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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 1293x222, sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52268927 No.52268927 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you got

I will start

>> No.52268938
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>> No.52268946
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>> No.52268958

Imagine trusting a jew called "Bankman" suddenly coming out of nowhere and making billions dodging regulations in 2020.

>> No.52268961
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Samuel Bankman-Fried (born March 6, 1992) is a disgusting fat kike that STEALS money from DeFi users. How? Alameda Research has farmed all the DeFi tokens and aggressively dumped the tokens. FUCK Samuel Bankman-Fried, you greasy fat fuck, you're no vegan ... you eat babies. Also FUCK Alameda Research and FTX.

>> No.52268965
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>> No.52268966
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Samuel Bankman-Fried IS NOT an ""altruistic billionaire"", he is an aggressive lying kike that is pushing for regulation in the DeFi space. This means kike gate keeping to prevent average Joe American from yield farming and such. He has stolen 10 candies from white babies, I have seen it with my own eyes (when the mother wasn't looking)

Samuel Bankman-Fried is NOT a vegan. I'm a former ex-FTX employee and I have seen the fat kike eat 2 Big Macs, 14 chicken Mcnuggets and 4 chocolate sundaes in one sitting ... the fat kike wouldn't share his food when I asked him for a chocolate sundae. Fuck you, Sam. WASH YOUR BEANIE BAGS IT STINK.

>> No.52268968

ccp thread

>> No.52268969

This pic is inaccurate. He isn't partnered with Alameda his IS Alameda. This isn't even a secret.

>> No.52268973
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why does sam get all the credit?

>> No.52268983
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>> No.52268987
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FTX (Bahamian cryptocurrency exchange) is a Jewish exchange that TRADE AGAINST its customers. The fat kike can see your stop loss and will move the price AGAINST you, TRIGGERING your stop loss and COLLECTING your money. The kike will keep stealing retail money until he's fat and plump. And he will not stop.

>> No.52268991
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/biz/ questions and answers

Q: Is Sam Bank Friedman a Jew?


Q: Is Sam Bank Friedman a kike?


Q: But is he a lying kike that steals customers' funds?


Q: Does Sam Bank Friedman have a tranny boyfriend?

We have asked FTX PR agency and it has been verified that yes, he does have a tranny color boyfriend

Q: How does Sam Bank Friedman steal wealth from the crypto market?

By creating unbacked wrapped tokens (wBTC, wETH) out of thin air. Then they dump the wraped tokens on the market thus driving down the price. Fuck you Sam Bankman Fried you fucking fat jiggly kike.

Q: Ser ... is there more sinister secrets to this Jew?

Yes, as a former FTX employee, who has recently quit, I will expose everything about FTX and Sam Bankman Fried.

>> No.52269000

Thanks for the hint. It certainly doesn't make it any better.

>> No.52269008

This doesn’t make sense, wbtc IS btc. Its a 1:1 representation. You can’t spoof btc by way of wbtc

>> No.52269017
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>> No.52269018

Can someone please explain this to me. Doesn't the BTC that gets locked away to mint wBTC sit on a public address? Isn't it easy to verify that the amount of BTC in that address matches the amount of minted-burned wBTC?

>> No.52269020

How the fuck can an exchange be generating “unbacked wrapped tokens”? That’s literally not possible. Every cex is a scam but this is just nonsense

>> No.52269029

I think this thread is some kind of misinformation campaign

>> No.52269031

Delete the WETH thing
WETH is super legit its the erc20 version of ethereum

>> No.52269034
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if you only knew how bad things really are..

>> No.52269035

jews must be killed

>> No.52269040

Tether fud is retarded
Even if they would print out of thin air, the moment somebody sells their Bitcoin for it its backed by bitcoin

>> No.52269041

see USDT.

Also fuck kikes

how is the weather in israel?

>> No.52269042

Please note that this >>52268965 describes something else. This accusation amount to saying he doesn't intend to let people redeem, but that would only hurt wBTC holders if true, real BTC held by real BTC holders would only become more valuable. As long as he's not able to print more wBTC than he has locked away, he can't hurt the price of BTC that way, at worst he can swindle BTC owners to hand over their BTC for IOUs (not your keys...)

>> No.52269046

give back my money sam u fat smelly kike

>> No.52269054

I dont want to spread misinformation. Its great that you ask questions.

They don't create them out of thin air but they use WBTC to trade against their users for sure. I think the also temporary inflate the supply by flooding the market with WBTC.

>> No.52269057

I will take CZ’s LINK scam wicks a million times before SBF’s Jewish market manipulation and fraud

>> No.52269058

You are retarded fools
The jews CUASED AND SPREAD the tether fud so people switch over to their dollar backed jew approved usdc
Tether is legit and save but hates by the USA government
You are like /pol/ retards spreading the gas shortage meme not knowing it was a jew psyop

>> No.52269061
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>> No.52269064

>I think this thread is some kind of misinformation campaign
I agree. I think the "unbacked wBTC" stuff is from Sam's people trying to poison the well by introducing disprovable accusations and get anons repeating them, that will then be easy to shot down, casting doubt over all accusations and demoralizing the accusers.

