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52282903 No.52282903 [Reply] [Original]

>SBT getting BTFO? Heckin’ based!!!

>Wait a minute, why is the crypto market imploding… the jew was supposed to lose and I’d get rich!

>N-no you don’t get it, it’s a GOOD thing the crypto market dies!

>Y-you’re just a Jew sympathizer and JIDF OP, you should be happy you’re losing money! Aren’t you le epic and shorting like me?!

>> No.52282935

I dont get posts like these. Who the fuck was untethered? Literally everyone has been waiting for this moment so we can buy the bottom

>> No.52282951

this. i will buy more matic just before the midterm results

>> No.52282966

Nigger no matter what I say all the replies will be about how everyone is making money so I’m not going to waste my time.

I’m already prepared to hear about how I was holding FTT when I’ve never had it

>> No.52282978

how do we fix the chudcel problem bros?

>> No.52283013

why were you untethered when literally everyone has been saying it's not the bottom and that we still have to touch at LEAST 14k before you start buying back in
never mind the fact that it has hardly even been a year since bear market started

>> No.52283026
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I have bad news for you son

>> No.52283039

>why would you just hodl instead of trying to be epic and time le market
Again faggot I don’t care you could get scamwicked at any moment

Congrats on your win though

>> No.52283041

ignore until it gets zero replies
for sure i'm not gonna apply as a janny kek

>> No.52283051
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Listen up kikes, first we withdrawal all our funds from FTX and watch Bankman burn. Then we will short squeeze the silver market to end your fiat Ponzi economy. You have been warned.

>> No.52283063

Why do all chuds look like this?

>> No.52283082

I mean youre being le epic DIAMOND HANDS HODLer then why do you give a shit what the market does? why are you making bait threads if youre so happy and secure in your eternal position

>> No.52283084

How much do you get paid to chudpost? Is it something you always wanted to do or do you see it as a launchpad for your real career?

>> No.52283101

Put in your shorts

>> No.52283111

jews want to demoralize us. But we will win in the end, by physical silver and their entire ponzi game collapses.

>> No.52283117

Statistically I’ll be better off faggot it’s called risk management and I’m allowed to seethe right now

>> No.52283127
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if your not a jew, just buy physical silver, it is literally that easy to make it.

>> No.52283209
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>> No.52283249

That's Terra not Tether you fucking retard

>> No.52283265
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>> No.52283281

Instead of seething why don't you short FTT?

>> No.52283438

Okay I get it you aren't holding FTT... So why are you seething then? Have you been bagholding from the bullrun? If you bought the lows (you had ample time) this might give you another chance to re-visit that (doubt it). Otherwise why are dumps that bad when its going to be ages before we reach bull mania again? Where do you make your money in crypto?

>> No.52284260

we literally don't care how much crypto dumps as long as Scam Kikeman gets rekt, now suck on a gas pipe, rabbi

>> No.52284263
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>> No.52284269

Tether truthers always signal a bottom. The bottom is either in or it’s very close

>> No.52284403

Nice to see glowies so subverted by 4channel.org they start to use the n word and the fag word casually. And yet you seethe about people calling out Jews, which kind of gives you away