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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52230362 No.52230362 [Reply] [Original]

People think "renters" are renting because they want to?

I've noticed people are like this


Its as if you think people rent because they choose to rent, and for some reason think its better than owning.

I dont understand this at all, its like a 15 year old rich kid screaming at a 15 year old poor kid why his parents dont just buy him a new BMW

>> No.52230381

This is all you need to know

>> No.52230391

I rent because I don't want to deal with ownership and like the flexibility of going wherever I went

The western money versus eastern cost of living arbitrage is too poweful

>> No.52230393

There is always a choice.

1. live with your parents
2. buy a house

if you cant do this, just kill yourself. nothing is more disgraceful than paying for another man to live off you

>> No.52230438

Look Im a renter as well, but this cope about "hehehe i rent because muh want the flexibility" is cope.

I rent because the average house here is based on 2 people taking out a monster mortgage together and putting themselves into razor edge suicidal level debt for 30-40 years in the hopes they can finally have a paid off house by age 60-70.

I am not the target demographic of home ownership in 2022. I am a single male who hates banks and hates debt and hates how the financial system is setup to enslave you / chain you to life-long debt to keep you productive.

That said, I'll home a home once my investments elsewhere go up enough that I can sell them and buy a house in cash.

>> No.52230603
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>> No.52230682

>I've noticed people are like this
It doesn't matter. Anyone can write anything in this place. Do you ask the fucking birds why they shit on your head?

>> No.52231606

i pay about $300 usd a month to rent a 3 bedroom apartment thats probably the best part of $250k us to buy. (Taiwan) by my calculation thats 69 years of rent to buy this piece of shit. i dont plan to live that long why would i buy?

>> No.52231632
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>why do people tell you to work harder when 99% of job ads are fake and the jobs that exist pay badly
Because 4chan is full of neets who have never worked, college kids, retired boomers, people who succeeded because of nepotism but think they 'work hard' 3 hours a day WFH, actual underage kids etc. all repeating the same shit back to each other. When the recession comes and washes them all away suddenly all these things will be their problems too and then they will care. But it will be too late.

>> No.52231647


>> No.52231677

Because first time buyers only need like a 3% down payment. On a $300k house that would be $9k. The rent on such a house would be ballpark $3k. So if need security deposit + first month's rent, that's already $6k. So you really only need like 1% additional down than you would to rent, as a first time buyer. Almost anyone can do it.

>> No.52231743

Where I live (Australia) 200k is about what you need for a decent down payment

>> No.52232143

Sorry for off-topic, but I didn't see a QTDDTOT, and this was the closest.
Is is ok to post threads about real estate on /biz/ or is there a better board for that?

>> No.52232183

right now renting is the right move if you have the ability to buy
house prices are gonna drop 20% at least

>> No.52232204

there is nowhere where a 300k house rents for 3k anymore, maybe 3 years ago buddy
now houses are 600k and rent for 3k, terrible investment for idiot landlords

>> No.52232220

A lot of renters are unironically paying $1-3k/month though. At that point you really should be buying a house. And if you're in a super HCOL area just fucking move.

>> No.52232223

There are some topics without a board really, so the best thing you can do is post whatever you want on the most closely related board and hope you get some decent conversation going before it gets deleted, hell maybe the mods give it a pass.
Officially, posts that don't belong on any board are supposed to go to /b/, but good luck having serious conversation there.
For example, there is no board where you can discuss about podcasts or youtube channels. There is no board where you can discuss esports or chess.
Anyway, you can discuss real estate in here no problems. There are around 10 threads about it at any given moment.

>> No.52232720

This savage little nigger believes his cousin Jews will save him once their planned collapse liquidates US Corporation. Like he says, "just because it's happened in the past doesn't mean it will tomorrow."

>> No.52233378


Yeah, they'll drop another 10% after going up 100k In 2 years

>> No.52233487

Because when you buy you own a 250k asset that generally keeps place with inflation that you can sell for at least that you paid. When you rent the money just goes away forever.