>> No.52269085

> They don't create them out of thin air
> I think the also temporary inflate the supply by flooding the market with WBTC.
How would they do that unless they create them out of thin air?
If I send my BTC to Sam, I get the newly minted wBTC, he can't use it to flood the market because he doesn't have the keys to my wBTC, and he can't use the BTC I sent him to flood the market since that must remain locked up in a public address. So how exactly do you imagine it would work?

>> No.52269088
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>> No.52269091

I'm not an anti-semite, but I do suspect Sam to be behind both your post and the posts making the unbacked wBTC claims, and I suppose he happens to be a little bit jewish, now that you drag it up.

>> No.52269115

Also, because I really am not an anti-semite, I am going to give you a word of advice. ADL may know how to use the "no YOU'RE the jew!" angle to FUD /pol/, but it doesn't work equally well on a board that is not as obsessed with competitive anti-semitism - establishing for a fact that at least one side must be jewish is not necessarily a winning move here.

>> No.52269127
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>> No.52269171
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>I'm not an anti-semite
you will be eventually

>> No.52269226

The cash reserves are hollow. If there was ever a run on tether it would crumble like Luna or any other stable ponzicoin before it.

>> No.52269252

WETH is created by sending ETH to a simple contract which then mints the erc20 WETH and sends it to your wallet, it's impossible to print here. BTC on the other hand is not a native ethereum token so there's not a simple mechanism like that in place for WBTC which is printed with contract owner wallet at will - hence there's no guarantee there's exactly the same amount of WBTC in circulation as BTC in custody. By the way Ren BTC should have been long adopted by any dev who cares about integrity of the system.

>> No.52269264


>> No.52269275

>I'm not an anti-semite
Are you also blind, deaf, and stupid?

>> No.52269281
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they temporary inflate the wbtc supply on exchanges by minting huge amounts and dumping all at once

>mint wbtc (un)backed by btc reserves
>short btc
>dump wbtc on several exchanges
>close short
>buy cheap btc

>> No.52269284

Imagine being this dumb.

>> No.52269297

FAMEEX will never rug

>> No.52269306

BTC would be $100k rn if it wasn't for the fraud Sam committed

>> No.52269321

Check this out: https://cryptoleaks.info/case-no-1

>> No.52269323

Nah, they’re not the only ones playing the game, can’t hate them more just because they’re winning.

>> No.52269331

> there's no guarantee
But it’s all public addresses and should be easily verifiable, right?

>> No.52269339
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>> No.52269345

No, no, and quite possibly. I just have a firm conviction every man should be convicted individually, for their own crime. If that happens, it doesn’t matter to me if one group or other is overrepresented among the punished.

>> No.52269374

I agree

>> No.52269379

Anons, on a serious note...how do we overcome these oppressive godless entities? It seems that we are constantly losing and out-gunned. Even outnumbered with the army of zoomers and cucks blindly defending them. I'm tired anons and losing hope

>> No.52269380

kike post

>> No.52269407

You keep repeating this “unbacked wbtc minting” thing even though it is literally impossible. To mint wbtc you have to deposit the equivalent btc into the contract address. Therefore it is backed. And this is also a completely retarded line of logic because sam doesnt even need to do any of this because he controls the books and can just write in any scamwick he wants. You are a fucking idiot if you use a cex for anything other than on/offramp

Indeed it should be. This thread is some kind of weird pro fbx scheme

>> No.52269424

Interesting. That could actually work. Thanks for explaining.

>> No.52269426

what? dont you see al degenerate players in this industry get washed out?
1 by 1 they eventually fail when they go full degenerate
do kowns ponzi, 3ac degen leveraged plays, alameda insolvency, holdnauts, the BCH people,celcious loaning users assets, i could go on forever. This is good because we keep flushing out the shit.

>> No.52269433

No it couldnt, fuck off. There is zero reason for wbtc to even be involved in any way. THEY CONTROL THE FUCKING BOOKS, they can just write in anything they want, no assets of any kind are actually needed.

>> No.52269464

thats what they want you to believe

>> No.52269480

Yes, I don’t disagree with you on that, I’m saying that in a theoretical sense that scheme could actually work, I’ve never seen someone describe anything that even could work before.
Basically it comes down to if the minter is able to mint first and back later. This should of course be verifiable too, but since there are two different systems involved and operation lag and whatnot, perhaps there’s some exploitable leeway. But I didn’t change my mind that I think that whole meme is used as distraction.

>> No.52269488

They always find their way around things anon. Do Kwon is still free and even secretly an undoxxed validator (Lunc Dao) and slimming his way back into lunc.

