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File: 1.73 MB, 1184x1330, 1642794906291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52231318 No.52231318 [Reply] [Original]

Twitter layoffs are in progress. All able bodied /biz/raelis are ordered to report to the salt mines.

>> No.52231333

The parasites and fat is being trimmed. they are literally advertising to the world that they added no value to the company.

Yet they have absolutely no fear or concept of that. thats the STATE of the corporate world now days.

>> No.52231335

Why are most Spics or Pajeets

>> No.52231343
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>> No.52231355

White males are too busy stuck at home playing vidya games and watching porn

>> No.52231361

Have you even been on silicon? Nobody speaks English over there

>> No.52231363

white males are the ones keeping their jobs

>> No.52231365

>they are all spics poojeets and kikes

>> No.52231378
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Sad face

>> No.52231412

So in other words, he was a leech parasite.

>> No.52231428

oh no
I farted

>> No.52231440

California runs almost exclusively on Mexican and Asian labor.

>> No.52231448

Because the handful of straight white men there are doing actual work while the white women are busy crying their diversity hires are getting canned on social media.

>> No.52231455
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>> No.52231458

No. In other words, it wasn't a company proper but an NGO that scratched my activist itch.

>> No.52231477


these companies all have online software to review performances on individual level and department level basis. usually you even get a score.

they can see who was draging down departments, who had good individual scores and on what aspects. Likely most the east asians and white people will remain

>> No.52231478
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checked and true

>> No.52231487

What abload of bullshit. Tweeps really think they saving the world with their content censoring, transparant lmao

>> No.52231589
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>> No.52231716

imagine thinking it's acceptable to just post all your retrenched colleagues' names lmao

>> No.52231719

> we had a commitment to transparency
> Lewis
lol, okay Lewisbergowitz

>> No.52231811

kek i thought the same

>> No.52231823

Alexa play Danny boy

>> No.52231904


>> No.52231923

Tweeps. More like twerps. Heh.

>> No.52232009

White and asian men are the life and blood of tech(high IQs,ivy league education,autistic productivity,etc...).

Women and PoC are usually diversity hires that have fake jobs on HR or are bootcamp devs that hold the team back.

When a company needs to downsize,guess which group gets axed.

>> No.52232043

Digits of truth. Just eait until the ripples outward. My hope is that the strain on government becomes too much and it implodes.

>> No.52232261

Now they know how I feel after getting banned unfairly and for no reason 5 TIMES

>> No.52232304
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Melon Usk is a globohomo puppet leading the Fake Awakening.


>> No.52232345

You vill jabba ze hut

>> No.52232394

If only that were true, but you know the real. You know who is actually working and carrying these women and brown fuckers- it’s a take as old as time. A song as old as rhyme. White people built everything for your poo stained hands- those same poo stained hands that go back in time, all the way through your lineage.

>> No.52232396

Why does a website need so many employees?

>> No.52232637

check the owner of twitter

>> No.52232650

stop asking questions

>> No.52232658
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>> No.52232679

>J lEWiS

>> No.52232691


>> No.52232707

This is like cutting your finger and then jumping into shark infested waters
He must really be autistic

>> No.52232731


>> No.52232747

All this shit lately with kanye and elon buying twitter is really opening my eyes to how powerful political advocacy groups like the ADL really are. I thought it was all just a /pol/ meme but it is actually true.

>> No.52232777

>it's a private company, of course they can do [x]
bwahaha elon should just wait out until advertisers stop pleasing the cucks and ngo commies, because its simply a good plattform to distribute shitty ads to gullible idiots

>> No.52232795

He's delusional just like your average /pol/tard

>> No.52232799

if anyone on earth could figure out the ad issue, its elon.
also, because of how public this debacle is, if the problem gets solved it shows the world that there are other ways of monetization that can work.

>> No.52232802

fpbp, this was long long overdue
america has too many fake jobs

>> No.52232833

came here to post this

>> No.52232993

i don't think that's fully the issue, google is hitting 52 week lows because ad money is drying up

>> No.52232998

Fuck U that one "Ian Macpherson Rojas" is not a spic.

>> No.52233086
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these libtards allowed two types of bots on twitter to reinforce their world views. they hate crypto and manipulated market sentiment by allowing scambots to enrage oversensitive activist twitter retards. Second bots they allowed were political ones.

