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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52219255 No.52219255 [Reply] [Original]

Parket at 7 cex to get some 2-3% APR.
But the real goal is to cash out, but then I also have no clue what to do with the money.
Buying flats and rent -> Housemarket crash
Buying stocks -> Recession

Fuck sers, I am losing haircells daily

>> No.52219333

Fellow whale

I think you need some help, from your whale pack

Here are some ideas from the pack

1. CBDC will launch 2023 by 2025 it will be world wide
2. CBDC will remove the artifact of private property from Cash/money
3. What gives cash its value?
>access to liquidity
>the artifice of private property under Anglo-Saxon Jurisprudence.

All of the worlds capitalist, well most of them, have zero idea, that the top of the capital hierarchy, is about to front run them, on their private property positions.

CBDC is not private property, and thus not money.

15-20% of the worlds population will be gone over the next 10-15 years.

The boomer die off, will create empty cities.
Most nations did not create replacement populations, and immigrants have not helped.

Housing will not be a SOV, nor will be commercial rentals.

If you select to move your capital here, make sure you pay special attention to demographic, and child birth.

A world where real-estate can't function as private property, and money is not private property/cash leaves few assets in a world of nominal negative returns.

This is the 10 year meta BTC memeplex punt.

Hedge in some corn, when CBDC launches it will decorrelate as a high beta asset, and cease trading as leveraged dollar liability.

>> No.52221564


>> No.52221996

checked and conspiracy pilled

>> No.52222222

I guess that makes sense in kali yuga. People were always complaining that fiat is not real money. So now they will get something else, and that will be far far worse.

>> No.52222239


>> No.52222246
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>> No.52222248


>> No.52222252

What did Kek mean by this

>> No.52222274
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>> No.52222300


>> No.52222303

The inflated imitations of gold and silver, which after the rapture are thrown into the fire, all is exhausted and dissipated by the debt. All scrips and bonds are wiped out.

>> No.52222307

It means we will get something much worse then money and things will keep getting worse because we are in Kali Yuga kike hell world

>> No.52222327

This is NOT the /biz/ get I wanted to see today, fren.
Looks like if you haven't been practicing your face-to-face bartering skill, you're in for a rough 2030s

>> No.52222345


>> No.52222354

Oh shit

>> No.52222358

Shitty larp, someome with 10mil wouldnt be as stupid as you

>> No.52222373

Whelp, I guess that's it for fiat. I thought we'd all use crypto but apparently kek says we're getting antichrist good boy points. Fuck. Good thing I already bought plenty of guns and ammo, because I'll need them.


>> No.52222381

wow thanks

>> No.52222388
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I tried to warn you.

>> No.52222389

>oh no i might buy assets that might go down but are tangible and real i guess i better leave millions in exchanges in 0s and 1s to earn some interest because that never fails
kys faggot, shitty humblebrag thread

>> No.52222406

fuck off retard. you suffer from imposter syndome, its annoying and no one cares what you think. retard

>> No.52222619

>for you 2 ID

>> No.52222727


>> No.52222900

Is 2-3% really worth the risk of keeping it on 7 cex? (it's not). If the dollar collapses, then so does USDC so there's no downside risk-wise to cash. Do some treasury bills if you really want the 2-3%, or just wait a while and see what the market does and go into some funds netting 6% a year.

You already made it, don't blow it

>> No.52222908


>> No.52222969

Ersatz exist because their is limited energy input to make real food. From the Yiddish word Ersatz, to goyslop, the prolls are learning quick. This is bad, that means their will be more demand for real products that are not ersatz. I.e. derivatives of food, thus increasing price inflation.

The entire world is derivatives, EROEI collapsed in the 1970s. Most oil is tar, you need middle distilliate for a industrial economy.

The industrial revolution collapsed in the 1970s, enclaved in China for a few decades, and now the floor is falling out there as 80% of their energy is shipped from thousands of miles away, and labour prices have risen 13x, thus limitng the return on energy invested.

That brings us to Fiat, and the decoupling from Gold/hard asset with predictable scarcity due to stock to flow ratio. The 1970s.
>Immigration act /cut labour cost, save on energy
>launch fiat dollar
Fiat is an "order of decree"
CBDC is nothing new, it was proposed in the 1930s by many Kensyian economist, and written about in Scfi books as "creds" to reveal to the population as to normalize it.

CBDC if far worse than fiat. It has not artifact of private property. Your money will be programmed to be spent, yoru savings accounts will have inflation/deflation curves, you will only be able to buy non durables with some creds, and durables with other creds.

