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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52294912 No.52294912 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52294927

He was so lucky with his black swan

>> No.52294930

not until that fat fuck ropes

>> No.52294980


>> No.52294983

This seething jew literally sits all day crying and raging that his predictions were shit, then tweets and releases videos the instant there's a 1% move in his direction lmao.

No Ben, a wick based on a day of wild manipulation from binance, ftx and almeda does not validate any of your calls. We'll be right back end by tomorrow but you'll still be jewish.

>> No.52295018

It's the exact same price it's been oscillating around for the last 6 months. A further $400 drop doesn't confirm your thesis of a massive capitulation you absolute fucking faggot.

>> No.52295059

he literally posted this after we already wicked to 17k. is he just pointing it out, as if we cant read charts ourselves?

>> No.52295096
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absolute kekery

>> No.52295148

>breaks the last bottom by $1
>ZOMG!11 i told you the bottom wasnt in!!11

>> No.52295160

There was a thread disparaging Ben 2 or 3 days ago because of a bear market rally that was taking place. I asked OP if he would apologize when the rally was over. He said he would. Where are you, OP of that thread? Your time of reckoning has come.

>> No.52295170

Cowen is right. He's a smart, calculated investor. If you want proof just look at all the seething cryptobaggies in this thread. They hate that all his calls were right and they're wrong.

>> No.52295217

>the rally was over
it's literally starting right now anon, this is the exact same thing that happened in march 2020, it's the exact same thing that happened in november 2018
watch us crab back up in literally less than 2 weeks, back to 21k

>> No.52295373

If you followed his advice you would have missed the peak, sold all your alts just as they went on a multi month run against bitcoin and no longer have a foreskin.

>> No.52295555

We are going to 10K tho

>> No.52295616

>he was right on accident
are you a vaxxed faggot also?

>> No.52295805

I made this thread to warn everybody

>> No.52295839
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This. Black swan event lower by $357. Aint shit for a 5 figure asset.

>> No.52295919

Quads correct

>> No.52296043

No shit you could see it if you were not a brainlet. Bottom is 14k.. then slow medium recovery