Either way moloch demands repayment, lol if these fucks commit suicide they will burn in hell for what they did to the crypto market.

>> No.52233143

>saving the world with their content censoring
My thoughts exactly. I'm a democrat and I can't stand these fucking assholes trying to force everyone into their belief system by systematically censoring any nonconforming ideas.

I used to not understand how 1950s McCarthyism happened. Now I know. Fuck Twitter employees, God Bless America.

>> No.52233286

Transparently shutting it down

>> No.52233323
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Welcome to outside of the cave. Remember, you cannot return.

>> No.52233340
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Lefties will keep whining about him. This is hilarious, it actually happened. They said WELL JUST BUILD YOUR OWN PLATFORM THEN >:-D over and over again and he just went and fucking bought it

Fuck them, and fuck you if your ideas can only survive in environments where opposition is silenced and scared off

>> No.52233393

Elon is openly mocking all these faggot tranny twitter lovers and half of biz is dumb enough to think he’s losing kek stupid fags. I signed up for 4 blue check marks. Suck my white cock NIGGERS

>> No.52233424
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>> No.52233426
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>> No.52233430


I might just start up a new account and click on all the ads to do my part kek

>> No.52233449
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>> No.52233468

Jews implemented a woke score (forget what it’s called) for corporations that are more anti-white and hire brown people get extra funding.

>> No.52233507

Yep, fake populist hero for the masses, same playbook as Trump

>> No.52233509
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Environmental Social Governance investing, or ESG.

>> No.52233532


>fake populist
>quite literally put his money where his mouth was, dropped $50B big ones and bought one of the largest media companies on the planet
>is now in the process of actively gutting it of chaff and leftist zealots

There is nothing less fake you fucking faggot

>> No.52233570

You are a NPC if you thought pol was a meme. Most of everything they say about the Jews is true and if you have your doubts just do your own research, of course most people brush pol aside as schitzo shitshow board because of the insane amounts of astroturfing/well poisoning but if you are intelligent enough to separate the wheat from the chaff then it is definitely a good resource for redpilling/esoteric material.

>> No.52233618

which is why reddit is getting all bent out of shape over it

>> No.52233631

Such drama whoring. Literally everyone knows you barely put in an hour if that a day working at a FAANG.

>> No.52233642

I'd like him to give a definition of opaque without googling it

>> No.52233656

Answer me this then. Why did he take a trip to holy sites in Israel and shill how great a place it is and why (here is the smoking gun) does ALL of his kids attend Jewish schools?

>> No.52233665

>t. Seamus O'Reilly Steinberg

>> No.52233673


This is what you fags always resort to

>uh yeah he might be actively and obviously dismantling all instituions of left-judaism in the US
>but he visited Israel once!!!!!!

Fuck off. Not "all sides same", literally just fuck off with your deceit.

>> No.52233685

Just remember this moment. Keep in mind the fact youre simping online for free for a billionaire elite. And when things turn to shit against your expectations look back and remember "I defending him"(for free)

>> No.52233691

Lmaoo only the white guys get "reaction" emoji hearts

>> No.52233709

this is fucked up and glad I never applied to any of these companies

>> No.52233763

I don't know that Trump was "fake" so much as he wasn't even remotely up to the task. And I see no reason to think that he's learned the appropriate lessons.

Elon isn't the guy either, but he's certainly a disruptive force.

>> No.52233771


I will remember, don't worry. I love it when rich guys do things that are in my favor for once, and I don't have to pay a dime. I left Twitter because it became an ultra leftist hugbox. All my favorite accounts got banned and suspended. This is so fucking cathartic like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.52233794

Lefty two faces are doing two things right now:

>acting hysterical on their own platforms about Elon
>coming here and then pretending that Elon is a nothingburger

Never trust them. Helicopter rides for the entire lot.

>> No.52233867

One of the songs made for the matrix soundtrack was named "really good noodles"

>> No.52233889

It’s funny that advertisers are pulling money away from Twitter because it gives Elon more justification for firing employees

>> No.52233899


>> No.52233904
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I can't believe Elon tore this working environment apart :(

>> No.52233913
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See pic related
You are a NPC falling for the theatre, all you need to know to see if somebody is authentic is whether or not they are sided with Jews. Trump loved Jews, married is kids off to Jews, implemented new laws that protects Jews, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and site to build the 3rd temple and was even minted on Israeli currency as the next king Cyrus. Trump pardoned Jewish criminals, and he also has tree of life reward. Trump was the ultimate shabbos goy and played his part as controlled opposition very well, he sedated the right and lowered the temp of the boiling pot to keep the frog boiling alive at a slow boil and not to jump out. Because of him millions still have faith in democracy and think that voting does anything and are stuck on the left vs right false dichotomy divide and conquer paradigm, none of his fans understand he was chosen and all the Hillary shit was theatre, she knew she wasn’t going to be president.

