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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5223233 No.5223233 [Reply] [Original]

Get comfy folks, this is the official flippening thread.

Pour yourself a nice cup of joe and watch the chaos unfold. For those of you not holding any BCH, it's not too late, we're going x2 minimum in the next few days.

Watch the BTC chain choke on it's own vomit here:

Nice dose of reality here for corecucks:

>> No.5223261
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>> No.5223310


>> No.5223327

Just reached 200k!

>> No.5223340
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Ids habbenig!

>> No.5223408

This is a flippening thread, please refrain from posting non-flippening content, thank you.

>> No.5223503
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at least wait until Coinbase allow tens of millions of users to dump their Bitcoin Cash share for the first time in few days (01/01/2018). The dump will be epic!

>> No.5223519

> bitcoin.com cto prefers bch
why is it even news

>> No.5223578
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>> No.5223582

Yeah it's not like bitcoin.com isn't the third result you get when you search bitcoin in google, lmao. How does it feel to be so deluded?

>> No.5223592

this, but still BCH is headed to the moooooon

>> No.5223642

Shit is gonna get real fuckin real for corecucks. The mempool has just hit the max 500mb size and the cheapest txs are getting discarded. Fees will now quickly accelerate as the desperate fools battle to outbid each other

>> No.5223660
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>> No.5223701


You reap what you sow. This would've never happened if they'd simply agreed to compromise on a marginal blocksize increase as a stopgap to increase network usability until offchain solutions are truly ready for widespread adoption.

>> No.5223709

the coinbase dump won't be anywhere close to what we have already handled, plus with price going up 500 a day you would be pretty dumb to sell right away

>> No.5223751

We need 14gb blocks just to be able to handle the amount of transaction that visa can handle.


>> No.5223767
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>falling for artificial pumps by jihan and roger before the most epic dump in crypto history

>> No.5223778

LOL, segshit eternally BTFO

>> No.5223819


and visa handles only a fraction of the payments in the world. increasing the blocksize just kicks the can down the road. and you can't unbloat the chain later.

btards have a problem understanding that

>> No.5223857

Firstly, there are solutions like graphene in development that should mitigate this, but that's really beside the point.

No system is ever perfect. Blocksize increase is a simple solution that works right now, and makes the network infinitely cheaper and easier to use. There is no reason not to implement it just because it might not work forever. Kicking a can down the road is better than allowing the can to be run over by a truck. The BTC network will be dead long before widespread adoption of offchain solutions if they don't implement a blocksize increase in the interim.

>> No.5223870

If BTC really crashes under its transaction overload, are we sure the money is heading to BCH instead? My guess would be that the whole crypto market would suffer from this (short term) and it would be more likely that LTC or ETH would profit, since they are known to normies as being the coins with low tx cost.

>> No.5223871
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Equal amount of BTC, BCH and BTG, no stress about flippening :)

>> No.5223917

Oh shit 500+ sats/byte fees coming


>> No.5223983

Why would you ever buy bitcoin gold?

>> No.5223984

Read the comments under the article, it feels like reading comments under news articles during the US election, same organized shilling, same tactics, it is obvious shills are being hired by whoever to try to discredit BCH, but like it didn't make Clinton win it won't make BTC win :)

>> No.5224012

There's no way to know for sure who would benefit the most.

However, the BTC vs BCH narrative has already been set up. A total failure of the BTC network will likely be seen as vindication for proponents of BCH.

>> No.5224031


Thats the flaw with "dragonslayer", if BTC actually crashes it will tarnish the Bitcoin brand name for normies forever and Rogers insistence that BCH is the real Bitcoin will actually hurt it. People will move on the LTC, the normies already love it and it has no drama.

>> No.5224066


I think btc still has one more leg up before the flippening desu about 50/50 in my holdings atm though

>> No.5224083

Imagine being so stupid as to think bitcoin would flip into a different almost as shitty version of bitcoin. ETH is the only real choice.

>> No.5224094

50/50 in fiat or number of coins?

>> No.5224120
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>14GB to handle Visa

It would require under 1GB to handle Visa, you fucking brainlet.

>> No.5224155

you can believe in bch all you want, but buying it before January dump is brainlet material

>> No.5224158

ETH will probably win out in the end but the short to mid term gains are in BCH.

>> No.5224161


Yea I feel like BTC is destined for 25k, but after that the next big psychological milestone won't be until 50k and I don't think we've got the gas left to reach that, at this not during this current 2017 normie cycle.

>> No.5224171

>ETH is the only real choice.

>> No.5224186

U fucking moron he got it when it forked. Kys newfag

>> No.5224203

How is binance related to pedobear?
I don't get it, and I've been here for a few months now

>> No.5224210

Anyone with a fucking brain would have sold it already

>> No.5224249

LTC is the same segwit/LN dog shit as bitcoin. People are moving to bch or xmr.

>> No.5224268
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Spurdo is not pedobear; pedobear looks like this

>> No.5224274

Almost in fiat. I haven't dumped the rest yet because I think btc still has one more push up.

>> No.5224358
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25k by Dec. 25th is the will of the normies; it's going to happen whether we want it to or not

>> No.5224437
File: 114 KB, 1339x830, bitfinex-bchbtc-Dec-19-2017-18-44-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh flippening
>this time is for real I swear
>look some guy absolutely no one gives a shit about says he dumped his stash

That jew bluff didn't work when Roger lied about selling his coins, why did you think people would care in the slightest about CTO whatshisface?

>pic related, le epic ""flippening""

>> No.5224486

I’m not sure why corecucks are so obsessed with 1mb block sizes.

>> No.5224518


The normans on Coinbase don't even know what those words mean, and LTC works fast with low fees without LN even if it might get LN anyways (in that sense it's actually the best of both worlds). I don't have any LTC myself, just saying

>> No.5224525

Your opinion is irrelevant, the flippnening is an inevitability as long as the core devs refuse to implement a blocksize increase. BTC is simply not fit for purpose, you can either accept that and abandon ship or hold on until the normies realize the truth and dump on your ass.

>> No.5224651

>muh roger

normalfags are no more likely to pick up LTC than retards from /biz/. Most of you faggots have thrown money at projects and literally have no idea what they do. The portion of /biz/raelis who actually look into the coin they want to buy is likely proportional to communities outside of /biz/.

Also even mainstream narratives are picking up on bitcoin's scaling issues and alternatives like bitcoin cash.

>> No.5224684

>not fit for purpose
If its purpose is the least risky speculative asset into the emerging cryptocurrency sector, it's perfectly fine as is.

