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52280247 No.52280247 [Reply] [Original]

If you win the Powerball you will give money to all of your friends and family right?

>> No.52280293

Yes of course. But not to any niggers or jews.

>> No.52280298

Yes to my mom and sis

>> No.52280305

Not a fucking penny to any of them. If they NEED something, I might buy it for them, but only the cheap version.

>> No.52280310

Yeah but I’m not telling them where I got it from

>> No.52280311

Fuck here comes a new scammer

>> No.52280320

No, money is the root of evil. I don't want the people I love becoming greedy and lazy

>> No.52280324

Ima give it all to President Biden's campaign. FUCK DONALD TRUMP

>> No.52280342

Same, I'll just pay their debts and say I got a raise at work.

>> No.52280352

Yes, but I would set up a trust locked for 10 years for each of them consisting of dividend stocks so that they couldn't piss it away before they got used to being wealthy. And then maybe $5 mill in cash for each to buy a house and have some fun

>> No.52280362

Give it to me, Biden has multibillionaires supporting him.

>> No.52280389

mom, sisters, and kids' mom
wouldn't tell my dad. i don't hate him, he's just a dick like that

>> No.52280400

i would disappear without telling my family i won.

i would give zero fucks if someone tried kidnapping them and mailing me bits of their fingers. in case they find me and put a hit out for me i would have already wrote a will to have my estate transferred and put into a trust for every japanese capybara petting ranch.

>> No.52280976


Joe Biden communed with the spirits to give us the winning numbers. I hope you bought them anon.

>> No.52281011

I bought 2 10 12 15 - which are confirmed to show up, but then Joe whoops stepped on a black and the transmission got interrupted so I just put Joe's birthday, 11/ 20.

Final ticket: 2 10 12 15 11 | 20

If I win I will give you guys nothing, but I'll leave some funny shit for my lawyer to say in the press conference.

>> No.52281059

My parents and my in-laws only. The rest of my family is too distant. I'm not buying friends.

>> No.52281071

yes because good will and reciprocity is more valuable than fake money

>> No.52281319

Winning the lottery is a fucking nightmare if you've ever read the horror stories from previous winners.
>24/7 nonstop letters from all over the world begging for money, 'i have cancer', 'my mom's dying', 'my father lost his legs in afghanistan', 'my child was born with a rare disease', both real and scammers
>Cops will constantly pull you over and try to pin anything on you
>People stalking you, your family members, your friends, anyone you've ever known
>People will try kidnapping, assault, attempted murder (and successful murder), etc against you, and against everyone above (sometimes the people I listed above will try to do it to you)
>People trying to break into your house
>Everyone you know and love turning on you and resenting you
>Everytime you go out in public, someone's going to jump you and beg for cash or tell you how to spend it or invest in their startup or buy bitcoin or donate to charity or etc.
>When you buy groceries, get fast food, go to the movies, fueling your car
>People will invent made up shit about you for no fucking reason at all 'i bet he's a fake person and is just a powerball plant' 'i heard he rapes children in his basement' 'his girlfriend said he beat her' 'he bought someone a house but wouldn't pay for my friend's surgery because he's black' 'he only donated 1m to charity he's heartless'
Every single day for the rest of your life, looking over your shoulder, never able to make genuine friendship with anyone ever again.
Not to mention the absolute nightmare of having to be a multi-millionaire. Have you ever thought about where to put all that money? How many bank accounts you need? How many people you would need to manage all that money so it doesn't get lost or stolen or embezzled? How many lawyers you need to hire to fight off the onslaught of lawsuits from anyone that breathed the same air as you in the past decade?

>> No.52281340

just use the money to buy your dog cool shit and let everyone seethe

>> No.52281387

The only problem I have with the scenario you have presented is that I don't know a single fucking name or face of a previous winner. I can't be that far off from most of society and most people would have no idea who you are after the initial week or so. Especially if you don't go around talking about it.
Admittedly I'm sure some people are watching the list of winners for people to scam but that's gotta be a small amount of the populace doing that.

>> No.52281481

I wouldn't care about that stuff, I'm a misanthrope anyway

>> No.52281491

i'd buy my dog a white roastie

>> No.52281493

The fix is in. No goyim win.