>> No.52233919

yeah, its so predictable at this point. you can tell people are starting to get burnt out on leftist hysterics

>> No.52233922

>quite literally put his money where his mouth was, dropped $50B big ones and bought one of the largest media companies on the planet

>impulsively offered to buy twitter at a premium, tried really hard to back out but failed to do so.

>> No.52233926

>he thinks musk is on his side

>> No.52233967

Nothing can get worse. Democracy is practically in the balance this midterms and Americans hardly care. People who act like Elon is some awful evil person are pretty stupid. Elon actually has vision for the future, and passion. There are plenty of rich guys who don't give a fuck meanwhile he's been pushing boundaries in his companies. You're a monkey if you can't admit this shit.

>> No.52234042

You are retarded if you think any of the SJW twatter tards are on 4chan. You morons think anyone who doesn't dick suck some celebrity billionaire believe in the strawman bullshit celebrities politicians use to scare you with.
>everyone who doesn't dick suck Musk is a tranny satanist!!!

>> No.52234050

This is the biggest most public backlash from thre anti woke in a while. If there's going to be change, it's about to be a torrential downpour as more people take off the mask and say what they truly feel.

>> No.52234055

What a whinger. Harden up, you sook.

>> No.52234067
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I dont know how you weren't aware of it until now. Also if tptb have their way that will be how every company operates.

>> No.52234077

you stick out like a sore thumb

>> No.52234106

holy shit and teamblind had the audacity to actually think they were working at some prestigious company with their high TC. fucking losers.

>> No.52234114

Wow very masculine
Much manly
100% white man

>> No.52234117

Sure, this is totally rational opinion instead >>52233967
you poorfags are so cucked into worshiping rich celebrities.

>> No.52234122
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Uh, who gave you permission to notice these things, White boy?

>> No.52234123

Yes, Zionism is among the many reasons Trump wasn't the right man for the job. It doesn't mean he wasn't opposed to the regime, he just didn't understand its scope and still had some assumptions baked into the way he viewed the world.

However, with all the resources poured into stopping him, the strength and duration of the regime's immune response (still going on btw), and the legitimacy they lost in the process, the idea that he's some kind of plant is just infantile. DeSantis is the same.

>> No.52234136

>doxxing twitter employees

so now youre out of a job and doxxed by people that think youre destroying the country

nice job elon you fucking moron

>> No.52234143

calm down bro its not worth getting worked up over

>> No.52234147

Yeah but why are you always shilling these gay boring videos?

>> No.52234153
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>You are retarded if you think any of the SJW twatter tards are on 4chan

>> No.52234169

Based Elon. Purge the parasites. I hate tech bros/fags so much.

>> No.52234179

never knew it was this bad in USA lol
absolute state of america

>> No.52234195

You're proving my point, just accusing me of being some SJW shill or something for the sole reason I refuse to get on my knees and service Elon Musk wherever he is insulted.
nice projecting, does criticizing your idol musk enrage you?

>> No.52234198

go back to pleddit faggot

>> No.52234202

Why was trump lambasted by the media then? Why is Putin also lambasted by the medi when hes made laws in russia that protect jews? Genuine questions. I think the situation is more complicated than WITH JEWS OR AGAINST JEWS.

>> No.52234219
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Where did I do that? You said SJWs don't come here, they can't stay away from this place. They think they're educating the chuds by shitting up the place. I don't much like Musk either but he's firing leftist sois and diversity hires, I can appreciate my enemy being humiliated even if I don't like the person doing it.

>> No.52234229

How do you get a blue check mark now?

>> No.52234234

dude who freaking cares about Elon? your ridiculous overreaction to everything he does is what is entertaining me

>> No.52234279

because the media portrays surface level stuff for the plebs. as 108morris108 used to say, they’re all friends at the top.

>> No.52234283
File: 1.88 MB, 300x425, 798783D3-1C8D-44A1-9D72-85C31CB4CCDA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is always right... about everything.