>you can't transact though!
Nobody cares about buying coffee if crypto is eventually going to replace fiat. People care about accumulating it and trading it. You can still move ~$1k to $10k for approximately 10 bucks, those fees are no big deal. Nothing stops core devs from increasing the blocksize except their ego and a hardfork and the LN is potentially around the corner. Saying BTC is going to crash imminently is ridiculous, even if you think long-term BCH is going to overtake BTC.

>> No.5224733

>If its purpose is the least risky speculative asset into the emerging cryptocurrency sector, it's perfectly fine as is.
"least risky", lmfao

Not even going to address the rest, the delusion is strong with this one

>> No.5224771

Sorry newfag, nothing flipped the last 5 times, nothing will flip now. Just make sure to sell your alt bags high and not get rekt.

>> No.5224812

>it didn't happen so it never will

>> No.5224834

It won't happen overnight. It may have already started. You won't lose any money if you're smart.

It'll start with BTC stagnating while every other coin moons. One day BTC will "crash" to 90% of it's price and just stagnant there for a while. Then another whale sale and it'll lose more.
All the while, other coins gain. This continues until BTC is no longer the leader, and then it'll liquidate to fucking nothing.

>> No.5224846 [DELETED] 

>It would require under 1GB to handle Visa, you fucking brainlet.

It' 8GB. I calculated it again.

Ok so here is a link:

>“Based on rigorous testing, we estimate that VisaNet is capable of processing more than 56,000 transaction messages per second,” said Visa.

Bitcoin and https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Scalability
>Today the Bitcoin network is restricted to a sustained rate of 7 tps due to the bitcoin protocol restricting block sizes to 1MB.

so 7tps = 1MB Block.

we calculate 56000/7 to get the block size. Result is 8000MB or 8GB.

8GB blocks JUST for VISA.

Germany alone procecced 6 Billion sepa payments in 2016. So if just everyone in germany would use bitcoin you would need like 2380GB blocks

>> No.5224860
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>high fees and transaction times aren't flaws, their features of a peer to peer electronic CASH system

>> No.5224891

>People care about accumulating it and trading it

The fact that you can write this but lack the self awareness to understand how it undermines your entire argument is staggering.

I'll spell it out for you: High fees are detrimental for trading. To give an obvious example, they completely eliminate the possibility of arbitrage. High fees also make it completely pointless to own amounts of BTC <$200. You can continue to believe "no one cares about this", it doesn't change the truth.

>> No.5224920
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it wont happen
BTC is the KING (worthless but the same you could say about gold)

>> No.5224926

?!?!!? but you just described what's happening today and yesterday? ?!?!??!

Can you see the past?!?!!

>> No.5224966


>> No.5224974

trust me b-cash is not going to take Bitcoin Core's place. Even if the price dropped, even if most mines temporarily quit, the Nakamoto's 1MB rule chain would remain accepted as the real Bitcoin worldwide. Meanwhile bcash is the original test network (green Bitcoin logo), a chain used to test various attacks but this time on unaware users on board brought by an organized groups of shills and shady individuals.

>> No.5225012
File: 31 KB, 320x160, mfw-my-wife-finally-oks-purchasing-1-btc-at-3000-that-i-asked-about-weeks-ago-bitcoin-320x160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat intro

bitcoin is finished

>> No.5225032

Wow what a compelling argument, just sold all my BCH, thanks.

>> No.5225033

Nigga like I said, it may already be habbening.

>Can you see the past?!?!!

>> No.5225036
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The only reason Core still has some form of grip on the general outlook in the community is because of their censorship and resulting dominance of all the forums.
GOOKS and JAPS are far less likely to lurk those and in turn aren't as influenced influenced. Bitcoin core does not have an asian fanboyparade that shitpost in every thread on asian forums.

They with look at both, do quikk maths, and see one coin works as intended and one doesn't. They will buy BCH all the way up to parity even if every single of the westeners get anally brainwased by bitcoin core.

You cannot stop it. BCH/BTC parity is coming in 2018 unless Core goes for 2MB which they likely wont

>> No.5225076

>visa processes 56,000/tps

That's Visa's absolute maximum. It averages something like 4,000/tps. Which is much much less than 1GB blocks. By the time bitcoin is even close to that level of adoption 1GB will look like nothing (they already do).

>> No.5225090

>implying you had bch to sell

>> No.5225124

2mb won’t be enough at this point.

They’ll have to go to at least 4 to stop BCH in the short term.

>> No.5225142

comfy with a 90% bch portfolio

>> No.5225150

>Nakamoto's 1MB rule
Funny, I enjoy a 8MB cup of Nakamoto everyday.

>> No.5225189
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So why exactly is the 'flippening' of BCH with BTC inevitable?

If technological inferiority is why BTC will be replaced, why replace it with something that's only marginally better than BTC? Why not alts that run circles around them both? Could it possibly be that you don't actually care about technical aspects and only care about getting something 'cheap' with the Bitcoin branding?

>> No.5225196

2MB would still be the result of a HF and if they're just going to HF and prove that BCH was right about blocksize, why the fuck would anyone follow their chain?

They're fucking finished.

>> No.5225229

Are you a brainlet?

Bitcoin Satoshi version is the must tested crypto in existence.

>> No.5225242

Slow and conservative improvements to the backbone of crypto is much better than slapping on unproven tech. Alts are for risks and trying new things.

>> No.5225300

>So why exactly is the 'flippening' of BCH with BTC inevitable?

I'm so tired of hearing this question.

Flippening doesn't mean that BCH will go to the #1 market cap and stay there forever. It simply means that it will surpass BTC at some point. In the long run I fully expect a coin without "bitcoin" in the name to occupy the top spot. In the short term, the BTC vs BCH narrative has been set up, and those who pick the winning side will see tasty gains.

>> No.5225342

A great asset also is that bitcoin.com is in the hands of pro-BCH people, if it was in the hands of Blockstream it might have been harder to turn the tide

>> No.5225401


There's a lot people who want bigger blocks but they want Core to do it, they don't like Roger and Jihan even those two had the right idea about big blocks. So if Core would finally increase the block size I think people would definitely still trust the Core chain and ditch BCH. That's what scares me about holding BCH, if Core ever DOES out aside their pride and annouce they're willing to increase the blocks a bit, BCH is gonna dump so hard.

>> No.5225428
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>it's not impossible therefore it will happen

Nice fan-fic.

