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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52228029 No.52228029 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /biz/ way out of depression?

>> No.52228053

Weightlifting, sauna, and red meat.

>> No.52228064

not being an american

>> No.52228065


Meaning is found in struggle. Hit the boxing gym and do GOMAD.

>> No.52228074


>> No.52228095

Rawdogging it since '35 kek

>> No.52228104
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>tfw want the white race to survive
>remember that this, however, requires white women to exist

>> No.52228109


>> No.52228115
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Why are modern women like this? Is being a wife and mother really worse than whatever this is?

>> No.52228150

the wife & mother lifestyle makes them depressed too though, for different reasons.

>> No.52228194

>Godless society

>> No.52228254

Stop watching the news and read a book.
I guarantee all these people spent the last 5 years watching CNN and crying about Trump.

>> No.52228265

no, these are highly religious people.

>> No.52228271

Why are white people so depressed? They're born with all the societal advantages handed to them.

>> No.52228286

Yeah they worship Saint Floyd of Minneapolis

>> No.52228291

white women are based though
t. have slept with 17 of them

>> No.52228314
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no drugs
no porn
good food
good sleep
good supplements
you're gonna feel a lot at first. that's ok. your body is beginning to process. allow everything to happen and be ok with it.

>> No.52228326

If the society is shit, then what good are the advantages? It's like being the only retard in the Special Ed class smart enough to know that he's retarded.

>> No.52228452

They are wives and mothers. "Mental health awareness" does this to people. If you think it's different for men, you're wrong. If anything it is easier for men to get medicated.

>> No.52228478
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Fpbp. I would also add walks through the woods or by water.

>> No.52228545

Blind faith in the authority of (((Psychiatrists)))

Look how the recently proved there's no correlation between seretonin and depression.

ssris are literally poison. I'd never date another women that takes them. My first relationships with non medicated women were 10000% better. Unfortunately the older women get the more likely they are to be miserable and depressed thanks to modern society.

tldr; date young women that don't take meds.

>> No.52228555

The only real answer is making it. Or taking satisfaction in planning/executing to make it with a firm date that you'll kys if fail to make it by.

>> No.52228559

leaving 4chan

>> No.52228650
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Is this shit real? Why would someone share this?

>> No.52228655

america are corporate slaves they brag about this crap like its a virtue

>> No.52228690


Family, Friends, Hobbies, Strong moral values.

>> No.52228710

Microdosing mushrooms, fasting, exercise

>> No.52228820
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A bag full of DEXT, Healthy eating and some excercise, plus your daily activity of serotonin-generation

>> No.52228835

>Meaning is found in struggle
God you 19 year olds are so fucking cringe

>> No.52228855

i've always wondered if people mean no fapping as well when they say no porn... explain yo self anon
is fapping ok when using your imagination/memory?

>> No.52228910

>is fapping ok when using your imagination/memory?

>> No.52228929

Every generation will have its popular and effective lobotomy variants.

>> No.52228948

they're being psyoppsed by the medical industry into being cash cows, same reason trannies are promoted, because pharma considers them lifelong patients

>> No.52229072

Not excepting the now is the disease from time immemorial.

>> No.52229086

I refuse to believe this is real.
Why do you need drugs to cope with daily life?
Is this something I don't understand because of my autism?

>> No.52229151

Will never understand this. Don’t people who take them understand that it’s not sustainable and you will be in a worse condition afterwards because of withdrawals. Let your body naturally produce it. The video makes me sick to my stomach. They are like “oh look how bad this life is, see how everyone needs antidepressants to survive”

>> No.52229156
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Find meaning for and within yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others. Realize any kind of peer pressure and social conformism mechanism is a spook. Become aware of your own psychological behavior patterns and either accept them or discipline them. Leave the urban centers. Enter combat with the jews and reject all their physical and spiritual poisons. Practice heavy deadlifts. Drink lots of water. Embrace a traditional life. Get some fresh air and vitamin D.

