buying the exchange up
not yet, he's checking if it's worth it or not and can refuse. most likely what will happen

>> No.52297571
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SBF is a barting kike. Fuck him
The fuck? Never said he was "obligated", but he WANTS to
And you're speculating that he and he alone is the only reason BTC stayed where it was at

>> No.52297619

Never said that, maybe learn to read

>> No.52297639
File: 375 KB, 1242x1294, 64CB2D65-2E60-4847-8B72-AAF2C4F0D177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are he won't refuse or he wouldn't have voiced an interest in the first place

>> No.52297668

Ya you said he helped keep price alive for some shitcoins, kek. And for btc too. He might have had some influence, but to credit him and him alone for the floor for months is retarded.

>> No.52297732

I never said that. I said projects. Platforms. Like exchanges, defi, etc. But I'm sure shitcoins are a part of it too, yes