I miss the time when /biz/ wasn't full of stupid normies and other unironic shills. I miss the pajeets, the dgb marines, the bitbean shitposters and even the nocoiners.

Anyway I just want you guys to know you're intelectually void cancer and I sincerely hope you die and can't post anymore.

>> No.5225450

>Roger and Jihan
Stopped reading there, they aren't devs.

>> No.5225468

As if BCH was "Roger and Jihan", that's a narrative pushed by core shills, there are several independent development teams behind BCH totally unrelated to Roger and Jihan

>> No.5225491


But we both know they're the driving force behind BCH's existence, exposure, and price.

>> No.5225497

>There's a lot people who want bigger blocks but they want Core to do it

The vast majority of people who supported a blocksize increase are now on the BCH side. If you have evidence to the contrary, I'd love to see it.

>> No.5225534

>it's not impossible therefore it will happen
It won't happen because it's impossible, it will most likely happen because of everything that's being talked about in this thread and more, but talking to you is a waste of time, either you're a core shill or a deluded core cuck or just too intellectually deficient to properly account for the available evidence

>> No.5225535
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1. They didn't just increase blocksize. They also don't have segwit which makes it safer for merchants to accept 0-conf transactions. They made POS feasible again.

2. There are fast alts with inventive solutions but Nakamotos design has proven itself to work with excellent security over 9 years now. And that is what BCH is following.

3. Yes its also about branding. Normies are dumb as shit

4. MOST IMPORTANT: They have a shitton of devs on their payrol. Not blue haired pro-bono wannabe refugeee-cheering bitcuck-core developers but actual Phd developers full time.
Do you realize what kind of teams Roger, Jihan and Craig Wright can fund with their insane crypto-bux?

THIS IS CAPITALISM. They will fund the shit out of creating the most innovative coin and they can spend literal BILLIONS of USD to do it.
While corecucks post on twitter they are spending fucktons on making BCH win and bitcoin businesses will see that and side with BCH as they already started.

Also once BCH does really good Bitmain my decide to destroy the BTC prices by dumping their stack.

>> No.5225546

>Anyway I just want you guys to know you're intelectually void cancer and I sincerely hope you die and can't post anymore.

Damn that's a lot of anger. I'd be angry too if I knew the truth but constantly had to force myself to believe otherwise. In typical corecuck fashion, you present no arguments, just vitriol and insults. Sad, but predictable.

>> No.5225548


Yea exactly, they are on BCH's side because Core refused to increase block size. But I think it's fair to say those people would have simply preferred if Core were the ones to increase the block size themselves, so Bitcoin would have bigger blocks but still all the devs and resources of Core.

>> No.5225614

Dont discount how important its gonna be when we become the dominant sha256 coin too

Alts cant compare to that

At all

Gpu mining is crap as well as pos

>> No.5225617

Do you realize XMR developers have admitted LN is basically needed and has been on the roadmap since forever? I don't think many realize this..

>> No.5225659

They're adopters, what's your point? You like everyone else who hasn't read the white paper or looked into bch's reasons for forking off in the first place have no idea why bcash has gotten so much support as of late. Look into why segwit was a hostile take over of the network, how LN would centralize, how Satoshi always intended to scale with block size, etc. Stop trying to character assassinate people who ultimately have nothing to do with with bch's existence and development. Or keep it up and hold the core bag in a month.

>> No.5225739

I see your point, I just don't think it's very likely. Maybe if they had addressed this immediately after the hardfork people would be interested, but the communities have become incredibly polarized in the past few months.

>> No.5225741

Segwit is DOA.

It has a .01% adoption.

>> No.5225747
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>> No.5225761

xmr isn't implementing any of that retard.

>> No.5225763

>so Bitcoin would have bigger blocks but still all the devs and resources of Core.
Why in hell would they want the "devs and resources of Core", as in a dev team paid by Blockstream itself funded by bankers who have proven they don't want to make bitcoin a peer-to-peer electronic cash but the electronic equivalent of bank notes

>> No.5225781

Monero will lose to another cryptonight if they implement something like lightning.

>> No.5225806

Yes I know. Its both a retarded upgrade and will take ages to be adopted. re-read my post if you think Im pro segwit

>> No.5225814


Pony is just one dev and frankly the most retarded.

>> No.5225857
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>whenever BCH is pumping there's a bunch of BCH threads each with 3+ IDs promptly and dilligently replying to any criticism on their narrative, whilst frequently complaining about "core shills"

Lol. Keep it up guys I'm sure everyone's believing it for sure.

Just came here to check if shills & newfags were still making the board absolute shit, and you are, so I'll be on my way now.

>> No.5225874

Not an argument.

>> No.5225876

So how would XMR end up any different than BTC if its transactions will be obscenely expensive. You're deluding yourself if you think the devs will magically fix this shit. It will end up just like BTC and will end up relying on Lightning routers.

Fuck XMR, you realize their Devs are small blockers and blockstream proponents?

>> No.5225908

If xmr implements any of this shit I will drop it for another privacy coin.

>> No.5225934

it's 10%


>> No.5225935

That's what I'm thinking too. It's just set up for a disaster right now.

>> No.5225967

>dilligently replying to any criticism on their narrative
Indeed, meanwhile what do you put forward besides insults and empty whining?

>> No.5226004

>when a coin pumps the number of threads about said coin tends to increase
Wow what a scoop.

>so I'll be on my way now.
Please do, this is your fourth shitpost so far and you've contributed noting worthwhile to the discussion. Come back when you have some arguments beyond "all people who support BCH are paid shills".

>> No.5226055

Are you guys realizing that the very Nakamoto's halving schedule is going to make Bcash irrelevant as it does not transition to fee economy, the miner revenues are going to drop to zero.

>> No.5226108
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>he thinks normalfags wont want the hot new coin that actually works.

>> No.5226172

>imagine being this dense

Anon, Who makes more money?

A miner that mines a bnlock with 25200 transactions of 20$ average fee.

Or a miner that mines a block with 5000000 transactions with 10 cents average fee?

>> No.5226180

False. We need 200mb blocks for that which is doable right now if we give up on having african bushmen able to run nodes on their pis

>> No.5226197

This server has a mempool limit of 500 MB. The mempool is currently full and low fee transactions are evicted.

>> No.5226221

But nobody is transacting with BCH; it has an average of 2k txn per hour compared to BTC 16k.

>> No.5226222

But they wont be able to buy or trade them on coinbase, just withdraw from their wallets.
Alts will moon, dumping BCH in the process.