>> No.52229203

>go outside
>gather magic mushrooms
>depression gone

>> No.52229208
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Money and shitcoins in general

>> No.52229210

Money is love. I will buy shitcoins too

>> No.52229212

OMG based. I was not depressed for a day in November 2021.

>> No.52229222

smoke weed every day

>> No.52229231

>depression gone

>> No.52229240

>the rest of 43 % are lifelong patients
fixed dat

>> No.52229294

It's actually a lack of psychiatry and the infiltration of psychologists having influence in journals and even prescribing authority in some states. The psychiatric definitions of depression were very clear. It was a state of anhedonia with no motivation which arises from a lack of neurotransmission. Psychologists reduced it to a simpleton melancholy which is why roaties with lives and jobs claim and are misdiagnosed as "depressed". Moreover, SSRIs do not treat actual depression, only MAOIs, ketamine and ECT do.
Case in point, Jordan Peterson. Listening to him pretend to be a psychopharmacologist is embarrassing. He has no understanding of how these drugs work or and parots non causality deductions from poorly conducted RCTs to say SSRIs good. If clinical psychology was never a field, psychiatry would still have a strict definition of depression, bunk treatments like SSRIs wouldn't be popular, and homosexuality would still rightfully be considered a mental illness. Your post is just emotional seething on topics you know nothing about.

>> No.52229330


>> No.52229350

I mean, it's objectively correct. The most simple formula for happiness is Solving Problems = Happiness.

>> No.52229379

having good relationship with my foreskin

>> No.52229393

>homosexuality would still rightfully be considered a mental illness
The definition change was due to infiltration of the profession of psychiatry by homosexual activists.
Psychiatry has always been a trash profession. Remember this is the medical specialty that recommended lobotomy.

>> No.52229454

>dat .webm
People like these shouldn't reproduce, but unfortunately they do.

>> No.52229462

Only person who reproduced past one generation was the granny who was "raw-dogging it since 1934".

>> No.52229474


>> No.52229730

>The definition change was due to infiltration of the profession of psychiatry by homosexual activists.
Yes, clinical psychologists.

>> No.52229826

it's mostly an American problem.

The American healthcare system incentivises giving people 'treatment' they don't need and it's one of the few countries where advertising prescription medication is not banned. Women are notoriously susceptible to advertisement so unsurprisingly American women are stuffed to the gills with SSRIs they have been convinced they need for illnesses they have been convinced they have.

>> No.52229861

how the fuck did we get this far bros
is it even worth it

>> No.52229879

I personally find peace in excessive drinking

>> No.52229921
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The societal advantage of being forcibly replaced

>> No.52229953
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This is a wise investment, and I also own some other assets, such as Xpress, where 35% of the CS will eventually be burned. Also, the OP needs medical attention for his depression.

>> No.52230131

I fucking love my adderall. That is all. ADHD really aint nothin to fuck with

>> No.52230161

this is the final solution and really just in general not being a citizen of any 1st world nation.
go long on South America. this is alpha.

>> No.52230175
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Altcoin purchases are preferable. Geeq tokens which is an enterprise blockchain-related purchase is fine with me. Although crypto is risky, the best course of action is not to use it to treat his depression lol.

>> No.52230193

Telling people that hold chainlink that proof of steak requires a blockchain. Telling people that hold XRP that Ethereum is being used for the banking system. Making fun of people that think Meta isn’t going to crash and burn.

>> No.52230664

Yes. Watch the South Park episode about cooking shows and you'll get it.

>> No.52230679


>> No.52230728

I fuck alot of women but it always brings me a sense of dread when they want more outta me. So i shut myself in until they completely stop messaging me.

>> No.52230757

By having control and power over your life. Unironically be responsible for something.

>> No.52230759

Tried everything else, you name it, I've done it.
If you are actually fucked then you are fucked, no twisting or coping will do anything.

Being a bit down in the dumps can be solved by just doing gym or some shit mentioned above but depression has to stop being confused with feeling a bit sad.