>> No.52234312

no, that was his response to morpoid saying "I am the Matrix, Neo"

>> No.52234322

Because some made up discord screencap? No way you are that gullible and stupid. Do you believe everything anonymous people tell you on 4chan?
You apparently, since you responded to my post with the typical "imply they're a glowie/shill" reflex. The fact is hardly anyone believes the hysterical SJW bullshit Musk and various celebrity politicians or media constantly use as a strawman. Just because you don't think Elon or twitter is based or something doesn't mean you're a SJW twatter retard.

>> No.52234332

fpbp checked

>> No.52234340

I'll pray for ya bro.

>> No.52234342
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It's not a discord screencap moron, it's from leftypol, where blue checkmarks constantly post about how they're raiding pol 24 hours a day.

>> No.52234369
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Chud bros we won. Taking twitter from lefties is one of the worst things that could happened to them.

>> No.52234374

not a musk poser but i think he's very explicit here that he acquired twitter in order to make money. it's only natural to tell those activists to fuck off if they're the reason twitter is losing money.

>> No.52234383

Never used either, but its obviously a funny larp, you are autistic you if actually think its real.

>> No.52234417
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, 90C85D3F-D6C4-4852-9E3C-DCC75FF2A8B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. i have always wondered why the FUCK Twitter needs 7,500 employees to run a service that was, for a very long time, simply serving 140-character-long text blurbs on a website. ok, so they have gifs and webms now - this is not even a fraction of what YouTube handles with its decades of video and now 4K 60 FPS content. what in the hell were all these employees (and Twitter’s servers) actually doing?

>> No.52234422

but he's validating their activism by saying "please stop im losing so much money because of you"
He could just be quiet and the activists would get bored and move on

>> No.52234428
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>> No.52234442

Kek, they hire the most qualified white candidates to do all the work for their 'diverse programming team'

>> No.52234474

kek I'm imagining an interview where they stick that rats nest of wires in front of you and have you untangle it.

>> No.52234493

You're just proving me right. All you can do is point at some retarded, extreme leftist and claim anyone who doesn't dick suck your favorite celebrity politician is the same them.

>> No.52234508
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>claim anyone who doesn't dick suck your favorite celebrity politician is the same them.
Are you smoking crack? Show me where I said anything like that. Musk is a faggot, but the people working at twitter are worse.

>> No.52234513

lol you know very well that they wouldn't go anywhere. people are fucking insane and will go through with their delusions just to avoid cognitive dissonance. i wouldn't be surprised if they were being paid to do that anyway.

>> No.52234544

go back and read my post you responded to.

>> No.52234552

yeah right now they're probably paid because of the midterms, but in a week no one is going to talk about politics again

>> No.52234594
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I have, and I still think you're replying to the wrong person. Where in the thread have I dicksucked Musk? What indication have I given you that I think you're a SJW because you don't like Musk? I literally only replied to your claim that SJWs don't come to 4chan. They do.

>> No.52234627

Too based for /biz/

>> No.52234676

Based CZ

>> No.52234688

I'm going to pour one out... into my mouth for these fuckers.

>> No.52234712

Ok then we agree, lol. I really don't care if you think SJWs are patrolling 4chan. Maybe some raid happened once and failed miserably. But whenever someone posts something here that doesn't conform to the groupthink you're accused of being some leftist SJW tranny.

Like the guy I was originally responding to >>52233794 acting like anyone who thinks twitter and elon is irrelevant, thinking they must be the same strawmen, hysterical example of SJWs that post retarded shit on twitter.

>> No.52235060
File: 537 KB, 554x513, 3EF5F33A-BC76-416E-B56A-65F99A8A4F40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Why was trump lambasted by the media then?

Retard NPC nigger who doesn’t understand controlled opposition psy-ops.

>> No.52235119
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most based annihilation I've read all day

>> No.52235131
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reporting in bros, fuck twitter faggots btw

>> No.52235556

How can we help Ye

>> No.52235572


>> No.52235585

it's not just Twitter, every tech company just realized how worthless 80% of their staff is and they're laying off people in the thousands

>> No.52235598

/Pol/ is right about Jews being a very successful demographic, that's about it.