>> No.5226243


Ultimate Bitcoin is King now you morons

Bow down to your new GOD

>> No.5226266

Not an argument. We are talking about future scaling solutions.

How many transactions dies LN do right now, brainlet?

How many transactions did BTC do 4 months after launch?

>> No.5226315

Big blocks getting filled https://fork.lol/blocks/size

Comfy low fees https://fork.lol/tx/fee

I'd start to get scared as a core sucker

>> No.5226335
File: 529 KB, 1668x1410, 310BE4F2-FFDE-4287-B60F-421591EA25DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the brain of a corecuck

>> No.5226363

The people predicting it will be dumped on January 1st are the same people who predicted it would be worth 1$ immediately after the HF.

It's impossible to predict what will happen, especially if this run continues.

>> No.5226379


>bagholders still think this is happening


>> No.5226386

Screencap this. If total fees per block on bcash ever exceed that of core chain, I'd apologize and admit that Bcash is actually a legitimate coin.

It won't happen as the users would NEVER pay a fee if they can kick the can down the road and get away with it.

Bcash is doomed and we all realize it. The only question is when and how exactly it crashes and gets dumped down to 1 satoshi on yobit.

>> No.5226413

Coinbase will make it tradeable.

BCH will win it is inevitable now.

>> No.5226421

These bags are getting quite comfy anon...

>> No.5226449

If anything flips bitcoin its going to be ethereum.

>> No.5226456


neither will win they are completely redundant and people will realize it sooner or later

>> No.5226503

>altcoiners wre this delusional

>> No.5226508
File: 50 KB, 500x616, 2017-12-19 12.36.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bcore will just become irrelevant in the future not so much a flipping, like satoshi said "Since Bitcoin Core is no longer usable as a currency, we should no longer consider it to be a crypto currency."

>> No.5226521

They already are paying fees. And the fees per block will increase through sheer volume.

Bitcoin cores ability to increase fee earning per block are almost exhausted as users will actually stop using it once it goes to 100$+.

BCH has no limit on potential fees per block as there is no limit on tps.

>> No.5226555

That was the original plan but sadly blockstream took over:
"Yes, the idea of smart contracts was said to be spam by Luke-Jr and a few others. "

>> No.5226557

You mean normal people won’t use it but big banks and hedge funds will.

>> No.5226560

The core devs are the most incompetent in the crypto ecosystem. Even if they did raise blocksize now trust in them has been destroyed. What business would accept bitcoin core after seeing what has happened take place? They had one job and they completely fucked it up.

>> No.5226568


>clinging to old technology in an new technology market

I guess you still watch movies on vhs

>> No.5226585

It will start with BCH trading pairs for every alt. Now on/offramp into alts will be BCH and ETH since BTC cant be moved.

Its going to happen quick. If the bubble doesnt pop Im predicting Q1/Q2 BCH tradingpairs on all the shady alt-exchanges and theres not a single thing corecucks can do to stop it.

>> No.5226587

>altcoin brainlets believe code is the only technology that gives bitcoin value

>> No.5226661

This. Despite all the reddit shilling, businesses trust Jihan, Roger and the rest of the public BCH adopters. Believie it or not CEOs dont care what 10$ hodlers on reddit think of people

>> No.5226669
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Holy shit. Cashies BTFOD. Argument saved

>> No.5226718

The true flippening will begin when Adreas voices support for BCH by the way.

>> No.5226731

Luke-Jr is a freaking nutcase who should have no say in the development of a 300 billion dollar asset.

>> No.5226877
File: 397 KB, 1536x2048, B8754C45-C289-4398-AE11-5D2EE28BEFC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all Core devs numale betas?

They’re creepy as hell.

>> No.5226968

Nightmare material

>> No.5227050

>Why are all Core devs numale betas?

Wait I thought this was all about the technical superiority of BCH. Why is the Core team's looks relevant?

>> No.5227060

I don’t trust people who look like SJW’s, sorry.

>> No.5227099

Probably a good thing given Ethereums main use case is money for hackers.

t. devops199

>> No.5227355

We've breached $2500. This is just getting started.

>> No.5227583

That would have been one hell of a poewrhouse, Bitcoin/ethereum but I dont know what that has to do with Ethereum flipping bitcoin.

Its sad you cant have Ethereum/Bitcoin cash, that would kill Bitcoin overnight.

>> No.5227616


Me in the top left corner. :)

>> No.5227645

nChain are working on having smart contracts on Bitcoin Cash I believe

>> No.5227686

bitcoin has always had "smart contracts"

>> No.5227688

But they wont have Vitalik. And look at Cores soyboys. Ethereum is going to rule the crypto world in the end.

>> No.5227830

Flippening is happening again.

>> No.5227863

They have better than Vitalik

>> No.5227882


>> No.5227891

this intro made me ashamed of owning crypto

>> No.5227892

Make this madman stop

>> No.5227912

>CW is Satoshi

I support cash and all, but until he actually proves this, hes a faggot.

>> No.5227923

Honestly I was memeing a little bit when I started this thread, but tonight might actually be the night.

Obviously the flippening will be a gradual process but this could well be the turning point.

>> No.5227951

and hopefully 2018 will be the year of decentralized exchanges as well.

>> No.5227995

CSW has 1,110,111 bitcoin and bitcoin cash locked in a legal trust until 2020. All will be revealed to the patient.

>> No.5227997

I don't think he's choosing sides. It's seemed like he was a core supporter for the longest time with Segwit and LN, but lately he's been saying that there is no true bitcoin and its not up to him or any authority to say what is.

>> No.5228003

Do aussies use the term bootstrapped?

>> No.5228039

This. 1MB blocks is the only reason Vatlik didn't develop ETH ontop of btc.

>> No.5228055

Someone is panicking, massive scare walls erected at .15

If those are breached, it's all over.

>> No.5228072

I've seen this posted a lot, no evidence.

>> No.5228129

Not even if your gayest cum guzzeling dreams. Ethereums team is a miracle unto its self and the pinnacle of it is Vitalic. They have a nearly flawless track record for meeting their goals.

>> No.5228180


>> No.5228197

Yawn. What is this, the 3rd "flippening" attempt??

This is the endgame play, as it is the last chance they have to pull it off.

Waited until btc difficulty increase to launch the op? check

paid spreading of that shit tier article "why i sold my bitcoin for bitcoin cash" bs on news sites? check (vers swedish butt buddy was interviewed no less)

paid shills all over reddit and 4chan? check

spamming btc mempool and calling it legit congestion? check.