>> No.52230789

>do daily seppuku
>no longer depressed
literaly a meme disease

>> No.52230817

I can't breave

>> No.52230837

Fake, 125mg of Zoloft is not a dosage they prescribe

>> No.52230855

Stay busy. Walk around. Go outside. Walk some more. If you got time to sit, you got time to walk. If you feel depressed, walk.

>> No.52230907

Usa problem, in normal countries you only get medication for real problems that dont let you behave normally, otherwise go do some exercise + psycologist lol

>> No.52231202

Only the attractive competent white people matter and they're doing fine.

>> No.52231541

Making it, travel, and fucking thai hookers.

>> No.52231886

There are 4 ways out of depression my guy.

1)King energy
-Become a leader of a team. Build a community around something that meshes with your personal view of changing the world around you.

2)Lover energy
-Find a healthy mate, and start a family.

3)Warrior energy
-Fight someone or something. Contribute to a war, or find a physical battle against the natural world to express your physical self.

4)Magician energy
-Take up and refine your mind and/or soul in some art. Programming or painting, it doesn't matter.

>> No.52231921
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>take mushrooms
>neurons get hyperstimulated
>scramble brain for 5 hours
>le depression gone

>> No.52232022

Bring a wife and a mother is a job and a half at least, and if you have a toddler for a husband, you'll absolutely mentally break down. Going to college and working full time while suffering from years worth of depression is easier than an abusive husband who forces himself inside you after you're tired waking up several times in the middle of the night, your vagina, possibly anus, is torn. My (great) grandmothers, mother, aunt, several mother neighbors, etc. talk about the abuse they, their mothers, and their grandmother's endured. It's horrific. I surprised they only have depression. The shit I put up with as a kid, even channies here said they'd kill themselves.

>> No.52232056

Depression stems from loneliness and purposelessness. So, find some people you can love and coexist with and find some purpose, and don't try to dig too deeply into it. It can be your job or a hobby/sport or investing or whatever. It's pretty tiring to see people immediately throw SSRIs at any modest level of typical sadness. These are natural human feelings meant to inspire change in one's life.

>> No.52232163

What about BDE?

>> No.52232520

Depression isn't real. You're just ignoring your life problems and refusing to address your extremely poor health decisions.

>> No.52232541

BDE is the manifestation of confidence. Healthy confidence is created by doing things in line with what I posted. Unhealthy confidence is created when those energies are harnessed in the active or passive shadow form:

Healthy, Active, Passive
King, Tyrant, Weakling
Lover, Addicted, Impotent
Warrior, Sadist, Masochist
Magician, Manipulator, Denying/'Innocent'

>> No.52232815
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no way this is real

>> No.52232850

We should execute you with hand-powered drills.

>> No.52232936

Yeah modernity is more correct, meaning is found in waging, watching marvel movies, and consuming the latest phone designed to break after 2 years. MUCH BETTER

>> No.52232949

Yeah, this is pretty much it. Take care of your body and surround yourself with taste/beauty. I also highly recommend learning to cook. Turn your meals into art. Each meal is an offering to yourself

>> No.52232960

Kek beta males gonna beta male.

>> No.52232968
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>Kek beta males gonna beta male

>> No.52232969


>> No.52233009
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>> No.52233018

Lifting, running (not long distance, only a couple miles), prayer/meditation, healthy animal based diet w/o too much processed food/sugar, cold showers, wake up early go to bed early, earl grey tea instead of coffee, no alcohol. All of this has helped me tremendously. Try a couple of them out OP. GL

>> No.52233046

giving up helps, then if something good happens then you can be happy and if something bad happens then it's to be expected

>> No.52233324

Most people will half ass try those things and then revert to a diet of steady processed foods, sedentary lifestyle, antisocial behaviour and spend 50% or more of their time on the internet and then say their depression is incurable. Wow you've been spending almost 2/3rds of your life staring at a screen for the past 6 years and you're depressed? what a mystery!

>> No.52233333

a sauna room is one of my "make it" purchases.

>> No.52233355

Go for a walk in the country

>> No.52233383
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lmao the mushroomfag got rid of his depression and yet here you lot stand. is it time to kys?