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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52216365 No.52216365 [Reply] [Original]

How is this piece of shit company worth more than Amazon?

Holy shit, normies are retarded.

>> No.52216377

because alright

>> No.52216380

Yup lmao. life isn't fair anon I don't know what to tell you. why is bitdao under-valued?

>> No.52216399

Amazon needs to build dedicated po boxes at every neighborhood instead of delivering directly to the door. I really think they could make more money this way and fix the gay mailing system while they're at it. Although I know Americans hate walking so maybe that would fail

>> No.52216402

remember the powerpc days when apple was kinda cool? what happened bros...

>> No.52216425

I hate apples but the last 3 androids (Samsung) I've had the battery loses charge so quickly whereas my gfs iPhone lasts years, fuck the interface is awful though I couldn't use one

>> No.52216526

Is it though? -Most of their treasury is their own token.

>> No.52216718

>wahhhh wahhhh
I could say the same anecdote but reversed

>> No.52216752

This goddamn thing is the Bitcoin of stocks. I buyed.

>> No.52216808

Never cracked open a 10-K, huh?

>> No.52216865

Apple can chose the margin profit they want, Amazon is forced to have the lowest margin profit in every field, including AWS. One of the strategies makes the company stable, competitive and more profitable. Guess which one. Protip: the company worth reflects it.

>> No.52217143

Apple stock price is a testament to human stupidity.

>> No.52217203

This. I worked at Amazon, it's a digital sweatshop where only the owners (Bezos, Jassy) profit immensely, and everyone else has to scrape pennies because they are forever tightening. AWS margins shrinking, retail margins shrinking, book stores closing, low margin groceries, awful Kindle/Fire sales

Amazon is the next Meta, will fail at some point. May not be next year, but in 2033 you'd be able to build a decentralized storefront using blockchain and smart contracts

>> No.52217291

Since they switched to arm are the best laptops on the market now. I hope asahi linux gets popular enough that people besides apple start making arm laptops that don't suck.

>> No.52217320

best mac was powerbook g4 12"

>> No.52217363

Have you ever opened more than a CNN headline? Margins, FCFF,...

>> No.52217395

Amazon is a declining business getting btfo by chinks due to them being closer to the supply.

>> No.52217491

Apple is an expertly run company with a massive loyal cult all around the planet that prints money every quarter

Amazon is just a shit e-Walmart with a cloud business that merely makes a profit

>> No.52217773
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>a decentralized storefront using blockchain and smart contracts

>> No.52217816

I buy an iPhone because hoes can’t stand green messages. Gotta have iMessage

>> No.52217829

I got the newest iPhone a couple of weeks ago. Battery life is insane. I can easily get more than 2 days of heavy usage from 1 charge. But I do miss Android because iOS is so dumbed down.

>> No.52217896

Consoomers may hate but its just a great product. my iphone 7 buyded in october 2016 still works fine, no need for anything else.

>> No.52217933


>> No.52217936

I dislike it, but my company did recently get me one and the battery life is insane. The iPhone hivemind is real, the hoes really prefer iPhones.

>> No.52217939

What exactly does Amazon make though?

>> No.52217940

Holy shit i can't believe the market is this retarded HAHAHAHAH

>> No.52217995
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good thing i live in the 1st world where i don't need to go multiple days without electricity.

>> No.52218053

Amazon is just aliexpress now. Back in the day it was decent but now it's all Chinese junk. Not that it wasn't chinese made before, it's not just the lowest tier junk from sellers with names like SOONSUN or JOYEMAN with fake pictures and shit.
All their other departments are garbage like movies that are woke nonsense.

Apple will always be superior to Amazon, and I say this as someone who hates Apple products.

>> No.52218110

Yes what a blessing. And my previous phone a Oneplus 7T Pro can charge from 20% to 85% in under 20 minutes. But long battery life is really handy when I travel out of the country.

>> No.52218182

I remember thinking the same thing in like 2010 or something when apple passed up Exxon.

As long as the 30% app store tax is allowed to go on, apple is going to be a giant giant fucking company. The value capture there is enormous and always growing.

Imagine if microsoft did this from the start by the way. Every piece of software you buy for your PC, microsoft takes a 30% cut. Its pretty outrageous that they can just do this.

>> No.52218193

They have about 30 spaced every mile in my fourth tier city

>> No.52218243

Wider margin. They buid their shit cheap and sell it for a small fortune. Why? Because people will buy it. Why? Because they're stupid.

>> No.52218356

at this point ebay is easier to browse because it at least listens when you type "oem" "authentic" "genuine" in quotes.
And fewer returned-scammed fakes getting repackaged and sold to you, because each seller has the star rating not the pooled product itself.