>> No.52233586

google opportunity cost, its trivial to beat inflation

>> No.52233589

>2. buy a house
but by buying a house, another man (+ your cuck realtor) live off you for a lump sum...

>> No.52233638

>live with your parents
What if they are dead, homeless, or drug addicts you smug retard? Most people who post on this board about how based they are for owning a home had a stable upbringing and ultimately had shit handed to them, to answer your question OP.

>> No.52233681

>Buying property in Taiwan
Jesus Christ, can you get more retarded than that?

>> No.52233770

I rent because I'm a 31 bachelor with no hope in finding a wife and building a family. And I also despise debt. If I ever were to buy a home it would be in cash. But I'm also a poorfag so that probably won't happen either.

>> No.52233809

>live with your parents
Some people thrive independence

>> No.52233838

there's plenty of good reasons to rent
like right now, as we wait for houses to crash 50%
>but they won't cuz...

>> No.52233857

>there is nowhere where a 300k house rents for 3k anymore, maybe 3 years ago buddy
3k to rent an average house? lol
you people are just larping neets

>> No.52234239
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>uses a 6% mortgage rate in 2017

1 min in and it's already rentcuck coping bullshit

>> No.52234291

>I rent because I'm an idiot who doesn't understand math

>> No.52234361

Ok? Even if rent was $0 you only need like 3% if you're a first time buyer, which is not much beyond first month rent, security deposit, broker fee, etc.

>> No.52234952

You can over pay for rent just like you can over pay for a house.

The big dumb dumbs are the land lords that are cash flow negative and think they're getting ahead by just paying down the mortgage and taxes.

>> No.52234968

sure wish someone would show me the math for taking out a loan for negative gearing

>> No.52235082

pass on owning a money pit. another problem i don't have to worry about. i can leave whenever i want if im renting.

>> No.52235107
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> 3% down payment
Tell me you’ve never applied for a mortgage without telling me you’ve never applied for a mortgage.
Even if, and it’s an Everest sized if that you would find a bank dumb enough to accept that idiotically low down payment, your PMI would crush the ever living life outta ya.
Meds, now.

>> No.52235146

A lot of renters don’t own houses because they can’t afford the down payment. Who has thousands just lying around, the average renter lives paycheck to paycheck. I personally live with my parents and will be inheriting the house when they pass, but not everybody has that option.

>> No.52235292

>Trust fundie giving advice
fuck off

>> No.52235307

I put 20% on my mortgage so I didn't have to pay PMI, but if you can't put 20% you can still buy a house.

>> No.52235533
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>pay mortgage + utility bill for about 680€ a month
>would have to pay rent for 850€ or more for the equivalent apartment in my area

Kek renters in my country are coping retards telling it's cheaper and better to rent. Yeah whatever. I forgot every landlord rents their apartment for a loss. LMFAO

>> No.52235629

It's not entirely cope it depends, I know a 7 fig chad who rents in an upscale community, he's told me that he likes that everything from lawn care to maintenance is handled for him, fixes to things are just a phone call away, shit like that.
However, someone renting in a trashy apartment complex saying they like the flexibility is cope, sure i can agree to that, there's no pros to renting there, it's literally because you can't afford the upscale community rent nor can you afford a down payment on a house. If someone rents for anything less than 1000 a month and enjoys it they are lying. If someone rents for 2000+ a month and says they enjoy it, maybe believe them.

>> No.52235687

But you could buy a house, and then pay a property management company to do all that shit for you. It would be very expensive, which is why house rentals are really expensive compared to apartments, but if that's what you want... You could also buy an apartment and just pay an apartment fee. Its like being half a rent cuck. But that's kind of the advantage of owning though, is that you don't have to fund all that shit, like sharing the cost of the pumber's bill when he has to unclog the roastie's toilet for the 3 time in a month.

>> No.52235744

>An FHA loan requires a minimum 3.5% down payment for credit scores of 580 and higher.
>A VA-backed purchase loan often offers: No down payment as long as the sales price isn't higher than the home's appraised value
There's plenty of ways, it's just generally through government subsidies.