SBF is a golobohomo and they will not allow him to fail even if he's going up against bugman

None of the kikes that got caught are facing jail time.

>> No.52269564


>> No.52269681


>> No.52269716
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If we are talking about scam wicks then I agree with you but to dump the whole market it is not enough to control the order book of ftx

>> No.52269878

who said anything about hate?
It's about conflict of interest: 25% of Harvard Law is Jewish. White gentiles represent 65% of high performing students yet are less than 10% of Harvard Law. They have rigged the game in their favour, time to take it back: RISE UP WHITE MAN.

>> No.52270093

Looking at Solana's chart should be more than enough proof of the kikery they (Sam, Alameda, Tabasco, the goblinette, etc.) are doing. Literal shitcoin P&D charts have a much better movement than Solana. Probably the second worst chart in all the top coins second only to ICP.

>> No.52270114

>bribes are wasted money
I think you must be new here.

>> No.52270167

The rampant anti-semitism in this thread just shows how dangerous an unregulated crypto is. Polcel chuds like you shouldnt even have access to exchanges. KYC should be extended massively to prevent incel bigots from gaining any power over cryptocurrencies whatsoever. Sam is doing nothing wrong and when this blows over, you will be left coping and seething over "da joos", because FTX will survive just fine, Sam will still be the most generous crypto billionaire and you will still be poor incel chuds, probably bagholding ICP and LINK.

>> No.52270284

>I'm a drug addict and if I can't get my drugs my brain doesn't work

>> No.52270852

i had a gf that got hooked on those. i ended up leaving her. she was a bitch all the time with zero sex drive.

>> No.52270906

we used a couple times with my ex and it turned her into a kinky degenerate slut

>> No.52270979

not sure what she was like when she first started using them because i didnt know until months later. but they turned her into an NPC zombie after 6 months of daily use.

>> No.52271076

high quality shilling. good job. i will now join your side. fuck bankman. please moon lunc

>> No.52271151
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>not an anti semite

>> No.52271798

Bell curve
There are trends among populations.

>> No.52271895

no one ever faces jail time on that level are you 12?

>> No.52272058

If Tether is backed by bitcoin, how can they claim a USD peg? It's no more pegged to $1 than bitcoin itself is. There's a reason they keep dodging audits.

>> No.52272748

Wasn't there a screenshot of a thread about how FTX deliberately shat on the price of ICP?

>> No.52273688


>> No.52273708
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sending energy to the wealthy chinaman and the CCP so they put this fuckcing kike in his place.

>> No.52273723
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Fuck nigger kikes

>> No.52273777

Report /biz/'s janitors right now before they take more control away.
They're the only retarded janitors who IP range ban you.

>> No.52273787

digits he looks like he can't help himself with the goyslop

>> No.52274072
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Checked. And don’t forget: they do it for free

>> No.52274216


>> No.52274280

>I have seen the fat kike eat 2 Big Macs, 14 chicken Mcnuggets and 4 chocolate sundaes in one sitting
Imagine the smell...

>> No.52274358

Someone on Twitter said a white knight named Jump Start just gave FTX $6 million in stablecoin liquidity

>> No.52274502

I listened to a Bankless Podcast between Sam and Eric Voohees regarding SBF's article on regulation. Holy shit is SBF a damned parasite on this industry. This guy has the ear of politicians and yet he's already thrilled to compromise the integrity of DeFi and throw away everything this industry has worked for. He literally advocated for regulating frontends to DeFi services as though they're Central Finance institutions. How the fuck does this make any sense?

>> No.52274523
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Of course its going to be Jews trying to ruin crypto. We are threatening their source of power to rule over the goyim.

Judaism is nothing but covert nationalism. What is Zionism..? Nepotism has always been the name of the game. I will say this in every thread if I have to.

>> No.52274542
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Insider here and I'm gonna release some info about FTX and Binance, I'll repost this in a couple other FTX threads to spread the word on /biz/
Cz and SBF are not trying to fight each other, the idea that there is some exchange war going on is completely absurd. If anything the truth is that the opposite is happening.
Both of them are working together and CZ is baiting people into shorting FTT. Implying that there is an insolvency crisis and selling some of Binances FTT Is all just bait to get you to short. Enough people short and CZ along with SBF will buy a ton of FTT liquidating a ton of people and pumping FTT
FTX as an exchange will look like it wasn't insolvent at all with such a swift recovery and users that took money out of the exchange will regain their trust and come back. Meanwhile CZ will be given an influential role in FTX in secret of course.
It's a win win for both of them but a huge lose for anyone shorting FTT

>> No.52275105
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>> No.52275256

Do you get paid in FTT?

>> No.52276236
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>eat 2 Big Macs, 14 chicken Mcnuggets and 4 chocolate sundaes in one sitting
I thought this was a thread about Sam not Sergey