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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5226879 No.5226879 [Reply] [Original]

Knees are weak bags are heavy

>> No.5227014

down to 8k already, hands spaghetti

>> No.5227031
File: 845 KB, 2560x1707, 160911YamatoGringoTheDangerousLifeofJohnMcAfeetease_zmtqjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 900 VEN. Hand over those bags.

>> No.5227038


same. why is this motherfucker not mooning?

>> No.5227039

Shill me this coin.
There seem to be many coins trying to do the same thing, like Walton for instance.

Why is this coin better, and how much potential for growth does it have?
I know about the partnership with a Chinese province, but I am looking for intrinsic qualities of the coin. Tell me why I should buy this without echoing the partnership.

>> No.5227079

National government, son.

>> No.5227115
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You literally couldn't think of an actual post, could you?

>> No.5227176

Can this moon already??

>> No.5227178

Because chads sold the news and bagholders are nowcrashing it

>> No.5227203

Why is this coin not moving, I honestly don't Want to hold this coin as iota climbs, could have made back my losses if i hadn't fell for it

>> No.5227227
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sold my wife's virginity for this please tell me it will moon

>> No.5227315

Whales are accumulating dumbnuts.

>> No.5227395

>Whales are accumulate
>they hold bags causing price to surge
is this how they get richer?

>> No.5227438

Whales put long sell walls
Whales accumulate lower price coins (people panic selling or tired of holding)
Whales release sell walls

>> No.5227486

Flood gates will release on the 21st

>> No.5227536

Why? There is news on 21st ? Something about masternodes ?

>> No.5227539

Picked up another 600 myself - it's a good time to buy

>> No.5227543

no it will dip further and chads will buy this up for so much cheaper and this will go x3 for them but still wont reach your price point anymore :(

>> No.5227676

Say it ain't so senpai. I filled my bags at 9000 sats :(

>> No.5227772

Bought a bunch myself. Channeling Buffett. People are panicking. I'm buying.

>> No.5227788
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>> No.5227946


I actually sold my bags to get into IOTA.
I got my $800 back that I lost by FOMOing into VEN yesterday and now I'll probably get back into VEN before 21st.

>> No.5227983

nah idgaf what you do

check it in 6 months time cuz

>> No.5228059

It's a quality product with a real future. The dev team is a group that has a very good very long reputation staked on it's success. They have also done absolutely everything right in regards to marketing and hype. This is a potential life maker.

>> No.5228161

>>5227983 #

Dude 6 months are you insane?'!!
This coin seemed too good to be true from the start, I should have trusted my guts, I fear if coinbase adds ripple and I miss out once again, I would really suicide, this is getting out of hand holy fuck

>> No.5228264

Calm your ass down. See >>5228059 and remember the immortal words of Warren Buffett. "Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful".

>> No.5228750

I just saw the subreddit, people who are praising vechain appear to be random accounts who only post good things about vechain and just write random shit on other subreddits, some say boxmining was paid to promote it also, there is this recent new thread on reddit and it's from a new account talking about how good vechain will get etc, his only other posts is on a rating subreddit, where he wrote chubba wubba

Holy fuck, this feels like a FUCKING SCAM NOW!!?!! I am shitting my pants here as it is dropping down to 7k satoshi, 2k satoshi loss for every coin I bought which is my entire life saving, idk why the fuck I went in blind...

>> No.5228809
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Knees weak
bags heavy
about to get fucked by wabi

>> No.5228836

Ok I tried to get you to put those little balls on ice and chill out and you aren't having it. Fuck off back to reditt.

>> No.5228911
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i love how chad has worked his way into crypto

>> No.5228988
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chads got his dick in everything
thats why he is chad

>> No.5229007

This is quality fud

>> No.5229010

yeah its a scam the smart city in china is fake. i just sold all mine

>> No.5229222

20k tomorrow

>> No.5229446


Idk if you're srs or not but nothing pops up about guian other than a bridge and a small town, there is nothing on Chinese news sites about vechain, it's like one of those dotcom sites that promised but disappeared with the money.

>> No.5229599

What IS there that's legit about Vechain then?

>> No.5229665

You should both do some actual research instead of expecting to have it spoon fed to you.

>> No.5229897

>An hour’s drive out of Guiyang is Gui An New District, a 1,795 sq km suburb designated as the strategic heart of Guiyang’s technology aspirations.