>> No.52235770

It's a question of how much of the landlord's job do you want to do?
-1000 you have do do the landlord's job for them, with minimal exceptions; fix your own stuff, etc.
1000-2000 you have to do half their job (ie keep on them to fix stuff, find out why they lost your rent pmt, etc)
2000+ they probably do their job well enough and all you have to do is pay rent

>> No.52235911

I couldn't afford a house so I bought 2 acres out in the country that no-one wanted. It was very cheap but only 1 bank would give me a mortgage and I had to ask my brother to be my guarantor.
Then I bought a house the local council wanted to be removed, cost $8000. Then I moved the house onto my land. For the next couple years I made improvements as I could afford to.

>> No.52236033

At some point in our life we want to or will have to stop working.
We need a cheap place to live (own house no debt) plus some income or savings.
My neice and her husband pay $1200 per week to rent a nice house in the best part of town. They can not buy a house but he has a good income she doesn't work. They have a great life, eat out a lot.
They own nothing. How do they sleep at night thinking about the future?

>> No.52236088

>I am not the target demographic of home ownership in 2022. I am a single male who hates banks and hates debt and hates how the financial system is setup to enslave you / chain you to life-long debt to keep you productive.
well said

>> No.52236160
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Pink ID for pink fresh ideals.
Unfortunately option 1) isn't guaranteed and doesn't dictate your overall outcome.

But renting something that doesn't allow you too save for a mortgage? There's a choice against that.
Captcha quad 4's because I'm right.

>> No.52236251

At current interest rates, you'd be paying nearly 2300 for a house at that down payment, and that's before most additional state property taxes and things like maintenance get in the way. Rent for an equivalent neighborhood where houses are 300k would probably only be somewhere between 1k-1.8k, with maintenance included in the rent itself.

You might view that as a worthwhile investment, but for many people, paying potentially double a month compared to local rent isn't feasible. If their rent was already 3k a month, the houses in the area would be more too.

>> No.52236348

>no PMI
>3.2 %



now u rope lil bitch

>also no property taxes

>> No.52236415

I live in ca, houses are 600-750k around me. I make 75k gross. Even if houses were 300k it’s still cutting it way too close. As of right now I live with my mom and save every dollar.

I don’t really have a long term plan beside hopefully houses drop more. At my current rate of saving I will hopefully have over 100k in the market in 6 years. What type of retarded life is this

>> No.52236637

You don't buy the kind of house you aspire to (3bm freehold section with a lawn and a garden), you buy what you can afford. That might be an industrial shed that you can live in, or a small apartment. It's called the property ladder for a reason, it goes up. You climb it, learning with each rung.

>> No.52236789

Buying a trap house or a slum unit will not get you on any ladder that goes up. That's more like buying a fire pole.

>It's called the property ladder for a reason, it goes up.
Yeah, if by "goes up" you mean "boomers and bankers keep pulling it up behind them", then you've made an accurate statement.

>> No.52237255

> Getting nothing for half price
> Getting something for full price

>> No.52237284
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I would rather live in my car and stash the money than r*nt

>> No.52237314

You only get something if you can actually afford full price, and there's no guarantee the equity you gain is actually going to retain its value. If the house dips faster than you pay off principal, you don't get anything other than residency, which one could argue is equivalent to renting. That's not to say that's all that happens, but it's definitely not without risk either

>> No.52237458

I'm pretty happy with renting desu, the opportunity cost of a deposit in my country for even a first-time home is something like ~£50k at a minimum, I can get way more than the £12k/yr. I pay in rent as a return with that level of capital, not to mention that my actual personal cashflow is unchanged mortgage vs renting.

>> No.52237836

Normies aren’t aware of this, they dont want to be aware of it, and it’s futile to even try. You dont need things to be fair when things are good.

>> No.52237942

Is Value lost ever going to be more than rent bux lost? It can't be or the owner would sell under your feet.