I bet the mofo is desperate now. this shits barely denting btc as well. I feel sorry for anyone believe in scamVers coin, he will dump on you faggots just like he has done with the past coins he has gotten behind

dumbasses will soon get a hard lesson in econ 101. Irrefutably that coinvase unlocking all that supply will result in an epic dump. supply and demand, ever heard of it? we see the effects everyday with coin dumps by devs of alts, or the inverse with altcoin burns

>inb4 "muh reddit spacing" as the only counterargument presented to this multi threaded truth bomb, bitch

>> No.5228207

Just whales wanting to take profit I guess, BCH pretty much always dumps after a pump

>> No.5228274

self-discriminating himself for what purpose?

>> No.5228277

>coinvase unlocking all that supply will result in an epic dump
Xapo dumped nearly 300,000 BCH, is BCH dead?

>> No.5228291


>All will be revealed to the patient.
Yeah you'd have to be mentally ill to believe CSW is Satoshi. Look at the way he tried to prove he was before.

>> No.5228296

Corecucks are in for such a rude awakening.


Reminder if a digital asset designed for value transfer cannot transfer value, said asset has no value.

>> No.5228364

The bottom line right here.

Corecucks can scream about Jihan and paid shills all they want. Core will die and they won't even understand why. They'll continue to believe it was some kind of conspiracy and not an obvious product of the fact that BTC is no longer fit for purpose.

>> No.5228387

Then why say it all in the first place?

>> No.5228417

Pathological narcissism.

>> No.5228424

BTC can’t increase the block size, miners wont let them. That’s why BCH had to hard fork in the first place.

>> No.5228456

Someone hacked his email a long time ago I believe and discovered some pretty damning evidence that he was Satoshi, then people started bothering his family and making some kind of threats if I remember well, so he decided to come forward, but he never wanted to be in the spotlight in that way

>> No.5228495

You don't remember it at all. I also support and hold BCH, but CW is not fucking satoshi you mong. You have to be a complete moron to believe that.

He probably didn't even get his first bitcoin until 2015

>> No.5228536

How about you shut the fuck up, go do some research on the subject then we can talk

>> No.5228608

I've looked it up. He came out and said he was and was unable to provide any evidence. He might be right about somethings, but that doesn't mean he isn't a fraud for claiming to be Satoshi.

>> No.5228636

Can you post legitimate evidence Craig Wright is Satoshi?

Satoshi used the term bootstrapped. Do aussies use that term? Just glancing over Satoshi’s writing style it seems like it’s an American.

>> No.5228642

Apparently Gavin Andressen (first person Satoshi hired to work on Bitcoin) said that CW is Bitcoin after seeing some evidence.

BUT I'm 100% sure Gavin only did that to protect the identity of the real satoshi

>> No.5228705

Gavin Andressen is the guy that caused Satoshi to go into hiding when he went to the CIA, who gives a fuck what he thinks

>> No.5228760

Did you guys read this?


>> No.5228887
File: 253 KB, 1306x2048, 80377D35-D5DD-4520-9D01-091A1FAA050D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something odd happened to him too.

>> No.5228907

Holy shit that's actually pretty crazy if true. I have no idea what to believe now.

>> No.5228949

>Received "anonymous" tip off that CSW is Satoshi.

>> No.5228995
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Fascinating debate lads.

Meanwhile, in corecuck land......

>> No.5229015

All CW would have to do is sign a transaction to prove that its him. He won't because he can't.

>> No.5229137

Maybe because he precisely doesn't want to prove it, he never wanted to come out as Satoshi

>> No.5229155

Woah and you realize that now?
If BTC crashes, BTC team will jump onto litecoin
and Bcash team will carry the trademark name of the most failed coin in history
You guys are retarded and tanking the whole crypto with this feud

>> No.5229211

It's an odd thing to do if you don't want to claim you're Satoshi, to go to the BBC and claim you're Satoshi.

>> No.5229247

We're not doing anything faggot, the "feud" arose because the core team refused to compromise on block size. Now people are moving over the the BTC that actually works. You can't blame us for the state BTC is in.

>> No.5229261


He's slowly pivoting to BCH, he can't do it in 1 session after getting paid nigh 2 million shekels by plebbit goyim.

>> No.5229280

You say this shit once a month but it always dumps.

>> No.5229325

Read the article I posted above, he isn't the one who came forward in the first place, he felt pressured to because of the documents that were leaked about him, and I remember reading somewhere that people were threatening his family after the leak

>> No.5229336

>he thinks people are switching to bcash because they don't realize the underlying fundamentals of litecoin

Good god brainlet.

>> No.5229349
File: 2.38 MB, 2918x2901, vercash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realize 90% of the people on coinbase joined since august, and therefore DONT HAVE ANY REAL BITCOIN (CASH)
>doesn't realize the all whales have been in posession of their bitcoin (cash) since the fork
>doesn't realize that since everyone's default assumption is a dump, it won't happen.
stay poor corecuck

>> No.5229391

I read the article, it doesn't explain why he announces to the BBC and the Economist that he's Satoshi with "proof" that isn't proof. Who could the anonymous tipster be?

>> No.5229413

that was never the plan. It's all one big bait and switch. 80% of core "support" has been two-faced this entire time. Just waiting for maximum ripeness to strike.

>> No.5229416

It always dumps until it doesn't.

It has consistently held the #3 market cap, and each pump has been successively bigger. This recent growth has been much steadier than than the last few pumps. Rome wasn't built in a day.

>> No.5229436


>> No.5229452

dont fall for the chinc scam coin, newfags, they pump&dump it every 1-2 months

>> No.5229472

The developers are the ones that block any useful changes.

>> No.5229475
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 621511f92d3a1b1e06c0e24ea3bb2facf42b7b8b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when you see your OC thriving in the wild

>> No.5229476

>This time I'm not retarded!

>> No.5229532

january "dump" has been priced in since fucking august man. It's no surprise. Dumpers didn't keep their coins on coinbase. The fact that none of you corecucks realize this lets me know that "le january dump" is just your strongest shill talking point.

And it's weak as shit.

>> No.5229546

It really doesn't matter if it's "this time", I'm holding my BCH because I know it will eventually win out. You can feel free to FOMO the top when the day comes.

>> No.5229547

We still have the viabtc exchange coming with only BCH/pairs


>> No.5229564

Checked. Can't believe people unironically believe the core devs aren't utter shit at this point.