>> No.52219778
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That thing brings different kind of problems.
t. yuropeen

>> No.52219877

They already have that, called Amazon lockers.

>> No.52219889

Crapple is overpriced garbage. Their products and their stock.

>> No.52221026

Airpods alone are bigger than some entire companies, lets just hope Apple actually starts innovating again with AR VR before they start declining.

>> No.52221076

They don’t need to. Everything else is so fucking bad that apple can easily get away with mediocrity.

>> No.52221149

You really think that normies have the capital to sway any stock?

>> No.52223299


best macbook was Macbook pro 16 inch 2015

>> No.52223334
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I always kek at people wearing airpods, literally the mark of the npc. Too autistic to have small talk in the grocery store lmao.

>> No.52223519

meanwhile inside the ear
>(ad begins) "Too often we take the world for granted.."

>> No.52225297


>digital sweatshop

I worked there and this is true. It's horrid.

>> No.52225460

Apple is actually a hedge fund. this is why their stock has gone up during the biggest economic downturn. Apple is shorting everything through their hedge fund

>> No.52225493

“ Braeburn Capital Inc. is an asset management company based in Reno, Nevada and a subsidiary of Apple Inc. Its offices are located at 6900 S. McCarran Boulevard in Reno.[2]”

>> No.52225701

Performance per watt for both the m1/m2 mac(books) and the iPhone has been outperforming your little kekdragon CPU’s on the Android and ARM laptop market. Now that support is growing for ARM architecture systems the product is simply far greater bang for your buck. It’s either better performance with the same battery life, or similar performance with far greater battery life. It also means products can be made smaller. Since Apple has a monopoly on their silicon, it’s a promising bet to invest.

Fucking kek at morons calling others NPC’s. Keeping sucking daddy Googles dick as you keep sharing your most intimate details with him.

>> No.52225799

Because it innovates, it produces, it leads, it rocks. Amazon sends you their stuff. In the long run, fundamentals win. As do their investors.

>> No.52225983

2023 might be a bad year for apple. But then for everyone too. In the long run, apple car, and golden again

>> No.52225989

>How is this piece of shit company worth more than Amazon?
People pay for it.

>> No.52226008

California, tard.

>> No.52226194

normals buy gay nigger phones so they can get spied on mhchink tictoc

>> No.52226282

this... fucking poors

>> No.52226447
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Because boomers got in early, made a killing and refuse to sell. When they die and will their apple stonk to their spoiled brat kids, expect it to die a slow, eventual death during the course of the next decade or so

>> No.52226659

the economy is fake

>> No.52226864

It really is. I don't miss it, so glad I quit. Especially with tech layoffs coming

>> No.52226874

The fuck, I've also worked at Apple and never knew this

>> No.52226885

they are waiting for iDildo

>> No.52228098

they have such good marketing that it makes people think they really bought something good
here they do almost the same thing, many anons with different bags with things they don't even know about, even I didn't realize that much later my holoclear bags were focused on algorithms

>> No.52228146


>> No.52228242
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COPE. Jobs-san is one of the greatest Americans of all time, and the eternal king of silicone valley. Kneel immediately.

>> No.52229334 [DELETED] 

Hey Mance, where are the dApps? You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now.
Why are there particularly zero?

Why does Polygon already have more than 53,000 dApps? Why are you letting Polygon screw you like that Mance?

>> No.52229361

Maybe just maybe, you’re the retarded anon.

>> No.52229559

If you can’t see the potential of their chipsets you are abso-fucking-lutely the retarded one. Their silicon is the most innovative thing to happen on chipsets in the past decade. They haven’t just copy-pasted Intel or AMD, they changed how memory is accessed and used, while also increasing capacity on their chips.

>> No.52231201

Because they're the leader in Technological innovation and have a lot of Military contracts

>> No.52231291

pPple makes money because the actual cost to make their phone is like 60 dollaroos due to chinese slave labor and tax breaks and then they charge you a hundred dollars for 'special'(shit) chargers, connectors, and bits. 30% for being the place holding your app/program/what have you and delivering it is the market standard. Microsoft took a 30% cut in their store app until last year lmao. M$ and Epic cut theirs to 12% because literally no one uses it versus apple and steam, android changed theirs to 15% when Apple did for devs under 1million

>> No.52231338

its true

>> No.52231571
File: 62 KB, 682x960, 1652885286619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Gentoo incorporated will overtake apple in market cap. The /g/ phone will be the iPhone in 2007. We have the technology and personnel to pull it off.

>> No.52231609

wow, those are some out of this world small eyes and that big ass lips, its so outa proportion wtf is even that?

>> No.52231810

Desktop linux will never be anything other than a toy for personal computers