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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5224346 No.5224346 [Reply] [Original]

Where my Funnies at?
Went all in
Can't wait for tommorow

>> No.5224387

Man, I wouldn’t expect a huge pump tomorrow. Wouldn’t be surprised to even see it drop after the update. This is a long term hold.

>> No.5224389

Wouldn't get too excited, the announcement is nothing big. Price might even drop because of the disappointment

>> No.5224399
File: 146 KB, 375x500, 6485267069_0596b5461f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats tomorrow babe ?
big tits and huge chips ?

>> No.5224456

don't let the reverse psychology fool you /biz/. People like this post knowing that it will trick people into thinking there will be a disappointment dip tomorrow, thus making people get out early and cause a self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.5224490
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Can't wait to make a boatload of cash off of degenerate gamblers

>> No.5224537
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I hope the news bumps FUN a bit but I'm skeptical. Good luck Funnies

>> No.5224580


Initial buy was 11k at 5 cents i will buy put in at least 200 bucks a month in 2018 until it's 1 dollar .Gamblers are gonna make us filthy rich

>> No.5224622

my niggas.

yea fuck these short term weak handed faggots. This shit is the comfiest hold I've ever had. About to pump another couple hundred into it and just lock the key away for 9 months.

>> No.5224626

I'm all in

>> No.5224642
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NICE coin.

>> No.5224643

Thinkin about selling all my Ethereum and ripple and put £1.2k into FUN even a

>> No.5224660

I bought some with my dad yesterdsy. We have no plana to sell until at least a year from now.

Im watching it on the daily.

>> No.5224682

small gain occurs I plan on holding this bitch till Q1

>> No.5224691

You guys should've just got into Verge/XVG

>> No.5224718

>implying you haven't already been doing that

>> No.5224759

I dumped my 20k 80 sack at 259.noregrets.

This coin has no future tech wise but has street credit going for it with hopeful pajeets and Jew York niggers like Larry and Joe.

If you want privacy, xmr or xdn is your boy.

>> No.5224886

You must be slow or illiterate... Jezs' development of Fate channels could revolutionize eth by itself. And what better position to be in than the middle man between the house and the player? Where else can you gamble and have a relatively reasonable chance of not being cheated... stay poor idiot.

>> No.5225133
File: 65 KB, 484x562, alex lawn facebook post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the project but I am so sick of the way they handle their social media. They have banned pretty much everyone who was actually fun to spend time with. They are a bunch of corporate wet blankets. On top of that, their main admin is a fucking weirdo (pic related).

>> No.5225193

he's talking about verge

>> No.5225301
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, photo_2017-10-15_18-44-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm alex is a massive faggot who loves to censor shit

>> No.5225359

Fuckin kek

>> No.5225610

what the fuck is wrong with this guy

>> No.5225660

Anyway just bought 18k

If this shit ever becomes $2 I will have enough to get out of crypto and pay my tuition fees.

Take care everyone

>> No.5225669

Autism lvl over 9000

>> No.5225721
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 47D26510-B18B-489B-BC16-E6FA049E2209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5225759

He was trying to sound like those Mark Zuckerberg memes but is a retard

>> No.5225790

>0 people like this

>> No.5225799

Everything would have been fine if it wasn't for that dog part kek

>> No.5225863

Can someone tell me what is the incentive for big casino's to participated on this blockchain? I dont get it. I get its a big market, the showcase looks good. But for this type of coin to thrive you need big players in the current market on board. So tell me.

>> No.5225954

there is none

>> No.5225973

1. Since the network is decentralized they don't have to pay for large server farms that keep track of every bet/payout/transaction
2. Since the network is decentralized the amount of regulatory/legal affairs are less of a hassle.

>> No.5225994

I'm sure Phil Helmuth or Dan Blitzerarmenianmanlet will hop on.

>> No.5225998

>what is the incentive for big casino's
none, this is for small casinos/startups

>> No.5226013

Fuckin hell I knew he acted a bit wierdly but didn’t think he was an actual complete mad cunt

>> No.5226019

Deluded funnies

>> No.5226056

What are you holding then you fat cunt

>> No.5226090
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>> No.5226139

One of the biggest reasons I think. From the white paper:

Trust issues can keep interested would-be new gamers out of the game. Inefficient implementations
make games cost more than they should to players. Global headline-grabbing reports of wholesale
fraud and mismanagement–including the collapse of Full Tilt Poker in 2011
, Absolute Poker and
UltimateBet in 2007 and 2008
deter new players from trusting online gaming in general, inhibiting
the industry’s further growth. Moving the elements of online casino gaming which are governed by
trust onto the blockchain will be the key to unlocking this wider audience of potential players.
Although traditional online games can run fast and smooth, they still have systemic disadvantages.
Operator risk, grab-and-run criminal schemes and overall game operational accountability all give
players little to no security or information about the true odds of the games they are playing. There is
no way of verifying whether they are actually getting the published odds at each spin of the wheel or
reel, or at the deal of the next hand. Existing games function inside a proprietary “black box” on an
unidentifiable remote server possibly hosted on an island on the other side of the world, and nobody
(be it players, affiliates, or operators further downstream) have the ability to audit and verify the inner
workings of the games.
Because it is based on the Ethereum blockchain, FunFair’s casino removes player mistrust from the
equation, eliminating the doubt and anxiety which are the antithesis of a fun player experience. Every
game built for the FunFair platform is provably fair, transparent and publicly auditable, so players are
always assured that the odds aren’t stacked against them (
still a prerequisite).