Again cash has value for few reasons
1. Risk flight
2. access to liquidity due to risk flight
3. Private property under anglo saxon jurisprudence

The future is CBDC, all money will be censored, and people will be airdropped Fed coins to participate in color revolutions.

good luck

>> No.52223004

What coin can I buy to profit off CBDC

>> No.52223129

In Eurasia, CBDC will be more state run.

China has already scaled this, and is using CBDC to start color revolutions in Africa, to censoring bad behavior in China, as well as shoring up PBOC policy be increasing/decreasing velocity of money by programming what money can or can not be spent on.

We chat functions as a proxy layer "white label for all this activity" but there is still state backed bank applications

Other countries will have zero white label. The app will be provided by the issuing authority itself.

The united states will launch this via "incremental debasement" over years.

Starbucks has stopped accepting cash in many retail locations.

If the US atlantic pontificates act to quickly on this implementation there will be to much push back.

People have already been normalized into the behavior.

Apple pay, andorid pay, ect.

The US cbdc will start with a heavy white label proxy.

Apple pay, android pay, commercial bank variants, and even POS crypto chains, which will have OFAC censorship via validator regulation.

Research "tendermint" "cosmos" "CBDC" as key words.

>> No.52223176

brutal and depressing

>> No.52223177


>> No.52223198

Dollarization has just started.

The age of hyper dollarization has begun. How can the dollar "collapse" if 99.99% of other currencies inflate at 50x the GDP to debt ratio, as well as having to import their energy from thousands of miles away? Sure the dollar is "evil" but out side of the moral argument, its the best dirty shirt in the hamper of shit. A basked of shit currencies which debase purchasing power at 5x the rate creating massive FX exposure in firms PNLs and rekting any plebs chance of 'saving'.

How will dollarization increase?
Most of the world is going to experience heavy De-industrialization
They will thus loose the ability to manage a welfare state and even issue a currency.

Smart phones will still exist, and plebs will used CBDC from hegemonic nations.

The global Fiat war via CBDC has just started.

The US will airdrop Dollar CBDC to color revolutions even in places were Comms is limited via star link.

>> No.52223220

Just dropped 5k on cosmos thanks anon

>> No.52223250

Stable coins are Dollar CBDC proxy test nets in a regulatory sand box. They increase dollarization, Bitcoin used to be traded against CNY/ charted against CNY in the old days. Now dollars. All crypto pairs are paired against dollar, these assets thus trade as dollar shorts and their asset price can be controlled by the pricing of the dollar itself.

Stable coins, which are just "dollars" via proxy. Like a USD quanto derivative serive the 2.5 trillion dollar capital flight industry out of collapsing asia, which is going thru de industrialization.

>> No.52223260

well, prayer to KEK, what do you think about HBAR for the imminent CBDC NWO?
price target set for $2.67 in 2024.

>> No.52223309
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>> No.52223320

Appreciate your posts, anon! Do you have any recommendations for tokens to accumulate aside from BTC & ATOM?

>> No.52223361

Nothing matters but energy
Apple >> largest market cap no?
Saudi Armco flipped it

less risk, being closer to the Middle distilliate supply.

Petrobras announced a dividend today. Risk off, cash rev, close to the middle D.

>> No.52223403

Thanks my fren

>> No.52223418

I'm second guessing myself because I didn't even get dubs, but he is a god of chaos, so I know I shouldn't expect a straight answer.
there's not a more globohomo peice of shit, proof of stake shitcoin, that isn't even cryptocurrency, then Hedera.
but >>52223129 says there should be OFAC and Hedera is happy to comply with any US laws on the up and up...
Dr Leemon is a schizo and thinks he can talk to god, which is appropriate for KEK to bless.

>> No.52223436
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When you win, move to Floroniapolis
You will enjoy the beaches
You will swim with the whales
You will enjoy German brazil booty
You will chirp with the APEs in the forest
You will experience the beef of the Gaucho.
You will learn banking secrecy is a protected cuonstiounal right in Uruguay.

>> No.52223482
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put me in the cap

>> No.52223548
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There are many proxy. The most cited for the sake of the prolls (leaving out speculation based on deal flow) is tendermint application SDK use.
Peep Saga Chain, and observe the WEF agents.

Everyone will comply to CBDC. If you want Anglo Saxon jurisprudence level respect for your private property, you will pay a 15% usury fee on BTC LN. Low trust societies, and instability are the 500,000 average, and the future. Say good bye to the neo liberal 70 years of boomerism. It dies, as they die.

>> No.52223560

That sounds awesome! Hope to you see you there as well.