>> No.52281506 [DELETED] 

They're stealing the powerball and the election god dammit

>> No.52281515

Look at this mega faggot. Go back.

>> No.52281519

This guy had an infamously shit time.
Look up what happened to all the past winners.

>> No.52281579

That is very tragic, the man was also an idiot who carried around an absurd amount of money and it sounds like there were drug problems involved. I don't do drugs, most of my family doesn't either, and I have no intention of going to clubs and carrying around hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Also it mentions gambling debts and I'd like to say I don't gamble but I guess I am playing the lotto.

>> No.52281604

Not 1 cent.

>> No.52281605

But just for the dog

>> No.52281656

Most people can’t handle their paycheck.
Give them millions and see what will happen.

>> No.52281882

No, all in 150x leverage long on ETH as I continuously buy with all of my earnings

>> No.52282000
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Invest it all into ensuring the deaths of those who file lawsuits against you.
That's all I'd do with it. You know they're going to come, you have no idea who from, but they deserve to die for it.

>> No.52282018

kys dogfag

>> No.52282026


>> No.52282042

Why doesn’t this happen to regular rich people and only powerball winners

>> No.52282102

>Why doesn't this happen to people with old money who have had centuries to entrench themselves and consolidate power?

>> No.52282123

Yeah that's the thing.
People will rape murder and steal from someone who won the lottery but nobody will murder someone who built their empire off of purposefully ensuring the deaths of others, having the army murder villagers, importing violent people with violent ideologies who hate you just so they can take your job and then murder you at some point, and are actual evil child raping satanists.
It's extremely unfortunate that nobody ever murders evil people.

>> No.52282127

I’d like to see a documentary on lottery wins

>> No.52282216

That’s why you make friends with other rich people and other in high class society, retard

>> No.52282599

$300m-450m split between parents and siblings.

>> No.52282930


They are presently torturing Joe Biden for the remaining 2 numbers. He keeps telling them he can't remember. They are discussing just buying every ticket with those first 4 numbers which is 23 * 69 combinations but don't want to arouse suspicion. Will update when I hear more.

>> No.52283088 [DELETED] 

I’d probably give DarkSydePhil a few million just to see what he’d do.

>> No.52283092

Genocide urself /pol/tard fuckboi

>> No.52283282

No. But they'll get it after I die.

>> No.52283296
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I'll share it with my two brothers, mother and last remaining grandmother(probably wouldn't want anything)

>> No.52283325

Money is just a tool. The love of money is the root of all evil.

>> No.52283377

Because most of the normie fuckwads who win the lotto dont GTFO of their immediate geographical area immediately, go tell everyone in their friend/family group which spreads like wildfire to the local community and to opportunists

Winning the lotto means normal life is over, pack up your shit

>> No.52283407

It seems cruel to not permanently improve someone's life for like 1/10000th of my net worth

>> No.52283535

Yeah until 10,001 assholes with no sympathy for who you are or were come around and suddenly you have nothing left but the world still expects everything from you.

>> No.52283555

Fuck no. When have they ever given me money? Don't have any to give? To fucking bad, should have listened when it mattered. I'm not trying to create more karma than necessary for my liberation. Anybody dependent on another for money is disgusting and being around those types, I can feel the virtue and care attempting to be disrupted that emenates from my soul.

I will be with cohorts and kahoots with the Jews and Indians and they can apply for welfare and pretend to be mentally ill for medical assistance and sell their mind numbing pills for dinner like they tried to force on me. The dishonest will be at great physical distance from me as possible, and the patient/virtuous ones regardless of blood or physical deformities that radiate positive energy will get something of monetary value from me if they present themselves as in dire need.

Children have first priority, all of it will go to education to prevent retards from popping up outside their natural born caste.

>> No.52283643

Considering that all the profit I make with vinu I use it to upgrade my pc, no, fuck those assholes.

>> No.52283680

I dont have any friends.

