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5227831 No.5227831 [Reply] [Original]

Bcash is at the ATH
What is happening?

>> No.5227870
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Flippening dude, get on the bandwagon.

>> No.5227909
File: 153 KB, 910x1225, coinbase bcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's getting pumped by jihan and roger before the coinbase dump incoming in few days

>> No.5228068
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>> No.5228069

>Wait 2 weeks which is basically 2 years in cryptoland
>thinking normies want to dump their now $2.5k worth (maybe $3k+ on January) for a BTC coin that doesn't work

Stay poor anon. By that point the rocket ship would have left you anon.

Right now BCH is winning because of the number of unconfirmed transactions and the fees of $25 just to move a coin around.

A friend of mine who had $8 worth of BTC complained because he couldn't do shit with it because the minimum fees far exceeded his total value of coins, the fees were $15 at the time, now they're $20+

>> No.5228086


This meme needs to die.

>> No.5228096

Oh it will be ATH soon anon, the previous ATH will be destroyed. This is all organic transferring this time, not PND like before

>> No.5228131


It's funny when these faggots come to FUD Bitcoin Cash and accidentally make it apparent to all of the brainlets that, just like EVERY OTHER COIN, WITH LESS USE CASE AND VALIDITY, Bitcoin Cash will inevitably pump to .4 BTC. Get rekt retards.

Noobs, buy Bitcoin Cash, or wait for Jan 1st if you're nervous. If it dips, buy in and forget about it. Good luck.

>> No.5228176

your "rocket ship" will crash when tens of millions of users dump their share. They are pumping it so newfas and jump in and reduce the impact of the dump.

>> No.5228257

Except that isn't it at all.

Bitcoin Cash is the largest coordinated pump and dump, but it does not involve dumping BCH. It involves dumping a Bitcoin that is overvalued and does not work (BTC) for a Bitcoin that is undervalued, responsibly upgraded, and works magnificently.

Do not let these people fool you.

Honestly, why the fuck haven't I been hired by you retards to shill yet? Give me a fucking platform and pay me and I'll not only stop poking holes in your atrocious arguments but perhaps teach you how to defend yourself against people with brains.

>> No.5228275

Its ATH in USD you mong
>Muh satoshis

>> No.5228362

I'm not FUDing BCH, I support BCH. Valuation in USD is for full on brainlets.

>> No.5228415
File: 2.38 MB, 2918x2901, vercash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, all the people that wanted to dump bitcoin cash took their coins off coinbase/gdax back in JULY. Those coins have already been dumped.

The only people who left their shit on GDAX for the fork were people (like me) who are planning to HODL.

Crypto is ALWAYS about the fakeout. What makes more money, pumping bitcoin core from $20k to $50k, or pumping bitcoin cash from .07 to 1:1?

This has literally been the plan all year. Shortsighted newcoiners have no idea what they just stepped into. Free money, right? Only for the cream of the crop. Everybody that doesn't make the grade gets left behind.

>> No.5228461

This guy gets it. We should both join skycoin. They need PR like a duck needs water. Bitcoin cash is bitcoin, but skycoin is the fucking future.

>> No.5228923

these people thought it would be worthless so they didn't bother or didn't know how to handle other exchanges.

now all they have to get their free money is to use their shapeshift.