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52249013 No.52249013 [Reply] [Original]

I just did a NSC by going to le reddit cryptocurrency. They are all congregating and telling each other this is a bull trap. And that this is not the start of the bull cycle. And not to get excited.

>> No.52249060

That is not reddit that are the same faggots spamming
>this rally is going to fail like all others
Not humans. There are no humans in crypto atm.
Only holders and those trying to buy to sell the hype later when the narrtive is being swung. Buy now, sell as soon as the shills show up to talk about moons

>> No.52249068
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We are in the golden crab run. There is nothing bullish about btc under 23k. We will bounce off support and reach a lower high on each bounce until it rugs. Only then can another bull run begin.

>> No.52249123
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normie came back from national guard service in europe or some shit. tells me about how he's going out and doing yoga in the park to meet 25-30yo roasties. telling me about how he has been staying out getting drunk until the sun comes up every night on extended weekends. somehow BTC comes up in conversation and he laughs and says
>oh crypto is over haha. sorry anon
yaeh i'm thinking we're back

>> No.52249127

it depends on what happens to foreign investments when the dollar really begins to suck corporations and governments dry. if the sentiment swings towards crypto as being a safe haven then we can expect a bull run unlike anything we've ever seen.

>> No.52249137

Bobos are still posting a lot...
This is the start of a minor bullrun, btc 30k eoy.
New ath dec.23 or january 24 when next btc halfing.
Screencap this

>> No.52249152

Go back insufferable faggot

>> No.52249162

Normies have forgotten that crypto even exists

>> No.52249176

Not with SBF pulling shots

>> No.52249346
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>> No.52249360
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>> No.52249369
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>> No.52249381
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>> No.52249394
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>> No.52249406
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>> No.52249427


>what people are saying as an indicator

There really arent enough people saying things about crypto to form an indicator. You can go to the places and look where people have opinions, but the volume is extremely low. People seem split about whether we go up, down, or crab. Echo chambers make it seem more like one way or the other, and without more volume of opinions I just can't bring myself to put much weight into what appears to be popular beliefs as an indicator of anything at all.

>> No.52249430
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just got a boner lmao
can't wait for le big crash
eta 2 weeks

>> No.52249441

>Youtuber who have been spewing 'the economy is ruined!!1111oneone' forever.
A broken clock is still right twice a day.

>> No.52249525

maybe that there isnt anybody left and that the attempts at fabricating opinions and narratives stick out more than ever