>> No.52235616

sir it's spelled BRAAAAAAAAAPPPP

>> No.52235626

translation: we are trying to rush through a bunch of work so we look productive and maybe don't get canned

>> No.52235663

I don't know if you realize this but most whacko activists are anti-Israel and consider Jews to be problematic oppressors. There's a bunch of pro-Palestine Jews out there who think they have to apologize for their white privilege.

>> No.52235705

you know what i dont understand, they all complain about how bad elon is, but never blame the people who decided to sell to elon to begin with. Those are the ones that got away with billions, not elon charging for ticks and firing losers.

>> No.52235730

He is probably one of them, which is why he defends them.

>> No.52235815

/pol/chads... we're winning
by allah, we shall drive the infidel plebbitors from /biz/ as well, alhamdulillah!

>> No.52235845

all those extra people are politcal officers, social enforcers.

>> No.52235908

You could probably just fire anyone with woke stickers plastered on their macbooks and effectively raise productivity by 1000%.

>> No.52236213

Bravo for the layoffs. Many unproductive people in professional environments.


You can be a very competent, talented developer and still find yourself in a group or division whose services are not valuable.

In that case, you still go out with the rest of them.

>> No.52236309

Leftists really have no sensitivity to disgust. No wonder all of you are bug chasing scat fetishists.

>> No.52236489

t b h this makes it bad for the entire world, because burger globohomo tech salaries are 3x to 100x what you earn elsewhere

>> No.52236704

I know a tranny with no degree or experience who randomly got offered a job at netflix. Fucked up the second interview so was given another chance then offered 6 figures.

The job is as an “inclusivity recruiter” or something like that. Literally just to attract more trannies to the company.

>> No.52236868

how can this be verified to be real? I need to change how I reply to these questions kek! bouts ta get ma ass a gud ol' j-0-b nigga

>> No.52237652

Holy Shit. These people don't know the difference between transparent, translucent and opaque.

>> No.52238106

>Jewish schools
They go to Yeshiva?

>> No.52238538

Keep driving the Jews to more and more extreme forms of censorship. Make it so they can't hide what they are doing anymore.

>> No.52238553

Remember that the Mafia was considered an anti-Italian conspiracy theory for almost 100 years.

>> No.52238558
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>> No.52238591

Isn't this data breaching?

>> No.52238602

>posting clear names of twitter commies
thank you for the hit-list, senpai

>> No.52238606

>I thought it was all just a /pol/ meme but it is actually true.
You may hate it, but /pol/ is always right

>> No.52238619

Reads like a union member

>> No.52238662

Here we go. The yids are gonna go all out on this one

>> No.52238693

on average, perhaps
but the insidious things is that otherwise driven and intelligent people can get infected with kike mind virus

>> No.52238698
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You are ether a jew or a troon or maybe a jewtroon. Either way kys.

>> No.52238705

This is factual, there is a Grace Hopper conference every year where they will literally hand out jobs to women without even so much as an actual interview. It's an open secret in the tech world.

>> No.52238871

>whenever someone posts something here that doesn't conform to the groupthink you're accused of being some leftist SJW tranny.
and if you are you'll freak out and prove them right
if youre not then you either ignore or just call them a faggot and move on
which do you think you did?

>> No.52238899

Shit I might just start lying about my race/gender on applications. I didn't know white/male on applications put me automatically at a disadvantage. I'll """""""identify""""""" as whatever the fuck they want as long as I get an easy payday.

>> No.52238983

How do people get into arguments with people like you you're clearly a closed minded individual

>> No.52238998

there's really nothing to lose

>> No.52239020

>not a single white man at Twitter HQ

>> No.52239045
File: 44 KB, 500x375, ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont argue with me because they get shot in the face before that happens.

>> No.52239086


>> No.52239204

i like how this guy? quoted "right way".

>> No.52239213

Based and Andrew Jackson pilled

>> No.52239220

>and nothing of value was lost

>> No.52239246

ok that image is epic lol

>> No.52239299

How does this shit not lead to him lowering advertising prices and giving non fag companies a chance to gain market share?

>> No.52239366


Fellow Tweeps

You know this company was 50%+ useless.

They already ran the business with 80% bots to push agendas, now Elon will just use 20% of the staff to run the 20% of the business not run by bots.

>> No.52239380

>Even if it was slow.

I.E. if you aren’t a white man you don’t have to work.

>> No.52239387

>All this shit lately with kanye and elon buying twitter is really opening my eyes to how powerful political advocacy groups like the ADL really are. I thought it was all just a /pol/ meme but it is actually true.

