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52268229 No.52268229 [Reply] [Original]

Bank run beginning

>> No.52268270

this is going to be glorious

>> No.52268279

Looks like I won’t be needing viagra to fuck my wife tonight

>> No.52269190

It's happening

>> No.52269195

Guys I have a boner at work and I have a meeting in 15 minutes

>> No.52269197

so what does this mean for crypto?

>> No.52269214

it means you will continue to buy high and sell low, so you're fucked either way

>> No.52269236

it means.


doing kike things

>> No.52269258

So Alameda keeps millions on all exchanges, not just ftx and binance. This must be an arbitrage account that is getting liquidated to buy some more time from CZ so he doesn't drop fucking Nagasaki's revenge on the Bankman.

>> No.52269344

Wooow, seven million dollars? That's fucking crazy dude. Its truly over.

>> No.52269400

you dont understand, 3ac and do kwon started scraping all their dusted wallets when it was insolvent too, 1M here and there, to try to stop the fire, the fact that they are dedusting means they are in deep shit, they even increased USDC loan APY to 50%, but nobody is taking the bait

>> No.52269425

i dont know about crypto im a stock investor redpill me on whats going on is this a crypto exchange failing?

>> No.52269438

this is peak bobo delusion thinking anything is going to happen.
I kind of hope it happens because I hate SBF and want to buy lower, but i doubt anything will happen.

>> No.52269458

Thanks, anon. I was just about to make a thread asking where I can get 50% interest.

>> No.52269470

in order for it to be a "bank run", there needs to be a banking institution involved.

Last I checked, these crypto zoomer bingo halls were not banks and are not otherwise FDIC-insured institutions.

So, OP, the next time you make a post, don't be a faggot.

t. 30 year-old boomer with real American money held by real, FDIC-insured banks... and real estate

>> No.52269474

you know when a shithole country doesnt let its citizen withdraw money form the bank, which causes everyone to go to the banks to try to withdraw and it ends up in chaos , and the banks end up closed and people rekt bagholding local currency instead of $?

thats what could happen in the few days if the FTX exchange doesnt have all their users assets

>> No.52269513

CZ isnt even japanese man..

>> No.52269527

fuck me in the ass

>> No.52269536
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Are some people really in the know, or just guessing?

>> No.52269636

arr rook same

>> No.52269658

Okay you pedantic faggot, what do you want to call it then when clients want to withdraw their funds from a centralized institution?

>> No.52269663

How can I participate given I wasn't stupid enough to give a jew my money to start?

>> No.52269676

Only a total retard responds this way.

>> No.52270302

So its a Bankman Run,

eitherway your retarded. cause its a bank run. plain and simple.

>> No.52270325

wow 7.5 MILLION!

>> No.52270332

It doesnt have to be a literal bank for a bank run retard, 30yo with autism?

>> No.52270393

all those words when you could have just said you have assburgers

>> No.52270394

>bank run
Is it really a bank run when its an exchange, not a bank, so the deposits are just stored... 100% of the funds are there so there is not really a race... Its not like a bank where you try to withdraw first because there is only a small fraction of reserves.

>> No.52270451

>Oy Go- I mean GUYS, trust me, everything is alright with FTX okay? Don't panic or anything alright? Remember, if you panic you are an antisemite haha *gulp*

>> No.52270582

>guys trust me, I hate the jews too, I'm totally not pandering to /pol/tards

>> No.52270627

lmao even
Go away Sam.

>> No.52270677
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everyone understands what a bank run is retard, you clearly need to go back to primary school english classes

>> No.52270696

>crypto goes to zero
>"but it wasn't a bank run!"
wow and real communism has never been tried

>> No.52270706
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>100% of the funds are there so there is not really a race

>> No.52270734

Those figures amounts to nothing

>> No.52270750

Anon.... Are you serious? Its much worse than a Bank because there is no legal requirement to have X% of the funds for crypto

This is some good bait fuck

>> No.52270754
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You really need to go back.

>> No.52270765

as if this shit is a bank.
why are you using the phrase "bank run"?

>> No.52270767

sounds like some interns getting a promotion

>> No.52270778

First of all, there is no requirement for banks to have any reserve.
Second, its an exchange. Its legally required to have 100% of the funds.

>> No.52271037

Lol lmao

>> No.52271095

just google it, retard. there is no reserve requirement for banks anymore, never was for investment banks.

>> No.52271106

LMAO what's with this fucking source?

>> No.52271116

Bitcoin going to 1k or to zero

>> No.52271145

FTX buys back their FTT in a over-the-counter deal proposed by our princess.

>> No.52271359
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what a sperg

>> No.52271584
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OK boomer larper

>> No.52271784

bottom soon

>> No.52271816

Fraction reserve ponzis are about to go under. You do own your keys, right?

>> No.52272246

it's called a rugpull lmao any faggot who keeps their crypto in an exchange deserves to lose all of it.

Doesn't deserve a (you)

Not a bank, not a bank run. More like a tendie sprint lmao, your dinner is leaving your plate.

"bank run" implies involvement of a bank, which there is none.

no you 4 u

i'm all for retards losing their money. just call it something honest. y'all conflating your gambling parlours with regulated financial institutions.


no u, low quality garbage posts.

>> No.52272367

Why does that matter? What are you, racist? This is actually a pretty good insight into how Bankman operates. By arb'ing the price difference across multiple exchanges while controlling the price on his own, he can not only scam wick his own customers' futures contracts, he can prepare for his own moves by posting anticipatory bids/asks on every other cex with the liquidity to milk the scamwick. So not only can he liquidate his own customers at will, he gets to milk the spread on all the other exchanges as well. Just milking the goyim coming and going, all day everyday. This is the part where Jannies prune the thread.

