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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52244631 No.52244631 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you guys didn't buy China stocks in the past week on reopening rumors!

>> No.52244647

the irony when china develops super-sars, releases it into the wild, and then they're still dealing with it months after every other country stopped caring

>> No.52244836
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>> No.52244847

thats hilarious. chinx will out up with anything their government throws at them.

>eat a bowl of shit and a cup of piss for dinner every day or you go to jail

Ok sir

is there any level the bugpeople wont sink to

>> No.52244859
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Most guns per capita.

>> No.52244876

Pretty weird, isn't it?

>> No.52244891

Maybe they know something we dont

>> No.52244897

your population is getting replaced by africans and the jews can destroy your life if you point it out but hey at least you can keep coping with some vague rumours of lockdowns on the other side of the world

>> No.52244904

Most incarcerated per capita

>> No.52245750

So does it mean semiconductor shortages and other logistic problems are far from over ?

>> No.52245823

When they open up oil is going to shoot up so that will be even worse for world economy. It'll be a year or two after they open than things will get to a new "normal"

>> No.52245895
File: 88 KB, 640x480, 1D4E6F46-BA47-4D36-ADF0-719844C65886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> your population is getting replaced by africans and the jews can destroy your life if you point it out but hey at least you can keep coping with some vague rumours of lockdowns on the other side of the world
Xi is a nigger lover sending billions of chinese yuan to africa and mass importing niggers to make up for chinks unwilling to have kids.

>> No.52245931

labs were doing mutt sponsored research
why chinks keep locking down, not clear

>> No.52246496

Aren't we already at peak oil production ? Doesn't it mean that oil price will go up no matter what, unless new oilfields get exploited ? And that subsequently, inflation will rise until a new paradigm happens ?

>> No.52246538

I've said it before: this is their way of cooling off their economy and avoid inflation without raising rates. Their inflation is like 2% thanks to them tanking their economy with the lock downs. They know covid is bullshit.

>> No.52246564


>> No.52246703

China knows COVID is vascular disease that wreaks havic all over the body and are probably more aware of it's long term complications than us. In 10-20 years, the US will be a country of invalids while china reigns supreme
>But it's just a cold! It's the VAAAAXXXX
doesn't change the fact that COVID itself is rotting your brain as we speak and you let it run rampant because eating at Applebee's was more important than keeping America safe.

>> No.52247261

Two more weeks wait years wait decades

>> No.52247855
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>> No.52248333

Let's hope you stop being a bunch of fucking craven goylems and start to use it.
Your pathetic inaction in the face of jewish Evil really shows your europeon roots.