>> No.5229588

>Paying for BCH

>> No.5229708

>Who could the anonymous tipster be?
That would be the person who hacked into his email

>> No.5229731
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>> No.5229748

This. What point is "scaling" if you can't keep resolution??? that's not fucking scaling!

I was trying to neutrally explain the difference between core and cash (and the other forks) to a prospective investor (female coworker, semi-savvy but semi-brainwashed). She grasped the dynamic faster than I did.

I think those of us immersed in crypto for years have normalcy bias. Bitcoin is bitcoin, right? until it isn't...

>> No.5229789

You are autistic and take everything on face value.

>> No.5229836

>muh 1m rule
Jesus you really have no fucking clue.
Satoshi's rule was that blocksizes would scale with usage.

What's even crazier than you spouting bullshit like "Nakamoto's 1MB rule" is that you won't even bother to fact-check my counter. Because you have NO FUCKING CLUE about Bitcoin. You have NO FUCKING CLUE what Satoshi ever said. You are COMPLETELY WRONG.

>> No.5229899


fug :DDD

>> No.5229922

This whole argument comes down to newfags don't read the white paper.

>> No.5229936
File: 39 KB, 850x500, 0e11e999-b5ff-4f05-9e26-aca8cf8afbef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump BCC -> dump BTC

>> No.5229955

>You are autistic and take everything on face value
Wrong, also not an argument

Is it impossible someone hacked into his email and leaked his findings to the press? What the fuck is your point? You have zero evidence Craig Wright forged all those emails and then sent himself the anonymous tip

>> No.5229970

>i don't understand how software forking works, the post
bitcoin>bitcoin cash
bitcoin>bitcoin core

>> No.5230000

Why did Satoshi set the difficulty adjustment to 2016 blocks?


>> No.5230038
File: 45 KB, 452x450, 1513195033995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core forks bitcoin with Segwit and calls it bitcoin. You can't explain that!

>> No.5230056
File: 922 KB, 812x1062, 1510374558996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are not even awake yet

>> No.5230058

No, you THINK you know that, others know that you are wrong.

The "driving force" behind BCH is decentralized. You know, like the driving force behind the original bitcoin. You can't put a label on a decentralized movement. You can't predict or evaluate based on the loudest or most unsavory characters you pick out from the noise.

Most importantly, you can't stop this.

>> No.5230074

>coin telegraph
>has replaced LTC ticker on the top of the page with BCH

great resource OP

>> No.5230081

They were sent to Gizmodo. Read your article.

It's consistent with someone who provides proof that isn't proof, that they would take the lie further.

>> No.5230130

>It's consistent with someone who provides proof that isn't proof, that they would take the lie further.
You're grasping at straws, that's your evidence really? Sending an anonymous tip to gizmodo is consistent with someone who "provides proof that isn't proof", hence CW is not Satoshi? lol

>> No.5230139

>it's not a pump and dump this time I swear

>> No.5230163


>> No.5230201


>You're grasping at straws, that's your evidence really? Sending an anonymous tip to gizmodo is consistent with someone who "provides proof that isn't proof", hence CW is not Satoshi? lol

I'm talking about when CSW went to the BBC with a stage-managed magic trick to provide "proof" he was Satoshi. Why do that? Really makes you think.

>> No.5230203

Look at the chart. Its regression to the mean. The trend is up. After bitcoin tops on Christmas all the money will flow into bch.

>> No.5230262

That's what decentralized support looks like.

I did something you'll never do: Admit I was wrong.

back in July I fell for the propaganda. I too was lambasting Ver and wu and bitcoin cash. I was still on the fence ideologically (was never a fan of segwit), but I repressed my doubts as the $$$ value of my btc kept mooning.

I was wrong. $$$ is great bait to stop critical thinking. Luckily I kept my shit on coinbase instead of withdrawing to dump, so now I still get to be part of the future.

At this point, I do not give a rat's ass about convincing people like you. You've made your bed. I'm doing this for the 3rd parties. The people that can observe both sides neutrally and decide who has solid arguments and who does not.

>> No.5230278

It's been like that for a long time

>> No.5230308

>Decentralised support only comes out during pumps.

>> No.5230313

I don't know, but its a bad system that spikes difficulty.

>> No.5230326

>I choose to believe this in the absence of any evidence, because it confirms my other beliefs.

>> No.5230353

>merchant adoption
>multiple teams developing


>merchants dropping
>one team core

Guess which one is decentralized.

>> No.5230396

Not the one with the active shill team that only gets paid when it pumps.

>> No.5230437

Literally not an argument.

>> No.5230456

A typical corecuck attempt at debate. As soon as his bullshit is called out and he knows he has no riposte, he immediately resorts to "yeah well you're a paid shill!"

Fucking pathetic.

>> No.5230466

those are the only people that time after time keep falling for the oldest (((tricks))) in the book. Basically, pretend that they are women when evaluating their competency. It makes much more sense then.

>> No.5230493

2016 decimal is 0xREEE in hexadecimal

>> No.5230496

>"ill think ill buy some BTC, looks to be going u-
>"anon dont but BTC its not the Real Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash is!"
>"whats the difference?"
>"well you see uh, BCH and BTC are different becau-
>"you know what, nevermind. Ill just buy litecoin or ethereum. Its cheaper and I dont have to worry about this BTC/BCH bs"

Every conversation ever. BCH is useless


>> No.5230509

their looks are just the icing on the cake man. Their competency is what's relevant, and that's what was brought up first. This is a tangential discussion on how what you see is what you get.

>> No.5230541
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>> No.5230546



You can't read. The poster said the shill campaigns were a sign of decentralised support, it's the other way around. How's the weather in India?

>> No.5230551

>he says as BCH moons 40%

>> No.5230572

>active shill team that only gets paid when it pumps
Way to walk back your statement retard.

>> No.5230589

Hey Guys...


Hey GUYS!!!

Why do you think they chose the name BITCOIN-CASH?

Because BITCOIN can't be used as cash no more. it's too fucking slow and expensive.

Cash is cheap and fast.

3000 tonight?
5000 on the weekend?


>> No.5230611

is bitcoin cash "better"?
can anyone without a boner wofr computer science understand why its better?
no really
so bitcoin core has the brand recognition and bitcoin cash has (perhaps, not that i'd know, just have to take their word for it) the better tech.

bitcoin as a medium of exchange is accepted in all the exchanges, any altcoin can be bought with btc

so flippening, maybe one day, right now? i'd be surprised.