I wonder how much money the ADL gets. Always a good idea to use their tools on them.

>> No.52239579

i hope they all kill themselves fuck u tweep niggers

>> No.52239605

what an ugly man ewwwwwwwwwww

>> No.52239649

The entire economy is useless, and nothing of value is created any more. Every piece of work we do is essentially just one giant jobs program to keep us occupied and to give an excuse for printing more money.
The sooner you realise that and just start treating your job as a hobby, the happier you'll be.

>> No.52241005

Based CZ!

>> No.52241470

You don’t know how much labor is involved determining whether to apply a policy or not. Imagine being a person who looks at dick pics all day to decide whether the dick is dark enough to get a pass. That stuff should be automated.

>> No.52241653

he literally looks like me...

>> No.52242386

meanwhile I'm a white male been working for 10 years out of college and only just now got a job offer for $21 per hour and that was only AFTER I beat out 300 other candidates for the role

>> No.52242445

I know that feel bro.

>> No.52242464

Lmao he’s starting to sound like the retarded Cheeto man. Guess it’s an old white fart thing

>> No.52242627

Not really. It’s mainly the autists who did the actual work (pick your race).

>t. Twitter Product Manager

>> No.52242942

I'm no Elon dickrider but it doesn't seem like he's firing the particularly intelligent ones

>> No.52242958

To be fair, YouTube has never been profitable and has been run at a loss to prevent any competition from cropping up

>> No.52243197

This is the biggest story here

>> No.52243252

Unironically this. There are a few girls who actually know how to code, know about the product, and/or add innovation. But mostly it's the guys.

Women get bullshit jobs media consultant, hr, diversity manager, public relations, etcetc from connections, being hot, being whores, or diversity quotas.

>> No.52243384
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Kleros FTW via Bluesky

>> No.52243438

Wow, I'm so concerned about the future of Twitter. This is all so sad. How can this be happening. I'm beside myself. This might be the worst thing I ever witnessed in my life. Why doesn't anyone do something about it. I have to give them my full support. Today it's them, but tomorrow it could be me. To think that one person can snuff out free speech and democracy like that. I'm not sure I can bring myself not to abort kids in a world like this.

>> No.52243587

>Penis head emoji
solidarity only after they're fired not when they worked together

>> No.52243617

Yeah bro, no way this site is astroturfed by glowies. It Will never be run by mods that delete sensitive threads and slide the ones when it's too obvious.

You arent that naive. You are just one of them.

>> No.52243943

Hopefully this becomes a trend. Seeing worthless business graduates getting kicked out from their comfy fake-jobs would be a beautiful sight to behold.

>> No.52243980

These tech companies are clearly discriminating against hiring certain types of people so why is nothing being done about it. Isn't there case to sue these companies when the same CV gets you to the next stage of recruitment if you're female but not male.

>> No.52243986

You know this can't be true because all mainstream social media shits on him profusely. Go to any reddit thread about Musk and you'll see thousands of comments begging for his downfall. Usually the ones who sleep in a bed with the elites will get the algorithms adjusted in their favor, not the other way around.

>> No.52244479


>> No.52244516
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>> No.52244528

elon found the chink spy wing, short china right now

>> No.52244758

wow, cool it with the anti-semitism bro...

>> No.52244888

>one white guy doing literally everything while women complain

>> No.52244889
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>> No.52244901

He's at least half Asian

>> No.52244920

Asians count as white for tech companies anyway
Otherwise they would just hire asians for diversity quotas
Indians will be next since that's how they're trying to make the quotas now

>> No.52244926
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you only figured it out now?

>> No.52244933

Twitter is the only place where I see anti pedos actually finding CP and reporting it, and it still stays up several days. Even Facebook deletes that shit quickly.
I think both telegram and Twitter are pedo centrals.

>> No.52245173
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exactly, its time to test how 'free' his free speech is. when people start posting the crazy shit that hes involved in, we'll know for sure whether or not hes telling the truth.