>> No.52283738

I'll be your friend, but only if you win

>> No.52283761

It’s not obvious that giving them money will improve their lives. It can fuck people up. You have to be a good judge of character and be careful with it

>> No.52283774
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I'd pay off my grandparent's debts and give them a million so my grandad could stop working, pay some experts to fix their house, and focus on his passions and grandma wouldn't have to worry about her medical bills. I'd buy my mom some real land for her horses so she doesn't have to live in a weird RV shack. A lil house for my sis anywhere in the world she wants to live. Tbh I'd probably financially support her too, enough to keep her comfortable. We're a lot alike and quite probably weren't made for the kind of world we live in.

I wouldn't actually give anything to my friends, I'd just keep my wealth under my hat forever and pretend I'm struggling with the bills and debt just like everyone else. It helps I have no taste for luxury or extravagance, only comfort and utility.
Not that I'm sure I really have friends anymore.

>> No.52283959

Noveau riche (lotto winners) will always be seen as easy marks, and not just by the old rich.

>> No.52283977

Only if you live in a third world country that discloses the winner like a retard

>> No.52283998

Couldnt you just buy tickets with the first four numbers and get a decent payout just buying a good handful of them? Like 5 or 6 of them?

>> No.52284116

Why? Inheritance is for your descendants.

>> No.52284139

And the winner did jack shit to win the lottery.

>> No.52284171

He took a financial risk the others didnt

>> No.52284210

Set up a separate trust fund that would distribute funds yearly to my friends in exchange for a life insurance policy I pay for

I get the lump sum, they get an annuity backed by their life. It liquidates in 20 years

>> No.52284226

Absolutely not. I didn't tell them about my crypto, I'm not going to tell them about lottery winnings. (I didn't buy a ticket fuck lotteries). Charity is objectively evil.

>> No.52284375
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I'll use 50% of it to invest in ETH, It might hit the ATH I believe you know why. The leftover 70% will be split between my girl friends and blockchain-based projects, which are expected to be the next big thing in crypto.

>> No.52284422

You may have invested in a shit coin, which is why you're disguising your crypto holdings from family. Consider blockchain projects, they are gaining popularity. Dyor on layer 0 protocol

>> No.52284523

No fucking way. I'd buy a fuckton or geeq, and spend the rest of my days in a tax Haven with a beautiful Island

>> No.52284553

Stop trading. You're gonna end up losing all your money. I advise you to stake your tokens and wait it out. Also buy Blockchain tokens with lower caps. I'm talking ftm, geeq, et.al.

>> No.52284611

Most of them are gonna perform very well. Blockchain projects have a great history of solid pumps during every bull market

>> No.52284673
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I've heard that the latter recently had her patent authorized, but I haven't noticed any changes as a result.

>> No.52284689

I think the next bullrun will confirm that. I don't think blockchain has achieved the goal for which it was originally established.

>> No.52284806

America is a Jewish vessel state.

>> No.52285216

It sucks but you have to move and have another residence or 2 and find a way to spend lots of time in other countries even. Like go to Norway all winter and enjoy the peace.

>> No.52286446


Literally one of the most popular classical books in my country is about a Nouveau Rich who wants to become part of high society getting run into literal poverty death by old money

You are a complete fool

>> No.52286789

I don't have any frens.

>> No.52287211

The ultra-wealthy even have an annual circuit and pretty much stay in their enclaves in-between.

Doesn't really apply to most lotto winners though. They would be best off passive income and living like an early retiree. The horror stories are so numerous because few actually do that.
The best case is to immediately hire a lawyer to form a trust and take the winnings under it. Basically become a stealth millionaire. You'd still probably have to ditch your life and go on travel for a couple years.

>> No.52287604

more like they will beg
along with all your extended family and relatives you've never heard about
and every person you've even known since kindergarten
your life will become pure misery if you dont grab the money and disappear

>> No.52287616

I have neither of those

>> No.52288105

how do i play the lottery lmao?

>> No.52288363

Im willing to pay off my parents debts and my little sisters car and my brothers car.

>> No.52288374

I once won 400 bucks by using the law of attraction i was surprised that it worked but then i never did try again because i was too afraid

>> No.52288386

>And then maybe $5 mill in cash for each to buy a house and have some fun

how about giving some money to me? i'm not a degenerate or anything

>> No.52288413

>If you win the Powerball you will give money to all of your friends and family right?
Only if they do humiliating work and remain very polite otherwise I will send them to work in a dangerous dormitory factory. After all that is how my family treated me.