>> No.5230630

Dont fall for it,you are going to be bagholding bcash when bitcoin goes to 20k

>> No.5230634

dog whistle

Brainlets not wanted. Carry on.

I'll be honest: I've seen the proof, I've researched it thoroughly. I know the truth.

I don't want you to believe me. I'm gonna get filthy rich off of everyone that doesn't get it

>> No.5230643

>LTC and ETH both under 1k so normies can hodl then
>bitcoin cash sounds like a chinese knockoff
Lmao enjoy your bags

>> No.5230649

Yeah you can't read.

>It's different when I do it!!!!!

It is interesting how they only appear during pumps.

>> No.5230655

Yeah I did read faggot, you're the one who tried to claim that the decentralized support was actually paid shilling because it "only comes out during pumps". Fuck off you intellectually dishonest little cunt.

>> No.5230710

It's true. When's the last time we had one of these threads with this much activity? You're dumb or an intellectually dishonest little cunt.

>> No.5230714

>can anyone without a boner wofr computer science understand why its better?
>no really

lmao it doesn't take a fucking degree to realize that lower fees and faster transactions are better.

>> No.5230715


>can anyone without a boner wofr computer science understand why its better?




Whoever missed the BTC 2k - 20k ride.
Here is your 2nd chance!


>> No.5230744

I don't have a CS degree and can read white papers and understand the importance of block size for scaling/follow the money interests in keeping block sizes small and implementing Segwit.

Okay and Christians believe the bible.

Is this your first day on /biz/? lmao at your life

>doesn't know anything about Segwit/LN or that BCH is the same chain created by Satoshi.

>> No.5230745

What if everyone is cashing out to offset taxes for trades, gifts for loved ones, and etc?

What if five four three two one became one to three for five?

>> No.5230789


BTC is under 17k

Good luck BTC bag holders.

How can you NOT see what's happening here?
Operation dragon slayer commenced 3 weeks ago but it's now the masses are getting in on it.

BTC 10k
BCH 10k


Happy new year fuckers.

>> No.5230791


I'm too retarded to understand what you guys meant. Can you dumb this down for me?

>> No.5230796

It happens when any coin pumps dude, are you new to /biz/? Were you here after the LINK ICO a few months ago? There were far more LINK threads in the catalog than there are BCH threads right now, believe me. You're seriously fucking confused about why a coin that has seen a 2 billion dollar increase in volume is seeing more discussion than usual.

You need to believe this conspiracy theory because you can't accept the real reason BCH is pumping.

>> No.5230808

>254 replies on a Dragonslayer thread.

We've had a million Dragonslayer threads, they were all retarded, and in the last month getting 100 replies tops.

>> No.5230835


>> No.5230849

Dragonslayer is the definition of a conspiracy theory - it was even originally given specific dates for fucks sake.

>> No.5230909

maybe because part of the terms of his 1 MILLION BTC TRUST (entrusted to craig wright, not Satoshi Nakamoto) involve NOT DIVULGING THE IDENTITY OF SATISHI'S EMAIL OR PRIVATE KEY.

So if he actually proved he was satoshi, his 1 million btc would no longer be his.

FOR FUCKS SAKE, when I started getting into BTC it was still sometimes called "craigcoin" as a meme

>> No.5230913

Hahaha Bcash paid shills finally come out of their rocks where they've been hiding whilst crying on their losses.

Guys Bcash literally can't win, if bitcoin goes down so will Bcash, they're the same thing but one is being ran by a fucking retard.

The only winners here will be the alts.. oh and bitcoin.

>> No.5230941

>currently lower than we were 30 days ago in sats

>> No.5230946

no, idiots only pay attention during pumps.

I post about the truth EVERY FUCKING DAY

>> No.5230962

Again goes back to why drawling attention to himself in the first place.

>> No.5230988

Look how many times you're posting.

Someone either:
>Got tricked into buying Bcash at ATH
>Is being paid to shill

>> No.5231020

There you are moving the goalposts again lol.

You know damn well that dragonslayer is a fucking meme at this point. But you're right, the people who originally bought into the idea that there was some kind of coordinated plan to kill BTC on a specific day are just as retarded as you and your paid shill obsession.

>> No.5231046

Only threads with this many true believers when it pumps.

>> No.5231048

Plus, Bcash wants to adopt Bitcoins name. If Bitcoin fails, the Bcash adopts the name of a failed coin. Pure virgin tier of fail

>> No.5231058

Nice evidence you've got there.

Oh no. Wait, that's schizophrenia. I'm so sorry.

>> No.5231069

>enthusiasm builds as price rises

You're actually a retard.

>> No.5231084



I get paid by the posts.
I educate ignorant fucks like you and make money at the same time!

>> No.5231092

>Can't even read the thread title.


>> No.5231104

its a sign . . . but of what?

>> No.5231149

"True believers" - "corecucks" - "the real bitcoin", all the cult stuff.

>> No.5231244

You need to seek help dude, you're fucking loosing it over some shit coin.

Go spend your time looking at coins that actually change & improve the crypto landscape.
Instead of focusing on some coin that has an entire strategy built to steal bitcoins name... and the guy running the show is mouthing off on youtube, screaming at people.

This is not going to end well for you, I'm sorry it isn't. Bitcoin needs improvements and might fail too. But Bcash isn't going to be the replacement.

>> No.5231256

wtf does that have to do with my post, brainlet?

>> No.5231257


Hey guys, Satoshi here.

BCC is the future, I'm working on it myself right now

>> No.5231277

I wrote the thread title you retard.

>> No.5231348


You know people wrote the same thing when BCH just forked.

You think that because you type properly and grammatical correct your words have more weight?







>> No.5231419

BCH community is unique

>> No.5231434

He fucking didn't. Let me break it down for you brainlets. If you still don't get it, too bad.

>someone hacked one of satoshi's emails, releases information alleging/suggesting craig is satoshi
>craig doesn't want to be known as satoshi
>craig pretends to pretend to be satoshi, intentionally doesn't prove it
>now people stop talking about him being satoshi

Obviously whoever is behind satoshi nakamoto doesn't want to be known as satoshi nakamoto, or they wouldn't have used a fucking pseudonym in the first place.

>> No.5231521

How does your tiny little brain not realize that bitcoin cash has always had bitcoins name? When one thing splits into two different versions, both versions have the history of that thing. This is a elementary concept.

>> No.5231528
File: 129 KB, 724x611, 1409363476714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to unplug the internet for a while my dude.

>> No.5231548
File: 877 KB, 500x320, 1513366546265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>craig pretends to pretend to be satoshi
For what purpose?

