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5222545 No.5222545 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else comfy as fuck knowing Crypto market has only start to grow. I know a lot of people are going to say it's a bubble and too high already, but I think it's just the beginning of new era for the next 2-3 years.

Every month, there are moon missions if you just HOLD for a week or so..

There are companies each month to invest into such as XLM, ADA, TRX, ENG, XVG,.. and anything your hearth desires.. and will most likely moon in next month.

What are you guys looking forward to Q1 January? The top 25 coins will moon until then and some new companies will come in, any predictions already, given the current ICOs?

Please, don't shill too much of your shit here, just enjoy the comfy discussion and igrnore the FUD about bubble bursting and BTC crashing.

We all know we are still the early adopters, even though everything went 100x already. I know there is a lot of FUD all the time on /biz/ about this being tulip, but those who believe in future, gather in and let's enjoy.

>> No.5222575

I just want out of debt so I don't need to walk in to the woods to ambiguously kill myself without causing grief to my family

>> No.5222593
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Soon we will ascend past the wagecucks. In fact I already look down upon the wagecucks. I've made more money in crypto this year than my entire salary.

Our ascendance has just begun.

>> No.5222596
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Comfy while hodling ODN

>> No.5222626

I'm sitting comfy in 50/50 split on RCN and MANA.

If I had more money I'd invest in xrp/xlm.

But I'm with you OP. This is just the beginning, the normies are only just starting to notice. In a years time Bitcoin will be all bloomberg and CNBC want to talk about. In two years time they'll be talking about altcoins just as much.

>> No.5222666

Everything gonna be fine anon. Keep your head up, life can be a bitch sometimes, it was bitch to me through childhood and still is sometimes. I'm in early 20s and feel like I just started living after horrible choices and taking chances in wrong areas of life. I've learned the most in the last 2 years.

>> No.5222685

Technically I already have enough in MN's that I actually make more through my MN rewards than my salary, kek. Right now I have about a $70k salary wagecucking. My MN's beat it out at around $80k, and my big sleeper coins havent mooned yet.

Everyone that is participating in crypto RIGHT NOW, has already won. Once 2018 hits its on baby, 2018 is the ascendance of the crypto trading NEET. 2018 is our year of reckoning and retribution to wagecuck Chads.

It's going to be glorious.

>> No.5222699

I agree anon, people are talking about a bubble but in reality this is a whole new economy.
I'm just going to set up a periodic funding plan and add things over time, slowly accumulating and checking my gains every now and then.

>> No.5222728
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Where do you think RCN is going by Q1?

>> No.5223485

I'm hoping for at least a 2x but if it's actually the PBC pick that's being rumoured around it could go up to $1.

>> No.5223746
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Entire thread is literally full of reddit spacing normies who mostly likely bought in at 10k+ usd over the past month and think they are early adopters.

>not a bubble

>> No.5224198
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>thinks 10k+ is the top

>> No.5224331

i hope youre right. if this goes on for another 2-3 yrs, we are all going to be rich as fuck and retire early. i cant help but feel that its too good to last though. i can see it all crashing within the next year. either governments are going to regulate shit, shut down exchanges, or theres going to be a mass sell off of bitcoin causing everything to crash. im aiming to make as much as possible by mid 2018 and get out at some point.

>> No.5224552
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I am also of this opinion.
The governments of the world will not be happy with people getting rich without effort.
And all the bagholders who were late to the party will complain and beg big government to regulate everything.
The exchanges will be regulated with hefty fees to prevent easy trading.

However, decentralised exchanges will be the heaven-sent we need

>> No.5224690

Wage cucks also pay a lot more in taxes.
50k salary is like 33k takehome
50k crypto is like 40k takehome