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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 903 KB, 844x629, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52286375 No.52286375 [Reply] [Original]

Good karma is a bitch isn't it you astroturfing samefaggot niggers who have a pocket janitor pruning threads or any comment that isn't "approved" in their threads.

And now their shit dropped 70% and counting fucking good you fucking cocksucking pedophiles never learn do you.

>> No.52286419

KEK. That's a fucking blast from the past. QRD?

>> No.52286432

Janitors compromised this board and shill the most obscure bullshit.
That same obscure bullshit rugs and now they are on suicide watch spamming the board with wojaks and general bullshit threads because they are close to killing themselves.
Everyone make a post today congratulating these nigger trannies on losing everything.

>> No.52286511

I never buy shit with retarded names and this is one that takes the biscuit, fucking coinmetro

>> No.52286617

Well trannies like to hang out in subways so it's fitting.

>> No.52286931
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Everyone here knows but I feel like I need to post this for the newfaggies thinking the price suddenly fell.
It has been like this since october, coingecko just started to display the uni price.
Please sell your xcm on uniswap I'd like the price to go down more than just 60% guys.
All other coins are down 90% except for XCM, THIS MEANS IT'S OVERVALUED!

>> No.52286969

Tranny nigger it fell 70 percent in 1 hour and is rugging try harder faggot
Remember THT is their next move immediately report and sage any thread mentioning it they are already jumping ship and getting their shill units ready.
Fucking astroturfing /biz/ ruining faggots will keep getting rekt until they suicide which will hopefully be today.

>> No.52286983
File: 29 KB, 985x445, copefaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 hour timer
Go show the fucking 1 day nigger you won't.

>> No.52286989 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 150x150, 14053662297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 100k THT. To the moon!

>> No.52286998

Its still .60 you fucking niggers

>> No.52287001

Get the fuck off my fucking board you advertising little discord shitheads
Mods do your damn job I dunno how many fucking times we gotta do this song and dance range ban these niggers unless you are 100% compromised and part of their discord which if so this thread will be removed.

>> No.52287011

It's 60c on Coinmetro and 20c on uniswap which means the price is really 40c.

>> No.52287017

Sliding raiding niggers gotta come try to convert this thread into their shill thread watch they will samefag and spam this bullshit it's less than 20 cents you guys are fucked keep coping and start roping.

>> No.52287024

Dude chill out, spend time with friends and family, if you can't do it physically do it virtually and buy some XCM.

>> No.52287039

>Dude Chill out we only astroturfed people into buying our heavy bags for 70% higher than it's current price
There's no love this is a war and I won't stop till you fuckers die you think I'm kidding?
Nope everything you touch will turn to cancer I willed it last night nigger.

>> No.52287080

Yes. Its been .20 on uni for ages. So what changed?

>> No.52287100

Uhhh Nigger
You just said it was .60
See this is why you faggots will die poor and miserable all you can do is lie that's all you know is deception and willful hurting of others everything you faggots touch will turn to ash.
Want to redeem yourselves?
Never post here ever again all of you but you won't you'll continue down this self destructive path until there's nothing left to use and then you'll turn against yourself as it should be.

>> No.52287121

Trannies shilled tranny coins
Trannies bought and trannies got rugged. Trannies are now in the denial phase, but because trannies are like fish in water when it comes to denial, they can stay there for quite a long time as their bags get heavier.but eventually they will suicide. I see no negatives to this. Based tranny jannies leading trannies to the slaughter.

>> No.52287123
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>show the fucking 1 day nigger
Timeline goes back to october you dumb retard
here is one day

>> No.52287236
File: 281 KB, 730x970, Biz Schizo Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not really.
Schizo is back

>> No.52287281

I agree it's over for them I hope they swapped to whatever bullshit they hold now and it just crashed again this will go on until these tranny faggots rope.

>> No.52287334
File: 152 KB, 1111x1280, Coinmetro Kevin Metro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd posts. XCM is still up more than almost every crypto at .20c, including BTC
Also paying staking interest...
Weird FUD by the obsessed schizo haters

>> No.52287369
File: 371 KB, 1378x828, KevinCares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great advice anon, this guy seems sick
i feel sorry for >>52286375
.20c makes XCM one of the best performing cryptos post bullrun
Jelly is as jelly does

>> No.52287396

Fuck off spamming schizo quit trying to turn this into your shill thread it fucking isn't I hope the next post you make is about some major tragedy that happens to you and then suddenly all tranny shit disappears off /biz/ forever so the market can heal it never will with jews and trannies like you.

>> No.52287426
File: 354 KB, 1200x1196, Coinmetro party 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not jewish or a trans person of color.

Just an anon, trying to help other anons find quality projects with bright futures. Picrel

You should seek counseling, friend.

>> No.52287444

Fucking schlomo schizo spammer die already and fuck off my thread go back to your contaiment threads.

>> No.52287451


>> No.52287486
File: 106 KB, 873x646, CM Exchange Tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you're in pain friend.
I advised you to buy XCM, obviously you didn't, or you sold and got priced out.
(XCM goes up alot and doesnt fall as much as other cryptos such as btc and eth)

If you head over to Uniswap, you can purchase some XCM tokens at a discount and stake them for a consistent interest rates for a 1 year period, or less if you so choose.
Peace be with you, friend!

>> No.52287748

Dude chill out, spend time with friends and family, if you can't do it physically do it virtually and buy some XCM.

>> No.52287904

lmao op are you the LCX shill? Buy some XCM, you will literally want to rope in the future if you don't. I'm still extremely bullish on the exchange. It's constantly evolving and they are constantly hiring new people instead of firing them in this fucked up market. But go ahead spread fud and rope when xcm does a 100x

>> No.52287936

Look what these fucking niggers do just spam and samefag call each other up in discord and spam more it's the biggest nigger shit I've ever witnessed on the internet and I'm an oldfag enjoy your shitty bags niggers.

>> No.52287964

I just today after months decided to visit /biz/ again and searched for /XCM/coinmetro and got to this thread and decided to write what i did. It seems you suffer from paranoid delusions

>> No.52287980

a pallet of meds.

>> No.52288002

>and I'm an oldfag
Wait you're old? ew like 60? why would anyone listen to you then, go to bed grandpa, old fags are the worst

>> No.52288019
File: 62 KB, 1080x608, Coinmetro Cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is communicating outside of here about biz
You should buy XCM though and stake it, like I said. Then someday, you will be able to afford treatment.

Yeah, dude has a mental illness or some sort.

>> No.52288598
File: 69 KB, 540x405, tumblr_e60768c6dabff3a0116317d7238fdc51_bd58d038_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree it's a negative. this is an issue with board IDs for collectives who benefit from sufficient levels of intelligence, due to the ease of identifying unique authors in a corpus. please do not support the harm of anyone or anything, absolutely nobody deserves such misfortune