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52234804 No.52234804 [Reply] [Original]

I hate this guy so much it's unreal: https://twitter.com/0x_tracy/status/1588272180026130434

>> No.52234850

delete this you antisemitic shmuck

>> No.52234880
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You just hate him because he is smarter than you will ever be. You would do the same if not worse if you could but you are just a low iq chudy.

>> No.52234897

Reported for antisemitism

>> No.52234901 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52234913

he's just doing exactly what banks do, his name is Bankman-Fried what do you expect

>> No.52234984

I love how much you can visibly see him kvetching when he gives away that 20(?) dollar bill.

>> No.52235003

I don't get it. So did Alameda steal everyones money or run an exchange nobody used as a front to get VC money? Where did their billions come from.

>> No.52235041

By trading against their clients. FTX provides Alameda Research all the data they need to know how to liquidate the gamblers.

Liquidating the gamblers is the most profitable thing in a market like crypto.

>> No.52235104

guys im not antisemitic, but stuff like this guy makes me think. What if pol are right and the jews are really demons?

>> No.52235127

lol why do losers just love to stand up for billionaires? Actually curious/furious as to why this is.

>> No.52235160

That was what I had been going with until I saw how under collateralized they are. I thought they had billions in cash but it is all locked up in rigged shitcoins. Maybe they didn't liquidate as many people as we thought. I'm not defending them it just seems they are nowhere near as succesful as people thought. All the high ups jumping ship was a sign something was coming.

FTX is getting fucked!

>> No.52235194 [DELETED] 
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In response to the demoralization cuckposter itt

>> No.52235197

It's not a loser standing up for a billionaire, anon. It's a jew standing up for one of his tribesmen

>> No.52235205

They've been doing this since CREAM.

>> No.52235346
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Sam figured out in 2017 (ironically because they were trading on Bitmex) that they could create a derivatives exchange and it would have something like 95%+ correlation with the stoplosses on bitmex. At that point they no longer needed bitmex and could go their own way.

tl;dr he's the new Arthur

>> No.52235381

cool it with the semitism

>> No.52235487

SBF is a jew so none of it is surprising.
What I'm curious about though why didn't the marketing team spend at least the bare minimum of marketing efforts here despite being in the same level as say K*Coin, C*inMetro, Cr*pto dot com, etc (all of which have been shilled heavily here at some point)?

>> No.52235881

There's no money here aside from the occasional whale who isn't as retarded to fall for the effective altruism.

>> No.52236040
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Revelation 2:9
Pic related

>> No.52236607

You shill here to gain bagholders who will religiously shill your shit.
Look at this thread, the only one defending SBF >>52234880 does so because he hates op more than anything else. Had FTX crews done some shilling here, they'd at least have several baggies playing 'defend the brand' game right now.

>> No.52236634

hows the weather in tel aviv Noah

>> No.52236672

And who knows, maybe after a week of consensus cracking, FTX could've attached some cheap gimmick about 4th Reich or whatever into their shilling campaign on this board.

>> No.52237928

can anyone post a SFW meme of SBF saying you've been liquidated.
i have a jew i contribute to a crypto related repository for work and i just joined and i dont have a picture for my github accout while everyone else does.
i think i could trigger my jew coworker (who already proved to be a piece of shit) by making this my PFP on github

>> No.52239205

You're not necessarily wrong, but a lot of their income comes from ransacking defi protocols. It's not just direct FTX users who get fucked.

>> No.52239229

do you have a copy of this whole transcript? i remember in 2018 this was leaked where they said the effect of
>pump it or we will go broke
>bro idk if we can
>dude just do it

>> No.52239308

we are in hell

>> No.52239386

He's a globohomo kike plant with insider connections, somehow able to do arbitrage for kimchi premium when nobody else was allowed, so his wealth has nothing to do with smartness, only tribe connections most likely.