>> No.5226157


1: I dont think that ways up against the transparanty of the network. If i had a casino i wouldn't like to have this all transparent.

2: So putting online gambling back in illegality while its starting to become legal in a lot countries?

>> No.5226246
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 0112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O shit

>> No.5226291

>the amount of retardedness in this post
Goodluck with your 2% gains

>> No.5226294
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>> No.5226296

>I dont think that ways up against the transparanty of the network. If i had a casino i wouldn't like to have this all transparent.
That's the whole freaking point. To gain trust in the users. If users trust that your odds are fair, they will flock to your site.

There are tons of real gamblers out there that have never touched an online casino because they fear that the house is cheating (they are).

>> No.5226322

Hey bro im a fun holder. I was talking about verge.

>> No.5226348

.50 when? Feb?

>> No.5226366

Are there any competitors for this coin at all?

>> No.5226384
File: 43 KB, 433x378, 1394336815284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're not a degenerate crypto gambler yourself

>> No.5226388


You really dont need a blockchain for this purpose. If the government regulates the market (like they are doing lately). online casino have the same set of rules to comply with as regular casino's. I like the tech but i dont see how this is going to grow out of an obscure coin. Wich you can use to 'start' your own casino.

Still a question comes to mind why wouldn't develop there own blockchain en implemented it.

They dont need this coin therefor you're never going to tap in that xxx billion market.

>> No.5226440

The burden is on the casino. Players would rather bet on FUN based casinos than a casino blackbox that can be rigged at a whim.

>> No.5226604


Weak ass business strategy IMO. You have to develop a coin thats benifical to the casino's not for the users. Now you're waiting for it to become mainstream and then the weak ass assumption is that casino are going to implement this because they have no choice.

>> No.5226640

WAGER if you like H2H sports betting. Mainnet release in under a month.

>> No.5226645

see above

>> No.5226720

You really don't see the benefit of this?


You do really how fucking idiotic 90% of gamblers are right? I worked in table games for five years trust me even a game that had an edge towards players would give the house gains because people are greedy and stupid. If a casino can help ease any doubts by claiming its fair they will reap rewards.

>> No.5226763

This day and age is all about PR and corporations measuring their dicks with how many good points they manage to tick away that their competitors cant.

Plus Online Casinos that are already use a fair system would have no problem switching to FUN becuase of the lower fees.

>> No.5226796

I like to gamble, but have not touched on online casino in 5 years. Too much fuckery going on.

If the games were provably fair, I would come back, along with a ton of other people like me.

This benefits the Casnio.

>> No.5226881

they have an edge obviously

>> No.5226980

back to 9fag you go

>> No.5227053

Casinos cheat. Period.

Even physical brick and mortar casinos have been caught cheating.

So, even with all the regulations cheating still happens. We could waste tons of money and energy auditing every casino and playing cat and mouse games. Or put the whole thing on the blockchain where cheating becomes impossible and auditing can be done by a trained monkey.

>> No.5227401
File: 48 KB, 412x314, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 2.33.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Pepes

>> No.5227442
File: 32 KB, 841x590, Screenshot_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5227476

>FUN hates funposting
oh the ironing

>> No.5227497

hoping it really does this so I can move some BTC over. I have some tied up until later this month

>> No.5227520
File: 396 KB, 3030x1582, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 2.36.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked and it was fake news

>> No.5227524

nice fud

no fun for you

>> No.5227535

ever since i bought funfair iv only made gains so far

where are my funbros at?

>> No.5227579

WGR has been a great buy, went deep in ICO and held like a champ. 7x's my monies

>> No.5227614
File: 34 KB, 345x345, 15080611639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is going to bump this coin?

>> No.5227635

>Can someone tell me what is the incentive for big casino's to participated on this blockchain?

the network is running on gas, so it means that you can literally get a free casino with paying just ether for running it.
a regular network would need heavy maintenance fees

>> No.5227659
File: 52 KB, 1295x818, 2017-12-19 13_41_36-FUNBTC_ 0.00000320 ▲+3.23% — TradingView.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not, but people are overestimating it.

>> No.5227722

no dip on b*nance tho

>> No.5227733

52k FUN bags here, not letting go. 2018 is going to be full of FUN

>> No.5228361

this, stop cumming