>> No.52272415

Dumb zoomer word that popped up in 2019 and is a catch all phrase for "scam". There were exchanges with liquidity issues before that word popped up here.

>> No.52272418

Bank run just describes a phenomen retard, are you actual autistic? We could have a bankrun on twinkies and that still would be a valid description and everyone would understand besides autistic boomers

>> No.52272451

The bigger the cex is that you operate, the more you can manipulate the price. So by using the huge cex's you're contributing to manipulation of crypto prices and doing nothing for crypto besides enriching the operators.

>> No.52272581
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you want money?

register at pic rel, use a non important email, read the intro first.

>> No.52272650
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Someone screen shot this. I can't right now. I need the cap.

Yes, jannies are nuking these threads. Does anyone know if SBF has a good Minecraft server?

>> No.52272822

Nevertheless it was hilarious and caused me to shoot coffee from my nostrils onto the floor.

>Give the lad credit for comic relief.

>> No.52272974

Alameda is used as the vehicle for arb'ing the FTX scamwicks. Because even though they are essentially the same organization, they can still claim that they are not colluding to assrape every large cex orderbook with their manipulation.

>> No.52272996

Are exchanges not scams though? They're certainly not banks. With crypto if you don't have the private key you don't have the coin. Exchanges turn customers into empty bagholders.

Understanding =/= Truth. Ponzi scheme is a better description of what is going-on with exchanges. Cryptofags do not get to conflate their gambling halls with real, regulated financial institutions by using terms like "bank run". Your incorrect use of language is an attempt to legitimize a con industry.

>> No.52273382


Not him, but its not a bank run, because there is no run on limited assets, the concern is just a drop in price of the FTT token. Retards who think this affects their deposits at FTX are retarded.

>> No.52273417

What's retarded is assuming that a cex holds any of your crypto at all. They don't have to report anything. You can monitor blockchain activity but that tells you very little since all of their internal operations are not on chain. And with bullshit like tether and wbtc no one can possibly know how much of anything anyone has. It's literally all smoke and mirrors.

>> No.52273427

So if ftx assets go under ftx liabilities, you think these “depositors” will be ok.

>> No.52273478

You're moving goalposts. There needs to be a more specific term than "scam" when describing a run on an exchanges reserves.

>> No.52273498

FTX/Alameda used FTT as collateral for billions in loans. When you put up collateral, there is almost always a price point at which the underlying collateral has to be liquidated to pay back the loans. Given the way that FTX and Alameda are desperately defending $22, we can assume that their forced liquidation price is not far below $22.

If they were forced to sell, most of their business would likely implode. And people are worried about the possibility of FTX going bankrupt, with the creditors being first in line to receive money and exchange holders being at the back of the line, receiving an unknown percentage of their holdings after lengthy bankruptcy proceedings in Antigua and Barbuda. They may be able to get out of this, but anyone who has funds on FTX and isnt the slightest bit worried is a fucking idiot

>> No.52273532

Yeah, you have to "trust" them. But the current events doesn't show any indication FTX is siphoning user funds or something.
Its a custodial relationship, as a user, its still "your" crypto, creditors can't claim your crypto pay debts FTX owes them. Its not a bank. Unless you specifically lend on FTX.

>> No.52273570

Amazing bait.

>> No.52273593

>Its a custodial relationship, as a user, its still "your" crypto, creditors can't claim your crypto pay debts FTX owes them
Show me where it says that in FTXs terms and conditions. Because if you can't find it, Antigua and Barbudas bankruptcy laws apply

>> No.52273609

lol, fuck off and do it yourself. you show me where FTX says user funds are loans and users are creditors.

>> No.52273623

I’m sure they’ve got segregated accounts and everything. You can trust them. Jews are pretty sharp when it comes to money.

>> No.52273629

actually it wasn't hard to find
> Once cryptocurrency has been deposited in a user’s cryptocurrency FTX Account, that cryptocurrency becomes the property of the FTX.US user with all applicable property right

>> No.52273661

FTX.us is covered, yes. I'm talking about FTX, the main organization based out of Antigua and Barbuda. See if you can find it there

>> No.52273707

Why would it be different in another country that respects property rights? You find a statement saying deposits are not actually property of the user, but actually loans, otherwise you're wrong.

>> No.52273737

>Why would it be different in another country that respects property rights?
Because companies in the US and Antigua and Barbuda operate by different laws? Why do you think FTX.us is a separate entity with different terms? What the fuck. I give up. Keep your money on there

>> No.52273812

The back up what you're saying. I gave a source, you didn't, I don't feel like turning on my VPN just to try to find FTX's global site it just redirects me to the us one.

>> No.52273869

> trying to have anything resembling a real discussion here and expecting anything besides lmao, or le cope seethe in response
this is a childrens cartoon forum for shutin failures who live to be 'right' on the internet. not a place for information

>> No.52273893

90% of the time its bullshit but every once and while you get a good thread

>> No.52273902
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they deserve this. i hope it gets much much worse for them

>> No.52274340

You're right; at a certain point, an action taken by a "victim" is so abhorrently stupid (like holding crypto in an exchange) that the scamming party can no longer be held at-fault for their actions, much in the same way that a train conductor cannot be held liable for the death of people who jump in front of the train.

Maybe we can call it natural selection? Entropy?