>> No.52245245
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>> No.52245318

Are you fucking retarded? His family is rich from mining emeralds lmao. He went to a jewish school as a child and regularly gets money from the US government which is why his shitcoin company (ticker: TSLA) is valued more than every other automaker in the US combined. And hes doing space travel. You think they just let some regular goy launch rockets into space? Hes obviously a charlatan. These people are regularly handled to be a person of interest that obfuscates and grabs the attention of people who would be willing to shift their views more radically but latch onto these people, like Trump, because they still value the system because it still offers them people they percieve as "our guy". There is no such thing, they are all entrenched into jewish finance and their social circles heavily. Tired of seeing midwits post that an actual billionare is somehow not controlled through blackmail and influence. You think he got there through hardwork and being a nice guy? It doesnt work like that among psychopaths...

>> No.52245334

We are like the Chinese Communists hiding in the mountains while the nationalists fight off the Japanese waiting for our chance to swoop in.

>> No.52245337

they're trying to destroy free speech...but you haven't changed any of the policies...

>> No.52245343

They weren’t doing anything but they didn’t need to do anything because retarded investors kept pumping the stock so the Jews and Pajeets did what Jews and Pajeets did best which is waste everyone’s money to give their useless friends jobs

>> No.52245373

> You think he got there through hardwork

He comes from an aristocratic bloodline so even if he were orphaned his genes would have brought him back to the top. Sort of like how Post-Maoist China essentially cleared the peasantry and all of the descendants of the pre-Communist Chinese elite began rising back to the top of their civilization.

>> No.52245553

So that’s what that Chinese expression of the snipe, the clam, and the fisherman is about

>> No.52245608

he already started fucking with his critics' accounts, see AOC
so no, he's lying out his ass as every billionaire does
and if you say "yeah AOC deserves it" you're a fucking retard because you are advocating against free speech

>> No.52245778

What did the average twitter wagie do all day prior to getting fired?

>> No.52245789


>> No.52246009

AOC been complaining about how Twitter treats her ever since she made the account

>> No.52246039

she cries about everything... not our fault she's got a hardon for elon after he ratio'd her a few times. stop defending that big titted cunt simp incel

>> No.52246060

A fellow anon made a thread because it was his experiment. Maybe around a year ago?

>> No.52246076

Man hands locked that

>> No.52246081

You might lose your mind watching that desu.

>> No.52246087

>just went and fucking bought it
Yeah after kicking and crying and trying all possible loop hoops trying to squirm out of the contract. Elon is the new trump for midwit migaturds to gather behind lmao.

Elon is lobbying gas prices up and cheap cars banned, while producing shit quality cars with 30% air in the price, preventing you from using aftermarket parts or services, from selling your car to another individual and using all anti-consumer jewish tricks ever and you gullible fags believe when he says its ”those leftists” that are the issue here.

>> No.52246236

>Go to bunkerchan
>Make a thread
>go to 4chan
> ?????

>> No.52246399

are you retarded? The actual opposition is more likely to be cancelled and not even mentioned at all, not fucking advertised by media

>> No.52246418


The madman should have kicked every single one of these useless shits out.

>> No.52246554


>> No.52246633

no one says you have to worship elon but if he's btfo'ing tyrannical online leftist idealogy then thats a good thing

doesn't mean you need to go buy a tesla though

>> No.52246713

Turn the emoji into a ss officer

>> No.52246791
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>Mexibro here

Yup, the second application is how i applied at my new job.

>You're hired
>when can you come in
Can i work certain hrs and days.
>You got the job

It was that easy, hermano

>> No.52247059

So it's ok for Elon to mute people and delete their followers if it's someone that I don't like. Nice free speech you got there lmao fucking retards.

>> No.52247091


>> No.52247246

>Last name is West
>Arch-nemesis is the Jews

>> No.52247252
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>the right way

>> No.52247477

I never said he didn't start off in the elite inner-circle nor that he made billions through hard work alone. What I'm saying is that mainstream media is controlled by the ultra-rich and the fact that he's getting shit on by every single news outlet and social media algorithm out there shows that he's probably not so friendly with the deep-state as people like to think. Sure, it could all be a ploy to shift attention away from things that actually matter, but $40 billion? Putting a price tag on status-marks™? Discrediting the integrity of social medias as a whole? It feels like what he's actually doing is throwing rocks at the establishment meanwhile (they're) trying to sink him by making it seem like he's already on a sinking ship. These Twitter employees he's firing aren't worth shit, he didn't buy a company just to break it into pieces.

>> No.52247551

White in tech need to discriminate in favor of other white males to balance this effect out. It would increase productivity too.

>> No.52247597

What’s the difference between a company that’s lost 75% of its workforce and a company that’s lost 87.5% of its workforce?