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5224542 No.5224542 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies always say "hodl" like it's funny?
I can see a cancerous trend here.. Fucking cringe

>> No.5224573
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It's from that other site.

>> No.5224610

You're the fucking normalfag here. Hodl is an old meme and you clearly don't understand it.

>> No.5224619


>> No.5224625

There's nothing more faggy and cu.ck enducing then using that phrase. The ultimate mark of a newcoiner normie

> B-But muh twitter trader
>B-But muh omar indian nigger Crypt0

>> No.5224648

And what site is that oh wise one

>> No.5224669

Hodling is more than a meme though. It's just right for 99% of people. Didn't hodl Bitcoin? too bad. NEO? ETH? LTC? Even goddamn fucking LINK. If you hodled you would have made nice money.

>> No.5224689

I understand it completely and it's not even funny. What a drunk guy misspelled "hold" and then its fucking hilarious to spam "hodl" on everything crypto related? Its fucking cringe like that one guy who still laughs at 5 year old jokes nobody likes anymore

>> No.5224704

Omar Taliban is trash

>> No.5224749

Shit is everywhere on plebit and WAS nowhere on 4chan but now plebits, newbies and nocoiners invades 4chan with cancerous memes

>> No.5224804

Yes it's cringe and unfunny, but you can't just start bitching about it now and calling the people that use it 'normie' when it's been around longer than you

>> No.5224824
File: 61 KB, 500x428, Silly_Bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not supposed to be funny 100% of the time. It's actually good advice meant to help you. Similar to 'lurk moar' back in the old days. You take it as just a meme instead of advice, that's you that ends up losing out or being incapable of understanding how the game works around here. Can't say you weren't warned.

>> No.5224895

Yeah wow hilarious
I swear not even 10% of those who cringe out "hodl" even know the origin of it. It's just plebit normies influenced trying to blend in

>> No.5224941

Why don't you just kill yourself you miserable bastard.

>> No.5224962

Not cringe. Crigne.

>> No.5224975

Feeling emotional because I don't make you feel as important and special while using your "hodl"?

>> No.5224999

Ironically the HODL meme will help keep crypto in people's wallets

>> No.5225069

I don't think a misspell of the word hold will keep people in pace. Words like "just hold" or "don't sell" should have the same effect on people intelligence as "hodl" unless someone clearly lacks brain cells unless they only laugh and bang their head with a rock when they hear "hodl"

>> No.5225139
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You did it buddy, we all see the light now!

>> No.5225259

>Feeling emotional
You made a bitching thread, you're either a woman or a child.

>> No.5225375

Might as well be a combination of both

>> No.5225524

Because that's the only way to pump the price. It's literally the same thing you hear from pyramidal schemes scammers...

> Hey, take this token, sell it to two friends and HOLD forever alright?

>> No.5226073

Much better. Look, that guy was "drunk". Fake drunk for attention, deliberately spelled it wrong. Thats fucking cringe not fnny

>> No.5226262

Hodl is deep in the adaptation phase

>> No.5226465

It's "Le Kekistan xD" all over again.

>> No.5226849


>> No.5226996


Hodl is love
Hodl is life
Kill yourself

>> No.5227040

fucking pretentious faggot getting bent out of shape over a meme. go change your fucking pads

>> No.5227283
File: 18 KB, 501x504, 1513005069012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But HODL IS funny, anon. Next you'll be saying you don't find rick and morty funny... I guess us redditors just have a more sophisticated sense of humour...

>> No.5227439

Ego-flattery is your sense of humor

>> No.5227603

It means

>> No.5227622
File: 70 KB, 539x960, Nu_60a42a_6151730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, I'm off out to get a soy latte.

>> No.5227702

haha lmao gross but gotta save the nature and the animals. Also the planet right

>> No.5228497

Yeah its lame as fuck. A guy i know said it in real life to me. I wanted to punch him in the fuckin face right then and there

>> No.5228691

>the only purpose of memes is humor
>you can stop memes
The hodl meme has been around longer than you, buddy. 4chan are ALL FUCKING NEWFAGS. this isn't the innermost circle of the internet by far, and it never was. I bet 85% of you have never even been on irc.