>> No.5231611

did you read the next line of my post????

so people who only see the surface of things will assume there is no way he is satoshi.

I did not intend to give out this many freebies. I'm too soft on you guys.

>> No.5231651

So people would stop bothering/pestering/threatening his family

Actually he couldn't have done it better, if he had proved he was Satoshi then he couldn't lead a normal life anymore (nor his family), if he hadn't come forward people wouldn't stop bothering his family, but by coming forward and not proving it people believe he is a scam and him and his family are left alone

>> No.5231666


>> No.5231676

I'd rather have bitbean

>> No.5231698

That's the best explanation I've heard so far as to why Craig would behave that way if he really was Satoshi.

I'm still pretty sure he's not but I'm willing to admit the possibility.

>> No.5231725


Too much money to make these days being hooked up 24/7

btw: dip to 2400 was fastest fucking recovered EVER.

2600+ again.

Cya on 10k this weekend.

Good night and don't forget to put some fiat under your pillow for the crypto fairy.

>> No.5231773



BTC 16k



>> No.5231796

Holy fuck it really is tearing through those sell walls.

>> No.5231798

Could be true, but is really all speculation. If the real Satoshi supported bch all he would need to do is move his coins, not even all, into bch as a "tip of the cap" that its him interested in bch. CW could do this if he were Satoshi without revealing that its actually him.

There is also this wild speculation that Satoshi coins are locked up until 2020 with no evidence to support the claim.

>> No.5231808

I just ask that you be considerate to the man that may have given us all this and don't worry about it. We are much better off with satoshi as a legend then as a man. So is he.

>> No.5231883
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>Too much money to make.
> Blockfolio has $323 in it.

I've screen grabbed, will post on weekend see if you haven't hung yourself in your dads basement.

>> No.5231890

So happy to be in bch right now. Its singlehandedly propping up my alts. What a slaughter

>> No.5231908

It depends on if your post had anything to do with the posts you were replying to? But that's a reflection on you.

>> No.5231915

his coins are already BCH dude. Bitcoin is BCH and BTC. There's nothing to "move".

Craig wright's coins are definitely locked up to 2020, the only speculation (from your perspective) is that he is satoshi. But who else has 1 million coins???

>> No.5231955

>I only meant it ironically!

>> No.5232103

Dude I know that BCH and BTC coins are the same from August 1st ffs. I'm just saying Satoshi could buy into BCH even just a little bit to signal support for the project...

Where is the evidence that CW has coins locked up until 2020 and how does that necessarily link him to Satoshi? Are these coins from right after the genesis block or what?

Consider suicide, you've been BTFO this entire thread and still don't get it.

>> No.5232137


>> No.5232221

Whatever dude there's no point arguing with you. You want to insist that because I used the word "dragonslayer" which is now a generalized term used to refer to a flippening scenario, I believe in a conspiracy theory. It's not true, but I know you'll never accept that, because you need to be able to deflect the fact that you literally believe the increased discussion of BCH during this pump is a paid shill conspiracy. Next time, I hope we can debate about the actual merits of BCH vs BTC, but I know you're not interested in having that discussion.

>> No.5232233

Daily reminder Hal Finney announced he was running Bitcoin 2 days after the Genesis Block.

>> No.5232274
File: 124 KB, 725x1024, IMG_20170206_222453_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Above $3100 on cex.io

Still rising. First stage rocket burn.

>> No.5232297

The increased number of people posting "corecuck," "True Bitcoin," "CSW is Satoshi"

I've said this bit already but you don't seem to understand it? Is it difficult?

>> No.5232350

This thread doesn't have enough ASICBoost


BTW Faketoshi Wright knows the real Satoshi is dead. That's why he knows it's safe to keep up his Faketoshi act.

>> No.5232373

Who's watching the number goes up a everyone else is crashing in flames ?

>> No.5232388

That's because core supporters are cucks and Bitcoin Cash is the true bitcoin. As for CW being Satoshi I've been arguing against it and still support BCH.

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.5232447

I don't care what coin you're for or against. Idiots like you are why this place sucks now. I havent posted here in years but felt the need to since you're such a massive fucktard.

>> No.5232466

The argument that this thread is full of "CSW is Satoshi" is a reflection on the thread, which is my argument. It's not a reflection on you.

Dense or intellectually dishonest cunt.

>> No.5232503

just made 3 btc in an hour

>> No.5232521

You've provided no evidence for this, and the idea falls apart with even an iota of critical thought.

BCH has been steadily rising since yesterday. The increased discussion on /biz/ only really started in the last few hours, when the pump was already well and truly underway. For your scenario to make sense, the shills should've come out before the pump.

So, the concept makes no sense, and you've provided no evidence. Nice conspiracy theory.

>> No.5232528

I think it went downhill when the death cult BCH autists started announcing the flippening once a month.

>> No.5232553

Really because I've seen about equal support for him being Satoshi as against from Cash supporters within this thread.

>> No.5232611

You must be new here.

It's not about the ratio. It's about the argument being brought up and argued for consistently.

>> No.5232638

Say welcome to Fedcoin. Now the world can see how bunch of people trusted decentalized currency and how it ended up.

Now you can say welcome to the fed coin. A centralized blockchain which can be regulated not manipulated.

>> No.5232656
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 1392319064397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is starting to get a little quiet?...

You guys ok?

>> No.5232695

>Doesn't even try to present a counterargument

lmao and you have the gall to call other people intellectually dishonest. Pathetic.

>> No.5232702

>It's about the argument being brought up and argued for consistently

Literally fuck off back to R*ddit

>> No.5232765

better get in bch now while its still cheap going to be 10k plus before you know it

>> No.5232842


You are of simple mind, so I'll explain this again - that point is one of a group of points being brought up now, that haven't been brought up as consistently in other Dragonslayer threads. Therefore this thread - during a pump - is different from other Dragonslayer threads - where the ratio is dropping vs Bitcoin.

You don't understand either.

>> No.5232868

Exactly. I hold a lot of btc but the people in these threads are so just so fucking stupid and refuse to begin to comprehend what's a stake if the larger coins go down. WE GET IT YOU WENT ALL IN ON MARIJUANA COIN.

>> No.5232882

BTC is crashing.
BCH is mooning.

>> No.5233104

It's over,
double top at 0.164

>> No.5233112

this is what decentralization looks like. Jesus dude. Join the fucking army or something.

no, this is what happens when decentralized currencies get hijacked and people are too dense to notice.