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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52272463 No.52272463 [Reply] [Original]

Americans exchange diamond rings as part of the engagement process, because in 1938 De Beers decided that they would like us to. Prior to a stunningly successful marketing campaign 1938, Americans occasionally exchanged engagement rings, but wasn’t a pervasive occurrence. Not only is the demand for diamonds a marketing invention, but diamonds aren’t actually that rare. Only by carefully restricting the supply has De Beers kept the price of a diamond high.

Countless American dudes will attest that the societal obligation to furnish a diamond engagement ring is both stressful and expensive. But here’s the thing – this obligation only exists because the company that stands to profit from it willed it into existence.

So here is a modest proposal: Let’s agree that diamonds are bullshit and reject their role in the marriage process. Let’s admit that as a society we got tricked for about a century into coveting sparkling pieces of carbon, but it’s time to end the nonsense.

A diamond is a depreciating asset masquerading as an investment. There is a common misconception that jewelry and precious metals are assets that can store value, appreciate, and hedge against inflation. That’s not wholly untrue. Diamonds, however, are not an investment. The market for them is neither liquid nor are they fungible.

>> No.52272473

The next time you look at a diamond, consider this. Nearly every American marriage begins with a diamond because a bunch of rich white men in the 1940s convinced everyone that its size determines your self-worth. They created this convention – that unless a man purchases (an intrinsically useless) diamond, his life is a failure – while sitting in a room, racking their brains on how to sell diamonds that no one wanted.

We covet diamonds in America for a simple reason: the company that stands to profit from diamond sales decided that we should. De Beers’ marketing campaign single-handedly made diamond rings the measure of one’s success in America. Despite its complete lack of inherent value, the company manufactured an image of diamonds as a status symbol. And to keep the price of diamonds high, despite the abundance of new diamond finds, De Beers executed the most effective monopoly of the 20th century. Okay, we get it De Beers, you guys are really good at business!

Diamonds are not actually scarce, make a terrible investment, and are purely valuable as a status symbol. Diamonds, to put it delicately, are bullshit.

>> No.52272538
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>a bunch of rich white men
Poor shitskin detected. I bought my fiancée a $4500 diamond with one paycheck. When you get a real job maybe you will get a real woman (you won’t).

>> No.52272613
File: 225 KB, 690x690, Sapphire-vs-Tanzanite-Infographic-Info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why Tanzanites are better

>> No.52272619

It’s pointless bro just get your woman a big shiny rock she can show her friends no use in trying to show women logic

>> No.52272714
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>> No.52272836
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Now that's interesting, thanks for your contribution

>> No.52272883

This is probably one of the best Threads about the history of Business and Finance in weeks on this site, and your only contribution is
>muh shitskin I'm rich you not
You have really discredited yourself with this post, loser.

>> No.52273538

look at tiamonds by LCX

>> No.52273626

Retard. Look up De Beers and their copywriting ad on diamonds. But you won’t bc you can’t read

>> No.52273945

i buy moissanite instead of diamond because its literally what people think a diamond is.

In all metrics that diamonds are measured, moissanite does it better.

but jewellers will always discourage you from buying moissanite because diamonds markup is 250-500% LOL

>> No.52274047


>buys one depreciating asset to furnish another depreciating asset

>> No.52274257

Good to know, I will try this one day and pay attention to his reaction.

>> No.52274277


Except for moissanite is expensive now too. Sure not 1ct Moissanite, but 4ct and up now is worth $$$ street price

>> No.52274290

wow dude you watched adam ruins everything, truly epic thread my man

>> No.52274321

My tag says "OG" AMA, I am the king of 4chan

>> No.52274338

moissanite was never 'cheap' but what you need to know is that a 3k moissanite stone is equivalent to a 30-40k diamond, and still better in terms of brilliance and fire.

Diamonds are a scam,. Side by side moissanite is what makes people go 'oh shit'

>> No.52274344

>So here is a modest proposal:
to who? the shutin losers on this childrens cartoon forum? do you think they represent a large share of the diamond market, you retarded loser?

>> No.52274405


Yes it might be the case, if you're trying to wear that iced out Patek

But from a business standpoint for people trying to sell some loser's wife an overpriced ring. It's important that it's a diamond because of certification / testing

Wives don't like moissanite. They want the GIA certification.

What we need is someone who can make HPT diamonds and not sell them for the regular price, and that's what's fucked.

If you've ever contacted HPT diamond makers, which I have, you'd think that facilities are owned by the governments because they always are within 10% above street price for diamonds, even though it should be xxx less because they make them out of nothing

>> No.52274508

We used to work a lot with (I think HPT diamonds) for cutting and grinding tools at Hilti. So they already have a use case in the industry.

>> No.52274529
File: 62 KB, 396x372, AAA9680E-1437-4F6E-A829-E925EDCC84F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But dude: diamonds are forever

>> No.52274814

>had a gold ring with fake diamond on it
>like 6 karat
>it's just zirconia or some bottle glass
>bottle glass was cut to perfection like a diamond
>even had the sky blue shine on it
>bottom was closed in and touching metal so you couldn't tell if it was a diamond or not by warmth absorption
>go to pawn shop
>drop ring
>dude looks at me
>"come inside please"
>follow to the back office
>"so uhhh... how much do you want for it...?"
>like, 3k maybe
>we both go to a high profile jeweler a few blocks down the road
>they start looking at it
>takes em like 15 fucking minutes
>"ye this thing is about 20 grand, a little scratch on the very bottom but nothing noteworthy really"
>collect 3k, leave, never come back to pick it up
>pawnshop probably sold it for like 5k
>i got the ring for 300 bucks off some arab
diamonds are a meme

>> No.52275189

threads like this is why i love biz
diamonds are a scam
>im a cuck and proud of it
fuck off