>> No.52223801

usually I feel pretty smart, but really not sure what's being communicated.

>> No.52223820


>> No.52224079
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>> No.52224114

What a fuckin waste

>> No.52224226
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here we go

>> No.52224387
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delete that shit right now

>> No.52224559


>> No.52225157


>> No.52225195

Start an collection of classic cars. Since 2035 in europe there will be electric ones only so classic ones with low mileage will be worth much more. You would need a heated warehouse and someone to look for them tho but its fun and profitable hobby

>> No.52226581

Zero Hedge: the post

>> No.52227988

teri maa ka rape

>> No.52228007


>> No.52229400

invest in pic related before the L1 drops

>> No.52231141

Isn't that too low?
I'm currently getting 30% apy on my usdb staking on Takepile

>> No.52231309

Why, though anon
Why not stake it and earn interest
Passive income ftw, kek

>> No.52231324

He has it parked on a CEX for interest, retard. Read up

>> No.52231339

I meant staking pools on yield generators etc for a better APY

Do they have USDC and what's the APY there

>> No.52231350

God you're a fucking asshole bro, I'd just buy a shitton of real estate with that money and be set for life with rentbux

>> No.52231357

If you want to give a suggestion, give a better one, Instead of Yield generators, DeFi middlewares are better

>> No.52231371

That's actually a good suggestion, but isnt the real estate market doing shit too at the moment, worse in years since 2008

What the fuck is a middleware

>> No.52231396

Newfag, kek. Middlewares like SpoolFI or bEarn FI

>> No.52231415
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Lmfao you retards are infuriating. The former has a meager APY of 10% on USDC lower risk spool.

>> No.52231432

That's a lot better than what OP is currently getting and there are higher risk pools, kek

>> No.52232908

Not yet, the only accepted stable coin for staking is USDB, and the APY is 30% ATM

>> No.52233010

Seems you haven't seen a good yield, take a walk to Takepile dex, you'll experience the real yield.

>> No.52233065

where is the problem?

just buy slow in the stock market, lil sp, dow and so on,1 mio in shell/exxon 1 mio in reits, you set for a life, just relax and enjoy life. Spen 100k for bullshit, buy a fancy car and house, maybe another nice appartment in a nice location, find a gril friend make kids

>> No.52233700

Its funny how people invest in high risk, high reward schemes. These days people informative people fucking stake their shit in DEX that rewards them massive APYs. While waiting for what the market brings, aping some funds through DEX revenues is a way to go.

I made some cool returns after minting some NFTs on LOOP DEX. however, like you pointed out, no downside risk-wise to cash.

>> No.52233825

I think you should probably look at accumulating a token that will genuinely offer sustainability and commercial usage. Having invested some of my shit in LOOP DEX token, I had to stake it to amass impressive APYs.

What's more is the platform is about to roll out LOOP POWER, which will boost the DEX revenue on the platform and distribute to LOOP stakers.

>> No.52233991

The 5000% APY is just so amazing, I got 100% of my investment in 2 weeks.

>> No.52234445
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With 10M, I will suggest you convert your usdc to usdb to join the ongoing staking pool to earn over 30% APY on Takepile, this is safer, since we're in the bear market

>> No.52234896

Cash out and retire greedy moron

>> No.52235134

Remember the that government bailed out the banks last time there was a fuck you recession

1 Mil precious metals (just in case of the everything rug)
3 Mil dividend investments that will only go up due to scarcity
5 Mil in properties owned by you (don't buy yet price is still going down)
1 Mil emergency fund/ spend however you like but I'd say start a business with it or buy fast food chains like McDonalds since you will undoubtedly start taking from the emergency fund if you don't have discipline
Now you can work on your dream job that pays almost nothing or just relax your life away

>> No.52235152

30% sounds great but when the website is gone in a month along with all your coins you'll wish you stuck with 2-3%

>> No.52235195

What's the duration of the pool?

>> No.52235999

the fucking pajeetery here
luckily they will never be able to mimic a proper human so hopefully no-one gets scammed

>> No.52236185

Website gone?
Never, Takepile is a perpetual dex that has been trusted by many, and it's the first of its kind on fantom, so chill, it is here to stay

>> No.52236221

Get scammed?
Do you think the project is a scammed?

>> No.52236264

yes it looks like a scam
>trusted by many
>not even on defillama

>> No.52236955

Well, I don't think it is, because they offer similar services like gmx and dydx

>> No.52237104

The pool will last for 6 months according to the team

>> No.52237926

These are large caps, I will rather go for low caps like CRO and TRIAS or join token presale on GSTAR if you are looking for blue chips.